Nerf Green Drops!



Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2005

If it aint expensive, it aint worth buyin'.

Leading/Co-leading Bretheren Of Chaos [Dark]


Originally Posted by Manic Smile
Frankly if all the "rich" and moderately "rich" players leave simply because their FoW amor isn't "Leet" or that perfect sword can be gotten in a few SF runs good riddence. I mean really how petty is that to decide it's no longer fun because you can't be "better" then someone else at playing the lottery...I mean I spend as much time in game as the next person...I'll put my in game time/gear/money/skill up againts anyone but you don't see me making others feel bad to enjoy it. Grow up you 12 or 55 it's just sad. FYI I left D2 because of all the stupid hacks, griefers and immature morons...tears for a great game ruined by petty people
A: its not about being better, at least not for alot of collectors; its about exactly that; collecting.
people collect cars, cards, musical instruments, silverware, dishes, baseballs, legos, 12-inch vynals, books, pottery, the list goes on. and its not about being better, its about a sense of fullfilment as you improve upon your collection.

B: thank you for making my point.
d2 was ruined by newbcakes who were too damn lazy and incompitent to actually get anywhere in the game themselves (IE the VAST majority of players). these no-skill degenerates used hacks, dupes and other unscrupulous means in which to achieve "00berness," and as much as they pissed me off, i was able to tolerate them...until...
...until blizzard finally listened to those idiots (who coincidentally made up the majority of the D2 population) as they bitched and moaned day after day that it was too difficult to get items that paralleled the quality of those owned by rich legit players (such as myself), and eventually they got their way.
so what happened? virtually every single skilled legitimate player left in diablo2 left, as well as a massive amount of the middle-income players who worked their assess off to make ends meat, only to have their items made worthless overnight due to the incessant bitching of the proleteriate.
and after the exodus of anything with skill, diablo2 was left with a player-base that consisted almost entirely of people who would get laughed at by the kids riding the shortbus.
guild-wars is headed down the exact same path if they make greens of the absolute rarest skins.
while a gold 8 15>50 crystalline would still remain valuable to collectors if it ended up with a green counterpart, its value would substancially depreciate.
i dont have a problem with greens (heck i think the idea behind them is genious) so long as anet allows people of high-low to middle to very high incomes something to strive towards in their respectful fields.

look at it this way; imagine you had played 9 months and countless hours, working on developing your newest set of "uberarmor2000" and all of a sudden, because enough lazy people whined, the game makers decided everyone in the game would get a free set...i dont think you'd be too thrilled.
its kind of like that.
limit greens to craptacular skins and everyones happy; poorer people get their items, richer people get their shiny colors; everyone wins.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005


Originally Posted by RaabTheGuru
I know I'm not the only one here that remembers back a couple months ago when green items used to actually be worth something. With the new updates introducing TOPK, everyone has easy access to green drops now. Not only that, but people are farming them like crazy 24/7. I have several high end green items that I simply cannot sell at all because the supply now exceeds the demand.
I'm not saying green items should be removed from the game, but the drops rates need to be decreased.

It takes a mere 30 minutes or less in Sorrow's Furnace to kill all the bosses and aquire green items. It takes about an hour for a team of 8 to complete TOPK and obtain 6 or so green drops. Every single major outpost in the game is now flooded with people desperately trying to sell their once-prized green items. Even when turning off the Trade Chat channel, people still feel the need to sell in the All Chat channel, making it almost impossible to find groups to do anything anymore.

Maybe I am the only one that feels this way, but I think the game is really taking a turn for the worse. The PvE aspect of the game has been frozen for some time now, and the new Factions update will fix that, I'm fully aware of that. But for the time being, everyone is bored, and therefore farming the hell out of SF and TOPK.

The reason I see this ruining the game is the fact that there will be millions of green items available to players now. All post-searing warriors will all be using Green axes, swords, hammers and shields. All the characters are going to look like clones. It sounds to me like the game is evolving from a skill based MMORPG with TONS of variety in characters, to a skill based MMORPG/Marketplace with little or no variety between characters.

I still love the game, but I don't want to see it turn into another Diablo 2 type game where every single character looks the same and the only reason 99% of the community is playing the game is to farm for items.
The O.P. is looking at the whole issue of green drops in GW from his own perspective, without considering the perspective of players with a totally different playing style.

