Guilds Looking For Alliance Partners Post Here

Guardian of the Light

Guardian of the Light

Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2005

Radicals Against Tyrants


What are alliances and how do they work in Guild Wars Factions?

Guilds can join together to form guild alliances. Allied guilds share Alliance chat and can visit each other's guild halls. Alliances can also gain control of cities and towns in Cantha by participating in Alliance Missions, which give them the ability to trigger events and gain access to exclusive areas.
This new alliance thing sounds interesting. My Guild would ally with her sister guild which isn't doing so good.

What Guild will your Guilld Ally with when factions comes out?

Edit: Ok I haven't been here for a while so it looks like this is a Post Guilds looking to ally thread now.

Anyways be aware of Blizzard's post

Originally Posted by Billiard
Please do not engage in rhetoric that "sounds" like guild recruiting. Instead post your interest in forming an alliance and which faction you are interested in. Please also include basic contact information as well as guild size and orientation. PLEASE DO NOT MAKE THIS A GUILD ADVERTISING THREAD.

Regardless of what you think of the Guild Database, that is the main venue we have chosen on this site for guilds to provide information to people.
Try to incude these few bits infromation.

1. The Style of Play PvE and PvP. (Remember they seem to hint that alliances between expert PvE guilds and PvP guilds by controling areas though PvP and PvE)

2. The faction you currently in or planning to be in (since factions hasn't released yet?)

3. The Name of the Guild (DUH)

4. A person or a group of people they can contact to ally when factions is out.

5. Type of guild your looking for

That is a basic outline remember don't advertise like blizzard said and know the differance between a good post and a bad post.

Good Post:

Name: Supermen of Ascalon {SoA}
Style: Nice Calm PvE guild
Faction: undecided
Contact: See IGN
Size: 30+
Type of guild wre looking to ally with: Calm PvP guild

Bad Post:

And yes Supermen of Ascalon was a completely random idea for a guild name. I made that up.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

Gathering of Friends [GoF]

I expect to see PuG areas forming where temporary alliances can be formed prior to a mission.

Regarding permanent alliances? I wonder how many allies a guild can have!

IMHO, the more I read this FAQ, the more it looks like the small guilds will be left out in the cold. I'm in a small guild on purpose. There may be possibilities of allies - but only if there's no limit for the ally guild.

For instance, I see a possibility of a famous/big pvp guild being a hub with satellite pvp guilds then recruiting/forming alliances with the small PvE guilds. The whole network of hub and spoke design could mean that dozens to hundreds of guilds could be under one banner.

Somehow I think that this might not be the case, as the Alliance chat would become cluttered and impossible to follow. More than likely, there will be a limit to the number of allies any one guild can have. Maybe it will be linked to the number of members (2 members = 1 ally, 10 members = 3 ... so on). Still, if this is the limitation, the small guild I'm in will have to be very careful about the allies we choose. We'll have to find ones that will allow us to join them, as well as ones that meet the goals at hand.

I'm curious as to what will come.

Guillaume De Sonoma

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2005



For us DOG we do a lot of stuff with them.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

******************* Refuge From Exile [RFE]

NOTE: There is no other place on GWG to post about Alliances. The guild database is woefully insufficient in that regard, too. So, I am making this thread in the most appropriate place, here. I am sorry it was not originally posted here, I was unaware of this board. [additionally, this thread is NOT for recruiting for my guild - we have enough people]

Hello, many of you may recognize me from my postings here on GWG, GWO, ingame, or many other places. My name is Chris and I am the leader of the Guild Refuge From Exile [RFE], which has 80-90 people in it at any given time. I have over 3,717 hours logged on my primary account, dating back to the E3 for Everyone event. While I do not do this to brag, I am also widely considered a very skilled player. I have several accomplishments under my belt which I either pioneered, or have never seen duplicated (ingame, or on any of the major forums).

Until recently, I was a primarily PVE player. My computer was severely outdated, and I was unable to play competitively. However, due to a series of fortunate events that resulted in me moving, getting a better job (and thus more money), and couple weeks without being able to play, I have returned with an upgraded computer, and a desire to start playing competitively.

Upon reviewing the information available for Guild Wars: Factions, I have come to the conclusion that forming an Alliance is the path I want to take. For those of you who have not read up on Factions, an Alliance is a grouping of up to 10 Guilds. Alliances will be able to compete to control certain areas of Cantha, the region where Factions will take place. These competitions feature both PVE and PVP challanges. There will be rewards for winning.

