The Best Way to Combine Discord, Spirit, Mes Ways
The thing about Discordway is that about half of your spike is coming from the Player, not from Discord.
If you're going to bother with single-target focus fire, do it well, or don't do it at all.
If you're going to bother with single-target focus fire, do it well, or don't do it at all.
Kaida the Heartless
Discord still has merit in higher end content such as Slavers where you need X dead, immediately and the mobs have decent healing. However, it is going to be much slower and a lot more work in vanquishes. This is really the only option a Caster has for spiking since Ele's are MIA.
Granted I don't need to run Discord; I run 4 Mesmers. Yay.
Granted I don't need to run Discord; I run 4 Mesmers. Yay.
Its really ironic how people blasting Discord and suggesting that people think of better builds, are themselves using weaker bars with Icy Veins.
Discord > Icy Veins, and any other elite that doesnt deal armor ignoring damage. It works really will with mesmers because you have plenty of hex spells and coditions are easy to apply with enfeebling blood and ineptitude. There is a lot more synergy with the discord + mesmer builds than the alternatives that are often mentioned.
I seriously wouldnt ever use Icy Veins in HM. SS + SV based builds dont really synergise at all with a pair of mesmers, but the discord necs do work very well.
Originally Posted by Kaida the Heartless
Discord > Icy Veins, and any other elite that doesnt deal armor ignoring damage. It works really will with mesmers because you have plenty of hex spells and coditions are easy to apply with enfeebling blood and ineptitude. There is a lot more synergy with the discord + mesmer builds than the alternatives that are often mentioned.
I seriously wouldnt ever use Icy Veins in HM. SS + SV based builds dont really synergise at all with a pair of mesmers, but the discord necs do work very well.
Granted I don't need to run Discord; I run 4 Mesmers. Yay.
Yea, I'm thinking of adding a fourth mesmer mercenary to try that out.
Kaida the Heartless
The OP's thread has merit regardless of the actual merit of discord. People seem to like it anyway, might as well have them run the best version of it.
Originally Posted by Kaida the Heartless
This is exactly why it works there. Discord and it's spikey nature doesn't allow the Monks time to heal, whereas Casterway for example, does.
Providing mass AoE damage means the monks will be unable to keep everything alive compared to a single target spike.
Life Bringing
Discord is at its WORST in slavers, not its best.
Massive AoE damage works best in Slavers. No matter how good the enemy monks are, they aren't going to out-heal the damage. Also leaves less room for enemies rezzing (if FS is down).
Josh Mindbender
Agree with the above.. AoE Damage is much better than single-target. The monks in slavers just won't be able to cope with big AoE pressure compared to the pitiful single target damage that is discord. Not really sure why people run it nowadays with so many other better options for 7 heroes.
Josh Mindbender
Yes, many necro elites are mediocre i agree, though i'd still much perfer to run AoTL or jagged bones, hell even a support elite like empathic/signet of removal on a minion bomber.
Pain of Disenchantment is perfectly good for a curses bar and SS is still bound to trigger on autoattacks even if the targets skills are being shutdown but each to their own i suppose ^^.
Pain of Disenchantment is perfectly good for a curses bar and SS is still bound to trigger on autoattacks even if the targets skills are being shutdown but each to their own i suppose ^^.
zan the healer
Life Bringing
If youre using 3 necros, chances are that youre not getting everything you could be out of your heroes. The only extremely viable necro build is the MB. A curses necro is mildly useful, but the curses can be slotted onto another character with better overall results. A n/rt is outdone by other options, notably SoS/resto and panic resto, and a necro orders doesnt leave enough open party slots to bring 2 more necros, considering youre going to need at least 2 other heroes to be physicals or its a waste.
Standard hero team template atm is 1 MB, 2 rits, and 2 mesmers. The last 2 slots are generally filled with either a paragon or a /p for fallback, a ua or healing burst, roj w/SoH, ER, or some kind of curses hybrid. Even without healing in the last 2 slots, that basic template with 2 random heroes can faceroll 95% of the game
Standard hero team template atm is 1 MB, 2 rits, and 2 mesmers. The last 2 slots are generally filled with either a paragon or a /p for fallback, a ua or healing burst, roj w/SoH, ER, or some kind of curses hybrid. Even without healing in the last 2 slots, that basic template with 2 random heroes can faceroll 95% of the game
zan the healer
i think its also worth mentioning if you bring a st rit you do not need a n/mo in discord at all you can change it to n/rt for another healer and bring rejuvenation as the spirit or add extra hexes/conditions
I run this myself, with me either as an ST rit, ER elly, or Imbagon:
It has plenty of AoE, Discord adds a powerful single target spike on top of all the AoE which tears enemies down really really fast.
