(Overview) Mesmer hero AI - general tips and opinionated comments.


Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2008

Or maybe you just can't do it but think you can - see the parable of the fox and the grapes. Plenty of DoA screenshots have been posted, just use the builds in the screenshots and be done with it.

Are you going to name an area after all?

PS: pardon me, I just get annoyed when clearly less experienced players criticize clearly more experienced players, as though it is blindingly obvious whether BiP is a good skill.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2006

I'd name FoW because its easily doable, and I wouldnt think that a 30 minute area would show enough difference with or without Bip.

I only just read the hero tier thread, and it helped me to realize what I am trying to say -

I personally consider the necromancer to be a high tier hero class, and before the 7 hero update I always found that it was the top class to use as heroes (mostly due to having to fill the rest of your team with henchmen).

However, I do not believe that Bip is in the same tier as an Elite Skill or a build choice as the many other necromancer builds that could be used instead. I dont see it being beneficial at all to my hero group as opposed to simply running a few energy management skills wherever they are needed.

This doesnt mean that people cant successfully use Bip, after all you can complete the entire game with professions that some people would consider to be the worst tier, I just do not see it as being a better alternative for me to use in comparison to the top tier necromancer elites.

Originally Posted by Jeydra View Post
PS: pardon me, I just get annoyed when clearly less experienced players criticize clearly more experienced players, as though it is blindingly obvious whether BiP is a good skill. Define experienced. Bip is a brilliant skill to have on a player necromancer for some parts of the game, but I wouldnt be able to trust the hero AI with it, and people are actually proving this by saying how much they need to spec into extra prots and heals just to support a hero bipper. Wouldnt that be because the AI overuses it? Either reduce or even remove the health sac, and maybe give it a 5s recharge and I would gladly take it on a hero, but in its current state of 33% sac and spammable, I dont want it being used by a hero in my team. I think that blood ritual would work a lot better on a hero, as running into touch range to cast it isnt an issue in a full caster team.

And out of my curiosity, I think I might just end up loving Bip, depending on how this works out:

I'm going to try it, and will see how fast I can complete a FoW zerg run.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005


To call BiP blindingly obviously a good skill is a little short-sighted I think.

Sure, +5 energy regeneration is good, we can all agree on that.

But what do you actually gain and do you need it?

You arguably free up 2 slots on domination mesmers, although I think it's very debatable whether you really want to drop all energy management. What do you use for these 2 slots that improves their damage output? Most hard-hitting skills are already on the bar.

Furthermore, you need to slot BiP somewhere, losing that hero's elite. This will affect your team in a bigger or smaller way. Usually you'd put in on the MM, losing JB or AotL, or on the resto necro, losing a resto/blood/curse elite.

Finally, the team probably needs some additional protection and/or healing to cope with the saccing BiP hero. Yes, Smite Monks deal damage while Smiting Hexes etc, but they don't actually have spot heals that also deal damage... Life or PwK aren't viable either: you can't time Life and PwK is just once every 30 sec, and you don't really want to waste it on a single sac. No, what you need is an additional spot heal or two and extra attention from the healer.

In the end, do you even need BiP? Do your heroes suffer from energy shortages without it? And if so, can't you just switch one non-elite skill on that hero for an energy management skill instead of slotting BiP somewhere?

The Josip

The Josip

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2009


Originally Posted by LexTalionis
Arcane Conundrum: This is only an energy management tool if it manages to hit more than one target. Luckily, it seems to have been programmed with conditional priority behaviour to hit as many enemies as possible, regardless of class. This also makes it excellent Shatter Delusions fodder.
Feedback on this skill.

Arcane Conundrum is actually pretty useless skill overall. Illusion hero will half of the time use it on his own target (which is going to be some physical) even with casters present. At other times he will cast it just before someone is about to die. Or, he will cast it on a single targets which will cause him to lose energy, not gain, which is especially problematic when that target is physical. Casting Conundrum on enemy casters also has limited effect at least in my team build (no Panic). Spells which cast fast will still cast too fast in HM for player (or even hero) to interrupt them. Marginal improvement only in gray area.

You may barely break even with this skill. It's not worth it.

