Store Reports

Gaile Gray

Gaile Gray


Join Date: Feb 2005

Hey, all. I see a lot of threads with reports on availability, and you can help us out, if you'd like to do so. Please vote here with your experience in getting the pre-order pack, and make any comments you'd like to share in the thread. Location and which poll answer you gave would be very helpful if you make a post in the thread.

Thanks for your feedback!

Thy Shadow Wolf

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005

Erie, PA


Local Gamespot and EB Games (Erie, PA) had the Preorder Kits when I was there yesterday. Quite pleased with the slimmed down DVD style case compared to the bulkier box for Chapter 1's preorder.

Phoenix Denfer

Phoenix Denfer

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Homeless since the Charr

Order of Pointed Sticks (OOPS)

Hello Gaile.

I am located in Eastern TN. The Best Buy after two weeks still had none of the preorder products on the shelf, and at the time I first asked, it wasn't even in the computer. They had chapter one on the shelf, but no mention or advertising of chapter two.

I saw the website stores had them availble at the beginning of the week, and decided to call the local Gamestop. They DID have the preorder product but only for people that had pre ordered....the pre order. That's right, unless you came in and preorderd Factions before the release of the pre order product, they did not request enough copies. I was fortunate that they had one available from a customer that did not come in to pick it up. I ordered both the standard and the collector edition, even though they did not have the order code FOR the collector's edition in their network.

Basicly I preodered two only one pre order product for my son and I to fight over, and no clear idea if I will get both the standard and the collector's edition OR just two standards.

Honestly, this was very unexpected and very annoying and when I see games like Auto Assault that has been promised for well over a year packed on the shelves I am wondering if's marketing department is spending too much time on pretty art pictures in magazines and not in following through on these retailers.

I hope Chapter three's release goes a lot smoother, but if you were expecting a lot of new first time people based on the pre order package, you all wasted a lot of time and effort as I doubt will see much change before the Beta Weekend Event.


Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

The clerks at Future Shop hadn't heard of it. (Canada)
It finally became available about a week or so ago online. I have ordered a copy...(though when I was in store and asked about ordering on-line when it became available..sales staff assured me that they are horrible with pre-orders and I most likely will not be receiving my game in a timely fashion.
Guess I can only wait and see.

Jas D

Jas D

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006

Oklahoma, USA


I ordered from Besy Buy online, 2 days ago.. no response.. so I'm waiting and we'll see. >_<



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

East Coast US

Reporting for the Raleigh NC area:

Best Buy - got the preorders packs. Ran out last I checked.

EB Games - received a very small number of preorders (not enough to cover the preorders), was told they're getting more but today a clerk wasn't sure.

What's irksome is that I want the Collector's Edition, but Best Buy doesn't seem like it's going to carry it. EB Games doesn't have it's act together with the preorder though it intends to carry the preorder.



Pre-Searing Vanquisher

Join Date: Jun 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

I'd like to say that I voted Copies are available in my local store. But, thats only because I have two stores out here. Best Buy knows whats going on.

EBGames doesn't know anything about Factions or the pre-order and so I haven't even bothered checking up on them again at EBGames.

All future GW purchases from me will be at Best Buy. EBGames has no idea whats going on.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Dvd Forums [DVDF]


I voted 'Copies available'. But, I'd like to add, that I had to ask a store clerk (at Best Buy) for them, as they weren't on the shelves. And even then, they had no info on the Collector's Edition.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

Kinetic Fuzion [kF]


I checked with EB Games about it.. They said that the preorder is coming in like May 2nd or something. Sucks for me..

Voted pre-order has not arrived, and this is in Kelowna, BC.



Join Date: May 2005

I voted The pre-order has not arrived at Best Buy stores in San Antonio TX area

Best Buy don't know anything about them at the stores I checked



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


I voted Not Arrived at my local Gamestop.

They didnt even know if there were gonna be pre-order packages. -.o So i just bought it from the website.



Raged Out

Join Date: Sep 2005

ill be able to order in 5-10 days when it ships in the mail then ill let you know

DJ Josh

DJ Josh

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

UK-i got the online pre-order from sure if they are still taking orders for the pre-order).alrdy received my e-mailed codes and they are sending me a copy of the box as soon as they get them in.still can't get any info on how my purchase goes against the actual game yet though,store clerks are under the pretence that i need to buy the full price game as well as paying what seems to be the full price of the game for the pre-order box.

also gaile can you please confirm that the 31st is the date they arrive here or is it the same as the NA with this date being the shipping date?.




