Pronunciation of Gw related words
Hells Fury
I'm sure that some of you too aren't sure how to pronounce certain words that appear in GW. Since my language uses phonemic orthography i mess up 80% of skill names, town names, npc names etc. And usually i don't even read the word carefully , i just twist it and pronounce it as i find conformtable. This adds much confusion (sometimes laughs) when communicating over vent or ts.
For example in my dictionary Beetletun was Beetle-Lun, Chilblains - Chill Bans, Hells Precipice - Hells Crispy, Fainheartness - Faint Heart Dee Nes (that kept on for years until some one corrects me over vent or i pay more attention to word)
So post the gw related words you're unsure how to pronounce.
Remains of Sahlahja and Aatxes are first words that come on top of my head. (i'll post more when i remember)
I pronounce aatxes as "attacks". I don't even bother to say Sahlahja.
For example in my dictionary Beetletun was Beetle-Lun, Chilblains - Chill Bans, Hells Precipice - Hells Crispy, Fainheartness - Faint Heart Dee Nes (that kept on for years until some one corrects me over vent or i pay more attention to word)
So post the gw related words you're unsure how to pronounce.
Remains of Sahlahja and Aatxes are first words that come on top of my head. (i'll post more when i remember)
I pronounce aatxes as "attacks". I don't even bother to say Sahlahja.
Calista Blackblood
Tyria - Tee ree ah?
Very few on vent/ts can understand my accent anyway so it really doesn't matter what I say. Which is good because I can say whatever I want
Very few on vent/ts can understand my accent anyway so it really doesn't matter what I say. Which is good because I can say whatever I want
Stolen Souls
"Ntouka Bird/Rampaging Ntouka/Crested Ntouka Bird"
Hells Fury
Dark Morelia
I'd say ntouka would be pronounced "en-too-kuh" since elona is based on africa.
At least that's how I've always thought of it.
At least that's how I've always thought of it.

since elona is based on africa. |
Some Welsh guy I know pronounced Olias as "Olly-us"
Same, although it's supposed to be some retarded pronunciation like "achateee"
I pronounce aatxes as "attacks" |
Zodiac Meteor
I'm in a Dutch guild so a lot of people don't even know what a Precipice or a Peninsula is, let alone how to pronounce them. Always funny on teamspeak
Tyria ([tiɹia]) would be pronounced like in Spanish:
ty like in 'tea' 'teach'
And 'ria' like in... I don't remember any English word right now with a part pronounced like that...
ri like in 'very' followed by 'a' like in 'pat'.
Oh, wait. Like 'Moria'.
Ntouka ([ⁿtouka])
Considering the name comes from 'emela-ntouka', which is a pygmy word, the n won't be silent.
It would be n like in... well. Like nothing in English, just like 'n' sound, without vowel, not even like the 'e' in name of the letter 'n'.
Then tou like in 'touch', and ka like in 'paprika'.
Aatxe ([a.atʃe]) is a Basque (Euskara) word.
In Basque, 'tx' sounds like 'ch' in 'check', the rest of the letters in the word sounds quite like in Spanish: one letter -> one sound.
A like in 'cat'.
E like in 'get'.
So it would be something like It is pronounced "ah·at·che".
Qwytzylkak is a completely made up word, so I suppose it's something like "Quit-seel-kack"
ty like in 'tea' 'teach'
And 'ria' like in... I don't remember any English word right now with a part pronounced like that...
ri like in 'very' followed by 'a' like in 'pat'.
Oh, wait. Like 'Moria'.
Ntouka ([ⁿtouka])
Considering the name comes from 'emela-ntouka', which is a pygmy word, the n won't be silent.
It would be n like in... well. Like nothing in English, just like 'n' sound, without vowel, not even like the 'e' in name of the letter 'n'.
Then tou like in 'touch', and ka like in 'paprika'.
Same, although it's supposed to be some retarded pronunciation like "achateee" |
In Basque, 'tx' sounds like 'ch' in 'check', the rest of the letters in the word sounds quite like in Spanish: one letter -> one sound.
