Originally Posted by Manic Smile
Frankly if all the "rich" and moderately "rich" players leave simply because their FoW amor isn't "Leet" or that perfect sword can be gotten in a few SF runs good riddence. I mean really how petty is that to decide it's no longer fun because you can't be "better" then someone else at playing the lottery...I mean I spend as much time in game as the next person...I'll put my in game time/gear/money/skill up againts anyone but you don't see me making others feel bad to enjoy it. Grow up people...be you 12 or 55 it's just sad. FYI I left D2 because of all the stupid hacks, griefers and immature morons...tears for a great game ruined by petty people
people collect cars, cards, musical instruments, silverware, dishes, baseballs, legos, 12-inch vynals, books, pottery, the list goes on. and its not about being better, its about a sense of fullfilment as you improve upon your collection.
B: thank you for making my point.
d2 was ruined by newbcakes who were too damn lazy and incompitent to actually get anywhere in the game themselves (IE the VAST majority of players). these no-skill degenerates used hacks, dupes and other unscrupulous means in which to achieve "00berness," and as much as they pissed me off, i was able to tolerate them...until...
...until blizzard finally listened to those idiots (who coincidentally made up the majority of the D2 population) as they bitched and moaned day after day that it was too difficult to get items that paralleled the quality of those owned by rich legit players (such as myself), and eventually they got their way.
so what happened? virtually every single skilled legitimate player left in diablo2 left, as well as a massive amount of the middle-income players who worked their assess off to make ends meat, only to have their items made worthless overnight due to the incessant bitching of the proleteriate.
and after the exodus of anything with skill, diablo2 was left with a player-base that consisted almost entirely of people who would get laughed at by the kids riding the shortbus.
guild-wars is headed down the exact same path if they make greens of the absolute rarest skins.
while a gold 8 15>50 crystalline would still remain valuable to collectors if it ended up with a green counterpart, its value would substancially depreciate.
i dont have a problem with greens (heck i think the idea behind them is genious) so long as anet allows people of high-low to middle to very high incomes something to strive towards in their respectful fields.
look at it this way; imagine you had played 9 months and countless hours, working on developing your newest set of "uberarmor2000" and all of a sudden, because enough lazy people whined, the game makers decided everyone in the game would get a free set...i dont think you'd be too thrilled.
its kind of like that.
limit greens to craptacular skins and everyones happy; poorer people get their items, richer people get their shiny colors; everyone wins.