Originally Posted by Juk3n
ok, so let me get this straite, u hate on w/mo (not that i am one but i have been for certain situations) but now u hate on plate?/ wtf? Theres nothing wrong with plate, it has its benefits and draw backs just like ALL other armors, (but glads is best, noobs will say) ya, its good, energy is gr8, but it looks like a bra and ffs...IM A warrior and i never play Ele/Nec/Rarley Mes Rarley Monk with my secondary, 80% of my attack skills are adreniline, so..why the hell must i have Glads armor?? lol, it makes me laugh now people are saying what armor a warrior wears determines whether he is a noob ahahah..noobs, FYI Rank 7 , 3.2million xp (cos i love the pve game more than anyone) and 100,500 faction all with plate. What now let me guess ur reply to this,"yeah but with glads u would be rank 9 with 100 million xp and 500,000 faction and u would be invincible and be teh uberest">?? PRO'S KNOW ..THAT IN THE END, Armor - skill list - weapons - equiptment all vary from situation to situation, in pvp, i use plate simply cos i like the look, and b-cos, i dont need the extra energy^^ Come on..use ur brain.
I dont see any hate towards w/mo here, i see dislike towards warriors with a false sense of theyre own abilitys (which is any class)
i Have played through myself with a W/Mo, so i dont discriminate by class
and if your only using skills that use adrenaline, your gimping yourself, a warrior with four adrenaline skills, two energy skills that increase adrenaline gain, and res+heal sig, will out do a warrior with 6 adrenaline skills and a res+heal sig, and for that the extra energy is essential
and if you have the plate, just because your current build doesnt need the extra energy, doesnt mean its not useful- your limited in your choice of builds, you couldnt use a gale warrior effectivly, and many others.
its better to have somthign with a bonus you arnt using, than to have somthing with no bonus, and not have it should you need it, would you buy a car with only two seats, or one exactly the same size and price with 5, even if you didnt need the 5 seats at the time? "Come on..use ur brain."
and i couldnt care less about your rank , or XP, my brother has 1 mil and he's still pretty weak. Rank+XP=! Skill
And if the Pros know, how comes Every single warrior in the WCC regardless of build or role wore gladiators? there was plenty of varitety, but still only glads was used.
the Pros know, that plate provides +5AR vs Normal (non physical) damage, at the penalty of -5 vs physical, and -7 energy (so lets, say, almost a third)
with the gladiators, you can use a spell/enchant/stance to buff your armour against everything, remind me of one situation where plate has any advantage over glads?
the Pros do know, that armour with a bonus, is better than an almost identical armour without a bonus, REGARDLESS of situation. GG