There are two Factions (Kurzon and Luxon) available to choose from. I am unsure (as is everyone else) of how you side with one faction or another, and if the decision is a personal one, a guild choice, or something to do with Alliances. If it is something which my Alliance will have to decide one way or another, a popular vote will be held shortly after release to decide. What is known is that one Faction features a pirate'esque theme, while the other has more a gothic twist.

It is my intention to strengthen the relations [RFE] has, and use it to form a strong Alliance. Allow me to elaborate.

After being a PVE player for so long, and having accomplished just about everything PVE has to offer, I turned my attention to my Guild. My characters, my items, my fissure armor, etc... all of it combined means less to me then the wellbeing of my Guild. I have a number of programs running in RFE at any time, such as workshops (where the more skillful players take time to train groups of guildmaters), competitions (where guildmates compete, and innovation is rewarded), and regular FOW/UW/SF excursions. I even have designs of how we could achieve Guild of the Week. (an ambition I have not given up on)

However with the advent of Factions, I am offered the opportunity to expand my Guild beyond what I could before. To have it incorporate not only a wider array of people, of skillsets, and noteworthily skilled individuals. It is my idea to push my Alliance to the front of the competition, and to routinuely hold control of the most heavily contested areas. For this reason I have decided to call my Alliance The Vanguard Force.

Originally Posted by

1: the leading units moving at the head of an army
2: any creative group active in the innovation and application of new concepts and techniques in a given field
3: the position of greatest advancement; the leading position in any movement or field
I think you can see how this is a very appropriate name for my Alliance.

And I do mean, my Alliance. I do not wish to scare anyone off by saying this, but I fully intend to maintain sole administrative control of the Alliance. While I realize that dictatorships scare people off (and rightfully so, due to their frequent mismanagement in real life and ingame) I believe that having me at the head of The Vanguard Force (TVF) is a wise move. I genuinely care for RFE, and I fully intend to devote as much of my attention to making TVF an equally successful, and enjoyable Alliance.

I understand the importance of Officers in a Guild, and Guild Leaders in an Alliance, and of course the Members of both. I understand how crucial mediation is, how fundamental diversity is to the growth of a guild, and how motivation is ultimately the deciding factor of a Guild's survival. Myself having been frequently the victim of some pretty severe mismanagement of Guilds and similar organizations in previous games (dating back to the early days of MUDing), I have learned from the mistakes of others, and know not to rush to an easy conclusion.

While I insist that I get the last word, it is only because I care first and foremost for the wellbeing of the people under me, and the group as a whole. If you do not believe me, please check our Guild forums and ask around about how I handle situations, I guarantee you will hear good things : Also, with only one exception, I have never interfeered with the decision an Officer in my Guild has made, in the many months since RFE began (an Officer was randomly recruiting people, which is against our policy). I plan to interact equally infrequently with decisions of the Guild Leaders in the Alliance.

My position as Alliance Leader is negotiable, if we can reach a decisions that I feel assures me that my work on the Alliance does not run the risk of being disolved due to mismanagement that I lack the power to correct. I refuse to be in a situation in which I am powerless to help the Alliance, and that is unnegotiable.

If there is a start up cost for developing an Alliance similar to how there is one for a Guild, I will pay it out of my own pocket (if at all possible). Also, once I let my savings recover from the financial stress of moving, I will be making my own (high quality) server. It will host Team Speak / Ventrillo for the Alliance/Guilds, as well as forums for the Alliance and each involved Guild. I will personally set the forums up, and pay for a domain name.

I of course am lacking a crucial element to an Alliance - other Guilds. I intend for my newly acquired second account to either start its own Guild, or to act as an ambassador into the other Guilds I plan to recruit into the Alliance. I would like to invite anyone here who is interested in what I am saying, to talk to your Officers/Guild Leaders about this Alliance. If you decide that you have some more questions about it, feel free to contact me in game, or via the forums. (contact info at bottom)

Currently, I am considering Alliances with a number of Guilds, most notably the below:

Lemming Warriors, a soon-to-be-formed Guild, which is breaking off from its parent Guild due to growing pains.
Random A** Fools, the single oldest Guild in existance, their Guild Leader is a long time gaming buddy of mine, and a fine administrator. I was Guild Leader of this Guild for a while. [the Guild was formed before the bad word filter, hence its title]
Soldiers of Thunderstorms, a Russian based PVP Guild I was briefely an Officer in.

