The Sound Problem


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

Black Widow [Wi] / Team Dangerous [DnG]


Post here if u have a problem with the sound since the last update and cant get it back to how it used to be, and have adjusted the sliders already.

I have a problem getting the following skills to have any sound effect at all and have fiddled with the slider enough:

Balthazars Spirit
Blessed Aura
Blessed Signet

I havent played too much since update but im sure theres more, since alot of people complaining!

i would like an option to just turn off all the extra stuff and have it back to how it used to be;(

Originally Posted by Klmpee
idk those r to leet for sound.

To turn of the option.. f 11 then turn quality off all the way.. i like the sounds tho
Thanks for the great input i have already played with the sliders



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

Florida USA :)



idk those r to leet for sound.
To turn of the option.. f 11 then turn quality off all the way.. i like the sounds tho

Devonas Pimp

Devonas Pimp

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005




hi xb

I have sounds but when someone casts an enchantment.. when i stand on that spot where they were i will hear them casting it over and over

Also i have delayed sounds, I do heal sig and no sound.. 5 seconds later il hear it lol




Join Date: Jun 2005

Somewhere between Boardwalk and Park Place

The sound seems to try too hard to be stereo. It makes it difficult to focus, especially with only one earphone in. I've also gotten some stuck loops of sounds from time to time, and jitters in battle sounds.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005


Slash Fail [ftl]


Hello, I too have this sound problem. It appears as if I can only hear a few sounds at a time, some sounds keep cutting off - and I hear some sounds repeating themselves over and over aswell.

I've tried fiddling with the slider in game, fiddling with dxdiag and device manager, with still no luck. Please Anet fix this problem! >_<



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005


Well if you're bored, then you're boring!


Intermittent bowstring pullback and barrage release sound is quarky too, as is the timing on the barrage skill (and all the interupt skills). I attributed this to perhaps an overwhelming amount of lag due to lots and lots of people logging in and receiving their large patch.
Or maybe my eyes aren't catching up to my fingers like they used to...



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005


everytime i play some type of pvp, the end of the match always ends in some sound looping till the next round starts. which is starting to irritate me, i sent anet a bug report.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005

NY, New York

Warlords of Earth [WAR]

yea i've had the same problem its getting really annoying. Anet should've tested it out a little more or made sure it would work better before implementing it



Elite Guru

Join Date: Sep 2005

Manchester, England


It seems to be certain skills that are having the looping sound for me.. inspired hex and mantra of recall constantly play the sound from the spot where it was cast ... kind of ammusing, since I use them quite frequently in a match ^^

Glob of Noobloplasm

Glob of Noobloplasm

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006

lf guild

I have the problem where no skills I use have any sound effect at all but after I use them (in most cases when the fights over) I hear the sound effect of the skills I previously used over and over again.

It freaks me out.

And I havent smoked cack in like a week so we can rule that out.

Juicey Shake

Juicey Shake

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005


in it for the trimmmm


it sounds weird on surround sound [I don't know if it actually uses the 5 channels, but left and right and the center when something plays it feels like the sound is surging around me in a circle nonstop]

it's trrriiippppppy.

Star Alfur

Star Alfur

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

WoW. :3

PM if you need me.


When I'm 55ing, and having to recast my spells very often to gain the Divine favour heal, this looping effect is damn annoying. >.<



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

Communistwealth of Virginia



Sound. Sucks. Please. Revert.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

United States

Dark Side Ofthe Moon [DSM]


I was very surprised to see DS3D put in (no objection) instead of EAX but I can see why.