Quote: Originally Posted by bhavv Obviously it cant be a vanq as there are too many problems with finding the last few enemies. Only in few Prophecy areas with huge patrol perimeter (e.g. Arid Sea). Besides, these lasts few enemies show the significance of Fall Back chain in non-elite areas (it's what I tried to point out earlier, and one of the reasons why Jaydra said she likes Eles more than Mesmers, which again is true except in my case where I run BiP so can afford mesmers to run FB).

That being said, IMO one player should do both BiP and non BiP instead of two players competing, in order to eliminate skill difference. I'm not really interested in this competition as my pro-BiP stance goes beyond time completion (it means I as a caster can play the game more as energy constrains me less), and also rests on a mathematical calculation which should have basis in practice. I don't yet have optimized BiP team build especially since I spend more time tweaking mesmer heroes.

Quote: Originally Posted by HigherMinion But I thought the point was so you could bring more damage and kill faster... How does BiP actually benefit your team? The problem is that none of the anti-BiP people actually are mesmer primary, which makes it difficult to explain things.

1. Player can do much more damage than a hero. In theory. A mesmer player can take e-management such as AIncantation which gives roughly +1e per second. It costs a skill slot, attribute points, and casting time.

2. BiP at low spec does +5 e regeneration. This is the equivalent of a caster with e-management. And this in case that BiPer only casts 1 BiP per 12 seconds.

In theory, BiP is powerful. In practice, it doesn't necessarily mean your team will be better off with it.

Originally Posted by Dzjuzd
Sure, +5 energy regeneration is good, we can all agree on that.

But what do you actually gain and do you need it?

You arguably free up 2 slots on domination mesmers, although I think it's very debatable whether you really want to drop all energy management. What do you use for these 2 slots that improves their damage output? Most hard-hitting skills are already on the bar. By dropping PD and WNWN I spec into Command and take FallBack, hard rez, and SYG/Never Surrender/ or what I'm experimenting with right now: Bladeturn Refrain (I could use opinion whether that skill is worth it if it can be kept up indefinitely; good side is also that it's one-time-cast, so it saves my mesmer from having to use energy on that anymore except if someone dies).
My hero is now able to use Command shield (r9) for full armor bonus (I used 40/40 before but I've changed my mind about the overall usefulness of that mod for mesmers).

Instead of having mediocre conditional e-management I now have 3 higher-armored heroes with bar compression that covers all needed rez (might tweak more and remove some rezes from mesmers but it depends on other team members), chain Fall Back, and additional utility that requires no casting time.

The rest of Illusion bar is standard, minus Arcane Conundrum (but still with APain). The rest of Domination is E-Surge-Unnatural-Mistrust-Spiritual (Spiritual is arguable, but it really helps cleaning stragglers and for bar compression), and one wildcard that I use for testing the effectiveness of other skills (Empathy, Overload, extra copies of CoF, Shatter Hex..).

It's important to note that their Domination bar depends on my own. Right now I arcane echo Mistrust and use it as an opening move, followed usually by CoP, followed by echoed Mistrust, and somewhere here I cast CoF when needed. Right now this seems to be more powerful than AP build, provided that mobs are not always scattered.

Do your heroes suffer from energy shortages without it? And if so, can't you just switch one non-elite skill on that hero for an energy management skill instead of slotting BiP somewhere? I'll repeat it again - it's not just about heroes, BiP is for the player too, and player can make the most out of each bit of energy. Think physical. Hero melee, vs player melee, who will make most use of it? It's not different when player is caster, just to a smaller degree. Furthermore, when that player is a mesmer, there's even bigger difference due to conditional nature of most mesmer skills. CoF or Mistrust in the hands of a player is 3x more useful than in the hands of a hero. Despite popular opinion, heroes don't interrupt better than decent players - although I don't know if this is AI problem and/or intentional ANet modification.

As for hero energy shortage, you can always build a hero so it never has energy shortage. With natural e-regen a caster gains 13,3e every 10 seconds. That's not even enough energy to cast Ineptitude+Eye, or E-Surge+CoF. You can hope that burst will kill the entire enemy mob so you won't need more e-regen, but that may not be the case, especially with Fall Back which means you might attack another group before your energy fully recovers.

In the end, do you even need BiP? I need BiP. The question is, do you need BiP? Probably not. The reason why I use BiP is need for energy. If you don't have the need, you won't look into BiP as one of the possible solutions. Even if I decide that BiP is not worthy, the need for energy remains, and I will keep looking into other skills.

