Originally Posted by Metanoia
This is the cool thing about fallacies and such, you don't have to disprove things that aren't first proven.
I didn't ask anyone to disprove anything. I asked for someone to dispute, and to provide some reasoning for said dispute. It should be obvious that there is no 'proof' involved in any of these assertions.
It's simple really. I'm drawing heat for stereotyping the general PvE population as scrubs and/or morons. However *none* of that heat has contested those assertions, at all. If my categorization of the game's demographics are incorrect I would like to know, so I can change how I look at them. However if they *are* accurate, and people simply dislike that categorization, the only proper response is "cry more".
Originally Posted by Metanoia
stereotypes are usually true... in responce to someone pigeon-holing you as a stereotypical PvP-snob.
And the only dispute I would have with that categorization would be in the semantics - I'm an elitist, not a snob. Though, as an elitist, I can understand the confusion.
Originally Posted by Renegade ++RIP++
Try to not make idiotic comments relating pve-pvp
Were my comments incorrect?
Originally Posted by Renegade ++RIP++
Vast majority you might be right although many other posters consider the pvp players to be a bigger group
Which doesn't make a lick of sense, if you spend any amount of time wandering around the game world. Major cities are so much more heavily populated than the PvP zones that it isn't even funny. I wouldn't be surprised if New Tombs was more heavily populated than Heroes Ascent.
If you went over straight demographics you'd probably find that a lot of people play a majority of PvE, and dabble in PvP with their PvE characters. That group is, for the most part, well described by the stereotypes I mentioned earlier that caused such uproar.
Originally Posted by Renegade ++RIP++
Bulk of the economy for perfects and driver of prices can be argued seeing that it has been the pvp scene that needed these so called perfect items
Primarily PvP players have PvP characters to roll up. They don't need to touch the economy at all. The PvP economy is not driving ectos, or maintaining black dye prices. It's certainly not what's dumping millions of gold into single rare-skinned items. It's not driving the market for perfect weapons, not when equivilents are available from collectors and crafters.
Sure, PvP players dump their sigil money into something eventually - vanity, almost by neccessity. But they're hardly a driving market force, especially not on the high end. That market is driven entirely by vanity, be it PvE or PvP, and those with the most money are really the players there:
The 55 HP farmers.
Originally Posted by Renegade ++RIP++
the bulk of your so called pve group just didn't give a rats ass since they are nearly as effective without perfects as with perfects
Effectiveness isn't what drives the market. Look at the difference between a perfect, req 7 sword and an identical sword at req 10. For all intents and purposes those two weapons are identical - except for certain farming builds. But as I postulated earlier, the market is driven by vanity, not by effectiveness. Req 7 is *better* than req 10, and people are willing to pay for it. Quite a bit, in fact, because of scarcity.
Originally Posted by Renegade ++RIP++
If you refute this, i would like to coax you towards all the complaints concerning certain equipment not being available through pvp-only characters like the former anti hex warrior item or the ease of unlocks through pvp in contradiction to pve. etc...
The hex helm required one to trick out a warrior, which chewed through a lot of gold in the commodity markets - superior runes and weapon upgrades. Requiring that investment drew a lot of complaints, because it was an exception to the rule. Before that helm became dominant PvP players never had to participate in the economy at all. Because of that helmet they had to, and a lot of 'em didn't have the cash reserves to do it.
I don't understand where you're going with the unlock thing because PvP is a better source of unlocks than PvE in general.
Originally Posted by Renegade ++RIP++
It would just drag this person down to the person who is as singleminded to think of an entire group (or majority) as X or Y.
Originally Posted by Renegade ++RIP++
And I'm sure you can see the similarities with other generalisations which get punished by certain laws and people frown upon.
There are no laws against discrimination. Discrimination is a valuable tool that everyone needs to learn early on in life. There are laws against certain forms of irrational, social discrimination. It is unfortunate that many people are unable to distinguish between the two.