Originally Posted by mr monk rupsie
How about sharing your views instead of just criticizing?
I have shared my views. The general overview is found on page one
right here. And then there are more views of mine scattered about the other pages. Feel free to read them.
So it is better to alter this game to button smashing for all classes, then to a few?
Making the game more fun mostly means it is a challenge to complete the task.
Buffing another group of proffesions is not.
current PvE play style of rangers, eles, and paras revolves around button smashing. Barrage is a prime example for rangers. Pure beastmasters, physical gimmick rangers, IA^2 rangers, zojun/pb rangers, pene/sunder rangers, and SoS rangers are also button smashers. And these options are the only slightly viable, non-niche options for rangers. In addition to being fairly mindless and spammy, they are bad (or sub par) and not fun. Eles have ER and paras have imba, both of which are extremely spammy and also not fun. All other ele and para builds are not known to me because I don't play those classes and they suck too much to have any widely known builds other than the previously stated ones. However, eles and paras are spammy professions by nature, so I'm sure all their builds are button smashing as well.
The point: all these classes are actually forced to button smash due to their badness. An increase in effectiveness could not make these professions more spammy, only more useful and more fun. And, an exceptional buff could potentially make rangers and paras less spammy, as well, if their skills were made to be more complex, but potent enough to be worthwhile.
The goal is not to make the game easier, it is to make it less boring. Also, it is stupid as shit to say, "MOST CLASSES ARE FUN AND EFFECTIVE, BUT THIS GAME SHOULD BE HARDER SO LET'S JUST KEEP IT HARDER FOR THESE THREE CLASSES DERP." That's ridiculous.