Unless you have a creative card, cpu resources of EAX emulation on non creative labs cards is much higher then on non-creative labs cards, where DS3D is part of the DirectX API's which all cards tend to support more universally.
DS3D - DirectX Sound 3D is a "primitive" method of emulating 3D surround but has recently improved considerably. Microsoft's DirectX Sound 3D offers a range of commands to place a sound in 3D space, in a technique known as positional audio. In a nutshell, DS3D manipulates the characteristic of sounds to make them seem to come from a specific direction, such as from behind or from the left, and to give the impression that you have more than 2 speakers. Originally this was all done through the CPU and required significant processing power. It was not until DirectX 5 that Microsoft allowed DS3D to be accelerated by third party hardware, reducing the stress on the main system CPU
I have no doubt there going to be "tweaking" this, especially getting the 3d sound aspect. I expect to see in the future presets for headphones, desktop speakers, multi-channel so it will sound better (more accurate) based on you speaker setup.

Assuming if you slide to the far left you turn off DS3D.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

Communistwealth of Virginia



If you slide it far left, you turn off more than just 3d sound. Half the sound effects in the game disappear. I just toyed around with it in observer mode. It is so broken right now, I'm gonna have to play with no sound at all until this is rectified.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005


The only place I have sound problem is the Fire Island. Everything else seems to be fine for some reason. :S


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

I'm also having similar problems, and the music stops playing after the first track or so.


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Slider on the far left turns half of the sound effects off, and I just hear weird tingling sounds when trying to hit something with weapon. Several skills don't have any sounds at all, weird loops etc.

Please, give us an option to go back to previous sounds.

Tigers Anger

Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006

Master Casters [MC]


For some odd when I was in Heroes Ascent I heard sounds like someone digesting their food in my headphones, i thought it was Vent acting up though so I left it at that.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005

I have the same problem myself, certain sounds will keep repeating themselves over and over without end (and there's really no describing how utterly annoying this gets after a while). Also, the new "3D" audio makes the effects sound muffled and blurred, and a few sound effects even seem to have outright disappeared. A.Net can claim they've "improved the performance of the game's audio engine" all they want. I say the overall quality of the sound effects has taken a rather large nosedive.

Please give us the old audio engine back, right now. Or give us an enable/disable option.

- Mana

Two April Mornings

Two April Mornings

No Luck No Time No Money

Join Date: Nov 2005

Amherst College, MA

Scars Meadows [SMS]


i get a strange double echo when i cast healing sig, anyone else havethe problem?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


Yes, some sound effects loop for awhile and some I don't hear at all. Before update every sound was clear and no loops.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005


Have you all updated your soundcard drivers and directx? It works fine for me. Better than fine, in fact; it sounds much better than before.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005

America. How about you, commie?

Fellows of Mythgar [FOM]


Originally Posted by Two April Mornings
i get a strange double echo when i cast healing sig, anyone else havethe problem?
My speakers can handle some 3D (as in when to play from the left and right, etc), but nothing too fancy. I keep my slider at the middle. Any position to the right of that results in some echoeyness, most likely since I cannot handle extreme 3D. I use SoundMAX Digital Integrated Audio (I'm all for graphics and none for giant sound systems)...

The Muffen Man

The Muffen Man

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005

Druery Lane


sound is piss poor now please fix or tell us how to fix



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005


Righteous Apathy [RA]

Has everyone complaining of this problem fully downloaded the updates for Factions? I let everything download before I played this afternoon and, if anything, the game sounded much better, sounds were richer. No looping or anything. I'll play with my sound settings and see if I can reproduce your problem on my system.

I was PUG'd with someone last night who was experiencing sound problems. He got disconnected...when he got back in, he said the sound was working better, but not fully (he had been getting no sound at all). Maybe some updates streamed to him between logging back in and finding us again.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005

America. How about you, commie?

Fellows of Mythgar [FOM]


I fully downloaded all the forced updates. I never remember, is the kb/mb count with the lightning bolt on the top of the screen the count of something updating while you play? If so, I may have a little bit remainign there to update. The 900+ files in Battle Isles and the 400+ files when initiating the GW client are all in.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006



If no-one minds I think I am going to post rather a long moan about this as it may make me feel better.

First thing is that I have lost music. I am not talking about the total loss of music....what I get is as follows:

Whenever I enter a new area, town, or go through a portal, the music will play ONE track from the soundtrack. Then it will play NOTHING ELSE.

