200+ ToT bags stacks | Golds Weapons | Elite A tomes | Misc

Eowin Of Rohan

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2009

The White Seed

Last update : 11 mars 2012

- 52690 ToT bags : 4e/stack
- lots of Elite Assassin Tomes, 25=8e

• I keep this thread up to date, so items which are not stroken are most likely available, unless someone bid on them in one of the last messages.
• I update the list about once every 3 trades.
• I add new items when I have about 1 Xunlai pane to add. Last groups of items :- 11 mar 2012 : elite assassin tomes, rock candies, lockpicks
- 02 mar 2012 : 19 golds, 1 stack feathers, EL Razah, 6 elite tomes, 390 unids, 1 mini
- 26 feb 2012 : 25 golds, 19 elite tomes, 1 stack feathers.
- 20 feb 2012 : 2211 lunar fortunes, raised unids total to 667, 20 more lockpicks, 7 greens, 15 red & 25 blue candies, 3 elite tomes, 3 cool ded & 4 unded minis, many misc. things• Archive is on page 2 (list of sold items with prices)
Once you have posted here, feel free to add me in your FL and pm me.
• even if I seem to be in a quest, because I'm using a stock account for trades.
• if you add me and pm right after you post, we could be able to trade much faster. - it's a waste if I'm IG when you post but you don't pm me, and I notice your message only after you disconnect

I accept gold and zkeys (1 zkey=5.5k) as payment.

ScreenshotNameRequiresInscribablePrice -Swords--- Runic Blade 9Yes10k -Shields--- Nothing atm---  -Axes--- Stygian Reaver 10Yes10k Zodiac Axe 10No12k Zodiac Axe 10No12k Zodiac Axe 10No12k -Hammers--- Celestial Hammer 10Yes7k -Bows--- Storm Bow 12Yes8k -Daggers--- Chromium Shards 9Yes10k Salient Daggers 9Yes12k Salient Daggers 10Yes8k -Scythes--- Nothing atm---  -Spears--- Nothing atm---  -Staves--- Platinium Staff 9 inspirationYes10k Zodiac Staff 10 divine favorYes25k -Scepters--- Zodiac Scepter 11 spawing powerYes8k Platinium Wand 9 spawing powerYes8k -Focus--- Nothing atm--- 

As you can see, most of them are gone ! Ty all
ScreenshotNamePrice Warrior    Elementalist    Ranger     Mesmer     Monk     Necromancer     Ritualist     Assassin     Dervish     Paragon     Multiple    

NameQuantityPrice each Elite Necromancer Tome 08k Elite Elementalist Tome 08k Elite Ranger Tome 06k Elite Warrior Tome 05k Elite Mesmer Tome 06k Elite Assassin Tome many25=8e or 3k/ea Elite Dervish Tome 06k Elite Monk Tome 07k Elite Paragon Tome 06k Elite Ritualist Tome 010k

NameQuantityPrice Regular MatsFair price depending on NPC (example : npc sells 10 mats at 200g, and buys 10 mats at 100g. Stack price = 25*((200+100)/2)=3750) Piles of Glitteting Dust0 stack  Chitin Fragments0 stack  Bolts of Cloth4 stacks  Plant Fibers0 stack  Scales0 stack  Granite Slabs0 stack  Feathers0 stack  Tanned Hide Squares0 stack  Bones1 stack  Iron Ingot0 stack  Wood Plank0 stack  Rare MatsPrice each depends on npc trader, pm me Monstrous Claw4- Monstrous Fang7- Monstrous Eye5-    Elonian Leather Square0- Leather Square16- Bolt of Damask0- Roll of Vellum3- Bolt Of Silk378- Fur Square250- Bolt of Linen30- Roll of Parchment88-    Steel Ingot84- Deldrimor Steel Ingot5- Lump of Charcoal3- Spiritwood Planks14- Vial of Ink0- Tempered Glass Vials2-    Diamond2- Onyx Gemstone8- Ruby11- Sapphire9- Obsidian Shard5- Jadeite Shards4- Amber Chunks32- Glob of Ectoplasm0only zkeys 3:4