After playing 5 different characters completely through this game, doing all quests and missions without being run, there really isn't much left for me to do besides 1) going after elites, 2) helping friends, 3) PvP, 4) farming for money or 5) going after "treasures". Now, I have just about all the elites for each of my characters. I don't like playing PvP. I don't want FOW armour, so I have absolutely no need to spend countless hours farming. So fortunately for me, Anet has introduced two newer areas to the game that are relatively challenging to do (SF and the new UW). In order to make it worthwhile to do these two areas again and again and again, Anet was wise enough to introduce "treasures", meaning the green items, that drop often enough, but not too often.

I and all my GW friends enjoy doing SF and UW again and again, because it is a challenging way to enjoy playing together as a team, and because of the green drops, we actually have a reason to go and do these areas repeatedly.

SF may indeed take you only about 30 minutes to clear out if you are going there with an uber efficient farming team carefully composed of just the right professions and skills, like MM's, etc. But our way of doing SF I think is more fun: we get a full team of friends together forming a rather balanced party (enough healing, enough damage, enough spell interrupting) but we don't care to "fine tune" each profession like all the professional farmers seem to do. So our SF tours take a bit longer, are a bit more challenging, and we have a lot of fun.

Anyway, my main point is: green drops are not just for you farmers who want to do these two areas just for the drops and just to sell them for big money. Green drops are the little treat that makes players like us want to replay these areas again and again.

Edit: An afterthought about the O.P.'s comment that this game will evolve into a collection of clones. Well, there is a great variety of skills for each profession, and a huge amount of skill combinations to try and which are fun to play. So why choose only those 8 skills for a character that everyone seems to insist you take along? Be brave, be creative! I was about to join a barrage team once but left when the party leader told me what 8 skills to equip.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Mystic Shadow Soldiers (MSS)


Originally Posted by RaabTheGuru From the first post in the Thread
I Even when turning off the Trade Chat channel, people still feel the need to sell in the All Chat channel, making it almost impossible to find groups to do anything anymore.

Greens didnt do this Runners did, runners are the reason you cant get groups anywere...

oh and on topic

Not signed....


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005


Not signed, I'm lucky to even get a green at TOPK, 2 hours of play (if you're not in a barrage group) to find out that I don't get a green and gotten 1,5k in cash/drops from the run isn't very rewarding..

Even worse green drop rate..? LOL

Numa Pompilius

Numa Pompilius

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

At an Insit.. Intis... a house.

Live Forever Or Die Trying [GLHF]



This thread is a first: the farmers are calling for a drop nerf!

Yeah, many of the greens are pretty worthless (try selling a green hammer), but who cares? Except farmers, that is?

/not signed.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by Akhilleus
A: its not about being better, at least not for alot of collectors; its about exactly that; collecting.
people collect cars, cards, musical instruments, silverware, dishes, baseballs, legos, 12-inch vynals, books, pottery, the list goes on. and its not about being better, its about a sense of fullfilment as you improve upon your collection.

B: thank you for making my point.
d2 was ruined by newbcakes who were too damn lazy and incompitent to actually get anywhere in the game themselves (IE the VAST majority of players). these no-skill degenerates used hacks, dupes and other unscrupulous means in which to achieve "00berness," and as much as they pissed me off, i was able to tolerate them...until...
...until blizzard finally listened to those idiots (who coincidentally made up the majority of the D2 population) as they bitched and moaned day after day that it was too difficult to get items that paralleled the quality of those owned by rich legit players (such as myself), and eventually they got their way.
so what happened? virtually every single skilled legitimate player left in diablo2 left, as well as a massive amount of the middle-income players who worked their assess off to make ends meat, only to have their items made worthless overnight due to the incessant bitching of the proleteriate.
and after the exodus of anything with skill, diablo2 was left with a player-base that consisted almost entirely of people who would get laughed at by the kids riding the shortbus.
guild-wars is headed down the exact same path if they make greens of the absolute rarest skins.
while a gold 8 15>50 crystalline would still remain valuable to collectors if it ended up with a green counterpart, its value would substancially depreciate.
i dont have a problem with greens (heck i think the idea behind them is genious) so long as anet allows people of high-low to middle to very high incomes something to strive towards in their respectful fields.

look at it this way; imagine you had played 9 months and countless hours, working on developing your newest set of "uberarmor2000" and all of a sudden, because enough lazy people whined, the game makers decided everyone in the game would get a free set...i dont think you'd be too thrilled.
its kind of like that.
limit greens to craptacular skins and everyones happy; poorer people get their items, richer people get their shiny colors; everyone wins.