The spice must flow



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2006

That being said, IMO one player should do both BiP and non BiP instead of two players competing, in order to eliminate skill difference.
I'm doing it for you, 1 hour 28 min FoW completion with Bip and 4 mesmer heroes, and no energy management skills on any other hero (except Arcane Conundrum, but that was taken for more spell slowdown and an extra AoE hex, not E management):

Its only 10/11 quests because I accidentally missed the shard wolf outside the tower due to trying to zerg rush asap, and going back for it when I realized would have wasted time and made the eventual comparison unfair (I backtracked and killed all the optional mobs at the end). I will do the same with Bip swapped to Discord later on or tomorrow, and fewer attack / support skills on my mesmers because they will need inspiration E management instead.

The bipper died 3 or 4 times, but the mesmers quickly ressed him. Renew Life was a must have as it doesnt cause health sac and gives a large party heal to make up for the time lost without the Bip healer.

But other than that, it was still a very smooth, easy and comfortable run with 4 mesmers and me playing a daze and other conditions spammer. Icehands and Hydras were normally a huge problem for me even with a panic mesmer, but my thunderclap build fixed that and made everything too easy.

I had to manually click Fevered Dreams on my target though as the hero AI doesnt like to precast it, but it really wasnt even needed, just dazing caster mobs, and spamming blind and weakness on individual melee mobs made everything easy.

I'll repeat it again - it's not just about heroes, BiP is for the player too, and player can make the most out of each bit of energy. Taking Bip just for the player is an even bigger waste though if your heroes dont need it. My mesmer comfortably runs Lyssas Aura with Wandering Eye, Clumsiness, Illusion of Pain, Conjure Nightmare, Accumulated Pain in PVE. You said earlier that Bip > Lyssas Aura, but I completely disagree on that if your heroes do not need it, because it isnt worth the health sac to take Bip just for you. If its just the player character and not the heroes that need energy management, then take an energy management elite for yourself on your own bar.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006



What i havent heard (tho i may have missed it :P1)

Is that you sacrifice one elite skill on one hero to open up a potential 10+ skills on the rest of the team (by not needing to take on char Eman skills).. And if the elite skill you sacrifice for BIP is generally not the lynchpin of a bar then its possible you will get way more for your 'money' with the utility skills available and also some other damage skills you may not have been able to either pay for or fit on otherwise..

So is the Elite you burn to take BIP a big deal? ... what would it have been that is so potent? maybe from a n/rt resto? mm? non SS curser? as i dont think their elite make or break anything to a huge degree no?

*note: on the fence, ive used it and not used for teams over the years, unbiased. And i dont run a player necro toon these days so wont comment on player based BIP.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2010


Ick, saying a team with BiP sucks because it may or may not improve times is a bit.. off.

The key being it's a balanced skill. It's not necessarily OP, and not UP to be sure. It's a skill that, because of the health sacrifice, and the energy gain returns, needs a team to be built with the skill in mind.

Whether that means a build is faster than another or not - is completely moot. It's a different way to play, and it makes a different team build that, like it or not, is likely just as effective (honestly, that depends on the rest of the team, not the BiP).

It's an effective skill, and it's useful for some people and not for others. It's a playstyle. It's effective skill when used right, but it's not an end-all skill that every team should have. It's a skill that some teams should use and some shouldn't.

@Dzjudz - instead of swapping out a skill on two-three heroes for more e-management, you can use BiP and open up 3, 6, sometimes more skills for open use without regard. That's the idea behind it, and why it can be valuable. There's so many factors involved in the skill (additional red-bar contrasting against more damage skills, loss of an elite, etc) that it's hard to gauge the exact effectiveness from just a glance. It provides tremendous support at a cost - it's up to each person to judge whether it's worth it. I've had good results with my BiP resto, so I'm appreciating it's usefulness, especially since my elite isn't needed there.

Edit: Whoops, @ Djzudz, sorry <_<



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2008

@bhavv: I don't think your choice of prots are good even though you have lots of red barring. With enough prots, you can make do with fewer red barring skills. As an example, I had only 2 half healers but I had fewer deaths when I cleared foundry, than you had in FoW.

I suggest that you replace your Protective Spirit with a Dwaynaway's ST rit (http://www.gwpvx.com/User:Nanashi), and make one of your mesmers a /P with SYG, given your team setup. Should be easy for you to fix that since you have mercs.

