Originally Posted by yesitsrob
Arguing with Ensign is stupid, because you will in fact be wrong, don't waste your time
Hey, I've been proven wrong before, and I enjoy it when it happens - means I learned something. It just requires a few things, namely a well supported argument that I can logically follow. People have done it before, and will certainly do it again.
I'm interested in discussion, not debate, after all.
Originally Posted by yesitsrob
Orders and Party - reduced to bubble range
Eh maybe, but I think that'd destroy the skills (at least Orders). You want the skills to still affect your group provided that you're all together in the group. Thing is that, at least in PvP, a team is often fighting 8 on 8 but they aren't all clustered up nicely within an aggro bubble. Part of what makes those skills good is that they're fire and forget, you don't have to jump through positioning hoops to make them work. Of course right now the AoEs are so huge that they lead to exploits.
I don't know what the right range on the skills should be, but I'm sure that radar is too big, and I'm pretty sure that aggro bubble is too small. Maybe spirit is too big as well. In any case there's some point in there where the skills still maintain their usefulness when playing with the team while losing their 'across the map' exploitability. Testing would be needed to find it.
Originally Posted by yesitsrob
and maybe do something about the recharging of sigs on the ghost - I think the fact that killing your own ghost early is a good strategy is bullshit, and for teams that run about 7 res sigs - potentially having 14 sigs is ridiculous - that's obviously ha related.
Well I think that sigs recharging on morale is absolutely key. But I agree that something's a little off when you want to let the other team kill your Ghostly Hero early because it denies them more Ressigs. I think that's the difference between an environment supported by Ressigs and one dominated by them. I don't think that the Ressig discussion has been had in a terrible amount of depth yet though and it's one that I'd enjoy having.
Originally Posted by SirErnieMacGloop
Isn't PvP about teamwork and group/build forming?
Doesn't Iway promote the opposite?
iWay has two big things going for it. The first is that it's not a build that requires a lot of coordination. Each character acts independently doing his own thing, and while some communication is useful it isn't going to cripple the team if it doesn't happen. The second is that it's a fast paced build that wins and loses quickly, making it more appealing to a player with less time on his hands.
The net of those two things is that an iWay player can get a group quickly, can just play without having to discuss builds or strategy, and have some amount of success with it. Builds that put emphesis on player skill instead of teamwork will always have that advantage.
The problem with iWay, of course, is that it's a ridiculously powerful offense that's abusing as many broken skills as any other build in the game - not just four warriors, the best damage dealers in the game, but warriors stacking IAS buffs, plus undercosted, ridiculously powerful game altering spirits, plus radar range spammables that dominate the game. Easy to get started with plus overpowered mechanics gives you the mess you're looking at now.
Originally Posted by WNxMeteora
Cost, it is very difficult to ALLWAYS keep up BOTH orders
That's why you use two necros, one with each Order, if you really want to abuse the things. A single Order is strong enough to justify a character slot. If it's a spike group, each necro can put up his Order, then spike with the rest of the group with an enchantment removal or a Vampiric Gaze. If you're not spiking you can just spam the Order whenever you have the energy, no coordination required. A character with both Orders is just poor in my experience, he cannot afford to have more than one up with any consistency.
Originally Posted by WNxMeteora
if some1 actually noticed there are only 7 guys attacking the team they might send a warrior to look for the nec...enfeeble isnt going to keep a war from killing you
Sure, but the Cripshot ranger who noticed you making that move certainly can. If there's one thing I've learned from playing against iWay, it's that rushing that guy in the back is one of the fastest ways to wipe your party. He can just run away with a huge head start while the rest of their team rages your backs...it never ends well.
Originally Posted by Ghull Ka
Not everyone holds a damned gear when they play PvE.
Of course not, only the warrior does.
I'm not trying to disqualify discussions about PvE balance, but I'm trying to focus it onto the points of it that are most important. Sure, I know that not everyone plays with a gear, but if you're not playing with a gear should you really be talking about what's overpowered or not in PvE? Balance starts at the top. When talking about PvP balance you look at what's dominating the Hall of Heroes, or what the top guilds are dominating with. You don't look at what people are losing with in Dark Chambers, or what the ~1000 ranked guilds are beating each other with. If it's not dominating how can you call it overpowered?
The same goes for PvE. You don't start a discussion about PvE balance by looking at pugs and casual players. Not that they don't have a concern, but that their concern is pretty minimal because they aren't abusing the broken stuff. No, if you want to talk about PvE balance you start at the top - gear tanks, Protective Spirit / 55 monking, Spiteful Spirit abuse. Those are the dominant strategies in PvE, and if there's an imbalance that's where you need to look.