100% Agreed!!!



I dunt even get "Retired"

Join Date: Aug 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

So what skins are left? Earth orr staff, Serpent Axe, Tribal Axe, Fellblades, Crystallines, Swamp Clubs, White Scythes, Storm Bows, Eternal Bows, Dragon Bows, what else?

Renegade ++RIP++

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006

Pah in stead of nerfing the drops bloody increase them...

done 10 runs in 4 days and on none of them i have had even 1 green drop for me while my teammates got sometimes 2 or even 3 of the little buggers... can tell you that its getting somewhat non funny.



Join Date: Aug 2005


Originally Posted by RaabTheGuru
Actually, they were meant to be rare. They're meant to be the best weapon in the game
Some are almost identical to collector's items, so obviously collector's items were meant to be rare as well, so let's nerf collector's.

Oh hey, Forge armor is the best armor in the game stat wise, MAKE DROKS ARMOR RARE DROPS!

Ure Maker

Ure Maker

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

yer right....

Suicide Bunnies


did u ever think mabey it was Anets intentions E.G

for SF u need 2 get to the warcamp, so u need to be experienced (groups there r very strict on how experienced u r, from my exp) have the correct build, armour etc,

there is like 2 builds for TOMBS u got the 6 people build, with a MM, u got the orozar(mispelled i know) quest build BUT with TOMBS every1 can go there r BARRAGE teams (rangers who can normally find it hard 2 find a GOOD group in SF), mesmers r wanted for the wurms and darknesses.

also now u get the newer people who dont have the money that u or I that farm for greens, and they complain

"how come i cant get group, i want Ragos flame staff!"

so Anet (imo) opened the new tombs for any1 who has been ascended making ALOT more people happy, u get more greens, (if u aint scammed) all in all i think

TOMBS prices, are falling e.g victos sword USED to be worth 40-70k a few weeks ago, now you can pick one up for 25k, victos axe is getting cheaper as well as bulwark.

now when TOMBS has been farmed to point were u CAN pick up EVERY green for 10K then the questions;

"now where do i farm TOMBS is all but useless the items arent really worth much and 1!!! hour F^^k that"

were will they go SF back to the scheme of things, and the prices will raise again e.g. mabey ragos flame staff will b 100k again (bought mine for 60k) and other such items.

its all comes down to patience and when all the hype clears from TOMBS

well thats wat i hope

Caged Fury

Caged Fury

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005

Hearts Of Fury [HoF]

When fancy items first come out, they're uncommon and everyone wants one. Demand exceeds supply and drive prices up. Then everyone jumps on the band wagon and start farming these items, and now the market is flooded with them, driving the prices down. You get these items to sell, to make money, and like all business just accept the competition.

Don't nerf the drop of green items because I want one. I want to earn one of these, but I don't want to earn it by farming griffons/hydras/etc. so I could buy one for an extortionate amount of gold from a farmer. I want to be able to go into, say, ToPK and come out as a winner with a treasure. A little souvenir for something I've achieved. The 'Villainy of Galrath' quest was one of the longest and challenging one I've done, and even now in Southern Shiverpeak, I still carry and use that reward sword. To some of us, these type of items mean more than just a way to make money. Nerf green drops just so farmers can sell their precious wares at high prices? No!

/not signed.



Purveyor of Useless Info

Join Date: Oct 2005

Perpetual Motion Squad [PMS]


Originally Posted by PhrozenFetus
What I dislike is the gaming company trying to regulate the economy in anyway. I don't recall any game I have played so far (too many mmorpgs to count) try and regulate the economy like anet does. Traders, collectors, greens... these all have an effect on the economy.
I agree completely.