NameEffectQuantityPrice each "Have Faith"Energy +5/enchant1500g Staff Wrapping of Fire MagicFire +1/20%12k Defensive Staff HeadArmor +51500g Wand Wrapping of QuickeningHSR all 10%2500g Shocking Sword HiltLightning Damage1800g Ebon Sword HiltEarth Damage1800g Silencing BowstringDaze +33%1500g Fiery SpearheadFire Damage21k Crippling Scythe SnatheCripple +33%11k

NameDed/UndedColorQuantityPrice each Miniature Cloudtouched SimianUndedicatedWhite115k      Miniature Burning TitanDedicatedPurple1500g Miniature Charr ShamanDedicatedPurple1500g Miniature NornbearDedicatedPurple12k Miniature Palawa JokoDedicatedPurple11k      Miniature RaptorDedicatedWhite21k Miniature Fire DrakeDedicatedWhite14k Miniature ElfDedicatedWhite21k Miniature MursaatDedicatedWhite22k Miniature Harpy RangerDedicatedWhite11k Miniature Forest MinotaurDedicatedWhite11k Miniature KveldulfDedicatedWhite11k Miniature Dredge BruteDedicatedWhite11k Miniature IrukandjiDedicatedWhite11k Miniature Terrorweb DryderDedicatedWhite11k Miniature Krait NeossDedicatedWhite11k Miniature Summit Giant HerderDedicatedWhite13k 3 or more ded white pets-half price  

NameQuantityPrice each Trick or Treat Bag526904e/stack Lockpick20+1.2k Blue Rock Candy351.2k Red Rock Candy102.5k Unidentified Golds (unids) (only Z drops : incribable)0+7=1zkey Top Left Map Piece2200g Top Right Map Piece3200g Bottom Right Map Piece1500g

Note : this is a new thread since the old one was bugged (couldn't edit anymore because of 500 server errors).
Old thread now contains my list of sold stuff : http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/c...t10486539.html



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2009

GMT +2

I will take the 2 draconic req 10 command and 9 tactics(?)

IGN Gnar Polerid


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2010


I'll take both magmas shields for 100k?

ign: Tkd Spartan

Dar Drakor

Dar Drakor

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2008

Ancient Dragon Disciples [ADD]


Ill take the q9 strength emblazoned defender for your bo of 20k

Ign Dar Drakor...on between 9:30pm and 1:30am EST on weekdays, more flexible on weekends.

EDIT: TYVM for the trade.

Amber Probe

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2011


I'll take the Traveler's Walking Stick for 10k.

<--- IGN.

Very fast, thanks.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2011

Monstrum Apis


I would need Elite Necromancer Tome 7k

IGN Zaina Lumley. Thanks!

Edit: Very fast and nice trade. Thanks!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2005

GMT -7

I'll buy the q10 inscribable celestial sword for 10k.

ign: zk anubarak



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2008

Ign: Miniature Julia

Teh Academy[PhD]


Id love to buy all your unids but for platinum/ectos instead.
I'm sure we can work something out, so please pm me in game @ Miniature Julia

to keep this an legit post

Bo the unids..

A+++ on Eowin's trade!
firstly, he didnt run off after i gave him all zkeys pre trade.
Secondly , very patient(1006+ unid takes its time..)
Third, a very nice player, would invite my alt's without any hassle!


Elad Agilaz

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2010


Divine favor platinum staff please.

Elad Agilaz

Grumpy Bear

Grumpy Bear

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2008




Dom CC 30 ZKeys and Water CC 20k.

IGN:Hunni Cakes.

Thank you



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2010



r10 Pyroclastic Axe - 15k

IGN : Escada Assassin



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2011



hello i want this:

Destructive Blade
Mallyx's Courage
Cyndr's Edge
Antiquated Staff
Amadis' Air Staff
Traveler's Bo Staff
Elite Dervish Tome x3

ign King Traf

Wall of Defens

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2012


q13 guardian of the hunt
q9 celestial axe


IGN: Wall of Defens


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2011


Gemset 22 2 zkeys

for 44 Z-Keys

ign miyu kin


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2011

New Zealand


Hey could I get the q9 Strength Gloom Shield (doesn't matter which)

IGN: Ragnar Lodbroock

EDIT: Fast trade, thanks.