And a couple others I rather not disclose at the moment =)

I have extended an invitation to [Dii], [TRUE], and [GWO], which are all established Guilds on the forums.

I live in the CST time zone (GMT -6) and work 8-5 on weekdays. My primary account can be reached by adding "Righteous Theory" to your friends list. Do the same with "Somatic Catalyst" to contact me on my alt. Keep in mind, I may be AFK, and may miss your message. You can also whisper me here, on GWO. My primary account is American, my secondary is European. RFE is largely American, with a significant portion of its playerbase being European.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2005

I hate ppl who put stupid locations here

Jelly Toasts [jT], Team Love [kisu]


That sounds very, very interesting... You definatly put a lot of time and thought into this. I/We may be interested in this alliance, though I really wish more details were known about other than the Alliance Missions and 10 Guild Limit on the size.

I'm going to ask our members later, if you want to drop by our site here it is.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005


Shameful Spirits

Apparently max of 10 guilds in an alliance. I think that's a good number; enough for member size, yet small enough as to not have any one alliance dominate 24/7.


Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005

Fabled Myths


My guild has over 60 people in it....

There has to be some kind of limit to how many alliances you can have depending on the size of your guild.

And this is kind of off topic but does anyone know if when factions come out if they will add more spaces for characters? I already have 4 level 20's and would not want to deletes one or two just to play the factions campaign with the new professions.....



Doctor of Philosophy

Join Date: May 2005

Pacific Northwest

Team Love [kiSu]

Please do not engage in rhetoric that "sounds" like guild recruiting. Instead post your interest in forming an alliance and which faction you are interested in. Please also include basic contact information as well as guild size and orientation. PLEASE DO NOT MAKE THIS A GUILD ADVERTISING THREAD.

Regardless of what you think of the Guild Database, that is the main venue we have chosen on this site for guilds to provide information to people.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Brothers of the Jade

My guys all want to lean on the Luxons side, majority rules so I expect that. We would love to get to know other guilds to see how the Ally thing works out, like an experiment, we wll not know how it truly works for a good bit.

If you want to know more about what we can do to help your guild or more about us visit our site.

Guild Size? we are a smaller guild and but have active members now since the new rules to fix the situation of players not being on, I hated saying we have 30 members yet 3 play. Now we req. for our guild a minimum of 400 hours unless special circumstances apply. we feel if you have played that much, you will keep playing far, it is true. 17 and older guilds for allies please.

Guardian of the Light

Guardian of the Light

Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2005

Radicals Against Tyrants


Hmm they stickied my thread.

Anyways I'll edit my post a bit to instruct info you should put for your guild.

I'll talk to my guild before I post some info. We may Ally with a few friends first.

Karl Denham

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005


Rangers Of The North


The Rangers of the North
"Numbers mean little"
Warmaster Karl Denham

Formed on June the 8th, we dreamt of the stars and victorios HoH sessions, however it did not go for us a Traitor officer kicked all of our members and this damged relationships with most of our members, only a few came back. The Rangers Guild has had a very rocky past, We started GvG and basically got beat a few timesand won a few. Luckally i found myself three wonderful (hardcore Extremists lol) Players who stuck by me and my guild. We reformed (we had no choice) Same name, Same cape, New guild Hall, Same Website and this time a Team speak Server.


We are also seeking an active alliance with nine other Active Guilds. Please Talk to me in-game if you would like to negotiate some sort of stance between our Guilds.


Unsure there is a curretn vote on our website to decide which we will choose.

Visit our site and post on the Visitng Guilds board, guests can post

My in-game character is Karl Denham...Contact me if you are interested.
My E-Mail is [email protected] or just whisper me in-game.

