Originally Posted by jazilla
i play an ele primary in pve and you really can't make them into what they were intended to be when GW1 came out. If all classes stayed the same as they are now and you buffed the Elementalist to be the "Nuker", this game would be laughably easier than it is now and that would be a bad thing. Do I think they need a buff? IDK. I honestly think most every other class needs to be hit with the nerf crotch bat.
Laughably easier? You serious? Even more easy? I mean, you can roll through this game butt naked, without any skills or weapons and you still beat it in a week..
Ok, that's exaggerated, but Ele's WERE designed to nuke the shit out of things.. That was what they were for..
Necro's: Make minions, SS shit, semi-nuker
Mesmer: Hex stuff, damage with Esurge, semi-nuker
Monk: Heal shit, maybe smite stuff, but no-one really cared bout that..
Warrior: Tank shit, but still some nice damage
Ranger: Trap shit, use spirit support, a pet, perhaps barrage could do something but that was meh aswell at the start..
Ele: BOMB SHIT TO OBLIVION (and tank every now and then)
That was the original intention.. Now with the mesmers and necro's wiggling their humongous Armor-ignoring damage penises around, no-one even cares about eles doing damage, they're just there to (OH EM GEE, i said it again!) BOND SHIT..
Armor ignoring damage IS NO FAIR competition, seriously.. Either make ele armor ignoring, but still beat it some with the nerf stick so it doesn't go imba like hell (that would completely destroy the concept ele though) or lower the AR from some monsters against ele damage (exept lich lord, he's lol when triple MS'ed, even less and he'd die of a flare) or just increase the damn things and STOP SCATTER FFS those are the three options, but Anet cba cause they got their asses stuffed with GW2...