Should Anet add experience emotes?

living too die

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005



an idea: maybe anet could make so you earn pve fame when you complete and exceptionally difficult part of the game. like, completing a difficult mission's bonus, defeating titan quests, even reach a exp milestone. you would earn it the same as fame in HA, 1 fame per million exp attained, per difficult bonus completed, per difficult mission completed flawlessly, um... cant think of anything else atm, just stuff like that. also, make it so that the mission/bonus can be repeated but fame cannot be re-earned. this way the farmers get a bit of fame, the good pve players can gain a good amount of fame. i like the idea of pve rank but it would have to be implemented very strtegically, i would hate to see pve outposts turn into HA... many goodplayers cant get into groups because they havent put as much time in as the hardcore players that they MAY in fact be more skilled than. now.. feel free to flame you know you want to

edit*- fame earned for exp should come at 1 per 1 mil or so to keep farmers from excelling and fame should carry through all toons so your lower levels or those that need missions can emote


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2005


There is a form of "Emote" when forming a group in PVE now. That "Emote" is called LEVEL. I am careful NOT to include the LVL 7 charactors in the group on ANY MISSION OR QUEST past Ascalon. "Why?" you ask? If you made it out of the Ascalon area and are still level 7 then you are running. Since you have so much money, you do not need the ruin my attempt to complete this mission or quest because you "just want to have someone get you through it" without paying.

If an emote for PVE is designed, I would like to see it reflect:

1) The percentage of mission/quests completed.
2) Number of drops vs. Number of missions/quests run.

What does this mean?

You just go post-searing....
There are ~10 quests in Ascalon City, you completed 0 = 0% Emote

You are in Piken Square....
There are 4 quests available, but you completed all of the Ascalon quests, 10/14 = 65% Emote and you have not dropped from any quest/mission you started = 90%+ (When-the Going-Gets-Tough-the-Tuff-get-Going) Emote

So later in the game, say Lions Arch area.....
I would be willing to ask for a 75% Quest Emote and a 90%+ "No-Drop" Emote to insure that I wasn't getting a quitter that only gets runs through the quests/missions.




Join Date: Feb 2006

American Servers

Sin Squad [SIN]


Originally Posted by Kool Pajamas
Emotes based on experience is really bad especially for people that split time between two accounts.
Lol. I know people who do that so they ALWAYS have the favor for ToA, lol.

Truth is, we don't need ANYMORE Rank discrimination in GW. GW has already been crippled by the fact that it is almost impossible to get started in HA unless you have rank. You have to grind for weeks to get a measly few fame. XP is also a lot of people have. I can see people re-doing FoW quests OVER and OVER for XP so they can have another emote. Now newcomers can't get in a party group for missions w/o showing their emote. They're like "emote, wut?!!". Then the party leader shows like 1,000,000 XP emote that his main character owns and then does /kick.

NOT a good idea. Enough HA discrimination as there is and newcomers would get alienated.




Join Date: Jul 2005



Why would you want it its stupid, doing all the missions will only earn you a few hundred thousand XP and that isnt hard to do them all then anything extra will be classed as farming so why bother?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005


Originally Posted by stickyballs
Lol. I know people who do that so they ALWAYS have the favor for ToA, lol.

Truth is, we don't need ANYMORE Rank discrimination in GW. GW has already been crippled by the fact that it is almost impossible to get started in HA unless you have rank. You have to grind for weeks to get a measly few fame. XP is also a lot of people have. I can see people re-doing FoW quests OVER and OVER for XP so they can have another emote. Now newcomers can't get in a party group for missions w/o showing their emote. They're like "emote, wut?!!". Then the party leader shows like 1,000,000 XP emote that his main character owns and then does /kick.

NOT a good idea. Enough HA discrimination as there is and newcomers would get alienated.
Ill second that, farming with scrolls also reaps XP on a mass scale. This would add a bit of problems i think, especially later in factions when we are all trying to group for that "Big" Mission. Wouldn't be very nice if youre asked to flash your emote just to get into a group, might aswell get rid of xp if they do that. Ridiculous, nuff said.

Although i do believe that pvp emotes are also slightly overated and often abused, they should scrap that to.