If for some reason I can not be contacted use these character names:

Miss Slink
Imrahill Halfelven




Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005


My guild [Fc] Fatalis Combine is Euro based, has a teamspeak server and forum at Fairly large guild doing mostly PvE but several interested in building up PvP so if your guild is looking to team up, has members older than 17, give us a shout (feel free to post on our forum)

Undecided yet which side we'll be on, group decision etc closer/after release date for Factions.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Mystic Shadow Soldiers (MSS)


Hello, I am Rilder, Guild Co-Creater/Co-Leader and Ambassador of the Mystic Shadow Soldiers; we are a proud Guild, worthy of the greatest battle, including a teamspeak server, a crappy forums.. ^_^, and great members, we have a rocky past barely able to hold rank , but what members we have, i expect the most out of, I am if need be willing to start an Alliance, if one was made I would declare 10 leaders and name these the Council of Leaders/Elders/Demi-gods... whatever. We dont descriminate against age, but why should we, 12 year olds can be more mature then 18+ year olds infact some of our best members are not even 13, infact i'm 15. I try to inforce the disciplin of a roman legion but it fails most time.... this alone i seek a group of guilds Willing to risk shame and dishonor for the greatest prize of Glory and Honor!

Contact me Ingame, around 1 pm central time too 12 am central time. Rilder The Hunter is my name.... and yes i know i'm rambling...




Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Camp Rankor

No Diplomacy Only War [nDoW] No Diplomacy Only Slackers [nDoS] Looking for an Alliance.


EDITED - Kurzick - Alliance found a long time back. updating post.



Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2005

USA Districts

Imperial Fist


with the coming of factions there will be a need for Alliances. Imperial Fist is gonna start one of those alliances.

Currently we don't have any other guilds in the alliance yet but we're hoping to expand to 3-5 guilds before Factions is released.

What are we looking for in guilds that like to join:
  • Mature members, this doesn't automatically mean we don't accept guilds with minors, it means that we want guilds that are mature in their behavior.
  • Active members, there's no use in joining an alliance if you're not gonna be there.
  • American Based Guilds, Imperial Fist is based on the american districts and for purpose of playing together we'd like only American based guilds to apply.
  • Guilds don't have to be very PVE or PVP oriented, Imperial Fist considers itself as a casual guild with the opportunity to play cometative PVP.

the setup of the Alliance:

each guild will assign 2 ambassadors, the ambassadors will decide about stuff that influences the entire Alliance by means of discussion and polls. They then can forward the decisions to their members.

If you think your guild would match with ours or you want more information then please contact us. You can either find us at or at the newly made Alliance forum: (ask for Dunkin or Trippy)

Karl Denham

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005


Rangers Of The North


1. The Style of Play PvE and PvP. (Remember they seem to hint that alliances between expert PvE guilds and PvP guilds by controling areas though PvP and PvE)

Our guild is curently both, running mission and PvP everynight

2. The faction you currently in or planning to be in (since factions hasn't released yet?)

The Kurzicks

3. The Name of the Guild (DUH)

The Rangers of the North

4. A person or a group of people they can contact to ally when factions is out.

Karl Denham
Imrahill the hunter
Miss Slink
Mage Merlin
Palantinus Aghesta

5. Type of guild your looking for

Calm, Serious, Fun, easy going and active

Our Guild website is visit us on the visiting guilds board to disscuss terms

Mimi Miyagi

Mimi Miyagi

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Port Orchard, WA

The Second Foundation: [TSF]

In preparation of the upcoming release of GW:Factions, The Second Foundation ( ) is currently looking to form serious alliances with active, commited guilds.

In order to make sure everyone is rowing the boat in the same direction, we're outlining the following general guidelines for joining the alliance:

Must be a serious, growing guild experienced in PvP (HA, GvG). Top-500 or better required. Top-500 simply means the guild is active, doesn't neccessarily mean "elitist" - it's simply a manner to weed out inactive guilds.

Guilds that consider themselves more of a PvE guild are welcome, but in order to join the TSF alliance, you must have at least 8-10 members that play together at least five times a week, and are willing to commit to mission play in established times for coordinated attacks.

Why join with TSF? TSF takes competitive play seriously, in both GvG and HA. TSF has been around since GW's release, and has a great core of members that all share the same competitive spirit. We're innovative in our builds, looking for skillsets that mesh into both fun and effective play. If your guild shares similar visions, enjoys playing for the win while having fun doing it, then join us. Visit our website at, register in the forums, and post in our alliance section if you're interested!