Originally Posted by RaabTheGuru
The point where you stop playing the game for >>FUN<< and start playing it to increase your net worth; be it gold or items, that point is where you should look into a different game. You can't honestly tell me that farming the same area over and over and over again endlessly constitutes as fun. If so, then maybe it's time to get outside.
You can't honestly tell me (in bold type..feel like i'm being chastised) that you know what constitutes fun for ANYONE other than yourself. I absolutely hate when people start trying to tell other people what they think and feel. That is one of the most annoying habits to have.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

A Galaxy Far Far Away


Originally Posted by Loralai
You can't honestly tell me (in bold type..feel like i'm being chastised) that you know what constitutes fun for ANYONE other than yourself. I absolutely hate when people start trying to tell other people what they think and feel. That is one of the most annoying habits to have.
I agree some people think stamp collecting is fun, others find hunting fun.
FUN means something completely different for everybody.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Knights of the Void


I have been playing since september. Casual like, taking my time to do things how I want to exploring the area for a while before moving on. Just 2 days ago, I decided to see what was up with this quest in grenths footprint. So I grabbed a bunch of henchies and fought over. On my way to this Galen Trask person that I was supposed to find, I ran across this sign for an area that I hadn't heard of. I didn't want to rezone unless it was a town, so I asked someone on my friends list. I think they didn't realise what I was asking because it took a full minute for them to tell me that Deldrimor War Camp was an outpost.

Does it make me a n00b for not knowing? I don't think so. I was exploring since I have beat all the missions. Am I a casual player because I hadn't made it there after playing for 5 months? I hope not. I play for 2 hours a day on average. I just don't want to rush things. I'd like to take my time and enjoy something rather then ever feeling like it is a chore.

I did the afore mentioned quest for Galen trask. It took me hours to do because I had never been there and there is no map other then those that people have made. Not a single one of my little henchie buddies died, because I took it that slow, lol. Yesterday I did Kilroy "dont remember" with a friend. They suggested when we were done that we clear out Grenths Footprint of some bosses. I got my very 1st green item drop. Gorrels Staff, I can't use it, but it still makes me very happy to have.

I am not a farmer. Why in the heck should it be even harder for me to find nice things? In 470 hours of play time I have never had a black dye drop. I am unlucky already. If they nerf anything else I won't get anything at all.

Sorry to all you farmers who can't sell things for as much, but I can't afford to buy from you, so how else will I get anything then to wait for a fantastic drop.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005


ANet the gaming alternative to Alan Greenspan... controlling the economy to further stabilise growth, inflation and unemployment.

Love any items for me its not the money but the way it looks... dont care if I paid for an item and then it drops because ANet brought out a green version or increased the drop rates...

This thread was started based on the person that COULDN'T sell his/her green items because they dropped to much. Geez isn't that the worse case of whinging about not being able to make a buck... get over it. I say drop more and get the farmers out of the game... and have the real gamers stay and play the game it was meant to be played.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

A Galaxy Far Far Away


Any possibility that Anet did this intentionally to drive down the seriously over-inflated prices of Greens???

Also noticed that most people are complaining about being scammed buying or selling greens, could this have led to a greater drop rate thereby leading to lower prices and smaller chance of being scammed????

Manic Smile

Manic Smile

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005


----- 15^50[Rare] ---- Alliance: ----- [SMS] -----

Originally Posted by Akhilleus
A: its not about being better, at least not for alot of collectors; its about exactly that; collecting.
people collect cars, cards, musical instruments, silverware, dishes, baseballs, legos, 12-inch vynals, books, pottery, the list goes on. and its not about being better, its about a sense of fullfilment as you improve upon your collection.
If it's truely about collecting then the value of your collection means nothing...I have a collection of sea shells that I value over all my complete sets of 80's baseball cards but I can tell you which one is worth more in cash...if you're really a collector and not just trying to show off, greens could be candy drops and you'd still do it. Sounds more like it's collecting all the expensive drops so see previous rant.