Ethos N F


Join Date: Feb 2011

West Coast, USA.

흐 Stealing Society 흐 [StS]


Hey, I'll take these three off your hands.

Amadis' Air Staff
Modoss' Focus
Wand Wrapping of Memory

IGN: Ethos N F

Poon O Graphy

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006



3k for guardian of the hunt

IGN: newbminer with coke

a reward of death

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2012


can i take the plaugebinder?


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2006


B/O: 15K Fiery Stygian Reaver Req 9

IGN: Eternal Seven



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2010

Muppets Versus Muppets [MvM]


r9 str Gloom Shield b/o 8k
r11 tac Sea Purse Shield b/o 11k
r9 tac Kappa shield b/o 5k
r10 tac Kappa Shield b/o 2k

IGN: Telaesa Dreakano

Rinoa Dawson

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2009




1x Elite Warr Tome

IGN: Rinoa Shield


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2011


Req 11 strength Guardian of the Hunt: 10k please

IGN: Araba The Elf


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2010


Q13 Magma Sheild (And Kappa Sheilds if still have them)

IGN: Alyria Luana

Eowin Of Rohan

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2009

The White Seed

This is archive : those items were sold, I don't have them anymore.
Archive does not include mats/unids/tomes/other stackable : I just update numbers in main thread when some are sold, I don't move items to archive

I may not update archive as often as main post.