Thank you for your consideration.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005


I'm the leader of a tiny guild, made up only of personal friends. We have a grand total of 4 active members. I've been wanting to disband the guild and merge into a larger one for a long time, but my guildmates all prefer to keep our little band together, so I go along with it. I am excited about the Guild Alliance concept, because it will allow us to stay together as a guild, but also be able to work with a larger group.

1. The Style of Play PvE and PvP.

We are serious PVE'ers. We have had success with Glint quests, Sorrow's Furnace, Tombs, and FoW. We have more of a questing than a farming orientation. If we're talking to Orozar Highstone, we are there to do his quest, not as part of a 5-man farming group. We have a vent server.

I do a little PVP once in a great while, but I'm not much of a fan, and the rest of the guild loathes it.

2. The faction you currently in or planning to be in


3. The Name of the Guild

"Stop Hitting Me"

4. A person or a group of people they can contact to ally when factions is out.

Myself (Carthus Alabaster), or Sijana Redstar. PM'ing me here on Guru is probably the best way to go.

5. Type of guild your looking for

I'm interested in allying with just about any active Kurzick guilds with easy-going mature folks. So long as our alliance-mates realize that we are and always will be a tiny guild, and we will probably make all of our faction contributions on the PVE side. I am excited about doing quests to rack up Status for an alliance, though.

I'm also hoping to find other PVE-oriented players who like to help each other on missions and quests, especially the more challenging ones. Boy do I hate trying to form PUGs for Glint quests and SF quests, though the quests themselves I love.

Edit: Largely rewritten in light of our preview weekend experience.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005


The Virtual Justice


I'm leader of a Guild I take great pride in, known as The Virtual Justice. "TVJ" was formed in 1995. Over the years, we've been involved in many different games, had several websites, forums and such. Had in excess of 75+ members during select periods. However, nowaday's it's mostly confined to about 5 friends, who game what they prefer.
Currently, In GW's we have just 2 members, we were never planning to expand, recruit or merge. However, our schedules dont mesh as much anymore and we find ourselves seeking others to play with and are both growing tired of Soloing. Were both mature, fun and helpfull.
Personally I can be found assisting other's about 1/2 the time I'm online. So, what do I do?
I dont want to be a leader of a large Guild as I dont wish to be an administrator nor have the time required to do so.
Perhaps a alliance is the way to go.....drop me a line.

Here's my stats:
PVE Only to date
American Server
Mo/W (1,000,000 + xp) Solo / Healer
W/Mo (350,000 xp) still trying to find myself here
N/Me (400,000 xp) SS or MM
M/Me (300,000xp) prolly going to get nerfed



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2005

Baptised By Fire


Clan bbf is currently seeking alliances that share the same principles we do as a clan if you would like a strong ally who values teamwork hardwork friendship and dedication then clan bbf would certainly like to add you to our forming alliance

We value people, friendship , teamwork and helping each other out as a clan over anything else.

We currently have around 60 active players who enjoy all aspects of the game and that are very helpfull

Edit by Billiard: Deleted remaining content as it was more guild recruiting related rather than alliance related.

Detrick Sky

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005


Knights of the Alliance


The Knights of the Alliance are looking for mature guilds to help form an alliance with for the up coming release of Guild Wars:Factions. KoA is a MMORPG gaming community that has been around since 1997. We are a mature group of gamers (average age of 25) who enjoy the time we game together. The guild was formed with three things in mind: Loyalty, Integrity and Friendship.

Our Guild Wars Chapter has about 35 members the majority of which only play Guild Wars. We consider ourself a balanced guild which like to do end-game PvE as well as competitive PvP. We have a group with in the guild which we call the Obsidian Order who is our rated GvG group. Our numbers are small because we chose to go with quality over quantity.

With over 8 years of online gaming experience, I have learned alot about the ups and dwns of alliances. I am looking for other guilds who want to work together to form an alliance. This will be lots of hard work on the leaders of those guilds and I am looking for equal partners in forming this alliance. We will work together to decide on which faction we will pick, alliance rules and policies, alliance communication (forums and voice chat options) as well as other important matters that relate to a good strong alliance. All leaders in the alliance will be of equal standing in this process. There will be no "it's my way or the highway attitude."

If you are a mature guild looking for likeminded guilds to form an alliance with in the up coming GW: Factions don't hesitate to contact me via a private message or in game. My main character name is Detrick Sky.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005

Lions Arch Dis 4 (International)

Servants of Fortuna [SoF


We are bringing three (3) guilds to the table: Rivendell Guild (45+ members, Am Servers), Lothlorian Guild (10+ members, Am Servers) and Mirkwood (Euro Servers).

