200+ ToT bags stacks | Golds Weapons | Elite A tomes | Misc
Eowin Of Rohan
Last update : 11 mars 2012
- 52690 ToT bags : 4e/stack
- lots of Elite Assassin Tomes, 25=8e
• I keep this thread up to date, so items which are not stroken are most likely available, unless someone bid on them in one of the last messages.Featured
- 52690 ToT bags : 4e/stack
- lots of Elite Assassin Tomes, 25=8e
• I update the list about once every 3 trades.
• I add new items when I have about 1 Xunlai pane to add. Last groups of items :- 11 mar 2012 : elite assassin tomes, rock candies, lockpicks
- 02 mar 2012 : 19 golds, 1 stack feathers, EL Razah, 6 elite tomes, 390 unids, 1 mini
- 26 feb 2012 : 25 golds, 19 elite tomes, 1 stack feathers.
- 20 feb 2012 : 2211 lunar fortunes, raised unids total to 667, 20 more lockpicks, 7 greens, 15 red & 25 blue candies, 3 elite tomes, 3 cool ded & 4 unded minis, many misc. things• Archive is on page 2 (list of sold items with prices)
• even if I seem to be in a quest, because I'm using a stock account for trades.
• if you add me and pm right after you post, we could be able to trade much faster. - it's a waste if I'm IG when you post but you don't pm me, and I notice your message only after you disconnect
I accept gold and zkeys (1 zkey=5.5k) as payment.

ScreenshotNameRequiresInscribablePrice -Swords---

As you can see, most of them are gone ! Ty all


NameQuantityPrice each Elite Necromancer Tome 08k Elite Elementalist Tome 08k Elite Ranger Tome 06k Elite Warrior Tome 05k Elite Mesmer Tome 06k Elite Assassin Tome many25=8e or 3k/ea Elite Dervish Tome 06k Elite Monk Tome 07k Elite Paragon Tome 06k Elite Ritualist Tome 010k

NameQuantityPrice Regular MatsFair price depending on NPC (example : npc sells 10 mats at 200g, and buys 10 mats at 100g. Stack price = 25*((200+100)/2)=3750)