This is really demoralising. If I leave town for more than 2 minutes I am basically playing a musicless game. This is doubly annoying as I bought additonal music from DirectSong. GW was so immersive until I had this problem but now without music it feels utterly soulless (or should that be Soule-less?)

It may seem extreme but I just cannot be bothered to play until this is fixed - if it is fixed. I was hooked on GW but am just now not looking forward to playing it as I am finding the lack of music downright irritating. What's also worrying me is that I don't hear many others voicing the problem - meaning it will go uncorrected. I spoke to one other guy in a town who said he had the same, but it seems it's quite specific.

Second thing is the horrible and pointless change to the positional audio.

Previously, the volume and left/rightness of sound effects was determined by their position from the camera. If you're zoomed out, quiet noises. Zoom in, loud noises. Pan the camera around and the sound changes as per your position.

Now what seems to be the case is that sound level and balance are set by the vector of the event from your character. Near to the character - loud noise. Far from the character - quiet noise.

Read this as follows - if you're a ranger, you won't hear much. If you're a warrior, turn the sound down.

This 'improvement' might have been an interesting concept but this is NOT a first person game. It's a third person view. The camera-focussed noise of before was perfect and immersive. Now it just seems totally false.

Imagine this - your character is standing half a screen away from a fire. You twist the view around and the fire is in the foreground. The burning should be loud. You spin the view again and the fire is far away, behind the character. The burning should be barely audible. This is what it used to be like.

Now, because the fire is always the same distance from your character, the sound is always the same volume.

Another example - imagine your character is standing next to the fire and it's just on your right. You're zoomed out. Character and fire are fairly central in the screen. OLD sound would have been a quiet fire (you're zoomed out) mid-speakers (it's fairly near the middle of the screen). NEW sound is a very loud fire (it's next to you!) bursting out of your right speaker only (as you look at it, it's on the right of your character).

Third thing - the 'tinny' aspect of some sounds. Particularly where you get hit by Light or Cold damage (from Monk or Necro profession creatures).

I don't mean to sound like a flamer but this is just rubbish. The game just doesn't 'feel' right any more, and added to the fact that some sounds are now tinny and the music has gone, the pain is all the greater.

I am on the verge of leaving GW because playing it under these conditions is negative enjoyment. The phrase 'it was perfect yesterday, why did they ruin it?' keeps going through my head.

Specs as follows:

Dell Dimension 8250
SB Audigy 4 (bought it this afternoon as I thought the problem was my SB Live! - in fact experience is near identical on both)

Can anyone else who has the time pls experiment and see if they are also getting the 'sound effects relative to character' issue, and pls post if they do?

Does anyone's sound still reference the camera, and if so what soundcard do you have so maybe I can waste some money on one of those?

BTW I have the sound slider on highest quality (I have a new sound card!) but have tried every other position.

Anyone reading from ArenaNet, I have logged a query (and didn't get it answered yet) but FYI I will post in here if and when this is fixed by any mini patches.

Please put my name down for the 'for the love of God just make the sound like it was before' button.

I've been reading this forum a while but haven't posted. If the length or tone are inappropriate please accept my apologies and I will just go and find a piece of concrete to repeatedly bang my head against.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006



OMG I have just re-read that DS3D post above and realised that my investment in a SB Audigy 4 to replace my SB Live! was officially a total waste of money. It doesn't matter if I have the latest 64-channel EAX hardware, they are using a software solution. Wonderful. I now get to feel like a muppet for spending £59.99 on a new soundcard to unsuccessfully address the problem with one game.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005

America. How about you, commie?

Fellows of Mythgar [FOM]


koa - I agree fully with your long moan...I've noticed the "tin-ness", the dramatic differences in sound positioning, the lack of music, all of it. Shame, shame, ANet...



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

Apathy Inc [AI]


yeah... fix the sound anet ):
aatxes hit me and there's no sound of their horns cutting through my flesh. it's pretty sad really.