We are a community guild, we are out for friendship and player development (we're elves, not munchkins). We like to see our players grow as our guilds grow. We have players at all points in FSP and Factions. We run a TS server and have our own domain with forums.

We have chosen Kurzick faction.

We are looking for guilds with similar code of conduct and views.

We wouldn't mind teaming up with guilds that are a little more PvP, as we have a strong PvE base that is growing into PvP areas. All walks of play and life are welcome, though we have no tollerance for freeloaders.

Rivendell does request to remain the leader of any alliance by name, but all guilds will have equal say in alliance matters.

contact us here
or in game as: Zandria Dutala , Xanatos De Creon , or Lady Beckie Green



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

1. We do a mix of PvE and PVP. We also do GvG whenever we can. We have a

2. Really not sure. Whatever our guild members decide, and the guilds that want to be in an alliance with us decide. We are flexable.

3. We are AFO, or All For One. We believe in teamwork, and appreciate input from our members. We take all members seriously, and we are a happy guild.

4. To contact our guild, you can visit our website,, PM me, or contact me in game. My IGN is Driven By Hell.

5. We wan't our alliance to have other active guilds in it. Even though this may turn off other guilds, we would like to be the leading guild of the alliance because we have already established a website with forums, etc.

A little about our guild: We are the AFO GW Division. We are part of a much larger clan, AFO, which has many divisions. They have a Battlefield 2 Division, Ultima Online Division, even a ::shudder:: World of Warcraft Division. We have a private 100man ventrilo server, and a kicka@$$ website with forums, a calendar with events, etc. We have around 40 members in our guild at the moment, and we value each member the same. We are helpful, and want you in our alliance.

Contact me about an alliance by PMing me, contacting me in game at Driven By Hell, or posting on the forums on

oscar names

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2006

Blazing Warriors


Name: Blaze Warriors [BURN]
Style: Nice friendly PvE guild, does some PvPing
Faction: Kurzicks!
Contact: Oscar Necrontyr or Undead Dante
Size: Hovering around 20, generally growing
Type of guild wre looking to ally with: Friendly PvP or PvE guild, preferably happy to help each other out. Don't mind size

Cymboric Treewalker

Cymboric Treewalker

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005

Imperial Palace - Cantha

[SFK] Sacred Forge Knights (founder)


Sacred Forge Knights

Faction: Kurzick
ContactL Any officer or via post on web site
Size: 50+
The guild uses teamspeak for PvE missions and PvP play. We have our own forums located at and will gladly create forums for our alliance members to share with us. We are a family oriented guild, but most members are 30+

Have fun, play hard.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2006

none previos sissy boys


Style of play. We are mostly PvE not many people like pvp in our guild

Faction. we are not sure but i am one of the top officers and i think luxons not sure though

Name of guild. Destructis maximus

Person you can contact when factions comes out. You can add Priam Slayer to your friends list contact me

Type of guild your looking for. fun active i would like a 35-40+ members guild. dosent matter what style of play just that there fun and active please no heavy beggers in your guild

I also want to say we are a 90+ member guild and we can even ally now because i have made a guild website that has a chatroom so we can chat and everything if you wish to ally with me please pm me with questions or concerns.

Arrow Wood

Arrow Wood

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2006

Leader-The Swift Assassins


I have seen numerous posts in here of people who are alliancing with Kurzicks. My Guild have chosen to Alliance with Luxons.

1) Our name is The Swift Assassins. We have already made an Alliance with Helz and am looking for other Guilds who are much like us. We are a small Guild of friends (16members). We just like to have fun with PvE, even though we plan to do PvP in Factions.

2) We would like to get other Guilds together so that we can have some fun and possible take a town once Factions comes out. Most of us are active and we are looking for other active Guilds.

3) Contact me in-game or pm on here---IGN is Arrow Wood.

We do have a TS2 server/website that we currently share between all our other games, although we have seperate channels/topic areas, for GW. Please let us know if anyone is interested in joining us.
my name on the website is Speedy.

edit-if there is a larger guild willing to alliance with us, we would be happy to allow new people joining our guild if theirs becomes full.


