Woohoo, Snowball Dominance, Improved!!!
Chasing Squirrels
What's GWML?
Lemme try that one too. I have tried many spots now, me as a necro my friend as ranger. Just behind roland is a good spot for me because I take out the biggest threats the 2 rangers in one go. So far I tried behind roland. in front of stacy but not yet your tip. Gonna try it.
Also, accurate positioning helps with the necro hero. You should be able to position him behind and to the captain's left a little bit (of the opposing team). Kind of in the center of a pentagon of their team. This way you get 5 people with holiday blues.
It took me a surprisingly long time to figure out the best position, so I drew it: http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/6448/gw013s.jpg The red lines show you the 5 you are hoping to catch with holiday blues, and how you want to try position the hero roughly in the centre of them. The yellow shows the line straight from spawn. That is, when you spawn you can simply turn straight around (double tap s) and run straight to the enemy, and you will be in the middle between enemies 1 and 2, as shown on the picture. I tend to try and make the line joining me and players 1 and 2 completely straight, so you can see I'm slightly forward in the picture. Seems like an unnecessarily long explanation, but I know I'd have preferred to have someone tell me this. |
Need to update the Wintersday guide at some point to include this.
I tried it a couple of times but I can't get it right. The necro dies too fast and so they start attacking everyone else. I got it one time but that was just luck.
The trick is to place him at the position mentioned above, and at the exact moment they turn hostile (or less than a second before) use Holiday Blues, then wait 1 second, use Ice Fort and then use Snowball. The interupting will keep the necro from using Snowball and he will stand in place, tanking damage. And exactly when Ice Fort ends, use Snowcone. This will grant your team enough time to get over there and make them ball before the scatter.
it's pretty boring , and pretty long as i'm not that great at snowball events
taking the remaining 5-6 alone takes me 1 minute per guy
taking the remaining 5-6 alone takes me 1 minute per guy
Actually I found that if you place said Necro Hero farther in the front of the pack it pays off much better. Often times I can get away with no clean up and "My Team" finishes them all off real nice. I place the #1 Flag Directly on the leader of the opposing team then run back behind my own team. Micro the Hero skills as previously mentioned, and watch the show. Works well with Copious amounts of Egg Nogg so I can kill two birds with one stone.
I finally got it right just stacking up those presents really fast. Looks like my drunkard title is going to be increasing a lot this year.
I didn't think to use snowball to stop the necro from running out of the fort. Thanks
I just wish I had a ranger to use... Ah well.
I just wish I had a ranger to use... Ah well.
Who would want to make money off of christmas events anyways should do it cause its fun and you need the game title lol...
I guess one of the points of the reward change is to try and make the finale more interesting since CC shards will be in less supply and you need them to bet/score.
Super easy way to get shards is to do Straight to the heart. You do need GWEN so not everyone will be able to do it but you can get around 50 shards per run.
Actually I found that if you place said Necro Hero farther in the front of the pack it pays off much better. Often times I can get away with no clean up and "My Team" finishes them all off real nice. I place the #1 Flag Directly on the leader of the opposing team then run back behind my own team. Micro the Hero skills as previously mentioned, and watch the show. Works well with Copious amounts of Egg Nogg so I can kill two birds with one stone.
Wrath of m0o
I found having the Necro stand behind Stacy (with 20 Pet) and using a "Tank" Summoning Stone (one like the Golem from MoX or my favorite Gelatinous) will allow you to shred the other team. GG game over.
Note that Ranger is using the stone..not the necro, but thats an interesting concept by itself. Stone would obviously last longer from the ranger.
Note that Ranger is using the stone..not the necro, but thats an interesting concept by itself. Stone would obviously last longer from the ranger.
I found having the Necro stand behind Stacy (with 20 Pet) and using a "Tank" Summoning Stone (one like the Golem from MoX or my favorite Gelatinous) will allow you to shred the other team. GG game over.
Note that Ranger is using the stone..not the necro, but thats an interesting concept by itself. Stone would obviously last longer from the ranger. |
I found having the Necro stand behind Stacy (with 20 Pet) and using a "Tank" Summoning Stone (one like the Golem from MoX or my favorite Gelatinous) will allow you to shred the other team. GG game over.
Note that Ranger is using the stone..not the necro, but thats an interesting concept by itself. Stone would obviously last longer from the ranger. |
Wrath of m0o
Well i had a surplus of summoning stones, and i was going for survivor title and wanted faster runs.