Join Date: Aug 2005


Daoine Sidhe

gamestop in 11355 area doesnt have pre-order package.

Lord Iowerth

Lord Iowerth

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005

Atlanta, GA (#guildwarsguru FTW!)

Biscuit Of Dewm [MEEP]


Best Buy northeast of Atlanta, GA has plenty ... albeit some stupid employees ...

"Can I use this preorder for the Collector's Edition as well?"

"Why are you collecting these?"



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005

...deep within the sylvan splendor...

Order of the Migrating Coconuts [ALBA]

I voted the store clerks hadn't heard of Factions because until I went in to the store, they truly hadn't. Even now we have educated them, they cannot say whether or not they'll get the Pre-Order although they did say we can order Factions and the CE (i.e. we can't guarantee we'll even carry it even though we've sold every copy of GW we stock).

I finally ordered our Pre Orders from Amazon night before last and received notice today that two of the copies had shipped.

Tuoba Hturt Eht

Tuoba Hturt Eht

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Deimos Tel Arin [CCTV]


I live in Malaysia, and I don't think I can get any Guild Wars: Factions pre-order package here locally unless I order internationally and pay for the international shipping charges.

Tsunami Rain

Tsunami Rain

mmmmmmmm pie.

Join Date: Aug 2005

Honolulu, Hawaii

Favorable Winds [Gust]


Hawaii: Best Buy, Gamestop locations all have preorder packs.

however my 14 day 10 hour trial key was already in use so someone keygened my account or something support wouldnt give it back to me.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2005




Over here in California, Best Buy, the guy doesn't even know what I was talking about when I said Guild Wars Factions.... I didn't even feel like mentioning the collectors edition...



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006


Mo Mo Patty Blinks [MoMo]


Originally Posted by Lord Iowerth
Best Buy northeast of Atlanta, GA has plenty ... albeit some stupid employees ...

"Can I use this preorder for the Collector's Edition as well?"

"Why are you collecting these?"

Ya I would still like to know whether or not they were supposed to do something or not to indicate we want to preorder the Collector's Edition. When I bought my preorder from Best Buy I told them I wanted to preorder the Collector's Edition and asked if I was supposed to get them to mark the reciept or they were supposed to enter into the database that I had ordered a CE. They just said I come in with my reciept and get whichever I want. This sort of implies that if I want the CE, I'm gonna have to rush in as early as possible and nab it before other people do. So why doesn't Best Buy actually use the preorders to see how many of each product they'll need ahead of time? Is it against the EULA to go on an all out rampage in Best Buy if they don't have a CE when I get there?


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Asian Syndicate


I'll vote again here. The Best Buy I went to, Brandon, FL, had plenty left, more than 10, yesterday when I got it. I don't know about the other game stores since I just don't feel like going there after getting it from Best Buy. I just hope they that they'll get the CE.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



San Antonio, Tx.

Best Buy has had them for weeks, EB Games just got them today (3/16).

Never checked Gamespot...

Happy St Pattie's Eve, everyone!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005


Kirins of Holy Light


We're north of Atlanta, GA. At Gamestop we got told we had to pre-order the pre-order pack if we wanted it. They said they wouldnt get anymore then the 10 they had gotten. At Best Buy they had 3 pre-order kits left on the table (so thats where we got a copy). Didnt even bother checking EB. We got our second pre-order pack through Amazon. Ive got gift certs on there so I am hoping I will be able to order the CE soon through them because BB said its first come first get for if they receive copies of the CE.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

Tampa, Florida. More specifically Pinellas County. I called EB Games, Gamestop, Best Buy, and Comp USA, but none of them could give me any information on the Factions pre-order. BB was especially ignorant in that they couldn't comprehend what the word "Guild" was. I eventually ordered the pre-order from Amazon because of the blatent incompetence shown by the local stores.

In any case, I still haven't been able to get any information from these stores about the CE and I've resigned myself to waiting for to list it there so I can be assured I get it.

EDIT: not listing the CE is a huge problem in my mind because I would really like to order through a Guild Wars Guru affiliate link but that just isn't possible right now.

EDIT2: I voted for "Store clerks don't know about Factions and can't say if the pre-order is coming."