Draconic Aegis 10 commandYes40k Draconic Aegis 10 commandYes40k Guardian of the Hunt 13 tacticsYes2k Celestial Axe 9Yes8k Pyroclastic Axe 10Yes15k Emblazoned Defender 9 strengthYes20k Celestial Compass 11 dominationYes25e or 30 zkeys Celestial Compass 13 waterYes20k Gloom Shield 9 strengthYes8k Platinium Staff 9 divine favorYes10k Guardian of the Hunt 13 strengthYes5k Stygian Reaver 9Yes15k Gloom Shield 9 strengthYes8k Kappa Shield 9 tacticsYes5k Kappa Shield 10 tacticsYes2k Sea Purse Shield 11 tacticsYes5k Guardian of the Hunt 11 strengthYes10k Magmas Shield 13 strengthYes10k Celestial Sword 10Yes10k Chromium Shards 9Yes10k Magmas Shield 9 strengthYes55k Colossal Scimitar 9Yes8k Draconic Aegis 9 motivationYes50k Mursaat Hammer 9Yes20k Tetsubo Hammer 9Yes15k Icy Blade Axe 9Yes8k Fiery Blade Axe 9Yes5k Fellblade 9Yes15k Dragon's Breath Wand 9 fire magicYes10k Ancient Scythe (rare) 9Yes5k Iridescent Aegis 9 commandYes5k Celestial Longbow 10Yes10k Icy Dragon Sword 9Yes10k Fiery Dragon Sword 9Yes8k Emblazoned Defender 9 tacticsYes10k Draconic Aegis 11 commandYes40k Onyx Staff 9 divine favorYes10k Pyroclastic Axe 10Yes15k Emblazoned Defender 13 strengthYes3k Celestial Shield 11 strengthYes8k Amethyst Aegis 10 tacticsYes15k Draconic Aegis 13 motivationYes20k Guardian of the Hunt 12 strengthYes8k Magmas Shield 10 strengthYes35k Stygian Reaver 12Yes5k Platinium Wand 9 dominationYes8k Magmas Shield 9 strengthYes55k Dragon Kamas 10Yes15k Chromium Shards 9Yes10k Platinium Staff 9 divine favorYes10k Platinium Staff 9 soul reapingYes10k Storm Bow 10Yes20k Celestial Compass 9 bloodYes15zkeys or 100k Magmas Shield 9 strengthYes55k Stygian Reaver 11Yes8k Salient Daggers 12Yes5k Celestial Longbow 9Yes15k Celestial Shield 10 strengthYes10k Ancient Scythe (rare) 9Yes5k Ancien Shield 10 tacticsYes5k Stygian Reaver 10Yes10k Shield of the Lion 10 StrengthYes5k Stilletos 9Yes8k Diamond Aegis 10 tacticsYes3k Celestial Compass 13 smiting prayersYes30k Cobalt Staff 10 inspirationYes20k Celestial Compass 13 soul reapingYes30k Draconic Aegis 12 strengthYes45k Draconic Aegis 9 tacticsYes100k or 18zkeys Stygian Reaver 11Yes8k Insectoid Staff 12 soul reapingYes12k Platinium Staff 9 soul reapingYes10k Platinium Staff 9 energy storageYes10k Platinium Longbow 9Yes5k Zodiac Sword 12Yes15k Emblazoned Defender 9 strengthYes20k Emblazoned Defender 10 strengthYes12k Emblazoned Defender 10 tacticsYes5k Emblazoned Defender 10 tacticsYes5k Emblazoned Defender 10 strengthYes12k Emblazoned Defender 10 strengthYes12k Celestial Longbow 9Yes15k Celestial Longbow 9Yes15k Dragon Spire Staff 9 inspirationYes5k Celestial Hammer 11Yes2k Celestial Daggers 13Yes3k Celestial Shield 10 strengthYes10k Amethyst Aegis 12 commandYes8k Demon Tongue Scythe 9Yes30k Shadow Blade 9No8k Embossed Aegis 9 strengthYes15k Storm Bow 10Yes20k Eternal Bow 13Yes8k Gothic Sword 9Yes10k Platinium Wand 9 energy storgageYes8k Salient Daggers 10Yes8k Fiery Blade Axe 9Yes5k Crested Machete 9Yes4k Fiery Embersteel Blade10Yes10k Aureate Aegis 10 commandYes15k Elemental Sword 9Yes5k Zodiac Scepter 9 spawing powerYes25k Guardian of the Hunt 10 strengthYes20k Dragon Spire Staff 11 inspirationYes2k Scarabshell Aegis 9 commandYes25k Plagueborn Shield 13 tacticsNo15k Guardian of the Hunt 9 tacticsYes15k Guardian of the Hunt 9 tacticsYes15k Celestial Compass 13 smiting prayersYes30k Platinium Wand 9 energy storgageYes8k Onyx Staff 9 energy storageYes10k Draconic Aegis 12 strengthYes45k Draconic Aegis 12 strengthYes45k Demonic Aegis 9 commandYes20k Shadow Shield 9 commandYes20k Chaos Axe 9Yes55k Celestial Compass 12 earth magicYes40k Draconic Aegis 9 strengthYes25e or 33zkeys Magma Shield 12 strengthYes18k Embossed Aegis 9 strengthYes20k Guardian of the Hunt 10 strengthYes25k Twin Hammer 9Yes8k Runic Blade 9Yes10k Dragon's Breath Wand 9 fire magicYes10k Shadow Staff 9 energy storageYes5k Fiery Embersteel Blade10Yes10k Embossed Aegis 9 tacticsYes15k Tetsubo Hammer 10Yes10k Goldhorn Staff 9 inspirationYes25k Draconic Aegis 9 commandYes100k Guardian of the Hunt 13 strengthYes8k Ascalon Razor 9Yes3k Platinium Wand 9 spawing powerYes8k Celestial Shield 9 tacticsNo10k Storm Bow 9Yes50k Storm Bow 10Yes20k Golden Phoenix Blade 13Yes6k Dragon Spire Staff 9 inspirationYes5k Kappa Shield 10 strengthYes8k Zodiac Staff 9 divine favorYes40k Fiery Dragon Sword 9Yes8k Gladius 9Yes5k Guardian of the Hunt 12 strengthYes10k Celestial Shield 10 strengthYes10k Eternal Shield 9 strengthYes50k Celestial Longbow 11Yes10k Zodiac Longbow 9No40k Celestial Daggers 9Yes15k Salient Daggers 10Yes8k The Bison Cup 9 primary500g  The Bison Cup 9 primary500g  Storm Bow 12Yes8k Ancient Shield 9 commandYes15k Igneous Blade 9Yes3k Echovald Shield 10 tacticsNo10k Eternal Bow 11Yes20k Grinning Recurve Bow 9No5k Dusk Blade 9Yes5k Eternal Shield 11 strengthYes20k Salient Daggers 9Yes12k Zodiac Axe 10No12k Zodiac Axe 13Yes5k Halo Axe 13Yes2k Eternal Shield 9 commandYes50k Celestial Compass 11 cursesYes100k Celestial Compass 13 fast castingYes30k Marble Hammer 9No10k Guardian of the Hunt 10 tacticsYes8.5k Celestial Daggers 10Yes8k Emblazoned Defender 9 strengthYes20k Pyroclastic Axe 11Yes12k Dragoncrest Axe 10No15k Stygian Reaver 10Yes10k Platinium Staff 9 inspirationYes10k Halo Axe 9Yes8k Storm Bow 12Yes8k Ghostly Staff 9 soul reapingYes50k Icy Blade Axe 10Yes5k Icy Blade Axe 10Yes5k Zodiac Axe 11No12k Zodiac Hammer 10No10k Chromium Shards 9Yes10k Gothic Sword 9No8k Storm Bow 12Yes8k