Battle Torn

Battle Torn

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005



I think having a way to show your expereince is a good idea. Im just not convinced you can do this by completing part of the game or with exp points. People who have played for 500 hours can still be rubbish so what else can rate your as a good player?...maybe you are missing the point...lets have and experience emote..just because we can and this may give the dedicated player a reason to play...A MUST! just Dont use it if you dont want to.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

none atm


I'm voting no on this..

There seems to be plenty of issues with the fame emote so why add to those troubles? Besides showing off and excluding people out of PUGs, I don't see why this is necessary.

Perhaps something will be incorporated in the zone control aspects in Factions (worked to control like a billion zones and you get a new emote XD or a town parade in your honor)


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005


exp emote is a good idea, anet just need to divide the experience points into mission quest/ farming, so people who gain alot of quest experience will get a emote.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

Right behind you.



Originally Posted by schutz
Why would you want it its stupid, doing all the missions will only earn you a few hundred thousand XP and that isnt hard to do them all then anything extra will be classed as farming so why bother?

Because you gain knowledge of the game by actually performing the quests/mission/bonuses (this is the true experience that you can't gain by just farming.) It may not be that hard to you, but thats not the point. The point is your gaining knowledge of the game, and if incorporated correctly an emote would let you show others what you have accomplished. In my opinion, to do all quests/mission/bonuses in the game including the titan quests takes a considerable amount of time and patience.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

United States

Dark Side Ofthe Moon [DSM]


Originally Posted by wsmcasey
Because you gain knowledge of the game by actually performing the quests/mission/bonuses (this is the true experience that you can't gain by just farming.) It may not be that hard to you, but thats not the point. The point is your gaining knowledge of the game, and if incorporated correctly an emote would let you show others what you have accomplished. In my opinion, to do all quests/mission/bonuses in the game including the titan quests takes a considerable amount of time and patience.
Agree, XP can be earned easily if A) play a lot B) farm and gives a false "sense" of game experience if it's B).

Example if your B) and 2/3 of your xp is off griffons doesn't say too much.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005


Originally Posted by ophidian409
exp emote is a good idea, anet just need to divide the experience points into mission quest/ farming, so people who gain alot of quest experience will get a emote.
What you said really doesn't make sense. You only gain exp from completing a mission + bonus once, you'll never gain anymore exp if you complete it again. So, a emote for mission completion wouldn't really be of any point. It would only portray what stage you are at in the storyline missions.


Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2005

My stance on this is in the middle.

I'm REALLY tired of stupid pug players in end area parts of the game that burden everyone with their lack of skill.

It's obvious that they got run everywhere in the game and due to my recent tests, they dont even know where or how to craft materials for the '15k' armor they are so proudly wearing. You can probably guess what I'm hinting at.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005


Originally Posted by TimberOwl
What you said really doesn't make sense. You only gain exp from completing a mission + bonus once, you'll never gain anymore exp if you complete it again. So, a emote for mission completion wouldn't really be of any point. It would only portray what stage you are at in the storyline missions.
I was saying mission & quest, quests from underworld/fissure give you tons of exp. If someone is doing them over and over again then they are truely experienced, those experience from quests should be seperated from the exp from hunting other things else. When you do a long quest, no one wants to join a group that sucks and people rage quit or don't even know what skills to bring.




Join Date: Jul 2005



my monk has 2.1 million exp on her and has never even seen a farming area unless i was healing a group for a mission in that area. So automatically i farm with my monk? GET A CLUE
So your saying if you do all the missions you get 2.1 million xp huh? once youve done a mission you have already done it is not neccesary to re do it and if people only do every mission once they wont have millions of XP

Chilly Ress

Chilly Ress

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2005

Kinetic Fusion [kF]


Originally Posted by Opeth11
But think about the players without a ton of experience. I can see it now:
Inside Thunderhead Keep
Me: Monk LFG!
random whisper : 'wuts ur xp rank'
Me: o.o I don't have one
random whisper : 'we dun wnt n00bs go away'
Me: But I can heal! I've played a monk in PvP before!

Now, is that what we really want?

Note: i kept my farming comments to myself! Yay!!

yes, very cool, Heelz.
In a hurry, dont know if anyone has put this guy in place yet. OK bro, this is EXACTLY what happens in HA. Example: R6+ RSpike LF Bonder! PM!

Then that r1 bonder could say, "but i have been bonding in SF for 3 months!

