NOTE: There is no other place on GWG to post about Alliances. The guild database is woefully insufficient in that regard, too. So, I am making this thread in the most appropriate place, here. I am sorry it was not originally posted here, I was unaware of this board. [additionally, this thread is NOT for recruiting for my guild - we have enough people]
Hello, many of you may recognize me from my postings here on GWG, GWO, ingame, or many other places. My name is Chris and I am the leader of the Guild Refuge From Exile [RFE], which has 80-90 people in it at any given time. I have over 3,717 hours logged on my primary account, dating back to the E3 for Everyone event. While I do not do this to brag, I am also widely considered a very skilled player. I have several accomplishments under my belt which I either pioneered, or have never seen duplicated (ingame, or on any of the major forums).
Until recently, I was a primarily PVE player. My computer was severely outdated, and I was unable to play competitively. However, due to a series of fortunate events that resulted in me moving, getting a better job (and thus more money), and couple weeks without being able to play, I have returned with an upgraded computer, and a desire to start playing competitively.
Upon reviewing the information available for Guild Wars: Factions, I have come to the conclusion that forming an Alliance is the path I want to take. For those of you who have not read up on Factions, an Alliance is a grouping of up to 10 Guilds. Alliances will be able to compete to control certain areas of Cantha, the region where Factions will take place. These competitions feature both PVE and PVP challanges. There will be rewards for winning.
There are two Factions (Kurzon and Luxon) available to choose from. I am unsure (as is everyone else) of how you side with one faction or another, and if the decision is a personal one, a guild choice, or something to do with Alliances. If it is something which my Alliance will have to decide one way or another, a popular vote will be held shortly after release to decide. What is known is that one Faction features a pirate'esque theme, while the other has more a gothic twist.
It is my intention to strengthen the relations [RFE] has, and use it to form a strong Alliance. Allow me to elaborate.
After being a PVE player for so long, and having accomplished just about everything PVE has to offer, I turned my attention to my Guild. My characters, my items, my fissure armor, etc... all of it combined means less to me then the wellbeing of my Guild. I have a number of programs running in RFE at any time, such as workshops (where the more skillful players take time to train groups of guildmaters), competitions (where guildmates compete, and innovation is rewarded), and regular FOW/UW/SF excursions. I even have designs of how we could achieve Guild of the Week. (an ambition I have not given up on)
However with the advent of Factions, I am offered the opportunity to expand my Guild beyond what I could before. To have it incorporate not only a wider array of people, of skillsets, and noteworthily skilled individuals. It is my idea to push my Alliance to the front of the competition, and to routinuely hold control of the most heavily contested areas. For this reason I have decided to call my Alliance
The Vanguard Force.
Originally Posted by
1: the leading units moving at the head of an army
2: any creative group active in the innovation and application of new concepts and techniques in a given field
3: the position of greatest advancement; the leading position in any movement or field
I think you can see how this is a very appropriate name for my Alliance.
And I do mean, my Alliance. I do not wish to scare anyone off by saying this, but I fully intend to maintain sole administrative control of the Alliance. While I realize that dictatorships scare people off (and rightfully so, due to their frequent mismanagement in real life and ingame) I believe that having me at the head of The Vanguard Force (TVF) is a wise move. I genuinely care for RFE, and I fully intend to devote as much of my attention to making TVF an equally successful, and enjoyable Alliance.
I understand the importance of Officers in a Guild, and Guild Leaders in an Alliance, and of course the Members of both. I understand how crucial mediation is, how fundamental diversity is to the growth of a guild, and how motivation is ultimately the deciding factor of a Guild's survival. Myself having been frequently the victim of some pretty severe mismanagement of Guilds and similar organizations in previous games (dating back to the early days of MUDing), I have learned from the mistakes of others, and know not to rush to an easy conclusion.
While I insist that I get the last word, it is only because I care first and foremost for the wellbeing of the people under me, and the group as a whole. If you do not believe me, please check our Guild forums and ask around about how I handle situations, I guarantee you will hear good things : Also, with only one exception, I have never interfeered with the decision an Officer in my Guild has made, in the many months since RFE began (an Officer was randomly recruiting people, which is against our policy). I plan to interact equally infrequently with decisions of the Guild Leaders in the Alliance.
My position as Alliance Leader
is negotiable, if we can reach a decisions that I feel assures me that my work on the Alliance does not run the risk of being disolved due to mismanagement that I lack the power to correct. I refuse to be in a situation in which I am powerless to help the Alliance, and that is unnegotiable.
If there is a start up cost for developing an Alliance similar to how there is one for a Guild, I will pay it out of my own pocket (if at all possible). Also, once I let my savings recover from the financial stress of moving, I will be making my own (high quality) server. It will host Team Speak / Ventrillo for the Alliance/Guilds, as well as forums for the Alliance and each involved Guild. I will personally set the forums up, and pay for a domain name.
I of course am lacking a crucial element to an Alliance - other Guilds. I intend for my newly acquired second account to either start its own Guild, or to act as an ambassador into the other Guilds I plan to recruit into the Alliance. I would like to invite anyone here who is interested in what I am saying, to talk to your Officers/Guild Leaders about this Alliance. If you decide that you have some more questions about it, feel free to contact me in game, or via the forums. (contact info at bottom)
Currently, I am considering Alliances with a number of Guilds, most notably the below:
Lemming Warriors, a soon-to-be-formed Guild, which is breaking off from its parent Guild due to growing pains.
Random A** Fools, the single oldest Guild in existance, their Guild Leader is a long time gaming buddy of mine, and a fine administrator. I was Guild Leader of this Guild for a while. [the Guild was formed before the bad word filter, hence its title]
Soldiers of Thunderstorms, a Russian based PVP Guild I was briefely an Officer in.
And a couple others I rather not disclose at the moment =)
I have extended an invitation to [Dii], [TRUE], and [GWO], which are all established Guilds on the forums.
I live in the CST time zone (GMT -6) and work 8-5 on weekdays. My primary account can be reached by adding "Righteous Theory" to your friends list. Do the same with "Somatic Catalyst" to contact me on my alt. Keep in mind, I may be AFK, and may miss your message. You can also whisper me here, on GWO. My primary account is American, my secondary is European. RFE is largely American, with a significant portion of its playerbase being European.