A like in 'cat'.
E like in 'get'.
So it would be something like It is pronounced "ah·at·che".
Qwytzylkak is a completely made up word, so I suppose it's something like "Quit-seel-kack"
Thanks, I just realized that they are not called Notuka >_<
But I have problems with the consonants anyway
Aatxe -> Ataxe
Sahlahja -> Saljara (That in the German version Sahlahja is translated Sahlahjar doesn't make it easier)
I'm playing GW in German most of the time and the most popular mispronounciation amongst German players is Regental instead of Regentental (which is Rain Valley instead of Regent Valley). The German wiki even has a redirection from Regental to Regentental xD
Qwytzylkak -> kwi - tsül - kack ... alot easier than Regental
But I have problems with the consonants anyway
Aatxe -> Ataxe
Sahlahja -> Saljara (That in the German version Sahlahja is translated Sahlahjar doesn't make it easier)
I'm playing GW in German most of the time and the most popular mispronounciation amongst German players is Regental instead of Regentental (which is Rain Valley instead of Regent Valley). The German wiki even has a redirection from Regental to Regentental xD
Qwytzylkak -> kwi - tsül - kack ... alot easier than Regental
dzaganour bastion.
Aatxe is pronounced: at-she.
Aatxe is pronounced: at-she.
Dzaganour = Zag-ooner 
I love this thread already. I was wondering how you pronounce Razah yesterday, like razer..or Razz - ahh?

I love this thread already. I was wondering how you pronounce Razah yesterday, like razer..or Razz - ahh?
One thing I keep wishing had been included in the manual was a pronunciation guide for the place names. Our characters live in this world, and we can't even pronounce where they live and go. XD
I pronounce Dzagonur as dza-go-ner (pronouncing the a the same way I do in "zap" or "zig-zag.") For Razah, I pronounce it Rah-zah. I jokingly pronounce aatxe as "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatx"
I pronounce Dzagonur as dza-go-ner (pronouncing the a the same way I do in "zap" or "zig-zag.") For Razah, I pronounce it Rah-zah. I jokingly pronounce aatxe as "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatx"
Qwytzylkak is a completely made up word, so I suppose it's something like "Quit-seel-kack"
Who knows it could be called Bob and is good at making pie, in between manning the mike at the local comedy club.
Yep, i've always said Oh-Lee-Us and maintain that this is the correct pronunciation.
Aegis: Is it Ay-Gis (whith a hard G) or Ay-Jis? |
Voodoo Rage
I never have the audio turned on so I'm kind of clueless as to the correct pronunciations. For me:
Tyria = Tie - ree -uh
Olias = Oh - lie - us
Tyria = Tie - ree -uh
Olias = Oh - lie - us
Yoom Omer
Well, I speak hebrew so a couple of my friends and I always fail at pronouncing things right...
Sahlahja was Saljala, for example. And for Aataxes I just say A-A-Tex. Ntoukas were never a problem for us, though. We just say... Well, Ntou-Cka. It's pronounceable.
OH! and I used to call the Ferndale "Friend-ale"
How do you say Xunlai? is it Zunali or Ksunlai? and Zhed is Zed or Jed? I always hated english for the unclear spelling...
And is Olias Olee-as or O-li (lion) - As?
And Razah is RAzah or raZAh? or is it raJAh?
Wait, Aegis is Aygis? I always said A-Eh-Gis (solid G, not a j)...
Sahlahja was Saljala, for example. And for Aataxes I just say A-A-Tex. Ntoukas were never a problem for us, though. We just say... Well, Ntou-Cka. It's pronounceable.
OH! and I used to call the Ferndale "Friend-ale"
How do you say Xunlai? is it Zunali or Ksunlai? and Zhed is Zed or Jed? I always hated english for the unclear spelling...
And is Olias Olee-as or O-li (lion) - As?
And Razah is RAzah or raZAh? or is it raJAh?