So if there were experience emotes it could totally devastate PvE as PvP emotes have. *Puts on flame resistant armor*

Shadowspawn X

Shadowspawn X

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005

Fellowship of Champions


Originally Posted by schutz
anyone who has 500k+ experience farms alot so why does it matter
Thats ridiculious, I have well over 8 million XP on my ranger and I don't farm period.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005


=D 8 mil...



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by Shadowspawn X
Thats ridiculious, I have well over 8 million XP on my ranger and I don't farm period.
I'm gonna have to call BS on this! Explain how you have that much experience. If you do UW/FOW/tombs runs with people that is farming. I can't wait to hear this.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

You only hit high levels of exp by farming and/or repeatedly doing quests a la UW, FoW, and SF. Neither of those show any real "experience" except for those specific areas.

Shadowspawn X

Shadowspawn X

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005

Fellowship of Champions


Originally Posted by Riceboi
I'm gonna have to call BS on this! Explain how you have that much experience. If you do UW/FOW/tombs runs with people that is farming. I can't wait to hear this.
You don't know me so you need to watch your mouth and be civil. I have been doing all 11 quests in FoW at 100,000 XP per pop not counting XP for the monster kills two or three times a week for months. I get 7-9 skill points per run depending on if I use scrolls or not. My ranger has been semi-retired from PvE awaiting chapter two. I am leader of a small guild "Fellowship of Champions" [FoC] and we specialize in PvE. We are not farmers, but explorers and questers. I have had all 452 skills on my ranger for months and have 268 skill points saved for chapter two. Thats called playing the game not farming, loot is a byproduct of playing the game, not the game itself.

Originally Posted by Savio
You only hit high levels of exp by farming and/or repeatedly doing quests a la UW, FoW, and SF. Neither of those show any real "experience" except for those specific areas.
I have completed every quest in this game except for complete UW clearence, on all my charactors SF/Titan/FoW/Missions/Bonuses, but I am stuck on the Ice King in UW. I and my guildies are very experienced in this game. Not to get into all that but since I am called a BS'r or my experience is gonna be belittled lets just get it straight.

Mustache Mayhem

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005



wow.. I woulda thought it's bs too- I farmed all the ectos for my fissure and my monk has 3.25 mill xp (that's with alot of other solo farming).. I could see 8 million with quests but that's extreme- need a screenshot to make it legit



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Sooner Nation


my monk has close to a mil xp,and i rarley farm. i just play monk alot.

Shadowspawn X

Shadowspawn X

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005

Fellowship of Champions


Originally Posted by Mustache Mayhem
wow.. I woulda thought it's bs too- I farmed all the ectos for my fissure and my monk has 3.25 mill xp (that's with alot of other solo farming).. I could see 8 million with quests but that's extreme- need a screenshot to make it legit
NP, here is the screen shot



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by Shadowspawn X
You don't know me so you need to watch your mouth and be civil. I have been doing all 11 quests in FoW at 100,000 XP per pop not counting XP for the monster kills two or three times a week for months. I get 7-9 skill points per run depending on if I use scrolls or not. My ranger has been semi-retired from PvE awaiting chapter two. I am leader of a small guild "Fellowship of Champions" [FoC] and we specialize in PvE. We are not farmers, but explorers and questers. I have had all 452 skills on my ranger for months and have 268 skill points saved for chapter two. Thats called playing the game not farming, loot is a byproduct of playing the game, not the game itself.

I have completed every quest in this game except for complete UW clearence, on all my charactors SF/Titan/FoW/Missions/Bonuses, but I am stuck on the Ice King in UW. I and my guildies are very experienced in this game. Not to get into all that but since I am called a BS'r or my experience is gonna be belittled lets just get it straight.
Give me a break man, there is no need to do the same quests over and over again. Some people call that "farming". I bet with just "questing" as you call it you have more money that a lot of farmers. You can call it what you want, and I will call it what I want. Better yet let me come along and let me have all your drops and gold from these quests if you are only doing it for the quests, and not farming. Have a nice day!



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

My lovely little apartment.



If this turns in to a flame fest can admins please close it.

On a side note, I have 600k xp on my warrior, guess that means I'm a mad farmer know. AWW MAH GAWD! Ive had my account for 8 months now, JEEZ that must mean people with more then 1mil farm only.

