Your Very First Character



Dun dun dun

Join Date: Aug 2005

Reddit Guild


Welcome to YVFC! Where you talk about your very first character...

What and why did I make this thread?
I've have heard around that the way you play determines your personality. In scientific terms, the first profession you select and the name that you choose for you character basically correlates with yourself as a whole. I want to know if this is actually true. I'm also curious with what most 'old' characters do now adays...

Your information should include but not limited to,

1. In Game Name of your First Character.
2. Profession of your first Character.
3. What your character does in Guild Wars now. Ie. Farming, Running, Pack mule.
4. Telling a little bit of your personality

A screenshot of your character may be added. Maybe armor also determines your personality.

I pray to Saint Thomas Aquinas that I will learn something from this.

Note: This thread is not a 'spam' thread, but more of a research thread. So don't bring crap here . I know a great place to spam. Psst... Off-topic forum.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

my first was W/MO

i suck as a whamo

deleted and long forgotten

present elemonk.ele/necro, necro/mes , others over 2 accounts.

will buy CE chapter 2 as well



There is no spoon.

Join Date: Jun 2005



My first character was an Elementalist, don't know the secondary proffesion anymore though. Got him up to lvl 16, and he was in Serenity Temple, but I got bored of him, so I deleted him, and made a Monk. Still have that Monk

Lady Lozza

Lady Lozza

Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005


Angel Sharks


lol my VERY first character was an ele, I have no idea what happened to her.
The first character I finished the game with was my 2nd or third. She was a ranger (elemental) by the name of Raven CantRemember She had Druid's armour but never managed to get the 15k stuff. She used a long bow and lots of spirits but I never GvG or PvPed with her. She got deleted shortly after I finished the game when I decided I was much better at playing casters.
Current characters are E/R, Mo/W, and Me/N.
My ele has 15k pyro and hydro. My Mo has 15k wanderer's, and my mes currently has collectors max. I'm saving for the Me FoW. 50 ecto and 99 shards to go!

killer toast

killer toast

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005



My 1st character was a warrior/ranger(i thought i could be good at useing a axe and a bow oh how wrong i was ._.) ya hes my running guy now

Thats him he uses alot of armors because when it comes down to it all armors are equal



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005


My first character was Leatio Sagaris, an E/Mo. He got to Ascencion and then I deleted him for my Ranger. As for the personality, he was dumb and didn't know what he was doing. That sums him up pretty much. :P

Nikki Moonlight

Nikki Moonlight

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005

Brighton, England

Ice Cold Elements [ICE]


grim weeper, mo/r, played her all the way to the end, i keep him around to help people out with missions now, personality=sarcasm all the way!



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005

Manchester, England

New Dragons [NDR]

My First Character is Bale Shadowscar, N/E (although he is now a N/me or a N/mo) and he is still my most active character too. I always play him (except for PvP).



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

England, UK


My first character was an Elementalist / Monk, Jahara Zepplin. Still have that Character today, rarely use it, almost every Elementalist skill unlocked, just need Obsidian Flesh, Glimmering Mark, Mind Shock and some Water Elites.

I use it for just...farming, helping friends, etc...

X Apocrathe X

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005


hehe mine sounds like a freaking novel . my frist guy was a monk warrior called adeptus and delted him once he got to yaks bend at lv 12 and tht was ages ago since them ive had untold characters the higest level was 16 buthis gone aswell it seems a complusion to get them to lions arch then delete them keeping there good gear untill a few days ago when i decided to go back and make him again with a different name and take him all the way and hopefully get him to be a lv 20 55hp monk to farm with his now in pre sear as we speak beging his long journey



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

in the midline


Ele/Monk named Life Infusion was my first character.
(Wanted to be Monk, but Monk in february 2004 prereleases was chubby looking and balding...)
The irony is I didn't know Infuse Health was even a skill...
anyway, the character carried over into the release and has all monk skills (hence efficiency as secondary monk).
Ingame:Life Infusion
Role: Team based air disabler (weak/blind/Knockdown/windborne buffer) + healer (heals, duh) or warden (ward/armor) +healer (heals)

I had a W/N named Justice Warrior on which I ran a sword build with degen/curses and plague touch. It was a female with knight's armor (also in betas). My current warrior is male W/N with a similar build (just with elites and such) and used to WEAR knight's armor but I wear collector's due to the armor boost and the fact that gladiator's is f-ugly. I used to be W/R for the sake of troll unguent and decided it was not worth it. I have all ranger unlocks as secondary class though.
Ingame: Life Blade
Role: NOT a tank, an aggo control warrior with damage output and team-based buffs like "Charge", "Watch Yourself", "Plague Touch" (lessen load off monks)