Raged Out

Join Date: Sep 2005

my slider must be screwed up and i hope it gets fixed asap! The quality is better when i go left and it sound like a talk radio playing music when i put it all the way right. I can never get any of the sounds right, when i click a stance i dont hear anything from it which angers me. Its either hear a skill go off or switch it so i can hear if im hitting the enemy. I think this quality stuff sucks, CHANGE IT BACK!!



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006



Originally Posted by Eldin
koa - I agree fully with your long moan...I've noticed the "tin-ness", the dramatic differences in sound positioning, the lack of music, all of it. Shame, shame, ANet...
What's your Spec, sir? Do you also have a Soundblaster + Dell combination?


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005




I have noticed many sound effects are low now. I dont know if this is deliberate to change default sound settings - not a complaint just saying. But I dont like it much either.

3AM here now so im not logging back on . Im going to try lowering the music, and increasing the sound effects.

Omega X

Omega X

Ninja Unveiler

Join Date: Jun 2005

Louisiana, USA

Boston Guild[BG]


Originally Posted by koa_Torqual
OMG I have just re-read that DS3D post above and realised that my investment in a SB Audigy 4 to replace my SB Live! was officially a total waste of money. It doesn't matter if I have the latest 64-channel EAX hardware, they are using a software solution. Wonderful. I now get to feel like a muppet for spending £59.99 on a new soundcard to unsuccessfully address the problem with one game.
Um...I don't know how to say this...but...

DS3D allows for Hardware Acceleration since DirectX 5. Which means, if you have a DS3D capable card like an Audigy then DS3D will take advantage of the sound card. EAX a while back added extra functionality to the DS3D software. Now EAX has evolved a bit but still helps to enhance sound when DS3D is used.

ON my machine, I have an Audigy 2 and I can crank up the quality without performance issues but some people with integrated audio notice slow down in the frame rate because the CPU has to work overtime.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

United States

Dark Side Ofthe Moon [DSM]


Originally Posted by koa_Torqual
OMG I have just re-read that DS3D post above and realised that my investment in a SB Audigy 4 to replace my SB Live! was officially a total waste of money. It doesn't matter if I have the latest 64-channel EAX hardware, they are using a software solution. Wonderful. I now get to feel like a muppet for spending £59.99 on a new soundcard to unsuccessfully address the problem with one game.
No you didn't if you listen to DS3D and Eax, EAX sounds much better. I have many many games that support EAX (for the best try Max Payne 2 w/ EAX on, the sound is very impressive) and very little that supports DS3D (one of the reasons why I was surprised to see GW use it but makes sense for many reasons). Gw just doesn't supprt EAX, in fact Doom 3 didn't support EAX until the latter patch.

Also there are 4 version of EAX so your SB live supported EAX 1 via hardware, 2,3,4 had to be software emulated where Audigy 4 supported 1,2,3 at the hardware level and the "new" 4 in there new card line has to be software emulated (more cpu resources).

Make sure you using the most current drives, creative have set up a web site to autoscan your system and give you the correct ones:

Agree with Omega X, about intergrated audio, and most users will keep there video cards up to but neglect there sound card drivers.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006



Thanks for that. I suppose I am no worse off with this sound card; maybe just financially.

I got a reply from GW Support -

Thank you very much for contacting the Guild Wars Customer Support. We received your ticket about a problem in regards to Guild Wars. We are handling all customer requests in the order of their arrival, and you will receive an answer to your request as soon as possible.

No way! They have a lot of queries....

Jas D

Jas D

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006

Oklahoma, USA


Hmmm never noticed, lol. I never have sound on, I'm always playing music. I perfer rock over their crappy stuff anytime.

Takeko Nakano

Takeko Nakano

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Great Britain


I have a slightly different problem. If I turn the sounds quality up all the way, when in combat the sounds can be "muffled". Other times it's really clear. It's as if I am bunged up (due to having a cold) and my ears clear suddenly. ANet, can you fine-tune the sounds please? I think there might be something that stops the sound from being high-quality all the time.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stop Stealing


Looping is quite annoying, feels almost like playing a Valve game at times.