Essence Snow

Essence Snow

Unbridled Enthusiasm!

Join Date: Nov 2009



So what I am gathering here...is that if using mesmers (player and/or heros) a BiP is must have? If some of us don't believe this soo much we are unexperienced and or don't play mesmer enough? Really? Is this what this has come to?

I'm pretty sure a bunch of us have played all 10 proffessions throughly enough to make qualified comments about each. As for being experienced...you'd have to define that further b/c I dont want to take it out of context.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2010


Originally Posted by Essence Snow View Post
So what I am gathering here...is that if using mesmers (player and/or heros) a BiP is must have? If some of us don't believe this soo much we are unexperienced and or don't play mesmer enough? Really? Is this what this has come to?

I'm pretty sure a bunch of us have played all 10 proffessions throughly enough to make qualified comments about each. As for being experienced...you'd have to define that further b/c I dont want to take it out of context.
I don't believe that impression has been given at all - rather the contrary. I quote from posts above, including my own -

Originally Posted by bhavv View Post
Taking Bip just for the player is an even bigger waste though if your heroes dont need it. My mesmer comfortably runs Lyssas Aura with Wandering Eye, Clumsiness, Illusion of Pain, Conjure Nightmare, Accumulated Pain in PVE. You said earlier that Bip > Lyssas Aura, but I completely disagree on that if your heroes do not need it, because it isnt worth the health sac to take Bip just for you. If its just the player character and not the heroes that need energy management, then take an energy management elite for yourself on your own bar.
Originally Posted by The Josip View Post
I need BiP. The question is, do you need BiP? Probably not. The reason why I use BiP is need for energy. If you don't have the need, you won't look into BiP as one of the possible solutions. Even if I decide that BiP is not worthy, the need for energy remains, and I will keep looking into other skills.
Originally Posted by Plutoman View Post
The key being it's a balanced skill. It's not necessarily OP, and not UP to be sure. It's a skill that, because of the health sacrifice, and the energy gain returns, needs a team to be built with the skill in mind.

It's an effective skill, and it's useful for some people and not for others. It's a playstyle. It's effective skill when used right, but it's not an end-all skill that every team should have. It's a skill that some teams should use and some shouldn't. Edit: Jeydra's post, too.

Originally Posted by Jeydra View Post
The real problem with BiP is that it 1) takes up elite slot and 2) requires some spec into Blood Magic, which is not otherwise a particularly useful line for caster primaries. Sure you can put BiP on the MM, but losing AotL is not inconsequential. When I tried it (was in Slaver's HM) not having AotL was immediately apparent. It's not about the one extra minion or +1 Death Magic. It's about being able to raise multiple tough minions at a time together with the ability to raise minions out of nothing. Another problem with BiP is that it requires health sacrifice, which tends to tax the builds I run simply because there's little direct bar push.

I guess it's up to player choice, although the teambuild will have to change to accomodate BiP. That said, I'm of opinion that Mesmers, who already have fine energy management skills in Inspiration that double as good utility to boot (Power Drain / Leech Signet / Drain Enchant especially), should just use those skills and free up the elite slot for something else.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2008

USA - W.Coast



I would like to add, a downside to relying on bip for energy is that it's a shatterable/removable enchantment. When that happens, I would think you'd be working with useless casters while they work to regain EN. That is unless the hero ai is smart enough to immediately reapply it.

The Josip

The Josip

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2009


Originally Posted by Essence Snow
So what I am gathering here...is that if using mesmers (player and/or heros) a BiP is must have?
That's it. I realized that after typing 10 posts with the same content, plus 10 another posts of other people with same content, there must be a reason why things are not getting through and it's shown in the above quote: lack of comprehension.

Essence Snow - if you don't use BiP you're a newbie or oldtimer, that's obvious. BiP is uber and must have skill for all modern iPoders who follow trends. Not using BiP means you're so yesterday.

Others - BiP is horrible, your BiPer will keep dying, and his BiPs will be shattered and your caster will be useless, resulting in a death of a Somalian child. Beep is sheet. BiPer is a black hope, it's infiltrated disciple of Shiro whose sole goal is to sabotage your team.