Originally Posted by Akhilleus
B: thank you for making my point.
d2 was ruined by newbcakes who were too damn lazy and incompitent to actually get anywhere in the game themselves (IE the VAST majority of players). these no-skill degenerates used hacks, dupes and other unscrupulous means in which to achieve "00berness," and as much as they pissed me off, i was able to tolerate them...until...
...until blizzard finally listened to those idiots (who coincidentally made up the majority of the D2 population) as they bitched and moaned day after day that it was too difficult to get items that paralleled the quality of those owned by rich legit players (such as myself), and eventually they got their way.
I played that game constantly...I've had every class past 90 and was up to the middle of 98 on my Druid(completely lagit no running/rushing/hacking)...had about every unique(I say this just to add some validity to my statement, take it as you will) through playing. I played till the hacks made it pointless...I tell you right now if they kept the hacks out they could have made golds pop out of everything and I'd still have played, it wasn't about other people having better items it was about the imbalance and the griefing from aholes.

Originally Posted by Akhilleus
look at it this way; imagine you had played 9 months and countless hours, working on developing your newest set of "uberarmor2000" and all of a sudden, because enough lazy people whined, the game makers decided everyone in the game would get a free set...i dont think you'd be too thrilled.
its kind of like that.
limit greens to craptacular skins and everyones happy; poorer people get their items, richer people get their shiny colors; everyone wins.
Who cares if they have something that looks like what you are trying to collect, it's about knowing you have the collection that matters to a true collector not being able to wear your collection in public and having everyone know your wealth on sight. So in that mindset greens have done nothing...perfect golds still allow plenty of time/money sinks for true collecting.

Manic Smile

Manic Smile

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005


----- 15^50[Rare] ---- Alliance: ----- [SMS] -----

Originally Posted by jimmy_logic
ANet the gaming alternative to Alan Greenspan... controlling the economy to further stabilise growth, inflation and unemployment.

Love any items for me its not the money but the way it looks... dont care if I paid for an item and then it drops because ANet brought out a green version or increased the drop rates...

This thread was started based on the person that COULDN'T sell his/her green items because they dropped to much. Geez isn't that the worse case of whinging about not being able to make a buck... get over it. I say drop more and get the farmers out of the game... and have the real gamers stay and play the game it was meant to be played.
AMEN! And I really don't care if I seem intolerant to counter views of this.

Originally Posted by unienaule
So what skins are left? Earth orr staff, Serpent Axe, Tribal Axe, Fellblades, Crystallines, Swamp Clubs, White Scythes, Storm Bows, Eternal Bows, Dragon Bows, what else?
Swamp Clubs = Ram Skin?

Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy

Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006




I don't agree at all.

I'm either really unlucky or just too greedy, but not getting a single green from 1 tombs run, is just gay. 2 hours of hard work, I belive anyone should deserve a green.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005


Originally Posted by JediKnight
Any possibility that Anet did this intentionally to drive down the seriously over-inflated prices of Greens???

Also noticed that most people are complaining about being scammed buying or selling greens, could this have led to a greater drop rate thereby leading to lower prices and smaller chance of being scammed????
Actually, when I think about it, I don't even see why there even is a market for green items in the first place. What is the point of buying a green item from someone? The only real satisfaction in getting such a rare item is when you go out and get it yourself!

So far in all my GW hours I never have bought an item or weapon from another human player. I have found all my weapons myself, with the exception of a few trades with my wife who also plays GW. Neither have I ever sold a green item. Anything I already have or do not want I just give away to a friend in the party for free.

I don't believe that the point of green or other rare items is to reward die hard farmers with a high selling price so they can make a lot of money. They are simply a reward that you get at random, and at best should struggle for.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005



Well after 8 trips into SF and not a single green (or gold for that matter) drop I decided to use the money from the junk that did drop to buy the green that I wanted...

So tis all good for me

Anyho, I don't see the problem, PvE it doesn't have a major effect on you apart from your ability to make money selling rare items.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005


Originally Posted by [Apple]
Green Items should not be rare, as the reason they are IN the game, is so that PvE players can play PvP and not be imbalanced... I think they should be made LESS rare, if anything.
my thought's exacly the same. i'm glad i managed to easly farm/buy some green items and i can use my pve chars just as well in pvp.

the only expensive things in pve are the rare skinned gold items and it should stay that way. making greens rare would be a bad move in my opinion.

Renegade ++RIP++

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006

11 th run, only with 6 at endboss, still no green for me

Zero G

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

All I keep reading from people is that guild wars is about skill not the items.. What a laugh. Guild Wars PvE isn't about skill, it is far too easy. Guild wars PvP isn't about skill, it is about using the right build. If guild wars was about skill I would be able to take any team of mixed character types and beat any other team. This game hasn't got any where near the ballance for that. To be really competitive you need a few monks with a few warriors and then fill out your team with your different support classes to make your team "different".