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005

I live on the west coast and I had to wait a while for the preorder packs to come in (yesterday). I preordered at EB games and im not really happy with the way they handle things like this (thought i suspect your not really the one i should take this up with lol) Ive been told by one store manager from an EB games near my house that preorder promotional things are thrown away many times.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

I voted Copies are available in my local store.
I bought my preorder (Mar 5) at Micro Center-Twin cities, MN (only 5 mins drive away from my house) and I'm surprised that they have the preorder Factions on shelve that earily. Only cost $1 and there's plenty of it!

p.s. I cancelled my order at



Popcorn Fetish

Join Date: Dec 2005



West Coast, GameStop got them in on the 13th, but I had informed them about it first.

CompUSA, didn’t not know a thing about it, and still don't know.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005


i'm from australia, and i dont think it has any pre-order copies in the country.



Master of Beasts

Join Date: Jul 2005

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


I'm also in Tampa, FL here with none of my local stores having the preorder available. EB Games and GameStop at least knew what Factions was, though they had no idea if or when they were getting any preorder packs or Collector's Editions in. The other local stores (Best Buy, Comp USA) didn't even know what Factions or Guild Wars were, and Best Buy sunk to all new lows of incompetance.

The lady from Best Buy helping me put me on "hold" which turned out to not actually be putting me on hold, but rather involved setting the phone down on the counter and letting me listen in as she instead complained to a fellow about someone deleting her Napster music off of her work computer. When she finished her rant, she then asked the same coworker if he'd look up Guild Wars for her. -_- *sigh*



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005



Thunder Bay, Ontario,Canada here. The clerks at the local EB just gave me a "hurr..." look when I asked about Factions



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005


Purple Puzycats


I was kind of surprised that the Game Stop store in my small South Texas town had it. They had to go in back to get it, but they had it.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

Cheshire, UK

UK, ordered from GamePlay and received the preorder keys, if the thread is still up I'll let you know if they send the preorder box as well, though they don't mention it on their site.

However, will not be providing the preorder, as they will not be selling Factions. This is the email I received form them

We are extremely sorry to inform you that Guild Wars 2: Factions (Campaign 2) (PC) has now become unavailable.

This means that the item has been removed from sale due to circumstances beyond our control and that we will be unable to fulfil any orders. It is unlikely that we will be able to offer the item again in the near future.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005

I live in Montreal, Canada.

In my area:
4 Futureshops do not have it in stock.
2 EBgames do not have it in stock.
2 Bestbuys do not have it in stock.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005


GW Factions preorder is not in my local EB Games or Gamestop... I call them every day at lunch. They promised to call back.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005


Slash Fail [ftl]


You can pre-order Guild Wars: Factions in Australia, but there's no pre-order pack.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005



Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Haven't been able to get the pre-order yet at Future Shop. heh. Typical for them....



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Veneratio Tutela


Originally Posted by Formina
You can pre-order Guild Wars: Factions in Australia, but there's no pre-order pack.
I live at the sunshine coast in Australia and i pre ordered the collectors edition after it was meant to be available from EB, on the 15th however i recieved a phonecall saying that a pre order package had come in, the 15th happend to be my Birthday so it was a nice suprise, but there are a few floating around in Aus.




Join Date: Oct 2005


InYurFace Gaming [IYF]


EbGames sucks with pre-ordering here in Maryland.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2005

Sisters of Mercy

- Best Buy was clueless
- Gamestop didn't know, had a clerk who tried to tell me I'd be happier with WoW
- Another Gamestop had it

San Diego friend:
- no problem at Gamestop

Edmonton (Canada) friend:
- told by Future Shop that the box wasn't going to be carried there, but he could preorder / deposit for no box
- told by Best Buy that they weren't carrying it in Canada
- told by EB Games that they weren't carrying it in Canada

Vancouver (Canada) friend who works at EB Games:
- EB is carrying it but behind counter


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2005

EB Gams in Berkeley, CA

Call them in my location. 1st one said they had it until someone brought ALL eight copies of the preorder box... 2nd location said they just got it, just came back from there... preorder both collector's edition and regular for my friend and myself, but only got one which is the last preorder box there....

I don't understand why there's so few preorder box here when I know a lot of people play GW here...

Hopefully I'll find another place with with the preorder box, calling EB Games tomorrow to double check.