Originally Posted by Wenspire
I would like to add, a downside to relying on bip for energy is that it's a shatterable/removable enchantment. When that happens, I would think you'd be working with useless casters while they work to regain EN. Yes, because when a caster loses +5e regen and still has 4 regen, that's useless. But if caster has sheet e-regen like Power Drain which will succeed once in 40seconds if you're lucky, possibly overlapping with other interrupts or taking oppurtunity for Mistrust/CoF, using attribute points and locking secondary to.. Me/Me - then that's absolutely amazing.


Be seeing you.


Essence Snow

Essence Snow

Unbridled Enthusiasm!

Join Date: Nov 2009



If I may might I ask 1 quick question......What mobs are ya'll facing that live long enough to need the added e management that bip gives?



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2006

Originally Posted by Essence Snow View Post
If I may might I ask 1 quick question......What mobs are ya'll facing that live long enough to need the added e management that bip gives?
This is a rather incorrect assumption. Very few mobs last long enough in FoW for me for Bip / energy management to make any difference in the space of a single battle. HOWEVER no one wants to stand around in between mobs waiting for their energy to refill. You kill one, and go straight to the next, your heroes are not going to have much time to refill their energy without E management unless they are necros.

Originally Posted by Daesu
View Post
@bhavv: I don't think your choice of prots are good even though you have lots of red barring. With enough prots, you can make do with fewer red barring skills. As an example, I had only 2 half healers but I had fewer deaths when I cleared foundry, than you had in FoW.

I suggest that you replace your Protective Spirit with a Dwaynaway's ST rit (
http://www.gwpvx.com/User:Nanashi), and make one of your mesmers a /P with SYG, given your team setup. Should be easy for you to fix that since you have mercs. Prot Spirit alone, or Prot Bond has been fine for me in FoW. I'm using a Fiery Sunspear and Serrated Shield on each hero that gives +15 armor against physicals, and my blind is AoEd by using fevered dreams. I cant drop the signet mesmer because thats actually my primary source of spammable armor ignoring AoE. The signet mesmer actually can carry prot bond and I could put that on myself and the bip, but this will require manual casting which would slow me down and make the comparisons unfair. I normally play an E/Mo protter in places where I need more protection, but FoW doesnt.

FoW is a lot easier than other elite areas, it doesnt need a prot elly or a ST rit to easily complete, and running a prot elly all the time feels too tiring, I want a nice a simple build like Invoke or Thunderclap now.


Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2008

Originally Posted by Dzjudz View Post
To call BiP blindingly obviously a good skill is a little short-sighted I think.

Sure, +5 energy regeneration is good, we can all agree on that.

But what do you actually gain and do you need it?

You arguably free up 2 slots on domination mesmers, although I think it's very debatable whether you really want to drop all energy management. What do you use for these 2 slots that improves their damage output? Most hard-hitting skills are already on the bar. I didn't call BiP blindingly obviously good. But bhaav implied it was blindingly obviously bad.

What skills improve Dom Mes damage output -> Power Spike, Shatter Delusions, Signet of Disruption, Overload, etc etc etc.

You could have the same player run the different builds twice, but it doesn't eliminate player bias ... or stop people from running bad builds where BiP makes less of a difference (like Thunderclap ). In this case though we're in luck, because I have Raisu Palace screenshots where I was pushing for max speed. When I get the time I'll run through Raisu again with BiP. I'm betting I'll get a time <8:30, but we'll see. If I do run through FoW - I'm not planning to, however, since it takes way more than 30 minutes - I bet I'll get a time less than 1 hour 28 minutes. bhaav's build doesn't have double Fall Back, which curiously enough by his definition of effectiveness makes it ineffective.

Funnily enough I don't plan on using BiP to support Mesmers ...

@Essence Snow - multiple aggro and DoA Titan spawns pop to mind. With ~40 max energy you can burn dry in less than a minute too. Turn the question around: what mobs are ya'll facing that live long enough to need the added e management that pdrain gives?


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2010


Originally Posted by bhavv View Post
FoW is a lot easier than other elite areas, it doesnt need a prot elly or a ST rit to easily complete, and running a prot elly all the time feels too tiring, I want a nice a simple build like Invoke or Thunderclap now. I can relate. Prot ele gets boring after a while, though it's one of the most powerful builds a player ele can run, even solo healing.. there's only so much of it to be done.

@Jeydra - Thunderclap's a semi-viable elite. Not the best choice in my opinion, but reasonable at least. There's worse options to be sure. AoE daze is pretty nice.

