"All is Mine!" Is basically an Insanely powerful IWAY? Interesting... Although, whats the point of gaining adrenaline if you can't use an attack skill?
Soul Gathering {E}
Attribute: Soul Reaping
Enchantment Spell
For [10...40] Seconds, whenever a creature near you dies, you are healed for [10...30] Health.
I thought this up a while ago, a way in which Soul reaping also heals you when stuff dies.
Gravekeeper's Vengance
Attribute: Death Magic
Enchantment Spell
Whilst Enchanted with this spell, you suffer from -1 Helath regeneration. When you die, the creature that kills you is enchanted with it, and a further -2 Health regeneration is added. Whenever the creature enchanted with this dies, it is passed to the creature that killed it, and a further -2 Health regeneration is added.
This one is more for PvP. I guess it's pretty situational as a PvE move, but could be pretty useful if you're about to die.
Hex Shield {E}
Attribute: Protection Magic
Enchantment Spell
for [5...10] Seconds, the next time you are the target of a hex spell, that hex fails and the caster is hexed with that spell.
Signet of Dwayana
No Attribute
You are healed for 15 health for each 'healthy' ally in the area. A 'healthy' ally is an ally with health above 50%.
A nice self-heal skill to reward good healers

Maybe a bit overpowered in large teams though.
Illusion of Mana
Attribute: Illusion Magic
Enchantment Spell
For [10...30] Seconds, you benefit from +2 Energy Regeneration. When this spell ends, you suffer from -1 Energy Regeneration and Exhaustion for [5...15] Seconds.
Power Shock {E}
Attribute: Domination Magic
Target foe takes [20...60] Damage, and loses [3...15] Energy. If target foe is suffering from a Mesmer hex, They are Interupted.
And finally, a skill for any class to use (Like Rez sig)
Signet of Recharge
1s;(Once per adventure: Like Rez sig)
Remove all D.P
^That should stop people from selling Candy Canes for loads