Originally Posted by Renegade ++RIP++
And ensign you forgot a fourth group, namely the pve crowd that maximize the power of their character with the items they find throughout their journey not caring for really bling bling but the sociability of others and the ability to function as a group in defeating the challenges that pve bring.
That's group one in the words of a group one player.
Originally Posted by Renegade ++RIP++
The lack of the damageline with warriors
See this is the whole problem in a nutshell. You're trying to argue that 'PvE players' should be listened to when talking about game balance, but in those very same posts you make it abundantly clear that you have absolutely no clue what the current state of balance in your own part of the game is.
How am I supposed to read any balance suggestion that you'd make for anything other than comedy value when you're feeding me gems like this?
Originally Posted by Renegade ++RIP++
So just as much you ensign might think that we pve-players don't have a room in a skill rebalance we will disagree since in the end it affects our game as well.
It's not that there's no room for PvE concerns to be aired in a rebalance thread. It's that the vast, vast majority of PvE players don't know the first thing about skill balance or what's breaks the game. A sizable majority of those who do have some idea of what's broken will violently oppose the broken things being fixed because they're likely exploiting them as much as they can.
What I feel is lost in this discussion, though, is that PvE is so easy, and so imbalanced, and most importantly that most player like it that way, that talking about micro-changes to skills in the context of PvE is all but meaningless. For example a death-specced necromancer is so much more powerful than virtually any other character in a team environment but no one seems to care. Power levels fluctuate wildly, but that's just part of the game.
Powergaming PvE isn't about skill power as much as exploits, about AI abuse, or careful mob selection to give you an overwhelming, unfailing advantage over your opponents. It is about gear tanks that do nothing but cycle stances, about prot spirit against carefully selected mobs that can't remove or work around it, about herding mobs into tiny little AoEs and using skills that the AI is too dumb to break. How much individual skills cost is virtually irrelevant, as long as their effect is something that the chosen monsters cannot deal with. The rest of the build will make it work.
E.G. - the AI update that made it so monsters would no longer stand in a Firestorm like a mushroom. There might have been some sane voices in there talking about how the change was good for the game, but it was drowned out completely by the incessant bitching, whining, and threats to quit the game. Once Spiteful Spirit causes AoE flight you'll see the whole episode all over again.
Originally Posted by Renegade ++RIP++
If you really want us to have no influence on your part of the game
Hell, I'll spell it out. Every time this 'separate PvP and PvE completely' argument is made, I interpret it as follows: 'I've made my character and invested time in him and I don't want anything to change about him that I don't change myself, regardless of the effects of that stance on the rest of the game. I am willing to embrace patently retarded positions like making skills act differently in PvP and PvE, as long as I never have to change the way I play or think about the game.'
I'm not going to argue that there are not PvE-centered players who know what they're talking about, because there are and I enjoy talking to them. But we're not talking about them. We're talking about those group one players, who don't understand the first thing about the game and desperately holding onto the little insights they have found, making outright retarded arguments that derail threads like this one. Players that make the entire PvE community look like a pack of fools.
Sure you're going to be opposed to not being listened to. But you have nothing to say. It might not be evident to you, but it is to the rest of us.