Not really Ive had this warrior for 2 months, and I've had 0 UW runs 0 FoW runs and 1 SF run. Other then that I've only finnished all the missions and done 1 Titan Quest.

I must say helping Guild members ( like guilds usually do) I have gotten more xp then I did with my old monk back in the "glory" 55hp days.

Mustache Mayhem

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Shadowspawn X
that's what I'm talkin bout willis! =] nice man

Shadowspawn X

Shadowspawn X

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005

Fellowship of Champions


Originally Posted by Riceboi
Give me a break man, there is no need to do the same quests over and over again.
How dare I repeat the reapeatable quests! Give yourself a break and don't derail your own thread. Which was actually a good topic.

Back on topic:

I would love to see something for PvE'rs based on missions/quests done or skills collected. XP is too randomly achieved to be a standard for anything like PvE rank. Also not an emote no need to copy the pvp'rs something unique would be nice.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2005

Guild Hall, Vent, Guesting, PvE, or the occasional HA match...

Dark Alley [dR]

Originally Posted by schutz
So your saying if you do all the missions you get 2.1 million xp huh? once youve done a mission you have already done it is not neccesary to re do it and if people only do every mission once they wont have millions of XP
No im not saying that. But how is helping guildies/skill capping for secondary profession/goign to fow to get my armor/explore high lvl areas just to explore the map/pvp farming? i dont get it



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006


The Infinite Monkeys [TYPE]


in response to OP:
no, and you should be slapped for suggesting it.




Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2005

Guild Hall, Vent, Guesting, PvE, or the occasional HA match...

Dark Alley [dR]

Originally Posted by eudas
in response to OP:
no, and you should be slapped for suggesting it.

Quoted for Truth



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2005

Wales, UK

Devils Scorpions


Originally Posted by Mustache Mayhem
wow.. I woulda thought it's bs too- I farmed all the ectos for my fissure and my monk has 3.25 mill xp (that's with alot of other solo farming).. I could see 8 million with quests but that's extreme- need a screenshot to make it legit
Wouldnt it be nice to NOT have to do a screenshot to prove it?

Reiden Argrock

Reiden Argrock

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


Shadowstorm Mercenaries

I don't think emotes based off of xp would be a good idea, because then like people before have said, you would have groups forming where you ahve to have so much xp to be in the group. Having ranks based off of something that only takes time to get such as fame/experience/money.. is a bad idea in my mind, because what does any of that say about skill?

yes, I'm sure those that are at the top of the fame ladder or xp, or have the most money, are probably the ones who developed the new builds to win HoH, or to farm UW or whatever and so I would have to agree, they have earned their emotes. But once news gets out of these things, then everyone starts it up, and are these people really skilled, or are the just abusing the system?

I don't have a suggestion to fix the pvp rankings.. maybe only those that win HoH... or well ya, I don't really know how to fix the pvp part, but for pve, the best idea I've ever heard is for completing missions/quests/bonus missions, perhaps not quests because those vary among class's. But perhaps awarding an emote to those who have completed all story missions, yes majority of people have done this at least once, some many times over, but most will agree, that if you have completed all story missions, you have some idea what your doing, not always the case as I've experienced many less than adequate players who have supposedly completed the game but whatever. Then perhaps, another emote for completing all bonus missions.. and those that have done this will tell you, it's not easy.

I believe this will work, because completing missions/bonus is not something you can farm or manipulate (at least at the later missions) missions and their bonus's take skill to complete, and an understanding of the game, and I believe this is what rank/emotes should be awarded for, not something that anyone can get if they spend enough time doing one thing over and over.

*edit* Also wanted to add, as they continue to put out more chapters, perhaps add new emotes for each one, have emotes for prophecies missions and bonus missions, and then emotes for factions missions and bonus missions, and seeing as how these are just fluff, people who don't have all the chapters, won't be missing out on anything, perhaps make what emote shows up, defined by where you are.. if your in tyria, then your emote for those missions appears, if in cantha, you get the emote for there.. and so on and so forth

Count to Potato

Count to Potato

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006

Imagination Land

I Swear She Was Eighteen [Gwen]


Problem with that is:

1. Just like HoH, groups will be like "Looking for 1,000,000 plus xp ele or warrior"

2. More discrimination to players who have like more than 3 chars who dont have that much exp on each...

Keeper of Birds

Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006

Wrath of Silvana


There are already a few milestones that allow certain recognition in the game. They are weak but they are there-

1) You can't go to the ToPK or Glint without having ascended
2) You can't go to FoW or UW without having ascended
3) You can't go to Fire Islands withouth beating THK
4) You can't get Glint quests without beating Hell's Precipice

These don't take too much work, and ascending is the only thing you have to do yourself and can't basically buy a run or get your guild to give you a free ride for (assuming you are in a nice guild).

