12 Mar 2006 at 01:37 - 28
If no-one minds I think I am going to post rather a long moan about this as it may make me feel better.
First thing is that I have lost music. I am not talking about the total loss of music....what I get is as follows:
Whenever I enter a new area, town, or go through a portal, the music will play ONE track from the soundtrack. Then it will play NOTHING ELSE.
This is really demoralising. If I leave town for more than 2 minutes I am basically playing a musicless game. This is doubly annoying as I bought additonal music from DirectSong. GW was so immersive until I had this problem but now without music it feels utterly soulless (or should that be Soule-less?)
It may seem extreme but I just cannot be bothered to play until this is fixed - if it is fixed. I was hooked on GW but am just now not looking forward to playing it as I am finding the lack of music downright irritating. What's also worrying me is that I don't hear many others voicing the problem - meaning it will go uncorrected. I spoke to one other guy in a town who said he had the same, but it seems it's quite specific.
Second thing is the horrible and pointless change to the positional audio.
Previously, the volume and left/rightness of sound effects was determined by their position from the camera. If you're zoomed out, quiet noises. Zoom in, loud noises. Pan the camera around and the sound changes as per your position.
Now what seems to be the case is that sound level and balance are set by the vector of the event from your character. Near to the character - loud noise. Far from the character - quiet noise.
Read this as follows - if you're a ranger, you won't hear much. If you're a warrior, turn the sound down.
This 'improvement' might have been an interesting concept but this is NOT a first person game. It's a third person view. The camera-focussed noise of before was perfect and immersive. Now it just seems totally false.
Imagine this - your character is standing half a screen away from a fire. You twist the view around and the fire is in the foreground. The burning should be loud. You spin the view again and the fire is far away, behind the character. The burning should be barely audible. This is what it used to be like.
Now, because the fire is always the same distance from your character, the sound is always the same volume.
Another example - imagine your character is standing next to the fire and it's just on your right. You're zoomed out. Character and fire are fairly central in the screen. OLD sound would have been a quiet fire (you're zoomed out) mid-speakers (it's fairly near the middle of the screen). NEW sound is a very loud fire (it's next to you!) bursting out of your right speaker only (as you look at it, it's on the right of your character).
Third thing - the 'tinny' aspect of some sounds. Particularly where you get hit by Light or Cold damage (from Monk or Necro profession creatures).
I don't mean to sound like a flamer but this is just rubbish. The game just doesn't 'feel' right any more, and added to the fact that some sounds are now tinny and the music has gone, the pain is all the greater.
I am on the verge of leaving GW because playing it under these conditions is negative enjoyment. The phrase 'it was perfect yesterday, why did they ruin it?' keeps going through my head.
Specs as follows:
Dell Dimension 8250
SB Audigy 4 (bought it this afternoon as I thought the problem was my SB Live! - in fact experience is near identical on both)
Can anyone else who has the time pls experiment and see if they are also getting the 'sound effects relative to character' issue, and pls post if they do?
Does anyone's sound still reference the camera, and if so what soundcard do you have so maybe I can waste some money on one of those?
BTW I have the sound slider on highest quality (I have a new sound card!) but have tried every other position.
Anyone reading from ArenaNet, I have logged a query (and didn't get it answered yet) but FYI I will post in here if and when this is fixed by any mini patches.
Please put my name down for the 'for the love of God just make the sound like it was before' button.
I've been reading this forum a while but haven't posted. If the length or tone are inappropriate please accept my apologies and I will just go and find a piece of concrete to repeatedly bang my head against.