Crystalline Swords
Don't hurt yourself there, Arya
Besides dropping from HoH chests, they also drop from quest reward chests in FoW and UW.
Besides dropping from HoH chests, they also drop from quest reward chests in FoW and UW.
Vampiric Corruption
Originally Posted by quanzong
Not really true, I tested it with Crystalline req 13 and this Purple Longsword req 8, both same damage, neither have damage modifer or penetration %, and same hilt, and when I was doing dmg agaisnt a mob with my crystalline i was doing 16 - 22 dmg (non criticals) and when I tested the long sword it was doing 15 - 19, I killed the same mob type 7 times with each sword.
Now either high req does more dmg or different skin types mean some do more dmg then others. I was using the same swordmanship 13 durning the test for both weapons. |
Originally Posted by quanzong
Not really true, I tested it with Crystalline req 13 and this Purple Longsword req 8, both same damage, neither have damage modifer or penetration %, and same hilt, and when I was doing dmg agaisnt a mob with my crystalline i was doing 16 - 22 dmg (non criticals) and when I tested the long sword it was doing 15 - 19, I killed the same mob type 7 times with each sword.
Now either high req does more dmg or different skin types mean some do more dmg then others. I was using the same swordmanship 13 durning the test for both weapons. |
Originally Posted by quanzong
... neither has damage modifer or penetration %, and same hilt, ...
1. Both of your swords has no Weapon Modifier and has not been CUSTOMIZED.If what you are saying is true, you must have the "magical weapons" of Guild Wars and is contradicting what Alex Weekes said about weapon requirements.
2. Both of your swords has no Weapon Upgrade (Hilt or Pommel)
Originally Posted by Alex 'GhostRaptor' Weekes
Weapon requirement works as follows:
1. If you meet or exceed the requirement, you will deal damage within the range listed. 2. If you do not meet the requirement, you will deal damage within a range not specified (though very similar to a 'starter' weapon). Also note that your attribute has a passive effect on damage and the likelihood of critical hits (and thus more damage) independent of the weapon requirement. The requirement sets the 'base' damage range the game uses, which is then modified by the passive effect to reach the final damage actually dealt. As for the difference between swords and axes ... a max damage sword and a max damage axe should, over time, deal roughly the same average damage. Ignoring criticals and other modifying variables, a max damage sword has an average damage of 18.5, while a max damage axe averages 17 (using simple math, not sure if those figures are 100% correct within the game engine). The axe has a larger variation, and thus an axe deals more damage on a critical hit. As you correctly pointed out, though, one of the biggest differences is in the skills available and the effects of those skills. Think about this, though ... we know that a higher attribute score makes criticals hits more likely. So when comparing damage output between an axe and a sword, at low attribute values the difference is probably negligible. But at higher values the axe will probably be dealing more damage because of the more frequent critical hits. Also, an axe works better with Wild Blow than a sword does (because of the higher critical on an axe). There's a lot to think about when it comes to deciding which weapon to use . __________________ Alex 'GhostRaptor' Weekes Guild Wars Community Relations NCsoft Europe |
FoW, UW and HoH reward chests. Not chests you have to pay for. Personally, I think that the crystalline sword situation is all one big bug and they should drop from monsters or Anet are making the most exclusive and best looking weapons for their beloved class, the warrior.
I prefer you get fame and sometimes a crystaline,but ive only gotten sigils so far
Priest Of Sin
ahh, crystaline swords. I've only ever had ONE drop, it was in FOW, from the chest in front of Rastigan after the first quest. I nearly shat myself...
I have just found out that higher req does more damage, but I think it said something bad about req 13, so I kinda got a punked crystalline max damage lol. |
I've played for 14 months now, only ever seen the presearing crystalline and I sold that one for 1k!
Crystallines also drop in the southern shiverpeaks from mobs. I've been around to see it happen, but most drop from keyless chests.
The Herbalizer
Originally Posted by KamikazeChicken
Crystallines also drop in the southern shiverpeaks from mobs. I've been around to see it happen, but most drop from keyless chests.
Dante the Warlord
Originally Posted by quanzong
I have just found out that higher req does more damage, but I think it said something bad about req 13, so I kinda got a punked crystalline max damage lol.
Retribution X
If anyone here lies again, I swear...
Crystaline swords have been confirmed to drop from ANY unlocked chest. P-E-R-I-O-D... That's it... that's all... nothing else...
Crystaline swords have been confirmed to drop from ANY unlocked chest. P-E-R-I-O-D... That's it... that's all... nothing else...
Erm... It's funny how people claim they "KNOW" that crystallines only come from unopened chests, but that is only because they never heared of them dropping elsewhere.
I can tell you for a fact that the do drop from certain creatures in the southern shiverpeaks as me and a friend did dual runs there and he got one.
As for which creature it was... i'll not tell, thats a secret for just me and mates.
I can tell you for a fact that the do drop from certain creatures in the southern shiverpeaks as me and a friend did dual runs there and he got one.
As for which creature it was... i'll not tell, thats a secret for just me and mates.
^^ Post a screenie of a monster dropping it. You can block the monsters name since its such an uber leet secret. Until then, nobody believes you.
Next time me or a friend gets one i will.
Hidden in the Mist
Agreed, if you won't share don't post on the matter.
The Herbalizer
If I had the power to ban someone for saying such complete crap I would. It is the biggest waste of server space and you are spreading false information which is lies.