Essence Snow

Essence Snow

Unbridled Enthusiasm!

Join Date: Nov 2009



Originally Posted by Jeydra
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@Essence Snow - multiple aggro and DoA Titan spawns pop to mind. With ~40 max energy you can burn dry in less than a minute too. Turn the question around: what mobs are ya'll facing that live long enough to need the added e management that pdrain gives? Tbh idk...Ive never had any issue dispatching of mobs so I really havent really paid that much attention to my heros energy. It is highly a possiblity that they dont need it at all. Either way it's a dual purpose skill...i.e. it cancels out a foe's spell and regains energy....or win/win for short at least in theory.

W/o proper aggro control I'll agree the titans can drain an energy pool, but then again w/o proper aggro control they can do much worse.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2008

Originally Posted by bhavv
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Prot Spirit alone, or Prot Bond has been fine for me in FoW. I'm using a Fiery Sunspear and Serrated Shield on each hero that gives +15 armor against physicals, and my blind is AoEd by using fevered dreams. I cant drop the signet mesmer because thats actually my primary source of spammable armor ignoring AoE. The signet mesmer actually can carry prot bond and I could put that on myself and the bip, but this will require manual casting which would slow me down and make the comparisons unfair. I normally play an E/Mo protter in places where I need more protection, but FoW doesnt.

FoW is a lot easier than other elite areas, it doesnt need a prot elly or a ST rit to easily complete, and running a prot elly all the time feels too tiring, I want a nice a simple build like Invoke or Thunderclap now. I am not asking you to drop your signet mesmer. I am saying you can reduce the amount of red barring that you carry within your team, if you just bring better prots.

Replacing heals with more damage spells would yield better performance. You have 12 healing skills + PwK + Spirit's Gift, not to mention Renew Life which are res that grants further healing. That seems like a lot of heals to me, certainly too many for FoW NM, which I have also cleared before using heroes. With that much defense and healing, do you really need Thunderclap?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


Tried to get a little goofy with a Keystone Mesmer today with the intention of a Signet of Pious Restraint and a low recharge Derv enchantment for constant cripple on top of the usual Keystone goodies. Of course, the hero would cast the signet first, enchantment after most of the time. I'll try some other enchantment combos.


Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2008

Originally Posted by Jeydra
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In this case though we're in luck, because I have Raisu Palace screenshots where I was pushing for max speed. When I get the time I'll run through Raisu again with BiP. I'm betting I'll get a time <8:30, but we'll see. Just tried it for a time of 8:13. I'm using a lousy laptop with bad resolution, so I can't see all my hero bars when I'm playing, and I realized halfway into the run I was playing on windowed mode too so ... probably improvable until there's little to no difference between this time and that of my original build. All builds probably improvable too, as well as equipment (I don't have a 40/40 Curses set ... or a Curses staff, for that matter. Anyone can give me one? ). Screenshot available on request.

@Plutoman - Thunderclap is bad. So many better mass caster shutdown spells available, including but not limited to Panic, Arcane Conundrum, Technobabble + Extend Conditions, etc etc etc. Elementalist elite choices right now is something like AP >> Invoke >> everything else, ER included, when playing with 7H.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2010



Originally Posted by Jeydra
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@Plutoman - Thunderclap is bad. So many better mass caster shutdown spells available, including but not limited to Panic, Arcane Conundrum, Technobabble + Extend Conditions, etc etc etc. Elementalist elite choices right now is something like AP >> Invoke >> everything else, ER included, when playing with 7H. I can't speak for thunderclap's effectiveness, since i have yet to use and observe it on a hero bar, but panic has always been overrated in my opinion. I have never found it to be that useful, especially on hero bars. I think that at first, people caught on to the fad of using a cool looking skill, and now that its meta, everyone defaults to using it on their domination bars. In the rare occasions that I even run a domination mesmer anymore, I'll use e-surge.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


Originally Posted by Lanier
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I can't speak for thunderclap's effectiveness, since i have yet to use and observe it on a hero bar, but panic has always been overrated in my opinion. I have never found it to be that useful, especially on hero bars. I think that at first, people caught on to the fad of using a cool looking skill, and now that its meta, everyone defaults to using it on their domination bars. In the rare occasions that I even run a domination mesmer anymore, I'll use e-surge. Pulling correctly means Panic shuts down everything around it for 66% of the time. It's insane to not bring it in heavy caster areas. Less caster heavy? Then E-surge is a definite swap. They're interchangeable dependent on area.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2010



