Woohoo, Snowball Dominance, Improved!!!
The Mountain
I'm sure the botters are saying their thanks.........
The problem seems to be that reducing grind to get drunk/party/sweet points cuts into the income of people who need zkeys/minis/HoM weapons/FoW armor. So those looking for consumable titles can grind or spend less (on stuff that was already pretty cheap), but those looking for other things must now grind or spend more (on stuff that was already pretty expensive).
It makes things more difficult on those of us relying on sales of consumable points to fund those last few HoM points.
It makes things more difficult on those of us relying on sales of consumable points to fund those last few HoM points.
The only thing lowering the price of consumables is the insane supply. The prices only drop because you get so many. Sell consumables for less, but you get more per time so it evens out. You're still going to get roughly the same cash per time on this farm as you would before - probably a little more actually.
already finished those titles....would rather have the shards for the finale (guess I will just have to get them as drops).
but whatever.....
but whatever.....
Am I the only one having issues with the Jack Frost summon? More often than not, they just sit there and do nothing.
Tom Swift
As I recall from past years, once they are summoned they attack nearby enemies but will not move from a very limited area and will not follow their master. Essential, it is a spirit, not a minion even though the game treats it as a creature.
Oh, I got that it acts as a spirit, but even in range the damn thing wouldn't do anything. Meh, think I'll go Ranger; it seems Ranger + Necro is the quickest method anyways.
Damian Greenthumb
Damian Greenthumb
He wont follow you around, you have to summon him at agro range of the baddies. You can get yer agro bubble right on the edge of one without it the enemy attacking immeadiately.
cool, i'll try to get 3000presents/day :d:d gonne need a partner to duo tho
Am I the only one who can't win at SD? I've never tried it before now but I'm 0-5 and I'm not sure what i'm doing wrong.

make sure u bring a necro hero. disable snow down the shirt skill then flag hero behind the captain of opposing team. ull want to activate 6-7 about 3 seconds after the opposing team turns red. run to the other side and start spamming snowballs make sure u hit ur heros snowcone if it hasnt already. then just keep spamming snowball. if u start getting attacked run to the snow area infront of eye of the north town
Cool Name
Also, accurate positioning helps with the necro hero. You should be able to position him behind and to the captain's left a little bit (of the opposing team). Kind of in the center of a pentagon of their team. This way you get 5 people with holiday blues.
It took me a surprisingly long time to figure out the best position, so I drew it:
The red lines show you the 5 you are hoping to catch with holiday blues, and how you want to try position the hero roughly in the centre of them. The yellow shows the line straight from spawn. That is, when you spawn you can simply turn straight around (double tap s) and run straight to the enemy, and you will be in the middle between enemies 1 and 2, as shown on the picture. I tend to try and make the line joining me and players 1 and 2 completely straight, so you can see I'm slightly forward in the picture.
Seems like an unnecessarily long explanation, but I know I'd have preferred to have someone tell me this.
It took me a surprisingly long time to figure out the best position, so I drew it:
The red lines show you the 5 you are hoping to catch with holiday blues, and how you want to try position the hero roughly in the centre of them. The yellow shows the line straight from spawn. That is, when you spawn you can simply turn straight around (double tap s) and run straight to the enemy, and you will be in the middle between enemies 1 and 2, as shown on the picture. I tend to try and make the line joining me and players 1 and 2 completely straight, so you can see I'm slightly forward in the picture.
Seems like an unnecessarily long explanation, but I know I'd have preferred to have someone tell me this.
Better position: Just behind Roland. This way you'll also hit 5 people (maybe 6, haven't checked), but the major upside: you hit both Roland and Carlisle, both of the enemy rangers (easily the most dangerous foes).
Cool Name
Ah, I've been trying this. I noticed they both used flurry so I was just getting them as soon as I could, but couldn't manage to hit enough people.
Also, accurate positioning helps with the necro hero. You should be able to position him behind and to the captain's left a little bit (of the opposing team). Kind of in the center of a pentagon of their team. This way you get 5 people with holiday blues.
It took me a surprisingly long time to figure out the best position, so I drew it: http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/6448/gw013s.jpg The red lines show you the 5 you are hoping to catch with holiday blues, and how you want to try position the hero roughly in the centre of them. The yellow shows the line straight from spawn. That is, when you spawn you can simply turn straight around (double tap s) and run straight to the enemy, and you will be in the middle between enemies 1 and 2, as shown on the picture. I tend to try and make the line joining me and players 1 and 2 completely straight, so you can see I'm slightly forward in the picture. Seems like an unnecessarily long explanation, but I know I'd have preferred to have someone tell me this. |
The Ranger/Necro combo is probably the best, though I've been using Rit/Ranger (with Pyre as the hero due to disease) with fair results. The trick is to bunch up your foes by placing a Jack Frost behind the enemy captain before they turn red. You'll have to micromanage Pyre, though, since hero AI doesn't like to "stick" in this quest.
Cool Name
Yeah you can post it. But, as mentioned, over by the two rangers might be better. But I've had consitent success with both methods so far, and I haven't noticed much difference. Only times it is slower/I fail is when the hero moves straight away, and they don't ball.
Thanks ANET for making SDF (Snowball Dom. Farm) a piece of cake! 
Also thanks for making PP super cheap now!