Thats not skill, that is learning the new trick of the month until Anet changes the over powered skill and everyone moves on to the next one.

Anet should have left PvP and PvE totally seperate, they are not compatible with one another and changes for the sake of one side always hurts the other.

Once Anet makes it so you can fight 15-30 people per team, then you will need skills. You could be facing any build at that point so your overall team is going to matter more then in the standard 8v8 of even worse the 4v4.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


Du Vrangr Gatas [MAGE]

Originally Posted by Poison Ivy
I don't agree at all.

I'm either really unlucky or just too greedy, but not getting a single green from 1 tombs run, is just gay. 2 hours of hard work, I belive anyone should deserve a green.

Wouldnt farmers complain more in the long run then, because the market would be more flooded, and if someone wanted a green, they could just go spend 2 hours rather than spend 50-100k(yes it is still considered a lot for most players), and be guaranteed to get a green. There are no absolutes.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

The Edge

Tormented Weapons [emo]

I really have mixed feelings about this. I farm Tombs a lot with my Ranger. I do it because, 1.) it's fun and I like the social interation (most of the time) 2.) it's extremely rewarding to pick up those Greens at the end. I've been very lucky and have gotten at least one Green on virtually every trip. At first, I was selling my Greens faster than I could get them. Now, it feels like I can't even give them away. I mean, come on. Victo's axe should not be a hard sell, but when 20 other people are in the same district trying to sell it forget it. Switch districts/towns? There's 20 other guys selling it.

So, it's a tough call. I want my reward after a long mission, but I also want to be able to sell a great weapon for a reasonable price.

Lord Flash Heart

Lord Flash Heart

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006


I am strongly against nerfing green drops, its nice to see the prizes getting lower for people who do not dedicate their lives to a game, its still possible for them to have a nice weapon. I am still happy to find greens, but when i do and i cant use it, i always give it away to a class that is happy with it. (so its not me asking low prizes )
This game is imop more about skills then tring to "out-cool" other players...........

Flash Heart (mo/ ) aka Lady Flashheart (me/ )



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005


I completely disagree

/not signed

Blaze Emup

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005

Martyrs And Heroes


I'm like alot of people. I think that greens are there so that everyone can have a shot at their perfect weapon and not have to pay what a gold one would be worth. They should not be worth as much as gold because when they do drop they are already perfect. Know how long that would take to get a gold one like that? To make them be as rare as a perfect gold dropping you'd have to have them only drop probably 1 out of every 10,000 times the boss was killed.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Scars Meadows [SMS], Retired Officer


Originally Posted by RaabTheGuru
I have several high end green items that I simply cannot sell at all because the supply now exceeds the demand.
honestly, all i ever see people do is whine. any good points you may have had regarding greens ruining the game and making everyone look like clones goes completely out the window. the true reason for your complaint lies with this statement.

you've done the farming, and you've managed to acquire the "high end" greens for yourself. now that you're all set, you want anet to nerf the drop rates so that you can sell them for high prices and make a nice profit for yourself. how is this fair for newer players?

sorry, but i see right through you. you can hide behind all of the altruistic bs about looking out for the state of the game that you want, but you're really only looking out for yourself. you just want to strike it rich.

i'm with the crowd that says that drop rates should be increased. if everyone can get the greens that they want more easily or if prices are low enough, people wouldn't spend so much time farming. then, you wouldn't need to be rich to be able to get the best stuff and people would be on equal footing.


Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005


FoW armour was Anet's luxury item. Because this game has so much PvP, the classes had to be capped and everyone have access to similar weapons in order to keep things fair. Greens are a poor man's gold. The problem is a lack of skins. People spend money on FoW to get a different look. Golds should have different skins, so that people are motivated to get nice gold items, and not just a green. That way the proles in the game can get a max moded weapon and the rich can show off their fancy skins. Also, Anet, regulate the market. Set merch prices on ecto and shards at 20k and 10k (or something like that), maybe get a nice weapon crafter into the game. Keep some skins elite so that people who really play the game a lot can still work for something. Victo's Axe is the latest screw up. When you saw someone with a sickle (besides an IW mesmer) you knew they had something rare. And casters, well we just get screwed on skins. One, maybe two skins, is really boring.