My necromancer is unique in that I had not thought of it until I had finished hell's precipice on my elementalist. In that point in time my warrior was up to Desert or something.
Anyway, I thought how I would unlock all the skills. I was missing two classes: Necromancer and Mesmer. Now, if I choose Mesmer in PvE I would be stuck with it. So I went to make a PvP character to see the available skin tones and armor types. The male mesmer is horrible in armor (IMO) and fast casting isn't all too useful in PvE. Thus my N/Me (Confusion Infusion) was born.
Ingame: Confusion Infusion
Role:Blood Spike Support (Drains, well of power, etc.), Disruptor (Energy draining, skill disablers (ignorance, soothing images, sympathetic visage, etc.)

That's how I got all 456 skills. No repeating secondaries. (*sticks tongue out at people with both Mo/W, Mo/Me, and W/Mo on one account)



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Savio Striator, originally W/Me. I'm changing his secondary around now because he has 300-some skill points and I still have a few more Elites to unlock.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005


Am I the only one who still plays his 1st Char?

Tulkas The Avneger
Still use him for UW trapping, GvG flagrunning and helping Guildies do missions.

Since then I have made and ascended a War/necro and an Ele/mes.

PS: Ranger is STILL the most fun and best char to play with :P



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005

International Districts

The Labyrinth of Night [LoN]


Oralee Rain, elementalist. She never even made it out of presear before I found her boring. Deleted her, and created a mesmer, whom I still play to this day (and that's about 6 months or so), and have never ever been bored with him.

The undead Mesmer

The undead Mesmer

Delphian Scribe

Join Date: May 2005


No guild ;_;


My verry first character whas my necromancer Cursed Baltimore he is a N/Me ascended and stuff and currently doing nothing (appart from being a SS necromancer doing UW runs for fun)
about how he is ingame hehe he is the grandson of grenth and son of king thorn so you know how nuts he is
and because i have nothing better to do i whill also post my second and 3rd character ^^

Crusader baltimore whas my second character a W/Mo created for my little brother >.< he tottaly screwed him up and when i tryed to delete him he looked at me with his huge warrior eyes and i couldnt take it i would make him the best warrior ever.
whell that happened :P he is my main farmer now and likes being silent and not like al those other W/Mo typical figures that like to hump on others.

And now for my ranger Lulu Baltimore i created her twice yeah the first time i deleted her because it whas really just screwed ^^ (i love deleting stuff btw once i deleted my whole savegame for FF-8 -_-) annyway the second try whas better and now she is a Trapper/Spiker/Interupter with her verry own spider and sexy 15k druids she is the treehugging type and is verry happy and most of the time a bit ''too'' happy ^^

Is that enough?


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006



I used to play Anarchy Online (guess I will some day again, dunno, the little things that annoyed me, annoyed me plenty enough), used to play a Doctor by name of Janat there, so my first GW char was a Monk, aptly named Jane Nate. (Same name used in AO), didn't really like the monk experience in GW, the AO heals I had used to deal with were nowhere close to GW's (AO doctor's highest profession title was 'Eternalist' for a reason ) This was soon after the GW's official launch..

Took me about a week, I got to Ventari's Refuge, started heading for the Denravi mission with henchies until we all died.. Except the archer henchie.. who was stuck in a corner of the starting point, no rezzing coming anytime soon, no way to terminate the henchie either. Got really frustrated, quit the game for few months, happily whacking AO again.

Came back, made a Necro, played a week, got bored. Few months passed, back again, deleted my original monk (the first char), created first of the Kaguya-series, a new monk, got used to not being 'super healer' like I was in AO.. Been playing for a month now, no sign of boredom yet (except when I forced myself to farm the 15k gladiator's and sup absorb for my warrior >.>) Prolly need to look for a guild now if I really want to continue playing still.

Yay, it's a novel. o_O


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

My first char was Necromas Darklight, he is a Necromancer/Monk that I created at the start of the very first preview event, the E3 for everyone one.

I still play him today, but I usually have his secondary as Mesmer so I can do farming with an Echo SS build. But I change back to Monk when I want to do an MM build.

Right now I still use him as my main character, of course he is good at farming cause he can do SS and MM builds, but I still haven't finished all the titan quests with him, and I use him as my general char for just having fun.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

End of the Universe

My guild name not know you must.

Well i dont have the game for very much time, so my first character is the one i use, and the only one i have.
He is a male W/R, name is Lord Artan, and i really like him. Will never be deleted.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


My first character was a W/Mo, and I still have him, and he has all the monk and warrior skills,Though I currently retired him until the next chapter when I have 50 more skills to unlock.