Originally Posted by Golgotha
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Pulling correctly means Panic shuts down everything around it for 66% of the time. It's insane to not bring it in heavy caster areas. Less caster heavy? Then E-surge is a definite swap. They're interchangeable dependent on area. maybe its because I dont micro my heroes or make a dedicated effort to pull, but when im just running from mob to mob, my observations of a panic hero mesmer have been underwhelming. Plus, I don't really like using skills that require microing or dedicated pulling/balling.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2010


Originally Posted by Jeydra
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@Plutoman - Thunderclap is bad. So many better mass caster shutdown spells available, including but not limited to Panic, Arcane Conundrum, Technobabble + Extend Conditions, etc etc etc. Elementalist elite choices right now is something like AP >> Invoke >> everything else, ER included, when playing with 7H. It's not 'bad', just not great. It's a decent choice, more useful for PvP such as thunderclap -> gale, but for single long duration shutdown thunderclap -> YMLaD isn't too bad (note I'm not saying it's great, but I'd stick it in the middle tier unless you start factoring in pve skills). Technobabble + extend is probably the best bet on daze though. AP takes some focus and thinking, along with ER. Invoke's probably the best relaxing elite I'd use.

Also, I'd disagree with ER :/ I can run solo both protection and healing as an ER for an entire team. It's a lot of work, but as an ER Infuse/Prot, I can take 7 full slots of damage and support, instead of relying on two heroes to do the job. As an ele, it's probably more efficient, because the damage bar doesn't go up that much more in contrast to a hero, while other classes tend to have a much higher damage performance with players. But, eh, who knows.

*Exceptions for ER include dungeons with those flying things coming out of the ceilings, and some elite areas, mainly DoA, because mirror of disenchantment is so evil.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005


Originally Posted by Golgotha
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Pulling correctly means Panic shuts down everything around it for 66% of the time. It's insane to not bring it in heavy caster areas. Less caster heavy? Then E-surge is a definite swap. They're interchangeable dependent on area. Should be closer to 95-100% with 11 Fast Casting (10s duration, 10s recharge). I usually bring it only in areas with very large and/or dangerous groups (i.e. Slavers' Exile, DoA etc.), otherwise I just swap it for ESurge. Usually I bring 3 mesmers anyway (1 illusion, 2 domination) and there's enough shutdown present without Panic.


Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2008

Thunderclap is a bad skill. I don't recall seeing it the PvP meta except (vaguely) a few times in HA, and it never took hold. Weak skill. If you wanted Dazed in PvP anyway you'd take BHA. Even if you didn't want to use PvE skills, you have better options: Invoke, SF, Earth Magic. List goes on.

As for ER, you can use ER quite effectively, but heroes function significantly worse without the player to coordinate them. You don't have much to gain by running ER anyway. Sure you can heal the entire team, but then again I've been running around with 2 semi-healers (both with damage) and that works out perfectly, so why bother? It's not a matter of not doing difficult content either. 2 semi-healers CAN get through Foundry HM, although it's very much of a knife-edge.

@Lanier - yes Panic is overrated but compared to Thunderclap it's godlike.

Regarding BiP, I've come to decide I won't be using it. It's not a bad skill, but if you use BiP you also have to reshuffle your heroes each time you do the areas where you can only bring 4/6 characters (since in those areas the first character I drop is the BiP). I'm lazy, so BiP's not for me.

The Josip

The Josip

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2009


Originally Posted by Jeydra
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Regarding BiP, I've come to decide I won't be using it. It's not a bad skill, but if you use BiP you also have to reshuffle your heroes each time you do the areas where you can only bring 4/6 characters (since in those areas the first character I drop is the BiP). I'm lazy, so BiP's not for me. In 4 man areas I bring 3 mesmers + ER ele. No BiP. But for those who want efficiency, a MM would be in the team I suppose (as well as spirit spammer), which for me would mean BiP instead of AotL. As much as people say how great AotL is, I never saw it as a great skill, and don't think it's better than BiP anyway (on a MM).

Same in 6-man areas. If you're bringing MM that means BiP.

I don't play 4-6man areas anymore at all - I've no reason to (unless PuGing) and they lower the efficiency of my team since I use mesmers. That means that your Invoke will still hit 3 people in these areas, but my Energy Surges and Mistrusts won't catch 6-8 people (as you said, a build modification would be needed, and who wants to do that all the time).

