200+ ToT bags stacks | Golds Weapons | Elite A tomes | Misc
Nemesis of God
Iridescent Aegis 9 command Yes 5k
IGN: Make Wars Not Peace
IGN: Make Wars Not Peace
I'll take your icy dragon sword and fire dragon sword for a total of 18k
IGN: Eddara Tallhart
Ediit: Thank you for the fast trade.
IGN: Eddara Tallhart
Ediit: Thank you for the fast trade.
Emblazoned Defender -q9 Tactics - 10k
IGN: Eleman Dislikes Pve
IGN: Eleman Dislikes Pve
id like freezie and dredge brute both unded pls. ign: Sabriel of Aeron
Ic Zero
Draconic Aegis 13 motivation Yes 20k
IGN: Christie Soulreaper
IGN: Christie Soulreaper
Anakita Snakecharm
Ziinjuu's Sanctuary 300g
Jin's Hornbow 500g
Meynsang's Longbow 1k
Stinger 1k
Antiquated Staff 3k (Total: 7.8k)
IGN: Anakita Snakecharm

WTB all chitin, Plant fibers, scales, and powerstones
IGN: Chorseman Derio
IGN: Chorseman Derio
Command Draconic
IGN: Da Sonic
IGN: Da Sonic
**retract, attained a pair from guildy
Our Blood
i'll buy the Req 12 Stygian Reaver 5k
won't be online today, but tomorow i will
ign: Our Blood
won't be online today, but tomorow i will
ign: Our Blood
Eowin Of Rohan
|─→ bump ←─|
edit : sold following to someone who couldn't post here
-> q10 pyroclastic axe
-> q13 tactics emblazoned defender
-> q11 str celestial shield
-> q10 tactics amethist aegis
-> q13 motiv draconic
-> q12 str guardian of the hunt
-> q10 str magma shield
I saw someone bid on the q13 draconic before today, I'm really sorry I didn't remember that when that guy came and bought so many items.
I have more draconic coming with next big update, but no other motivation (q9 tac and q12 str)
edit : sold following to someone who couldn't post here
-> q10 pyroclastic axe
-> q13 tactics emblazoned defender
-> q11 str celestial shield
-> q10 tactics amethist aegis
-> q13 motiv draconic
-> q12 str guardian of the hunt
-> q10 str magma shield
I saw someone bid on the q13 draconic before today, I'm really sorry I didn't remember that when that guy came and bought so many items.
I have more draconic coming with next big update, but no other motivation (q9 tac and q12 str)
q9 Domination Magic Platinum Wand - 8k
edit// thank you
edit// thank you

Kendal The Healer
Powerstone of Courage 1 3.5k
IGN : Kendal The Healer
IGN : Kendal The Healer
Ill take the Divine Favour Onyx Staff
IGN Raww Im A Monk
IGN Raww Im A Monk
Ill buy all of your red and blue rock candies please
EDIT: Extremely fast and friendly trade.
EDIT: Extremely fast and friendly trade.
Anakita Snakecharm
Stygian Scythe 4k IGN: Anakita Snakecharm

10x Diamonds
8x Onyx
And any granite or iron goats you may have around
10x Diamonds
8x Onyx
And any granite or iron goats you may have around
magmas shiled (any )
ing : Ceremonial Caster
ing : Ceremonial Caster
Dragon Kamas 10 Yes 15k
Chromium Shards 9 Yes 10k
Storm Bow 10 Yes 20k
Platinium Staff 9 divine favor Yes 10k
Platinium Staff 9 soul reaping Yes 10k
IGN: Lillium Elessa
Chromium Shards 9 Yes 10k
Storm Bow 10 Yes 20k
Platinium Staff 9 divine favor Yes 10k
Platinium Staff 9 soul reaping Yes 10k
IGN: Lillium Elessa
Amber Probe
I'll take Traveler's Walking Stick and Traveler's Bo Staff if you still have em.
Ill take Illsunder's Rod, Focus, Cyndr's heart, Stygian Wand
Kiona Svitkona
Kiona Svitkona
I'll take both Sword Pommel of Fortitude's
IGN: Josh Cooper
IGN: Josh Cooper
B/O Magmas Shield, 55k
Hypnotic Hannah
Hypnotic Hannah
Almost Blink Jr
I'll take all of your minipets IGN: Almost Blink Jr
can i get a rocktail for 2k? it's literally all i have, if not i'll try save up.
"rancid sporkor"
"rancid sporkor"
Sir Lester Burnham
mallyx's recurve bow b/o 1k
rocktail's stinger b/o 4k
ign- sir lester burnham
rocktail's stinger b/o 4k
ign- sir lester burnham
Fitz Chivalry
b/o 2x hUKhrah's staff
b/o 3 x Elite assassin
fitz fiyero
b/o 3 x Elite assassin
fitz fiyero
Runic Blade
IGN:Zorrosa Tempest.
IGN:Zorrosa Tempest.
Refugee Of The Storms
I will take 14 unid golds for 2 zkeys

Eowin Of Rohan
|─→ bump ←─|
-runic blade is still available, Slowpokeking found one IG before I connected.
-minis are still available, Almost Blink Jr is most obviously a fake bidder (or has broken logic)
-runic blade is still available, Slowpokeking found one IG before I connected.
-minis are still available, Almost Blink Jr is most obviously a fake bidder (or has broken logic)
crippling salient daggers of warding for 4k.
IGN: Crimz Sanguine
IGN: Crimz Sanguine
Bookah Brat
Miniature Oola 8k
ign: bookah brat
thanks for fast sale!
ign: bookah brat
thanks for fast sale!
I will take sundering celestial longbow of fortitude for 15k.
IGN: Lela of Gale
IGN: Lela of Gale
Sir Lester Burnham
mungri's flame 1k
q10 strength celestial shield of devotion 10k
q10 strength celestial shield of devotion 10k
10k for fiery elemental sword.
IGN: Keo The Healer
IGN: Keo The Healer
Anakita Snakecharm

I'll take 1x Stygian Scepter, Mallyx' Spite, and the Ancient Scythe.
IGN: Xai Xo
IGN: Xai Xo
5k for the Ancient Shield.
ign : I Azumis I
edit : thanks for the quick trade
ign : I Azumis I
edit : thanks for the quick trade
Death Aproaches
b/o q10 stygian reaver + zeal for axe please
"Let the Memory Live Again"
Miniature Irukandji
Miniature Wind Rider
15.5k total
IGN: Uber Was Paine
Edit: Thx
"Let the Memory Live Again"
Miniature Irukandji
Miniature Wind Rider
15.5k total
IGN: Uber Was Paine
Edit: Thx