Chasing Dragons

Join Date: May 2005

Lost in La-La Land



Name: No Rage Allowed
Style: GvG-only guild, with plenty of room to add a ton of PvE players to our roster
Faction: Kurzick
Contact: NRA Forums
Size: ~12 dedicated GvG players
Type of guilds we're looking to ally with: Mix of PvE/PvP guilds. We are willing to add PvE members to our ranks as required in order to get any Alliance we are part of up to a reasonable size.

Locke Envinyatar

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005


Name: The Singaporean Alliance (still tentative)
Style: The main objective for the alliance would be to provide a place for all Singaporean GW players to hang out, get to know each other better, and improve the Singaporean GW community.
Faction: Still unconfirmed, but Kurzick's currently winning the vote.
Contact: Freyr Envinyatar. Alternatively, send me a PM, or check out this forum post and drop a reply there.
Size: Also unconfirmed as of now. We already have favourable replies from 3-4 Singaporean guilds.
Style: Both PVE and PVP's fine. What matters most is having fun. Being a Singaporean guild would of course help a lot, but that's not strictly necessary.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2005

The Exiles of Darksteel


Name: Exiles of Darksteel {EoD}
Style: Open and Friendly PvE guild
Faction: Kuricks
Contact: Lorin Deathdancer (IGN), PM system here or on our main site, or email me at [email protected]
Size: 80+
Type of guild wre looking to ally with: Someone that matches our outlook on game style

We are an open an friendly guild thats been around for sometime, although we once flew a different bannor, We would like to ally ourselves with guilds that have simular views an syles of play. After all its a game an we are here to have fun. We do PvP but its not one of our strong points. PvE is our area of expertiese. Non agressive guild that does PvP but wont berate and belittle our guild members if someone makes a mistake. Other PvE guilds whom we can run missions with of like mind.

For more info on EoD check the website

EDIT - Because I lost my conncetion during a mission I also lost the name of someone trying to get in touch with me... so Ill supply an email address as well


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2005


[TG] The Gathering


The Gathering [TG]

General info:
TG is a multi gaming community which plays CS:S, Enemy Territory, Jedi Knight 2 and Guild Wars. We hold high standards and have an application proces to only recruit friendly and mature members, expecting everyone to keep to our zero tollerance policies on racism and sexism. This doesn't mean we don't have 14 year old members in our guild.

Style: We play PvE mostly and we have started a PvP team. There are several members that are really interested in joining an progressing in PvP and GvG.

Faction: Kurzicks

xfire: 1338claw
mail: [email protected]
in-game: Claw Divinity

Size: 30+

We are looking for a mature alliance with no age limitations. Our guild has young members and some 'older' members. We are an international guild and therefor also search an international alliance with main language english offcourse. We search for an alliance that will be active both in PvE and PvP.

Sir Thomas Tew

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Pirates of Blountville are looking for possible alliance partners siding with the Luxons. We are PVE and PVP based in the United States with some members from Europe. We are currently around 60 members and always willing to help each other out. Check out our newly designed website at For all interesting parties message me in game. I use the name Sir Thomas Two.

son of mephisto

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005


GUILD NAME:Elite Dragon Slayers [DETH]
TYPE: mostly pve but some pvp ( when bored)
Members: we have 4 ppl but 8 accnts in our guild and we have all been playing together since the beta of original gw, so we can all play just about any build on any character.
We are going to chose the KURZIKS side
looking to be able to farm elite missions and access areas that are controlled by certain guilds like... Alice in Wonderland [AW]
Especially interested in hzh areas...

I am the leader and my ign is Fury of Baal pm me if interested or leave a thread in gwg..

thnx again

Turoch Caledor R/N

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2006

Heavenly Blood Eithers


How do you side on either karzaks or the other one??




Join Date: Oct 2005





MEMBERS:40+ Europe & America & Canada

THe CDxx is a gaming community we play a number of games CS:S,BF2,Quake4,BAttfle front 2 etc etc etc. Some of our members have been in the clan for 6+ years. We are Mature and competitive but mainly we want to have FUNNNNN!!!!!!!
We have a GvG division and a PVE division, we have 12 hardcore GVGers and the rest are PVE oriented.

We have TS,vent, forums, and a website.