The Josip

The Josip

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2009


BTW LexTalionis - I think you should keep updating the first post, regarding the mesmer hero AI. It would be much easier than people having to check every post here.

Another update - heroes use Guilt on everything. Including physicals.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2010


At some point I want to start a thread about creating an good team (the theory and mechanics of what makes a good team build, and explore various decisions to make), and explore the various hero options for damage. This'll be a good thread to link too. But when that'll happen depends on how soon I get back to GW, I've been playing Oblivion a tad too much lately.

There's a lot of solid information in this thread, a lot of petty bickering, a lot of good debating, and more random information. Lex made a really good overview on mesmers, it's a lot of quality information in his first post.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2011

Sorry sirs, I've been taking a break from the forums as promised to take care of RL issues. I'll update the first post with the information you've provided while I'm free.

I don't mind if you repost anything I wrote or consolidate it into another thread (the Hero AI one?) or anything; the thread got a little off-topic halfway through, and it might not be the easiest thing to read through.


Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2008

Originally Posted by The Josip
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As much as people say how great AotL is, I never saw it as a great skill, and don't think it's better than BiP anyway (on a MM). No offense, but this is not a good argument for BiP being better than AotL.

I do 6-man areas a fair bit (Wanted quests), but 4-man areas are very rare. If you're bringing 3 Mesmers + ER Ele then without the BiP you'll have to reroll your Mesmers too, so yeah.

The Josip

The Josip

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2009


Originally Posted by Jeydra
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No offense, but this is not a good argument for BiP being better than AotL.

I do 6-man areas a fair bit (Wanted quests), but 4-man areas are very rare. If you're bringing 3 Mesmers + ER Ele then without the BiP you'll have to reroll your Mesmers too, so yeah. Yea but you'd have to reroll anyway as mesmer builds depend on the enemies, and size of mobs matters. I'm still going to favor BiP over AotL, but I lack time to do tests and all that, and besides I'd still use BiP anyway as long as I have fun with it. I've GWAMM and full HoM, and since the difference between most decent builds today is very small I might as well use fun stuff. I don't do Wanted anymore, so can't give much of a feedback on that, especially since 6-man 'Wanted' area can differ a lot from some other 6-man area.

I mainly use this thread to see what heroes can use and what not. I'm not really concerned about BiP, I use it now, tomorrow I may use something else. BiP is about me playing more, about me having double energy and then some. AotL is just outsourcing stuff to heroes. It's what I'd use if I wanted to C+space.

Premium Unleaded

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Question re: overload since it isn't clear in the OP -

Do heroes still use it when target is currently hexed with it already? ie. AI still classifies it as only "interrupt-type" usage, and not "hex-type (so doesn't maintain/stack) + interrupt-type".


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2011

@Premium Unleaded:

Sorry for the late reply - I've been moving house between countries and haven't had much time to play Guild Wars.

No, they won't. I've tested this on the Master of Hexes (he casts a lot) in the Island of the nameless. Nonstacking Hex AI priority always takes precedence. That's one of the reasons why I use Shatter Delusions and Drain Delusions, but it's at most a minor annoyance since the hex only lasts for 5 seconds.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2010

Italy, Turin



So, in other words, Overload can be safely used as feeder hex for Shatter-Drain delusion (and all skill that benefit from mes hex like unnatural sig).
But it's from the domination line: there are other skill that words good for that purpose in Illusion for example? (thinking to Frag and Calculated mainly).


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2011

Yes, but no practical hexes with obvious synergy other than Arcane Conundrum. If you're playing a mesmer yourself, try Web of Disruption (unless you're okay with heroes not actually interrupting anything with it). If you don't care about the lack of synergy, just about anything works. Go with Shared Burden or something.

Since Shatter Delusions is in Domination magic itself (full of great feeders like Panic, Enchanter's Conundrum and Overload), there's little reason to actually use an Illusion magic feeder hex. If you just need fodder for drain delusions, but can't afford a Domination mesmer, just stick with Arcane Conundrum or shrinking armor/phantom pain. Having a hex with a shorter cooldown than Drain Delusions isn't really going to help a lot. Don't bother with the burdens, the 15e cast creates issues with hero AI pretty often.