Originally Posted by Essence Snow
Evertime I kill foes in any campaign in gw I get plat so basically when I play the game I get plat...I'm not sure how the bmp gives an advantage? Do the foes in the bmp drop more plat than in the non-bmp game? Where is the advantage? I'm sry but I fail to see what plat I cannot gain by farming elementals. Is the plat they drop worth less? Are the less worthy foes? Please explain!
Enemies don't drop plat they drop Gold. BMP doesn't drop anything, it gives you things for it's completion which is straight plat, not gold and random drops that may or may not be worth more than 100 gold.
speed is not an advantage then sure BMP doesn't give an advantage. If the speed of obtaining things isn't an advantage, then if they sell experience in the cash shop it's not an advantage, because you can gain exp by killing monsters.
What is the advantage of Mercenary heroes, being able to create team set ups that others cannot in order to beat things faster correct. If Mercenary heroes only allowed you to complete things at the same speed as a normal 7 hero team, then from what I understand, there is no advantage, so it is not a problem to be complaining about. We can butter up words if we want but the BMP does give you an advantage over other players.
If two people go and buy Nightfall today as their one and only campaign, and one also goes and buys the BMP. If both players finish character creation at the same time, and go through chakbek village and the like at the same time. As soon as they reach Kamadan, which will take them what 15 minutes in total max, the one with BMP can go into BMP. If he is a warrior, he can get Turai's sword and shield for both him and koss, automatically already have a max level weapon that he doesn't need to purchase or find, where as the other player without BMP is going to have to progress through the story before he sees a max lvl weapon. In addition that player can run through BMP a second time in discovery mode and get 7.5k Now tell me how is that other new player getting 7.5k that quick? He isn't. Now max weapons doesn't come into play much because the new BMP player does not have the attributes to take advantage of them yet, but the advantage becomes clear when the other player has to wait for a max level wpn to drop/buy it. The BMP player also had 7.5k to start off with, 29.5k if he did all of them.
Now what can he do with that 29.5k He can buy inscriptions at market price, or he can get a ferry to Consulate docks, get his max armour. If he buys factions too, considering he has money where the other player doesn't at normal prices (if this still works since I haven't ferried a character through consulate...in forever) he can again at standard player price get a ferry to factions, completely finish factions quests and be at max level.
He can do this all faster than the other player. If he bought the fire amp, he can also farm monsters in nightfall quicker if he doesn't go through factions and again level faster/get sunspear points faster, and bottom line progress faster.
BMP may not be seen as an advantage at end-game when your level 20, and have the farming spots mapped out for you and hard mode accessed on any character that reaches level 20, but for those who aren't in our situation? It's an advantage other overs.
If the scenario above allowing one player to
quickly gain his max level weapons, armour, outfit Kossand buy additional benefits from players if he wants is not an advantage other one who would otherwise have to trek through more Istan quests/farm before he got that kind of money or weapon so be it. By the time they reach Blacktide Den, the BMP player may of started off slower in storyline progression because he was in BMp completing mini missions for a bit, but the advantage kicks in even faster when that platinum gets spent and those heroes have been outfitted with their max weapons for efficiency and he can then begin to clear area's faster than the player without BMP. By the time the new player without BMP can go and afford to outfit his heroes and himself to the same level as the BMP player, the distance in story-line progression has changed and the BMP player is ahead.
Of course again if that's not an advantage other another player I must be mistaken of what an advantage is.
Going even further if 2 players buy Nightfall and 1 buy mercenary heroes, the 1 with merc heroes can go and quickly create pvp characters to register and then get them from Alfred. Again having a speed advantage, the Speed advantage is more apparent than the one with BMP I don't deny that, but both players who put money in cash shop purchases get advantages other the player that has not.
So BMP may not be as great an advantage over other players at the mercenary hero, but it is an advantage as well.
When everyone is at max level, has beaten all campaigns and gotten all heroes, the Mercenary heroes and BMP are less advantageous, though still having some kind of advantage to them.