Originally Posted by coil
clarify "invincibuild"
Anything that can produce SC times like
these. I understand the teams that made those times used tactics, cons, and had some skill. But the fact that one skill makes all this possible should raise a few heads. Not to mention some of those SC are performed entirely with SF sins.
Originally Posted by coil
better yet, post an example of a build that is truly invincible in every single area of the game on its own.
Spirit Spammer
Originally Posted by coil
and that, my friend, is playing the game, knowing your enemy, and picking a synergistic skill-set to trump the area.
How to "play the game" is the most subjective part of the arguement. I would be alot happier if the synergistic skill set didnt always revolve around a SF gimmick. Instead, teams should have to use balanced builds. I am all for skill balance across the board, no exceptions. Either all professions get an SF skill or nobody does. I'm not picking on you specifically, coil. Its just your post was easiest to respond to and hit ponts others had mentioned.
Originally Posted by Missing HB
I would say /signed , not because it's too OP , but because less OP builds got nerfed in the past , places like UW got much harder for non sc teams ( whereas SF are still able to finish it easily..), almost every dungeon can be run by a SF, etc.
^This is actually part of my reasoning for creating the post. I would have made the title Nerf SF, only it wouldnt be fair to attack one skill with out discussing these types of builds in general. If 600 and OF were nerfed why didnt SF? UW is a perfect example of anti-SC measures gone wrong. It can still be SC'd, but it became much harder for a balanced team to go there. If something is going to get nerfed they should be consistant with the nerfs.
I enjoy builds like SF, 600, etc. And I'm not going to lie about the fact that I will exploit a gimmick for as long as it lasts as well. But I dont have my head so far up my backside to say its not imbalanced.
Yes, this topic has been discussed ad nauseum, but it always crept into other threads not pertaining to the original topic. That's why I made this thread. So it can be discussed with out going way off topic.
Way off topic

, I mostly PvE mixed with casual PvP. When I heard way back that the TK consisted of mosltly PvP players it concerned me. But judging by the responses of some PvP'rs here, I realize that wasnt a bad decision. PvP'rs understand, more than PvE'rs, the importance of balance across the board.