Experience Milestones
My first and favorite character.
Originally Posted by Shanaeri Rynale
Finally made it to 135 elites. (phew flops down on seat)
WHOA! wow....you've been busy havent you That's a character you should really be proud of.
WHOA! wow....you've been busy havent you That's a character you should really be proud of.
Isha [Made]
Kind Of A Big Deal ZOMG whats that?
when you have 1 title at 100%
Reached teh 1mil xp mark *yay*
almost 11 mill
Icy Zephyr
Must... find... Assasin's... Promise...
Must... find... Assasin's... Promise...
Make sure you tell us if you do
Nothing to post yet, slightly under 9m..
Nothing to post yet, slightly under 9m..
ffs. 12m O_O
haha x:
haha x:
Icy Zephyr
I was hoping there would be a title for having everything unlocked that can be got with balth faction, but there isn't =/.
Sai of Winter
Yargh, if I didn't gave up 55 monking I would've had four or five million
If you didn't spend all your time afk, you'd have nine to ten million
1mil seems to be peanuts around here though
Sai of Winter
Originally Posted by Avarre
If you didn't spend all your time afk, you'd have nine to ten million
That's true xD
DFrost: Wow, our Rangers look a lot alike...
Only three or four million experience left to go...
just reached 90% on tyrian character woot!!
Mr D J
holy crap my warrior with fissure, 1 million xp, some lame titles and total account time of 1.5k hours just suck now :X
Icy Zephyr
Looks like Skill Hunter Title Track has chapter 3 Elites factored in ...
Reached 3 gazillion XP.
I think this counts
5 in my language is ha ( Thai )
so that is hahahahahahaha
Originally Posted by Carinae Dragonblood
I think this counts
Damn, you pwn Cantha and Tyria, and nearly 5/5 ....GJ
Damn, you pwn Cantha and Tyria, and nearly 5/5 ....GJ
Wow that was quite a while ago.. forgot I even had this screen until I saw this post
Oh, how my play stlye has changed since then.. used to be an avid mending whammo.. now W/Mo is only used if needed for capping, or if I need a hard res..
I just realized too that this was back before titles were even in GW
Eh nothing special just like that I finally reached 1 mill exp.
this is my ele.. still working on the skill hunter title
The undead Mesmer
After playing on my little necromancer for 300 hours i finnaly got 1 mil exp wooooooooooooootage I am so happy right now.
Originally Posted by Brianna
this is my ele.. still working on the skill hunter title
holey moley and i thought i played a lot. 5,400 in 10 months?!? woah..O_o
The undead Mesmer
a lot of AFKing tan trust me xD nobody plays that much
LiQuId StEeL
Is it wrong that I'm already farming Skill points for Ch3?
<--- Hates faction... I get my UAX through PvE
War should be at 3mil in a few days... assuming I start using him again
<--- Hates faction... I get my UAX through PvE
War should be at 3mil in a few days... assuming I start using him again
Farming points for ch3? You don't even have enough to finish ch1 on 1 char!
I've been exploring and chest running for the last month or so, got 0 xp in that time. Yay. I'll post again when I get a round number and KoaBD (in forever...)
I've been exploring and chest running for the last month or so, got 0 xp in that time. Yay. I'll post again when I get a round number and KoaBD (in forever...)
LiQuId StEeL
Originally Posted by Avarre
Farming points for ch3? You don't even have enough to finish ch1 on 1 char!
I've been exploring and chest running for the last month or so, got 0 xp in that time. Yay. I'll post again when I get a round number and KoaBD (in forever...) I'm already done with the 6 original profs :P
I'll get to the Rit and Ass skills eventually... once I get more char slots
I've been exploring and chest running for the last month or so, got 0 xp in that time. Yay. I'll post again when I get a round number and KoaBD (in forever...) I'm already done with the 6 original profs :P
I'll get to the Rit and Ass skills eventually... once I get more char slots
This is my guy.
Meet Shabby.
Meet Shabby.
-Old 3FL-
hi shabby
Shanaeri Rynale
Been a while, hit 9m a couple of weeks ago. Shame Urgoz and friends don't give the same amount of XP as a fow run
-Old 3FL-
^very nice
!!! aa !!!!
Originally Posted by LiQuId StEeL
Is it wrong that I'm already farming Skill points for Ch3?
<--- Hates faction... I get my UAX through PvE
War should be at 3mil in a few days... assuming I start using him again do you have a life? how could you play that much lol!
none of my chars are even at 1 mill (My Warr is close) and i already have fow armor + 1 mill gold
how much do you have?
<--- Hates faction... I get my UAX through PvE
War should be at 3mil in a few days... assuming I start using him again do you have a life? how could you play that much lol!
none of my chars are even at 1 mill (My Warr is close) and i already have fow armor + 1 mill gold
how much do you have?
LiQuId StEeL
Originally Posted by !!! aa !!!!
do you have a life? how could you play that much lol!
none of my chars are even at 1 mill (My Warr is close) and i already have fow armor + 1 mill gold
how much do you have? Lets not start the "YOU HAVE NO LIFE!" discussion, ok?
because you brought it up, I have spent more money than I can count, and most of it is now in armors (12 15k's, and the good 1/2 of a FoW... and more than enough gold to keep me satisfied in storage). My time in GW is 13 months, and somewhere around 2200hours, a lot of it was idle.
I xp farm to unlock things for PvP, no other reason. And why, might I ask, did you quote my pic? There are people in this thread with 12mil+ on ONE character, which absolutely puts me to shame/jealousy.
As for how I get it... double/triple xp scrolls + trolls = easy 7-10 skill points/hour
none of my chars are even at 1 mill (My Warr is close) and i already have fow armor + 1 mill gold
how much do you have? Lets not start the "YOU HAVE NO LIFE!" discussion, ok?
because you brought it up, I have spent more money than I can count, and most of it is now in armors (12 15k's, and the good 1/2 of a FoW... and more than enough gold to keep me satisfied in storage). My time in GW is 13 months, and somewhere around 2200hours, a lot of it was idle.
I xp farm to unlock things for PvP, no other reason. And why, might I ask, did you quote my pic? There are people in this thread with 12mil+ on ONE character, which absolutely puts me to shame/jealousy.
As for how I get it... double/triple xp scrolls + trolls = easy 7-10 skill points/hour
12m on one char isn't really anything you know... solid farming would get you that quite fast. Most of the people with 9-12m xp farm quite little... what's the point?
LiQuId StEeL
Originally Posted by Avarre
12m on one char isn't really anything you know... solid farming would get you that quite fast. Most of the people with 9-12m xp farm quite little... what's the point?
Exactly. tons of xp /=/ lots of time