I been doing over 75+ runs with 2 accounts on 2 screens (with GWML). I been using Ranger/Necro combo and the runs are like only 1 minute or less. Since i'm doing this on 2 accounts, I get x2 rewards.
My Guide:
Anyways I recommend the necro getting behind Roland and wait till they are hostile. Then Blues. Then like 1-2 seconds later, Snow Fort. Then when SF is about to end, hit Snowcone. Have your ranger far away as possible on the right side. If they see you, they may go for you ending the farm. The group who was attacking you should ball up with Staci. Then have your ranger far away shooting Ice. They should go down in seconds.
However using this strategy I have found these problems randomly:
1. Sometimes they won't ball up and then your team will go down quickly ending the farm. I have no idea why this is. I'm guessing its either your ranger is targeting them or the necro didn't ball them up right.
2. Sometimes they will just spread and then you can't shoot Ice at them. No idea for this either.
Heres a screenshot of the correct ball:
It wasn't my best ball but its fine for the condition.
Also thanks for making PP super cheap now!
I been doing over 75+ runs with 2 accounts on 2 screens (with GWML). I been using Ranger/Necro combo and the runs are like only 1 minute or less. Since i'm doing this on 2 accounts, I get x2 rewards.
My Guide:
Anyways I recommend the necro getting behind Roland and wait till they are hostile. Then Blues. Then like 1-2 seconds later, Snow Fort. Then when SF is about to end, hit Snowcone. Have your ranger far away as possible on the right side. If they see you, they may go for you ending the farm. The group who was attacking you should ball up with Staci. Then have your ranger far away shooting Ice. They should go down in seconds.
However using this strategy I have found these problems randomly:
1. Sometimes they won't ball up and then your team will go down quickly ending the farm. I have no idea why this is. I'm guessing its either your ranger is targeting them or the necro didn't ball them up right.
2. Sometimes they will just spread and then you can't shoot Ice at them. No idea for this either.
Heres a screenshot of the correct ball:
It wasn't my best ball but its fine for the condition.
Sadly, I can't do that at the moment (currently waiting for a ram boost in the mail), but minimizing the second account window has worked well so far.
So if I don't have a Ranger or Rit am I screwed? or am I just that bad? I tried with my elementalist but I can't seem to do it.
So if I don't have a Ranger or Rit am I screwed? or am I just that bad? I tried with my elementalist but I can't seem to do it.
However IMO Ranger/Necro is less hassle and quicker than all the other ones. Also its the most safest.
I dont get how you get them bunched up so nicely.
My nec gets obliterated while in fort after a few seconds and then Allies just run in and muck everything up.
How do you get them so nicely pancake stacked?
I tried doing it today with my sin then ele then monk. It was very frustrating and not worth it. Of course, the 2 proffessions i never made were ranger + rit, but i decided this was an excuse to finally make ranger and it only took /age 2 hours to get to Snowball Dominance with olias, so i would just make a ranger. Its worth it in the long run. Much safer/faster/easier runs
My nec gets obliterated while in fort after a few seconds and then Allies just run in and muck everything up.
How do you get them so nicely pancake stacked?
I tried doing it today with my sin then ele then monk. It was very frustrating and not worth it. Of course, the 2 proffessions i never made were ranger + rit, but i decided this was an excuse to finally make ranger and it only took /age 2 hours to get to Snowball Dominance with olias, so i would just make a ranger. Its worth it in the long run. Much safer/faster/easier runs
I dont get how you get them bunched up so nicely.
My nec gets obliterated while in fort after a few seconds and then Allies just run in and muck everything up. How do you get them so nicely pancake stacked? |
Just POS yourself behind Roland, 6-7-8 and maybe the right side will join the left side.
go cubs
Chasing Squirrels
I've been trying this with my necro hero while i am a mesmer since thats my main and i want to max ebon rank. Anyway i got the run down to 2minutes this way only problem is sometimes when i flag my hero she constantly runs around like a headless chicken and i have her on don't attack and i manually use spells 6,7,8.
Anyone have an idea why she runs around while flagged?
Anyone have an idea why she runs around while flagged?
Using "don't attack" is going to cause more trouble than anything. Attack is far preferable. Just disable snow down the shirt (along with most skills you aren't using, but keep basic snowball avaliable so they spam that instead of running.)
Fay Vert
The update that made flagged heroes run around like headless chickens happend a long time ago, though I have to say it does seem particularly bad in this quest, both party flag and individual flag, makes no difference.
if you don't have a 2nd account or a friend online 24/7, I just uploaded a "how to use necro hero correctly" video.
Best to just let hero die because it will ball enemies better than letting it live. Only effective way to ball while alive is if you have human team-mate.
Best to just let hero die because it will ball enemies better than letting it live. Only effective way to ball while alive is if you have human team-mate.
Very awesome.
I like that they've done something similiar with presents as they did with ToT bags. Playing something fun like Snowball Dominance is perfect instead of endless farming. My guildmates and I are having a great time.
The people who don't like it are those who like to charge exorbitant prices for stacks of gifts. Now it's easy for everyone to enjoy gifts,and really that's the way it should be.
I like that they've done something similiar with presents as they did with ToT bags. Playing something fun like Snowball Dominance is perfect instead of endless farming. My guildmates and I are having a great time.
The people who don't like it are those who like to charge exorbitant prices for stacks of gifts. Now it's easy for everyone to enjoy gifts,and really that's the way it should be.