Leave greens cheap, maxed, and modded. Get more skins for the golds, so that those with cash can fight over the sweetest, rarest weapons without getting an advantage over other players. Get some elite collectors in the game: 250 Mursaat tokens for a sweet skinned, rare, weapon.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

Eastern Iowa

Forsaken Wanderers [FW]


People need to stop telling ANet how to do their job and simply state what they feel the problems are. Instead of crying "OMG NERF _________," just calmly say, "I feel that this is unbalancing the game experience for me." And they will look at it. And if it REALLY IS UNBALANCED, they'll fix it.

If you're just being a whiny brat, they won't. End of story.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2006

I think the best way this can be 'fixed' is to simply remove the keg/gear trick. I remember back when keg/gear wasn't popular it was actually really fun and achieveing to make it to the bosses.

It's simply far too easy now.

Divinus Stella

Divinus Stella

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005


Steel Phoenix

Greens should stay as common as they are, i think they were intended for the lower end of the market, you cant mod them in any way so they will never go above perfect gold items in value, also a lot of them seem to be purposely modded with poor mods, like the axes, with the sundering hafts, staves with +60 health and ele staves with 20% enchanting, they all cut it for new chars but the perfect gold items leave something for people to work towards.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005


The price down cause ppl are smart now. They knew there are a lot farmers faming greens and the they will not be rare eventually (like SF Greens). So if all you farmers stop crazy farming, the green price may be more stable.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2005

Guild Hall, Vent, Guesting, PvE, or the occasional HA match...

Dark Alley [dR]

Originally Posted by striderkaaru
honestly, all i ever see people do is whine.
Quoted for truth

Look, heres the thing. Most of the greens are completely trash and have stats on then that i would LOVE on a different weapon. there is only maybe 5 i can think of that i could keep that are good. the shield obviously, the victos sword, gordacs needle (which i think was made personally for boon monks) and a couple others... other than that every green item i find i sell for dirt cheap or give away. I do keep some for the sake of having them, but do i use them? no. Take victo's axe for example... there are other mods that i would LOVE to see on that axe other than the crap sundering one they gave it. do i have one, yes. do i use it, no.

Gold and ultra rare items will always be above greens for the modability factor. If you find a nice rare sword,axe,hammer... you can change the mods on it to suit what you need it for. The green items were introduced as a way to try and stabalize the economy, and also ment to make it that everyone could have a weapon/sheild/bow/staff to be competitive with the ultra rich in the game.

Personally i dont think its the drop rate so much as the drop assignment. Ive been on many tombs runs with my ranger and my monk, and been on many where i have and have seen people get 3 drops while another person gets nothing for their work. If you want to give everyone a fair chance, then allow everyone to get something.




Join Date: Dec 2005

Dayton Ohio


make it so there is a chest inbetween the darkness bosses that pops open like HoH and drops 1 thing for every party member?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005


Hearts Of Fury [HoF]


Originally Posted by striderkaaru
i'm with the crowd that says that drop rates should be increased. if everyone can get the greens that they want more easily or if prices are low enough, people wouldn't spend so much time farming. then, you wouldn't need to be rich to be able to get the best stuff and people would be on equal footing.
That's my view too.

In my mind, the nerfing of drops will encourage more players to farm. Items become harder to get hold of, and to get it, one must either:

1. Farm the area until it drops
2. Farm an area for gold to buy at much inflated prices

If drops are high, and farmers cannot make a profit, then there will be less incentive for them to farm. Players will not need to farm and can continue to play the game as it's meant to be played.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


It's funny how people believe that they need to have green weapons to actually be effective..considering most of the green weapons have shitty mods.

Doulbe Adrenaline and a Fortitude mod on an axe is Lol.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

California, USA

The Elite Knights of Tarnia [PwnD]

Originally Posted by Theus
It's funny how people believe that they need to have green weapons to actually be effective..considering most of the green weapons have shitty mods.

Doulbe Adrenaline and a Fortitude mod on an axe is Lol.
Whatever works for your playing style...the greens that fetch the highest prices today are the ones with the relatively best mods.