Wait, Aegis is Aygis? I always said A-Eh-Gis (solid G, not a j)...
Most of the towns have pronounceable second names on them that don't appear anywhere else. We just use those for reference. Township, Bastion, Terrace, Refuge, etc.
I was surprised to hear some of the GW2 trailers and note that I was pronouncing those names correctly!
I was surprised to hear some of the GW2 trailers and note that I was pronouncing those names correctly!
June Bug
I pronounce Aegis "Ayjis".
Edit: Ok, the online Merriam-Webster dictionary says "e-jis". :P
Edit: Ok, the online Merriam-Webster dictionary says "e-jis". :P
Aatxe is the only one that's given me a kind of a "...huh?" moment.
Though I pronounce Olias as "oh-lee-us".
Xunlai I pronounce like "shunlai", since in Chinese 'x' is pronounced similarly to an 'sh' sound in English.
Though I pronounce Olias as "oh-lee-us".
Xunlai I pronounce like "shunlai", since in Chinese 'x' is pronounced similarly to an 'sh' sound in English.
How do you say Xunlai? |
How about Ybbob? Ibby-bob?
Whuup Buumbuul?
Puugh the Slasher? Pooh the Slasher?
Oh god, Hell's Crispy
I would have started calling it that if I heard it!
I'm extremely guilty of mispronunciation. I wear headphones and I've all the OSTs so I'm not missing out on anything by putting other music on and muting the sound, and it was a long time that I took a break from the game before I wasn't as serious.
"Kree-tah" instead of Cry-ta.
Rata Sum (like the math symbol) instead of Soome.
Av-a-turs, with a long a instead of ahv-ah-tars, which I still hate saying.
I'm sure if we went down the entire list I'd be getting red ink all over my butchering
I'm extremely guilty of mispronunciation. I wear headphones and I've all the OSTs so I'm not missing out on anything by putting other music on and muting the sound, and it was a long time that I took a break from the game before I wasn't as serious.
"Kree-tah" instead of Cry-ta.
Rata Sum (like the math symbol) instead of Soome.
Av-a-turs, with a long a instead of ahv-ah-tars, which I still hate saying.
I'm sure if we went down the entire list I'd be getting red ink all over my butchering

Yoom Omer
Pretty sure it's with a Z sound.
How about Ybbob? Ibby-bob? Whuup Buumbuul? Puugh the Slasher? Pooh the Slasher? |
Whenever there are two u's in a row I for some reason read them as Oo-oo, which makes Whuup Buumbuul Whoo-oop Boo-oom-Boo-ool. That's not a nice name.
the last one I read as a חחח', I think the english equivalent is Kh. So it's Poo-Ookh the Slasher...
Beetle - ton. Just like every other English town name that's degraded "town" to "ton"/"tun."
Actually an English word. Pronunciation
(Though, I often read it "Chili Beans")
Both English words given their normal pronunciations.
English word. Compound. Faint - Heart-ed - Ness
In my mind, it's always Saj - la - har, which is totally wrong.
There was a thread on this. Turns out it's a Basque word, pronounced Ah - che. Somewhat like a sneeze.
Just like the NPC's say it in the cutscenes. Teer - ee -- uh.
Etymology is probably Norse God Tyr, plus -ia suffix for land/country
My mind transposes the consonants and comes out Na - Coo - Ta, which is wrong. Correct is probably Na - Toooo - Ka.
I do not even try. I don't think it was meant to be pronounced.
O - Lie - Us
Zell - Icks, with an aspirated Z.
I do not even try.
Ra - Za-, with a bit more length on the second A
A - Jis or EE - Jis, both are correct. "G" is like "jet." Link
English compound. Fern (a plant) + Dale (a valley). Furn - day - ul.
Assuming it's Chinese-inspired, that sound doesn't exist in English. Z would be closest. Zoon - lie.
I think this one's spoke in the cutscenes, isn't it? Pretty sure it's Zed. Etymology is probably from Greek "zed," the final letter of the alphabet, still called by that name by some silly British people.
