200+ ToT bags stacks | Golds Weapons | Elite A tomes | Misc
Tenshek's Shortbow
IGN: Hope Moonbow
IGN: Hope Moonbow
Fitz Chivalry
b;o Stilletos 8K + shocking dagger tang 1k
Fitz Fiyero
Fitz Fiyero
The Serious Monk
b/o on q10 tac diamond aegis please
ign: The Serious Monk
ign: The Serious Monk

Nicey Spachos
Cobalt Staff r10 inspiration 20k
IGN: Taijutsu Master
IGN: Taijutsu Master

I'll take the r13 Celestial Compass
IGN: Sithas Darkhalf
IGN: Sithas Darkhalf
Anakita Snakecharm
Ziinjuu's Sanctuary 300g
Hukhrah's Staff 2k
Elite Necromancer Tome 7k (Total: 10.3k)
IGN: Anakita Snakecharm

I'd like to purchase as many lockpicks as I can for 1.2k ea.
IGN Sol Auriga
IGN Sol Auriga
Offer on all diamonds - 3.5k ea.
Will take the Forest Minotaur as well - 14k
IGN: Pyro Infinity
EDIT: Fast trader, thanks
Will take the Forest Minotaur as well - 14k
IGN: Pyro Infinity
EDIT: Fast trader, thanks
Cassiel valor
B/o R13smite CC 30k.
IGN The Zealot of Light
IGN The Zealot of Light
Julius Spartacus
45k on draconic shield str 12 with 45hp in stance
Charlie Dayman
Insectoid Staff 12 soul reaping - 12k
IGN: Iron Butted Warrior
IGN: Iron Butted Warrior
King Of The Abyss
B/o q9 tact draconic aegis. IGN - Sin of the Abyss
Stygian Reaver and axe grip of enchanting
IGN: Kovu Saratan
IGN: Kovu Saratan
removed request.
Eowin Of Rohan
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edit : updated thread with many new items
edit : updated thread with many new items
R9 plat bow, R9 play staff soul reaping, R9 plat staff of water magic, sundering axe hafts (both), 20 lockpicks B/o's.
50k for all sound ok?
IGN Celibi Nightshadow
50k for all sound ok?
IGN Celibi Nightshadow
Offer 15k on Elf.
IGN: Zai Laeya
IGN: Zai Laeya
Cassiel valor
b/o on the Zodiac Sword.
Eowin Of Rohan
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I will take 20x lockpick
IGN Rainhare Silverdoe
IGN Rainhare Silverdoe
i offer 1015e on all TOTs
I'll take Heart of the Kinslayer 
IGN: Darkshade Solouwftw

IGN: Darkshade Solouwftw
4 Elite Necro Tomes - 7k each
IGN: Eleman Dislikes Pve
IGN: Eleman Dislikes Pve
If you happen to take offers, I'd love to buy your all your "Unidentified Golds (unids)", 7=5k.
Alyssa Bernal
Alyssa Bernal
I would like these please 
celestial shield (10 str) 10k
celestial hammer 2k
celestial daggers r13 3k
mallyx's maul 2k
ironwing flatbow 4k
Furious Sword Hilt 1k
Sundering Dagger Tang 1k
IGN: Memitim x

celestial shield (10 str) 10k
celestial hammer 2k
celestial daggers r13 3k
mallyx's maul 2k
ironwing flatbow 4k
Furious Sword Hilt 1k
Sundering Dagger Tang 1k
IGN: Memitim x
Illyana's Mirror 2k
Wroth's Holy Rod 4k
Hukhrah's Staff 2k
Sehden's Mark 3k
Konrru's Fervor 1k
Fendi's Focus 500g
Fendi's Focus 500g
Fendi's Rod 500g
Stygian Scepter 300g
Stygian Scepter 300g
14.1k altogether
ign Sharra Blackwyn
Wroth's Holy Rod 4k
Hukhrah's Staff 2k
Sehden's Mark 3k
Konrru's Fervor 1k
Fendi's Focus 500g
Fendi's Focus 500g
Fendi's Rod 500g
Stygian Scepter 300g
Stygian Scepter 300g
14.1k altogether
ign Sharra Blackwyn
Kendal The Healer
Blue Rock Candy 25 1.2k (30k)
Red Rock Candy 15 2.5k (37.5k)
Conset 2 9k (18k)
Powerstone of Courage 2 3.5k (7k)
IGN : Kendal The Healer
Red Rock Candy 15 2.5k (37.5k)
Conset 2 9k (18k)
Powerstone of Courage 2 3.5k (7k)
IGN : Kendal The Healer
I just bought Zodiac Scepter q9 insc. Fast trade, friendly trader and a fair price.
Cassiel valor
I'll b/o the smite cc
I'll buy your two GOtH q9 tactics, 15k each ~ PM ME
IG: Montinouw I
I'll buy your two GOtH q9 tactics, 15k each ~ PM ME

IG: Montinouw I
thank you !!!!
Retract, Item already sold.
Just bought some cheap salient daggers, will be buying more soon I think.
EDITED by Darcy for the following Guidelines Violation: NON BID Post a bid or do not post Advice, questions and comments should be done via private message, ingame whispers, or email In short: post your bid, your IGN and contact information and nothing else or you risk a ban Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.
EDITED by Darcy for the following Guidelines Violation: NON BID Post a bid or do not post Advice, questions and comments should be done via private message, ingame whispers, or email In short: post your bid, your IGN and contact information and nothing else or you risk a ban Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.
Cruel Salient Daggers of Defense - 12k, if available
IGN - Quanta Renatus
IGN - Quanta Renatus
I'll take one top right map piece, and one top left map piece. 200g/ea as stated.
IGN - Ragnarr Shadows
IGN - Ragnarr Shadows
.... sorry .....
I will take your polymock pieces for a total of 7.5k.
IGN: Lela of Gale
IGN: Lela of Gale
Eowin Of Rohan
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B/o on all Rock Candys Red and Blue
IGN Davan Deadlyknight
IGN Davan Deadlyknight