Pevil Lihatuh

Pevil Lihatuh

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2005

Yorkshire, UK


Originally Posted by M3lk0r
Am I the only one who still plays his 1st Char?

Tulkas The Avneger
Still use him for UW trapping, GvG flagrunning and helping Guildies do missions.

Since then I have made and ascended a War/necro and an Ele/mes.

PS: Ranger is STILL the most fun and best char to play with :P
no, i do too!

My first was Pevil Lihatuh, a R/Me created in the last beta session. And she is still by far my most played char (out of 7, yes 2 accounts :P) I use her for most things; soloing, farming, missions (finally completed game with her recently), she's my only ascended char with all but one elite, 15k armour and her most prized possession, Deathbird! The level 20 Strider that I've had with her since pre-sear.



Join Date: Apr 2005

My first and primary character from the early bird day for pre-order people has been and still is Dral Spire the monk (on the left).

PS: Deleting Dral? ... NEVER!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005


I delted and restarted so many toons it is hard to keep track but:

my first was a ele/something-decided I didn't like the elemtal build deleted for my female wammo, who was vaped for a male wammo, who is in frost gate.

my next one was a ranger warrior kept him for a while, but he is gone to
then I made that slot a mes/warrior she made it as far as kryta, stayed a while, replaced by my mo/mes, when I decided that I was not a mes type of person, I'm trying monk out because I worked with to many bad monks.

my next one female ranger monk, still got her now a r/e, just about done with the story

this slot is a shuttle slot while I gathered tapestry shreds (I have 11), still a shuttle but for my second account wich has a ranger that will stay in pre.

I don't count my second account, they are mules (I'm a pack rat).



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


Rus Corp


I played a ranger on WPE and BWE's and I played ranger again for the first 2 weeks after release. However, after being stuck in Abbadon's Mouth for over a week I said "screw it" and went on with a monk. The very same monk I play with now (over 4 mil exp)

Defender Of Orth

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Eternal Knights


My first..A Monk who I got bored with once I got him to Gates Of Kryta, Deleted him

My REAL first was my Warrior/Elementalist--Defender Of Orth

He was a funny fellow, and I still use him to help friend with missions, PvP, Farm, Or just to chat.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2005

Wales, UK

The Celtic Spirits


My 1st char was a Ranger/Monk by the name of Aeon Prohet, after reaching the Ring of Fire mission got bored and created a warrior - bad decision.

Didn't delete him, glad to say , still use him today in PvP and UW trapping runs, by far my favourite class.

Now experimenting with different 2nd proffessions



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


First character was E/N

I never used other necro skills than Soul Feast until I ascended and switched to Monk. He was at Ember Light Camp when I deleted it because didn't like his face, hair and skin color. Everything felt so hard because I was too stupid not to read skill descriptions carefully. Flare, Fireball, Phoenix, Fire Storm, Meteor Shower, Immolate, etc. were my favorite skills everywhere.

Died a lot and that was another reason to start a new character....Monk! And finished the game with it.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Where do you live?

Elite Mercenary Legion

W/Mo Demon Blade Knight Now My main character use him all the time all droks armor cept gloves which are knights =)




Join Date: Aug 2005

dayton ohio


say hello to Graffiti Warfare, this was my first char, and my most played char. i doubt there will ever be a better war player in PvE



Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005

Alba Longa

The Peoples Front of Tyria


My first character was ele/mo named Lord Ascanius. The name comes from Virgil's Aeneid and Ascanius is the son of Aeneas whos descendents will become the Romans. Alot of significance as i study Classical Civilisation.
Currently the character is still around and doing things like assisting friends in co-ops and PvP.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Where do you live?

Elite Mercenary Legion

Originally Posted by Pyrrhus
My first character was ele/mo named Lord Ascanius. The name comes from Virgil's Aeneid and Ascanius is the son of Aeneas whos descendents will become the Romans. Alot of significance as i study Classical Civilisation.
Currently the character is still around and doing things like assisting friends in co-ops and PvP.
uh huh im not gonna say any thing about your history knowledge gj...



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

[KoA] Knights of the Alliance


Good 'ol Harvester Banebow has slaughtered countless numbers of charr, mursaat, and other various forms of evil. He is about 8 1/2 months of age, and still gets used for farming, running, and and sometimes for a bit of competition arena fun He was (is) a Ranger/Monk

My main is probably my PvP slot right now, but when I am on PvE it tends to be a toss up between this fellow and my mesmer.

