On the topic of the dervish balance and whether we will get skill previews before release:
Originally Posted by John Stumme
We're planning to release something about it, yeah. I don't have a specific date for it since skill balance is Robert's domain, but I do think people will be surprised when they see just how much went into the update. Hint: it's not just a bunch of number changes. John Stumme 22:06, 6 December 2010 (UTC)
Originally Posted by John Stumme
As for the Dervish update, it has been seeing good progress although it’s temporarily on hold while this year’s Costume Brawl is being worked on – since there’s new costumes and builds being added. For those curious, the Dervish update is looking to include some new mechanics for the class to make it more feasible to play – it’s more than just a matter of changing skill numbers around. We’re trying to address issues such as other classes being better with scythes than the Dervish itself, which offers very little incentive to play one as your primary profession.
Originally Posted by John Stumme
To answer why we don't do it right now, there are things that we can do that will make this a better experience to go along with it. If you release something early, no matter how much you message "Hey, it will get better down the line," that seldom gets through. What you end up with is initially "This sucks," and then the improvements feel reactive, rather than proactive. It was an intentional choice on my part to let people know "Hey, we're going to be doing this," because I feel like it's better to let people know what's going on, and to give them something to look forward to. The price I pay is of course is "Why isn't this out yet?" (or my personal favorite that I've seen so far: I only care about costumes. Lulz.) But I would rather that people have something to want than to wonder what's even going on at all. John Stumme 22:46, 6 December 2010 (UTC)
Personally I think they will add party formations like in Baldur's Gate 2 (triangle formation, form a circle around your character, paired in a straight line etc).