This thread is very interesting, I think i've read every post twice or more ... the thing that is still killing me (besides the hilarious analogies
) is there are still some folks out there saying: "It's the person getting scammed who is to blame for being careless" ... now, i'll save you the horror of throwing another analogy in here, but this just seems ludicrous to me ... not even the good kind of "oh that was odd, lol" ludicrous either, but the "what the hell is wrong with you?" ludicrous.
There are fraudulent companies (REAL WORLD scammers) out there who, every day, scam the country's elderly ... why? They are an easy target. They come from a generation where you could trust people for the most part, are sometimes a little forgetful, and can't really do much to fight back. Are they to blame as well for being so easy to take advantage of? Honestly, ask yourself that question.
Not to imply that there are many elderly playing Guild Wars, mind you, but the concept is the same. Those who are new, those who are not as GWeducated, those who are trusting: these are the people who get scammed. Is it their fault?
NO. The only way to truly combat this type of behavior is through education of the masses: something that this site does very well.