ScreenshotNamePrice Warrior Destructive Blade5k Mallyx's Courage8k Cyndr's Edge2.5k Murakai's Reaver2k Rocktail's Stinger4k Rocktail's Stinger4k Shiro's Sword2k Mallyx's Maul2k Victo's Maul3k    Elementalist Antiquated Staff3k Amadis' Air Staff8k Modoss' Focus300g Antiquated Staff3k Ilsundur's Focus500g Ilsundur's Rod2k Cyndr's Heart1k Lian's Lantern2k    Ranger  Stinger1k Jin's Hornbow500g Meynsang's Longbow1k Mallyx's Recurve Bow1k Tenshek's Shortbow3k Benwah's Recurve Bow1k Ironwing Flatbow4k Johon's Longbow2k Chehbaba's Longbow1k Chehbaba's Longbow1k Jin's Hornbow500g    Mesmer  Stygian Wand500g Illyana's Mirror2k    Monk  Ssuns' Staff10k Zinjuu's Sanctuary300g Zinjuu's Sanctuary300g Hukhrah's Staff (x3)2k Mungri's Flame1k Heart of the Kinslayer1k Wroth's Holy Rod4k Hukhrah's Staff2k    Necromandcer  Plaguebinder2k Mallyx's Spite1k Sehden's Mark3k Konrru's Fervor1k Fendi's Focus500g Fendi's Focus500g Fendi's Rod500g    Ritualist  Stygian Scepter300g Stygian Scepter300g Stygian Scepter300g    Assassin  Claws of the Broodmother500g    Dervish  Droknar's Edge5k Stygian Scythe4k    Paragon  Turep's Spear2k Cyndr's Aegis3k Stygian Spear3k Toshau's Spear5k    Multiple  Traveler's Bo Staff20k Traveler's Walking Stick10k Traveler's Walking Stick10k Traveler's Bo Staff20k