Retribution X
Ok, Lets set the facts. I have farmed over 4300 hours on my monk. Not a single crysteline dropped from an enemy...
I've farmed over 1000 hours on my warrior, never had one drop from anywhere but an unlocked chest.
I've cleared the shiverpeaks a few hundred times. Including Ice dome. Never had one drop.
Unless you have proof, Nobody will believe you.
I'm not saying they can't, just there is Absolutly no evidance of it happening.
Fixed some major errors in there. We HEAR lots of crap about it. But nobody EVER seems to post a screenie.
Post a screenie, and I will believe. (Unless it proves to be fake.)
I've farmed over 1000 hours on my warrior, never had one drop from anywhere but an unlocked chest.
I've cleared the shiverpeaks a few hundred times. Including Ice dome. Never had one drop.
Unless you have proof, Nobody will believe you.
I'm not saying they can't, just there is Absolutly no evidance of it happening.
Originally Posted by Tincanbilly0
Erm... It's funny how people claim they "KNOW" that crystallines come from unopened chests, but that is only because they never have seen them drop anywhere else.
Post a screenie, and I will believe. (Unless it proves to be fake.)
southen shiverpeack chest i get a purple one opening a tons of chests
Originally Posted by danielcons
southen shiverpeack chest i get a purple one opening a tons of chests
Prove it.
The Reward Chest from Kilroy Quest i Supposly to drop Crystllinesword..
The Herbalizer
Lost Strongbox in drednoughts dirft and the lost strongbox outside thk would be the only chests in the southern shiverpeaks which could drop them. they have been nerfed so crystallines cannot drop there now.
only places are:-
kilroy quest reward chest = purple
fow quest reward chest = purple
hoh chest = gold
only places are:-
kilroy quest reward chest = purple
fow quest reward chest = purple
hoh chest = gold
X Chilli
and whats about the reaper chest in the uw?
The Herbalizer
Originally Posted by X Chilli
and whats about the reaper chest in the uw?
Originally Posted by The Herbalizer
oo yeah and UW quest reward chests which are only purple ones
The Herbalizer
Originally Posted by milias
Does the reaper chest ever drop gold?
considering i own 7 crystalline swords, and all but 1 was aquired directly from the person who got it (and in each case; from an HoH chest) i'd say that your BS theories of them dropping from NPCs in the southern shiverpeaks is nothing but wasting anyones time.
I don't suppose this happened recently either, did it? =)
Manic Smile
Originally Posted by The Herbalizer
Lost Strongbox in drednoughts dirft and the lost strongbox outside thk would be the only chests in the southern shiverpeaks which could drop them. they have been nerfed so crystallines cannot drop there now.
only places are:- kilroy quest reward chest = purple fow quest reward chest = purple hoh chest = gold |
Fain Dreamkiller
according to guildwiki, this item dont drop.. only found in random chests in fow/uw or sometimes in an oro run.
they drop in chests that doesnt req keys and so... but sadly these chests were nerfed i.e. the lost strongboxes...
You mean Crystaline swords? they dont drop for anyhting. you only get them for chests in FoW and i think in hoh, dont know if thier still there tho.
Fain Dreamkiller
intresting, where we're these chests? i think they were just a glitch if they didn't need keys
Plazma Knight
go do HoH and win halls ...they drop often now.
Fain Dreamkiller
to HoH mobile! come my brewmaster savion, we shall go together and with ur rank 5 and my leet noob moochin skills we shall find my sword! .....
or we can just go outside heroes ascent and farm the sand drakes again
or we can just go outside heroes ascent and farm the sand drakes again
Former Ruling
Keyless chests weren't a glitch. They used to exist in explorable areas, now only as quest reward and the HoH Chest.
The explorable area ones mostly dropped white items, and some purples. But the problem came that people "ran" these chests because it didnt cost anything in hopes of a Crys. Sword drop - because even purple ones with low dmg mods sold for 100k+
The Hall of Heros chest is the only confirmed place to get Gold Crys. Swords.
The explorable area ones mostly dropped white items, and some purples. But the problem came that people "ran" these chests because it didnt cost anything in hopes of a Crys. Sword drop - because even purple ones with low dmg mods sold for 100k+
The Hall of Heros chest is the only confirmed place to get Gold Crys. Swords.
Originally Posted by Plazma Knight
go do HoH and win halls ...they drop often now.
Any updates on this thread? Where have Crystalline Swords been found (location of chest) and/or what has been dropping them (location/foe) in the past few months.
The Rift
This is the only proof i got, always farmed for crystalline's at DDrift ... but like ussual they nerfed it long time ago. But i am quite convident that this is the only proof around were crystalline's drop
greetzzz Arcanus
greetzzz Arcanus
going to shoot myself for this but i was on another GW fan site and someone had a SS of it droping from that 1 quest in SF. the thread date/post wasn't recent so proably when SF was just opened.
i forgot to book mark the thread!!! I KNOW!!
anyways..... sense then i've been looking for the thread and running the quest a few times for kicks after farming or chest running. no luck of 1 dropping.... been doing it for the past month or so before the "double gold chest thing"
nice screen shots Arcanus =)
i forgot to book mark the thread!!! I KNOW!!
anyways..... sense then i've been looking for the thread and running the quest a few times for kicks after farming or chest running. no luck of 1 dropping.... been doing it for the past month or so before the "double gold chest thing"
nice screen shots Arcanus =)