I really dont see what other elites would be more useful. The roles of the necros isnt 'Discordway', its MM, Curses and Healer. Discord however fits brilliantly as their elite skills to vastly increase damage over what any other elite would allow.
If more AoE is needed, the channeling rits heals can be changed to Ancestors Rage + Spirit Rift as well, if youre comfortable with only having one dedicated healer and yourself as a protter.
All of the damage coming from the mesmers and necros ignores armor. That is what makes it so powerful, and way too underestimated by the anti discord people.
Originally Posted by Dusk_
It has plenty of AoE, Discord adds a powerful single target spike on top of all the AoE which tears enemies down really really fast.
I really dont see what other elites would be more useful. The roles of the necros isnt 'Discordway', its MM, Curses and Healer. Discord however fits brilliantly as their elite skills to vastly increase damage over what any other elite would allow.
If more AoE is needed, the channeling rits heals can be changed to Ancestors Rage + Spirit Rift as well, if youre comfortable with only having one dedicated healer and yourself as a protter.
All of the damage coming from the mesmers and necros ignores armor. That is what makes it so powerful, and way too underestimated by the anti discord people.
Compared to the necro bars in this image:
Originally Posted by majoho
Changing the three necro elites to Discord would vastly overpower Ivy Veins, Lingering Curse and AOTL in the majority of PVE. Also, Wastrel spells on mesmer heroes is a definite no - no. Everytime people critique the discord build and post their alternatives, the alternative builds are actually far worse. Dusk_
Originally Posted by bhavv
Thank you for agreeing with my statement that Sabway is crap now. Not sure what else you were trying to say, if anything else.
Changing the three necro elites to Discord would vastly overpower Ivy Veins, Lingering Curse and AOTL in the majority of PVE.
And that's because Icy Veins and Lingering Curse are crap, not because Discord is good. And AotL isn't about damage, it's about maintaining your 11 minion cap, having strong meat shields, and increasing your minion creation speed so you don't sit around waiting. Apples to oranges. Looking at your builds, you've basically done exactly what I've said everyone else does: run three necros just to run three necros. You could combine the MM and Curser with no real downside, and you'd have a free skill bar. Throw in a Commandgon, and you'd increase the damage input of your minions and all your spirits, get Fall Back, and still have half the DPS of a Discord with spear auto-attack. Or bring and RoJer for spike AoE, or really anything else... And personally, I'd bring Pain of Disenchantment on my Healer, but that's personal preference. Someone else here uses Ravenous Gaze, which may be more effective DPS (healers don't prioritize Discord). (By the way, how often does Discord even get used with Ineptitude and Shadowsong as your only condition skills?) Kaida the Heartless
I guarantee that if I Casterway'ed and Discordway'ed Forgeweight, I would get similar times. The best part is Hexway beats 'em both.
Seriously, what else are you going to run in a Caster Spike? Eles? RoJ, probably your best option, is terrible damage without snares and certainly doesn't justify the rest of the bar in a caster party. Anthem of Envy and "GftE!" aren't enough to justify the Commandagon in non-physway; stick "FB!" and "SYG!" (if you choose to use it) on a caster. UA is pointless because you are trying to up damage. Discord is actually making use of the two empty slots you would normally have and turning it into something to punch down threatening mobs. Unless you have Mercs, Discord is great filler. Outerworld
Originally Posted by Kaida the Heartless
Anthem of Envy and "GftE!" aren't enough to justify the Commandagon in non-physway.
Originally Posted by Sir Mad
PS: What's the deal with AotL? It's crap on heroes: they can't use it properly, and basically, the only advantage it has is it gives you +1 Death Magic.
It's true that heroes will only cast it for the buff, but it's still useful for maintaining a big army AND being able to work as a minion bomber at the same time.
Originally Posted by Sir Mad
The "only" advantage of Aotl is create one minion for each corpse in earshot AND boost death magic for any successive evocation. Combine it with masochism and runes can easily pump death to 18-20. Aotl became maintenable, and when you cast Aotl @ 18-20 Death is gg.
Theres plenty of AoE damage coming from the mesmers, MoP, and desecrate + defile enchantments x 2. As far as I'm concerned, elite skills are never used for AoE in most heroways. SoS + SoGM arent AoE skills, and neither do spirits have AoE attaks, but no one ever complains about those. Its not very easy healing the discord targets when everything else has the mesmers and spirits doing their job as well.
Discord isnt the only skill on the team setup, its 3 out of 64 skills. It would do you some good to look at the rest of the set up rather than illogically focusing on Discord alone for its lack of AoE.
Its simply no where near as weak, or as bad as others are making it out to be.