Contact Info:

Leader Maximus Aragon
Lt. I give U Life

We are looking for some fun fun fun, and Mature alliances>


Saria Nightblade

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2005

Hi all,

My idea for this alliance is to take our concept for our normal guild, and try to find more guilds like us to expand so many more people are on at a given time to help unlock elite missions and participate in those activites...

My guild, Avian Mist is getting ready to celebrate a one year anniversary as a guild, so we're well established. It started from a collection of real life friends, and our primary focus has always been on fun and doing stuff.

The ideal guilds to join the alliance will have a similar schedule of play times--we're primarly a later night EST group that like to play the most it seems on weekdays, ~7pm-1am or there abouts.

All of our members are the (rare) type of people who log on, say hi, ask what's up, and then stay on for a few hours or more and try to do whatever the guild wants to do. Guilds that would work well in an alliance with Avian Mist will also be comprised mostly of players like this.

We want you to join our alliance if:

Your members are active (log into GW on a daily basis for more than an hour)

Members are friendly and intelligent

Members like doing whatever everyone else is doing that being:
FoW/UW/SF/Tombs/Team Arena/GvG/Alliance Battles/Competetive Missions whatever

Your guild is talkative/jokes around

And your members are talented, high level, and able to adapt and play on a consistently high level. (no scrubs )

****************************** *****
This being said, if you don't fit exactly into this role, here is a more expanded look on the exact sort of guild spread I'm looking for.

6 or 7, 25-50 member guilds that participate in pve and pvp aspects of the game in an equal fashion. Members all know each other well and play on a talented level.

1 or 2, larger than 50 members guilds that are mostly pve. These can be the sort of guild where there is lots of activity going on in the guild at any given time, but everyone doesn't necessarily know each other.

1 or 2, small competitive guilds. You have a small core gvg team perhaps, and your members are very friendly, and don't mind occasional pve runs. If you're worried about bad players playing with you, you can request good players, and everyone would be mature enough to fess up to this request. The benefit of you joining this alliance would be a consistent group of people willing to fill up holes in your plans and a consistently high quality group of pvers in case you want to delve into that aspect of the game for a bit.
****************************** *******

Interested hmm? Respond in this thread with your in game name and some information about yourself, or put Saria Nightblade or Billz Of Might in your friends list and give one of us a whisper. We're on a lot so you'll see one of us on soon enough and we'll strike up a conversation.

With replies I've had we're up to about 4 guilds total...looking for 6 more.




Join Date: Oct 2005




Cool those times you posted were pretty much the times most of my guild is on, altohugh we have players on pretty much 24/7. except im PST!

Were are Down, for this alliance!

Im 36 years old, guild leader of the cdxx, Sales manager for Toyota, Gaming 20+ years. Really like mature and competitive type players, (we play to WIN), and really just want to have some fun and explore and bring CDXX to the next Level!




Perfectly Elocuted

Join Date: Sep 2005

Name: Blood Ties United
Style: Primarily PvE, and some casual PvP, experimenting with GvG
Faction: Luxon
Contact: IGN is Snipious Maximus, you can PM me through GWG as well.
Size: 8, expanding to about 12-15 members
Type of guild wre looking to ally with: Smaller Guilds (less than 15), casual and calm, variety of experience. Mostly we're looking for close tight knit guilds. We're a family guild, and so it's been pretty easy going, and we really enjoy the small nature of our guild, and so we want to keep the same attitude within the alliance.

Tysac Vanguard

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

Canada, Cornwall

Guardians of the Light


First off, allow me to introduce Myself...

I am Tysac an officer and founder of the Guardians of the Light (GoL). The Title is self explanitory, and direct. The Guardians of the Light have made an Alliance with Guardians of Ethereal Night (GOEN) and their Sister Guild Etherial Nights Guardians. (ENG)

All 3 guilds in this Alliance are strong guilds, and have been around close to the dawning of Tyria. We are alllianced under the GOEN cape, and you can read more about them in the post for May's GUILD of the MONTH.

We are a mature and serious Alliance, and are looking for 7 more Guilds of similar background. We require a minimum Faction output of 100k KURZICK faction a week.

If interested you can contact these people.

Artanis of Night
Alarion Faerun
Tysac Vanguard
Aya Starshine
Atticus Vanderbane


Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006


Name: The Great Alliance
Faction: Kurzick
Contact: Tsayak The Necro
Type of guild looking to ally with: Anyone