Originally Posted by Fox Reeveheart
How about some sort of cool-ass half dragon race or something? I mean jeez.
maybe he was a dragon man... or maybe just a dragon.. but he was still TRROOGGDOOOR!
Evan The Cursed
Originally Posted by Markaedw
I wouldn't mind, different nationalities, for instance a ranger in Kyta has different armor than one from Ascalon.
Even with all the different charateristics, go to any town and at least one other person will look the same. |
Originally Posted by Fox Reeveheart
As said, I'm a human in real life, i DONT want to be one in a computer game.
If GW had gone the way of WoW and D&D and kept it free instead of this new road, i GUARANTEE you they would still have the fanbase they have now, maybe not the same people, but the population would be the same. No pay to play = gg Besides I know they said other ones were being considered at least, if not this expansion then my guess is next expansion..... guild wars: Deception? just a guess. I would like new races, but agreed they shouldnt go with cookie cutter races.... EXCEPT DWARF! PLEASE THEY ALREADY MADE THEM NPCS! WHY NOT PCS?!? Make something original i suppose.... something like a tiny yipping dog lizard race like kobolds... so cute |
Lord Scoopula
Neriandal Freit
Originally Posted by Lord Scoopula
I don't think new playable races are a good thing, I thought the whole story of Guildwars was supposed to be about the struggle of Humans and their Charr/Dwarven/Mursaat opressors. Which ultimately leads up to the Flameseeker Prophecies and the ascension of the Humans...if you played as another race you'd get pwned by the humans, wouldn't make for a very good game.
Neriandal Freit
Originally Posted by Rieselle
Well, given that all primary classes have their own unique model, it's not inconceivable that future classes might be of a different race. After all, monks are practically a different race already. (Wierd bald egg people race
It's dissappointing that dwarves are in the game tho, they should have completely avoided all the traditional tolkien stuff. And one thing that struck me... there are no female dwarves to be seen? How do they reproduce?? |
Originally Posted by Nevin
Hence skill of a player is not judged by the amount of hours played.
Evan The Cursed
Originally Posted by LaserLight
As well as the fact that male Warriors aren't allowed to be anything but overweight middle-aged men with bad haircuts.
Originally Posted by TheMosesPHD
and they've even mentioned interest in non-armor town clothes.
Originally Posted by TheMosesPHD
The theme of Guild Wars is humans with different professions.
Neriandal Freit
and you call pumkin heads and raindeer horns realistic??? gimme a break! |
Lady Lozza
Originally Posted by Neriandal Freit
I am so inlove with my idea of having to earn the ability to play a race. Matter of fact, I think we should increase the XP needed to to 10 M XP to Earn said race. And limit all accounts to ONE said-race. I think it would show true skill that can't be bought.
healer of ascalon
Juicey Shake
Rex the Unloving
Fox Reeveheart
Rob Van Der Sloot
Originally Posted by Artisan
Surprised no one's mentioned tengu. (Edit: Too late! )
You could have small differences, possibly. Say, one race gets a bit of extra energy built in, one race gets some extra armor, something like that, if you wanted to make it different. Like say Tengu could get an extra 5/10 armor on top of whatever they're wearing, as a 'racial bonus'. And if you want to keep humans the same, subtract something else from tengu - like -5 energy or something. I dunno. |
Originally Posted by Fox Reeveheart
Whoa, you resurrected the thread, kudos to you!
But yes, with the release of factions I am disappointed that there is no new race.... especially on the part of tengu! >.O COME ON ANET! IF YOUR GOING TO MAKE A TENGU NPC PLAYABLE THEN MAKE THEM AS PLAYABLE RACES! THIS IS JUST TEASING US AND YOU KNOW IT! Heck they even said themselves they were looking up on new races for future chapters FAR before the release or even announcement of factions. You better pick up the ball for chapter 3 ANET -.- i'm watching you and I have people in high places... meaning they are stoned because they are losers... but still... watch your back. |
Originally Posted by KvanCetre
Furries Fail. Nuff Said.
Hunter Sharparrow
Count to Potato
Francis Demeules
Originally Posted by rollntider
But special stats for different races could mess up the balance. Just make it the same AL and such, just different skins for the armor.
Originally Posted by Hunter Sharparrow
It wouldn't surprise me if anet introduced new races but at a required a cost. Kinda like being able to pay 10 bucks for two new character slots. The races would be the humanoid ones in the game like the charr, dwarves or tengu. I fail to see any valid negetive reasons as to why this can't happen. It would give the game more diversity and that can only be a good thing. More diversity means the game would be more appeasing to individual players. As it looks right now the different races only seem to be different player skins. The enemies in the game follow the same classes and use the same skills as the human players with the exception of a small few. Those few being non humanoid. There is also the monster skill some enemies and even ally npcs seem to have but that wouldn't carry over and can stay where it is. So in short the addition of new races would merely be a different skin. A tengu warrior instead of a human warrior. You have all the same skills and would wield the same weapons and offhands and would even wear armor that would have the same armor rating. It would only look different.
Lord Sojar
Originally Posted by Kaguya
It's not a MMO
Originally Posted by rollntider
why do people keep asking anet to charge us 10 bucks here and 10 bucks there? go play a MMORPG that charges monthly. Why not Anet just realese the things we want in those expansions we are already paying for? That makes more sence.
Why not make an expansion and call it Guild Wars: Tyrian Charr invasion. It would allow you to play the char side of Tyria. Those empty spaces in the map would be char territory. Your choices could be Charr/Grawl/Those nasty Mountain dwarves/ and Tengu (since you do fight a fair share of tengu). It would add another thing of storage (for only the species characters) You can also play as a dwarf for the Human side. No trade could be between the new bad side except at a neutral city market where trade occured at an auction house / market area where both sides visted. |
Originally Posted by Rahja the Thief
And Jeff Strain should just go back to Blizzard and work on the WoW expansion right? Holy mother of God... its World of Warguilds, Charr Blood Wars.... NO. |