The Primeval King

The Primeval King

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005

Theres A Frog On My [Cape]


My first character was an Elementalist/Necromancer

I think alot of people started off making elementalists.. Maybe we thought we could summon hurricanes or armageddon (maelstorm and meteor shower just don't cut it)

I thought I was the best player in the game with my life siphon and then 50 flares in a row I was unstoppable!

His name is Ben Sephiroth.. My name is Ben, and I love Final Fantasy 7, so I added Sephiroth to Ben.

Right now he is a pack mule. Pity I spent all that money getting him 15k armor and like 100k on mods for my staff. +5 energy mods were worth 60k back them Now that I think about it, Superior Fire Runes were about 20k too.. WOW I wasted alot of money. In fact, I don't even remember how I got all of that gold.. heh


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Where do you live?

Elite Mercenary Legion

did u play diablo 2 before u played this?

Divine Elemental

Divine Elemental

Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005

Near Your House

I Used To Own [ IUTO ]

First Character :

Blessed Divine

Was in Beta Times :'(

He Got Deleted Gah!!

@ Beta times, i was all about PvE + Competiton Arenas
A Mending Whamo is wha i used to be
It was all about the Tanking



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005


My very first character was a Ranger/Monk, named Reks Argyle. The spelling of the name Reks comes from the upcoming FFXII title, and Argyle is just a random last name that I thought was good, and it meant "diamond pattern."

He's progressed pretty far I must say, beaten the game, Ascended, etc., and he still remains my most played character according to the /age command. The pets he's gotten were the Melandru's Stalker, Bear, and now the Spider. I got him 15k Drakescale, but now he sports Druids FoW armor, because I didn't like the look of the trenchcoat of Droks/15k Druids.

I still play him from time to time, though he doesn't really do anything... he just roams around Tyria now with his pet Spider, Smiley.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005

A W/e

Sai of Winter

Sai of Winter

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005



My first character was a dwarf Warrior and his name was Sai of Winter (MMO name). Forgot what was his second profession, but then I got bored of him and he was deleted. Never left even pre-searing. Then I created my dwarf Monk, currently lost his sanity and excited emoting at random places and objects.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

The Edge

Tormented Weapons [emo]

1st Char: W/Mo that I took to Post WAY too early. I was uber-n00b then and died a lot - Delete

2nd Char: R/Me that got to Level 8 in Pre. I hated the build - Delete

3rd Char: R/N that's Level 14 and still in Pre. She totally kicks butt there and I keep her in Pre to help Guildies and friends.

4th Char: N/R that I completed the game with, but she was directionless. I couldn't decide what I wanted her to be so I was all over the place all the way to the end of the game. Don't ask me how I completed the game with her. I was just lucky I guess. But my sweet little Nec has found a purpose. I changed her secondary to Me and boosted her Curses attrib to max. She's now a kick ass Echo SS/SV Necro that I like t take to the UW and FoW.

5th Char: E/R that I changed to E/Me. She's an Echo Nuker with her Fire attrib maxed out. I easily completed the game with her and did all the Titan quests without breaking a sweat. She had direction from the start...sort of. Early on I thought it was cool to have pets so my Necro and Ele started out with Ranger as secondaries. When I realized that pets were a waste of space on my skill bar, I changed my tune. Pets did have a use for me in Pre, I admit. They make good tanks and could take a lot of hits from the Charr when I would go hunting across the Wall. I could blast the Charr while they hammered on my pet. She now farms IDS in MS occasionally and sometimes I take her to FoW and UW where there's still a call for Nukers on occasion. I also solo with her on occasion just to collect the loot of the day, i.e. Candy Cane shards when people were silly enough to pay 1k a peice for them. I'd take her Grawl and Charr hunting. She'd wipe out an entire pack of up to 10 or more (if they were packed in tightly enough) with one shot from Rodgort's Invocation . It was a pleasure watching them all set on fire and drop all that loot.

6th Char: W/Mo again. This time I didn't take her to Post too soon. She's a tough tank that I finished the game with. She now solo farms in the Crystal Desert and makes a lot of money that way. I take her to the UW and FoW occsionally too, but I really like solo farming with her. It never gets old watching Minotaurs and Griffs banging away at her and seeing her health bar barely budge. I thought about making her a runner, but I don't think I have the patience for that.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005


<---Lin, aka Miss Healbot. She "helps" me make comics.



Dun dun dun

Join Date: Aug 2005

Reddit Guild


I just noticed the thread title was spelled wrong. It's your not you...
May I ask a moderator to change it please? Thanks. [Done, Dral. ]

Oh, My turn!
The Infamous Ranger!
My ranger does almost anything nowadays. He runs, farms, skis, eats, sleeps, and fights all day long.