Experience Milestones



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005


Originally Posted by Miss Eisei
I feel left out miss and your over half way again theres bri and mctigger who are the other two

You'll catch up one of these days

Bebe Stevems

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006


My exp hasn't really changed much in the last few months since i cut back on farming and 55hp monking. It takes hours and hours to get a single skill point in PVP so unfair... . Missed my 500'th skill point but i got the pick for 7 mill...



Bubblegum Patrol

Join Date: Dec 2005

Singapore Armed Forces

My factions UAS shall not be denied!

434 skill points so far, 3994 deaths.



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2005


Originally Posted by Mandy Memory
LOL 2 mil xp without 200 attribute points... LOL, that's is funny! Nice milestone



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005

a box

I hop around


i played over 1000 hours over the last 8 months and my necro has over 800k ^_^

Rayne Nightfyre

Rayne Nightfyre

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Acolytes of Lyssa [AL]


Originally Posted by Avarre
Curse you Shan, I thought I was catching up

Less than 700k behind now, I'm gaining!

Quote: Originally Posted by Avarre
My factions UAS shall not be denied!

434 skill points so far, 3994 deaths. So as of 3/29 you were 700k behind...then, what, only 4-5 days later you caught up... Jeez that's a lot of farming...

I have to get back on my game then! Not...I'm at about a tenth of what you have right now. The majority of my Mesmer's playing time has been with other people.
But yeah, once I gain a little more xp, I'll feel more comfortable posting my Hero's screen.

Edit: Nice dye combination on your armor, Blue+Black correct? Looks a little too familiar...



Bubblegum Patrol

Join Date: Dec 2005

Singapore Armed Forces

In that picture I'm using blue+purple+green, gives a lighter shiny blue. I'm just standing in a dark place. Switched to Red + Black now because I had some spare black dyes.

The majority of my Mesmer's playing time has been with other people Just because my mesmer tanks 2man uw better than pug monks, doesn't mean you can discriminate

I'm going for 300 skill points by faction release... wish me luck, kekeke.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

500,000xp mark!




Black Beast of Aarrrrgghh

Join Date: May 2005

The Netherlands

The Biggyverse [PLEB] // Servants of Fortuna [SoF]

Originally Posted by dustbunny

321 skill points to acquire all the skills and I bought 60 signets of capture getting ready for chapter 2. ZZZAP! *exploding braincell*

How anyone can get that much XP... That can't be healthy. Or conform EULA...



Bubblegum Patrol

Join Date: Dec 2005

Singapore Armed Forces

I can get 200k a day without too much hassle, a monk could probably get more, lets say 300k a day. Say 10 days for 3 mill then, so thats just 2-3 months of megafarming?

Not that hard




Join Date: Aug 2005

Hong Kong



What about you farming constantly one day...




Bubblegum Patrol

Join Date: Dec 2005

Singapore Armed Forces

300-400k for me, if I tried. I've only done this ONCE (4000k-4400k). It was... not healthy for me



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

Hmm...the troll cave nets approximately 7000xp per run with scrolls. Let's say it takes 3 minutes per run. There are 1440 minutes in 24 hours, so that allows for 480 troll runs per day. 480 * 7000 = 3,360,000xp in one day, so getting to 15 million is "only" 5 days of non-stop troll farming. But that's really not healthy since I didn't allow room for eating or toliet breaks.



Bubblegum Patrol

Join Date: Dec 2005

Singapore Armed Forces

Or sleep. Don't forget that!

Also note there's a percentage of failed runs, chatting, stopping to breathe, sell items, etc...



Pre-Searing Vanquisher

Join Date: Jun 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

I've logged 1.4k hours on my account. 400 of them on Vilaptca. 250 on Sharra. Only like 75 on Nixie...

Apparently I've deleted around 700 hours of game play when I deleted my monk, elementalist, ranger and other necromancer...

Vilaptca is about to hit 1 million xp. Not from solo farming. From PUGing it up in SF, Tombs and henching his way through the whole game. I'm so proud of him.

No screenshots though, because I'm at school...

Rayne Nightfyre

Rayne Nightfyre

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Acolytes of Lyssa [AL]


Lol, there's no way anyone in the right mind would do nothing but solo farm like that... (key phrase: "in the right mind" )

And I wasn't discriminating when I said that the reason for my Mesmer not having that much XP was being in full groups. It's a fact, the only way to get insane amounts of XP is to farm in reduced-size groups, such as soloing or 2-person UW, etc. When you're in a group of 8, your XP is split among all 8 people, and you're lucky to get 25XP per monster. But recently I have been refining my solo builds and am working on building my XP up (who knows, XP may have a use in Factions, such as the /xp emote )

Originally Posted by Avarre
I'm going for 300 skill points by faction release... wish me luck, kekeke. And good luck...



Bubblegum Patrol

Join Date: Dec 2005

Singapore Armed Forces

It's a fact, the only way to get insane amounts of XP is to farm in reduced-size groups, such as soloing or 2-person UW, etc You'd get alot more in fullsize groups doing quests, which is the main source of grouped xp. A single FoW run has 11 quests (total 100k) xp. Do 1-2 of those a day and you're passing my soloxp rate

Rayne Nightfyre

Rayne Nightfyre

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Acolytes of Lyssa [AL]


Very true, but going into Fissure requires America actually having favor
But we have been working on the Titan quests, I just wish they were redo-able, like UW/FoW quests.

