Hi Guys, I posted a thread about this a few months back when the search engine was much better, because I can't find it anymore. Anyway, I'm sure there are lot of you with a lot more experience then myself as I haven't quite hit the 1 year mark of playing Guild Wars. However, having said that, I've read LOTS and LOTS of posts, talk to LOTS and LOTS of different players and have seen MANY MANY rare items. This is what I've come up with, and please, I'm going to state everything I know, most of them i've personally witnessed, and some is based on guild members, and other very experienced players who have been nice enough to pass me this info, so don't go ballistic on me!
What I'm writing is no secret by any means, but rather just a collaboration of information.
Anyway, my sole purpose now is to get my hands on a Crystalline and has been for a while. This will be next to impossible due to the rarity of the item (unless something changes when Nightfall comes out).
Here's what I know and have seen: Crystalline swords (unless this is has been nerfed in the last 6 months) CAN drop from different enemies. I have personally seen it drop from Ettin farming and it was purple. I have also had Guild members have it drop from enemies in the shiverpeaks which was also purple. Now, I cannot confirm that a GOLD one can drop from an enemy because I've never seen it, however, I know PURPLE ones can, unless again of course, this has been nerfed/removed.
Also, YES it IS true that the Keyless chests (usually after quest completion) in FOW and UW CAN drop Crystallines, however, they will ALWAYS be ONLY purple. I REPEAT ONLY PURPLE. I've seen 1 drop in FOW and UW for a different player and therefore I can confirm that.
Now, I don't know if any other keyless chests like the Kilroy one can drop it, but I can assume that if it's a quest completion chest like FOW and UW, then there IS a chance, however, again, 99.9% sure it will be only purple (unless someone knows something I don't)
Again, I apologize if this is a repeat for some of you from what others said, but I'm hoping that what little info I know will help people understand better.
As of right now, as someone stated previously, the ONLY place I know you can get a GOLD Crystalline, is HoH from Hero's Ascent after you win the battle.
Now I know what GuildWiki says, I've done my research, but I don't think 100% accurate.
My assumption is this: Seeing as how rare the Crystalline is, I'm sure there is an EXTREMELY (less then 0.001%) SMALL chance of it dropping from enemies, but it IS possible. As far as if it will be GOLD or PURPLE, I have no idea, but I can confirm that ALL the drops I've personally witnessed (not that many) have ALL been purple.
YES, the Lost Strongbox WAS the only other location to get a Crystalline, however, that's no longer existent, so there goes that.
I also believe that Dwarven Axe's which are probably the 2nd most RAREST in the game also work the same way as a Crystalline.
Anyway, Hope this helps. I apologize if someone has an actual fact that condradicts what i've said, but hopefully not.