NameEffectQuantityPrice each Hammer Grip of Fortitude+30 hp11k "Master of My Domain"Attribute +1/20%11k Sword Pommel of Fortitude+30 hp22.5k Fiery Axe HaftFire Damage1500g Zealous Axe Haft1/-1 zeal1500g "Let the Memory Live Again"HSR all 10%1500g Shocking Dagger TangLightning Damage11k Axe Grip of Enchanting11k  Focus Core of Fortitude+30 hp11k Sundering Axe Haft20/2021k Sundering Hammer Haft20/2011k Sundering Dagger Tang20/2011k Furious Sword HiltDouble adre 10%11k "I have the power!"Energy +5 (martial)11k "Seize the Day"Energy +15/-111k Bow Grip of Fortitude+30 hp11.5k Sundering Sword Hilt20/2024k Ebon Scythe SnatheEarth Damage12k Vampiric Sword Hilt3/-1 vamp11.5k "Master of My Domain"Attribute +1/20%21k Hale Staff Head+30 hp11.5k Bow Grip of MarksmanshipMarksmanship +1/20%1800g Focus Core of SwiftnessHCT all 10%11k Vampiric Dagger Tang3/-1 vamp11k Fiery Axe HaftFire Damage1500g

NameDed/UndedColorQuantityPrice each Miniature FreezieUndedicatedPurple130k Miniature ElfUndedicatedPurple120k      Miniature Dredge BruteUndedicatedWhite118k Miniature IrukandjiUndedicatedWhite111k Miniature Wind RiderUndedicatedWhite14k Miniature Forest MinotaurUndedicatedWhite114k Miniature Thorn WolfUndedicatedWhite18k Miniature Terrorweb DryderUndedicatedWhite120k Miniature Mandragor ImpUndedicatedWhite17k Miniature Desert GriffonUndedicatedWhite123k      Miniature M.O.X.DedicatedGreen140k Miniature YakkingtonDedicatedGreen180k Brown RabbitDedicatedGold120k Miniature OolaDedicatedPurple18k

NameQuantityPrice each Gemset 222 zkeys Vial of Dye [White]26pm me Vial of Dye [Black]16pm me Silver Zaishen Coinhundreds3=1zkey - I now sell them IG Powerstone of Courage33.5k Consset29k Diessa Chalice18k Golden Rin Relic18k Trade Contrat3500k Perfect Salvage Kit122k Powerstone of Courage23.5k Ghastly Summoning Stone53k Lunar Fortune [Year of the Dragon]2211221e total Everlasting Razah Tonic160k Everlasting Abominable Tonic1100k Kappa Polymock Piece1500g Mirage Iboga Polymock Piece15k Earth Elemental Polymock Piece12k Bison Championship Token55=4k

Ghostface killah

Ghostface killah

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

Killah Hills 10304



I'll take the chromium shards n2 ( with +30 hp )

I pm you IG


Trade done, thank you



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2007


I Nemesis I (DuEL)


Req9 Magmas Shield -------- 55k
IGN: Justin Pendragon


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2008

Colossal Scimitar 9 8k

IGN - ****************

Fire Turok

Fire Turok

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2008

Thieves of Fire


B/O on r9 draconic aegis motivation
Ign; fire can kill you



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2009



ill take an elite mes tome

ign warrior roo



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2008



B/O all red rocks and Blue rocks

IGN Chorseman Derio



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

I'll take those:

B/O: Tetsubo Hammer (15k)
B/O: Mursaat Hammer (20k)
Hammer Grip of Fortitude (1k)

IGN: Betes The Punisher

Trade done, very fast, thank you!

Ghostface killah

Ghostface killah

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

Killah Hills 10304



I'll take all white dyes


Trade done, thanks


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2008

Ill take Icy Blade Axe q9 (8k) and Fiery Blade Axe q9 (5k)

IGN: Scout Master Syra



Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2011

Louisiana, US

Pain Train Choo [Choo]

I'll take two Elite Monk Tomes for 12k.

Review: Fast service, was quick to contact me and put the trade through. Thanks again!

IGN: Christophe Van Fray


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2012

i will take q9 fellblade

IGN: Alo Hosaf



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006


Arutha's Gatekeepers


Il take master of my domain x1 please

Fey eventine



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005


Thanks, very fast trade.

Lancer Crimson

Lancer Crimson

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2009


Thanks for the Quick sale
Essence of Broccoli

Happy King Percy

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2012

Awesome, Texas

United Freedom Champions


I will take the Icy celestial longbow of enchanting... So that's 10k


Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2012

elite ranger tome + murakais reaver

ign: death iluc

added: need a elite monk tome now also