Originally Posted by Ghull Ka
Ether Renewal was great before its widespread abuse at the hands of E/Mo smiters in PvP.
Well of course it was, I was bitching about that skill back in January 2005. It was an infinite energy engine for anyone with half a brain. Cast Ether Renewal, toss 3-4 spells in, and you're at full energy. The amount of energy you could get out of the thing was limited only by your Energy Storage attribute, and how expensive you could make the spells you cast during Renewal itself.
I'd like to point out that the E/Mo smiter wasn't just good in PvP. It was downright retarded in PvE. Smiting off of a gear tank against monsters who never fled out of your power-spammed AoEs? Yes please. Renewal was hardly neccessary because you cut through every mob in the game in less than 10 seconds with dual smite in PvE. An Ele couldn't even cast Meteor Shower because the monsters would be dead before the first meteor hit.
Sure there were some players doing 'fair' things with Ether Renewal, like casting Flare over and over again to refill energy with an Attunement up or something. Yes, they suffered some splash damage from the nerf. That's unfortunate but unavoidable. You can't hold a game hostage, balance-wise, because some scrub somewhere might have his pet build nerfed.
Originally Posted by Ghull Ka
I don't think that a skill which is abused in PvE should be adjusted at all, I think that the environment in which that skill is most commonly used is the thing which should be adjusted. Adding healers and mesmers to commonly farmed areas would be a great start.
Agreed entirely. Most of the problems in PvE are a consequence of poor mob design and bad AI tricks. If a problem can be addressed that way it should be. Only in rare cases where the skill itself is a problem (ala Protective Bond) should a skill see the nerf stick.
Originally Posted by Mimi Miyagi
I said it in my first post - the dev team is in a much better position to discuss skill balancing than players. Players in of themselves have way too much tunnel vision in their grasp of what is balanced or not, to be a fair judge of what needs to be done.
I'll give you half of that argument. The developers are in a much better position to decide what's a good change and what is not for the good of the game, because, well, it's their game. They have a vision of how they want the game to be played, of how it's supposed to feel, and ultimately any decisions along those lines need to be made by them. However I will argue that that is less applicible to fine-tuning of skills than bigger issues.
I had the opportunity to speak with arena.net's founders about different design decisions while in Taipei and I was really impressed by how they answered some of the questions I had. For instance, I asked if leveling was actually an important part of the game, or if it was something that was put in because of some pressure to conform to what was expected. The answer is that leveling is important because of the learning process. If a new player comes into the game and encounters something difficult that he can't pass he'll get frustrated and quit after a few tries. But with leveling in the game, even if he fails at passing that barrier he'll have still accomplished something, and eventually he'll gain a level or two and have enough power to overcome that obstacle regardless. So even in a game like this one the leveling process is really important because it keeps new players involved long enough to learn what they'll need to learn to succeed once they hit the level cap.
But while they understand the big design decisions that shape the game they just don't focus on the details. I ribbed Jeff Strain at one point for letting Gaile play over him on the 4v4 arena team and he said it was because he's awful at PvP and Gaile's better. I'll let that one sit for a moment. Now despite that he has made a great PvP game, and I'm sure he has a lot of ideas about how he wants the game to ultimately play out, a vision of Guild Wars PvP as it were.
That's why A.Net hired people like Izzy, why they maintain a QA team and have a closed test. They have ideas about how they want things to be, but actually doing the fine tuning to actualize that visualization is really, really hard (just look at all the other MMOs that have failed at that). So why is Izzy good at his job? Because he's a competitive PvP player. He does break things, hell he's really good at breaking the limits of the game. He understands not only that things are overpowered, but *why* they are. Because of that he can work with the rest of the development team to implement the fixes that are ultimately best for the game.
So in a way you're right, the people on the inside are in the best position to make balance decisions. But for the most part they aren't the best people to be making those decisions, because their skills and talents lie elsewhere. The best decisions are made by competitive players who have been hired onto the development team for exactly those reasons, to put the right people in the right position to make these decisions.
As I'm on the outside I can't pretend that I'm in a good position to decide what's best for the game. Hell there are people who are a lot better at that than me anyway. What I can do from the outside is use my experience and understanding of the game to try and explain *why* things are working the way they are, so that they can ultimately make better decisions about where they want to go with the game.