Blame the French. Had the Normans not invaded, the language would be fully phonetic. Also, blaming the French is just a good all-purpose habit regardless of the situation.
I have no idea how to pronounce a double B.
Double U probably indicates that the vowel is held longer than usual. Probably the English "whup bumble" with the u's stretched out.
Guessing Poog with an aspirated G. Though imagining Winnie the Pooh the Slasher is highly amusing.
Also: I'd like some pound cake.
Chilblains |
(Though, I often read it "Chili Beans")
Hells Precipice |
Fainheartness |
Remains of Sahlahja |
Aatxes |
Tyria - Tee ree ah?
Very few on vent/ts can understand my accent anyway so it really doesn't matter what I say. Which is good because I can say whatever I want |
Etymology is probably Norse God Tyr, plus -ia suffix for land/country
My mind transposes the consonants and comes out Na - Coo - Ta, which is wrong. Correct is probably Na - Toooo - Ka.
O - Lie - Us
I do not even try.
Ra - Za-, with a bit more length on the second A
A - Jis or EE - Jis, both are correct. "G" is like "jet." Link
English compound. Fern (a plant) + Dale (a valley). Furn - day - ul.
How do you say Xunlai? is it Zunali or Ksunlai? |
and Zhed is Zed or Jed? |
I always hated english for the unclear spelling... |
I have no idea how to pronounce a double B.
Whuup Buumbuul? |
Puugh the Slasher? Pooh the Slasher? |
Also: I'd like some pound cake.
Aatxe ([a.atʃe]) is a Basque (Euskara) word. In Basque, 'tx' sounds like 'ch' in 'check', the rest of the letters in the word sounds quite like in Spanish: one letter -> one sound. A like in 'cat'. E like in 'get'. So it would be something like It is pronounced "ah·at·che". |
I thought it was like ... lol
Remains of Sahlahja |
Neo Nugget
The other day I found out that "Scourge", as in Scourge Healing, is pronounced "Skurj".
My mind was blown.
My mind was blown.
no no no !!!
Remains of Sahlahja = Sha - a - la - la - la -la -la - ja
And Tahnnakai Temple = teriyaki temple!!!
... or thats just me =D
Remains of Sahlahja = Sha - a - la - la - la -la -la - ja
And Tahnnakai Temple = teriyaki temple!!!
... or thats just me =D
The other day I found out that "Scourge", as in Scourge Healing, is pronounced "Skurj".
My mind was blown. |
What were you pronouncing it as? o.o
i was surprised too when i found out scourge is pronounced skurj instead of scourge, you know... how any literate person would pronounce it (afaik) scoarge. sometimes i really question the English language.
Black Metal
yeah, scourge is a regular English word, not something Anet made up.......
anyways from being in vent with Anet devs, I've heard a few pronounciations come out of their mouths that somewhat suprised me, mainly on how wrong I was.
Mithrane has a very interesting breakdown of Aatxe, that would be first on my mind. I wonder if Anet peeps know how it's correctly pronounced? I'll try to remember next time I'm on vent with them.
One thing that comes to mind of how Anet pronounces something, is that in Melandru, the second syllable is stressed (I always stressed the first one).
anyways from being in vent with Anet devs, I've heard a few pronounciations come out of their mouths that somewhat suprised me, mainly on how wrong I was.
Mithrane has a very interesting breakdown of Aatxe, that would be first on my mind. I wonder if Anet peeps know how it's correctly pronounced? I'll try to remember next time I'm on vent with them.
One thing that comes to mind of how Anet pronounces something, is that in Melandru, the second syllable is stressed (I always stressed the first one).
I've always pronounced aatxe:
(sounding the 'a' like in apple) aa-tax, aa-taxes
For Remains of Sahlahja, I've always just called it:
Remains of Shamalamadingdong
(sounding the 'a' like in apple) aa-tax, aa-taxes
For Remains of Sahlahja, I've always just called it:
Remains of Shamalamadingdong
Rushin Roulette