Icy Zephyr

Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006


I've been hovering in the 9-million area for a while now, but this thread motivated me to farm the last bit today :

I bought/captured all the skills in a marathon of gaming sessions just before the Sorrows Furnace release when the devs warned us to spend all our skill points since skills would soon be more costly. Of course it turned out to be the opposite for those of us with lots of skills (to the tune of ~300K wasted ).

Rayne Nightfyre

Rayne Nightfyre

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Acolytes of Lyssa [AL]


I reached a "milestone" finally...to have 1/10th of Avarre's xp!

Photoshop? What's that...

But seriously, everything's true except the level and rank.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

Well here's 1/6 of his and Shanaeri's.

BTW Rayne, one more level and you'll be just like an Aatxe!



Bubblegum Patrol

Join Date: Dec 2005

Singapore Armed Forces

Originally Posted by LuxA
Well here's 1/6 of his and Shanaeri's.
Sorry you two, but Shan has 6.7 and I have 6.4... not quite the fractions you list



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005




Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

Originally Posted by Avarre
Sorry you two, but Shan has 6.7 and I have 6.4... not quite the fractions you list Do I hear a challenge?

Shanaeri Rynale

Shanaeri Rynale

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005



Do I hear a challenge? No, not from me -lol. They've been gained from different, but perfectly valid methods.
Mine from doing Pve using non 55/trick builds, Avarre's from farming and trying to develop trick builds(love the 2 person mesmer idea btw).

Apples and Oranges.



Bubblegum Patrol

Join Date: Dec 2005

Singapore Armed Forces

...And the fact that whenever I get close, Shan clears FoW and UW for 200k xp in the time it takes me to log in...

I'm busy this week, so I doubt I'll be able (or even try) to catch up anytime soon. Xp isn't a measure of skill, and I prefer to clear stuff in small groups whereas Shan likes full groups. We still know the areas equally

Shanaeri Rynale

Shanaeri Rynale

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005



Yup, just a shame Anet wont let me by passport control and Avarre is in a LFR (less favored region).

I like full teams of 8, for the social side. I liken it to a stroll in the hills with a group of friends as opposed to a hike with just you and your backpack. Both Valid but suiting different aspects.

Rayne Nightfyre

Rayne Nightfyre

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Acolytes of Lyssa [AL]


A challenge? I give up.
My goal is to have 1,000,000xp to tie my Warrior's and Monk's, then I'm done competing. I about died from boredom farming Trolls just to get 600K.
Having insane amounts of XP usually isn't much more than a statement of how much time one has on their hands. So after my goal is reached, my "55" Stylish Attire will be retired (except for soloing UW when I'm desperate).



Bubblegum Patrol

Join Date: Dec 2005

Singapore Armed Forces

Originally Posted by Shanaeri Rynale
Yup, just a shame Anet wont let me by passport control and Avarre is in a LFR (less favored region).
I'm on America, you're on Europe. Pardon, but I believe you are the one in a less favored region

Originally Posted by rayne2550
My goal is to have 1,000,000xp to tie my Warrior's and Monk's, then I'm done competing. I about died from boredom farming Trolls just to get 600K. Wimp!

Still on my aim for 10,000,000 by the end of the month or slightly afterwards... shall we have a party then? (Shan, you better reach 10m too!)



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005


My goal will be my necro now, high experiance milestones get boring afterwhile, I like the hunt for elite skill capturing on a totally new account ^.^
ZoMG I unlocked a fiery sword hilt! kewl!

I hope you dont listen to Guild Wars music when farming, you would die of boredom quickly... personally I have sound tracks for what I do on Guild Wars... but thats a little off topic.



Bubblegum Patrol

Join Date: Dec 2005

Singapore Armed Forces

I hope you dont listen to Guild Wars music when farming I do. If you aren't sleepy while farming, you haven't been farming long enough..



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Sooner Nation


aww yeah. 1mil xp today!...now for fissure of woe armor..and she'll be the sexiest monke evar.

Rayne Nightfyre

Rayne Nightfyre

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Acolytes of Lyssa [AL]


Originally Posted by D.E.V.i.A.N.C.E
I hope you dont listen to Guild Wars music when farming, you would die of boredom quickly... Actually, more often than not I do listen to the GW soundtrack when I play. It isn't that bad. But depending on my mood, I may put on something a little more to my taste.

By the way, congrats Cartoonhero on 1,000,000 XP!


Nope, totally not competing...



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Walking the ruins of Ascalon



Here is my main and most beloved character.

Senator Tom

Senator Tom


Join Date: Aug 2005




now thats a milestone

Murder In China

Murder In China


Join Date: Sep 2005


Looking for one


Oh Noes It's A Mesmseric Aatxe!

Nkah Sennyt

Nkah Sennyt

Awaken from hiatus.

Join Date: Apr 2006

Riding the spiral.

No Fun Allowed [Vdya]

Just because I don't think I'll get any higher while still below 1mil...



Look into the Eye.

Join Date: Oct 2005

Detroit, Mi

Oh No Not These Guys [uhoh]


Originally Posted by Nkah Sennyt
Just because I don't think I'll get any higher while still below 1mil... If you're interested in getting exactly 1mil, go to ToA and take henchies outside to kill the lvl 15 guys. with a full set of henchies you'll get almost no xp per kill, and you can go back out with less or more henchies to get exactly the ammount of xp you need. That's how I pulled off the 4,444,444

storm of daeth

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005


Zealots Of Abaddon [ZOA]


i did the same thing a long time ago i got 666,666 exp exactly lol