I like the idea of some recognition based on accomplishments. The game has set these up as goals to achieve. I don't like the idea of xp based emotes, but some sort of sign that you had achieved some goals that the game sets out on that character seems to make sense. If it is character-based, I don't see the problem. Just because you finished the game with your elementalist doesn't mean you can monk worth a d###, so I don't think account based stuff makes much sense.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

I say what I said last time this topic came up:

I could definatley live with an emote as a reward for completing all the Titan's Quests, or clearing UW, or the FoW. Anything that encourages the cool, challenging PvE play as opposed to the boring, mind-numbing "let's farm for drops" crap.

Adding as a reward for Exp will hurt PvE.

Adding it as a reward for difficult quests will help PvE.

It's that simple.

Ghull Ka

Ghull Ka

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

Seattle, WA

Grenths Helpdesk


Originally Posted by QuixotesGhost
I say what I said last time this topic came up:

I could definatley live with an emote as a reward for completing all the Titan's Quests, or clearing UW, or the FoW. Anything that encourages the cool, challenging PvE play as opposed to the boring, mind-numbing "let's farm for drops" crap.

Adding as a reward for Exp will hurt PvE.

Adding it as a reward for difficult quests will help PvE.

It's that simple.
I agree! Not much else to say.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2005


Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Lets not call it "PvE Emote" or some Rank/Fame variation. Let give it a new name. I propose: "Glory"

These are ALL character specific, not account based.

G1 = Ascension
G2 = Ascension Bonus
G3 = Infusion (must be wearing a fully Infused armor set)
G4 = Completed Game
G5 = Completed All Missions
G6 = Completed All Bonus Missions
G7 = Completed All Normal Quests (for current primary+secondary)
G8 = Completed All Titan Quests
G9 = Completed All UW Quests
G10 = Completed All FoW Quests
G11 = Killed Gwen...

The problem I see is that these are not linear. You could have G1-5, G8 and G10. Hell, you could LOSE G3 and G7.

So they would have to be seperate emotes, not a ranking system.

max gladius

max gladius

Yep, really is me...

Join Date: Aug 2005

My House


Let me spew a few ideas on this pile here...

How does this sound... if you have less then half the full party... (like 3 ppl, when full team can be 8) no xp for anyone for kills... anti power lvl and anti xp farm....

And i feel that rewards for quests and such would work alot better then xp though.... like if each charicter had a log book or such, where it would track how many times you have done a quest, mission, and bonus... so u can open a trade like window, that showed "Thunder Head Keep: mission: 8, bonus: 6 average time: 15mins, avg deaths: 1, avg kills: 42" or such...
And also, if it could show overall deaths, kills and such...

I personal could care less about someone spamming emotes, all i care about is if they have a clue and know what is going on... xp and a "glowy deer" from them couldn't matter less to me....

Rewards for certain things would be cool though, like for doing all quests and bonus and such.... and killing glint, ascending, and such...


Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2005

How about the ability to simply display your characters age/hours played. Similar to the post count and registration dates of members in forums.

This will also prove that I was around before all these nerfs and that I'm a burrito supreme grande.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by Carinae Dragonblood
Lets not call it "PvE Emote" or some Rank/Fame variation. Let give it a new name. I propose: "Glory"

These are ALL character specific, not account based.

G1 = Ascension
G2 = Ascension Bonus
G3 = Infusion (must be wearing a fully Infused armor set)
G4 = Completed Game
G5 = Completed All Missions
G6 = Completed All Bonus Missions
G7 = Completed All Normal Quests (for current primary+secondary)
G8 = Completed All Titan Quests
G9 = Completed All UW Quests
G10 = Completed All FoW Quests
G11 = Killed Gwen...

The problem I see is that these are not linear. You could have G1-5, G8 and G10. Hell, you could LOSE G3 and G7.

So they would have to be seperate emotes, not a ranking system.
I could live with this idea instead of experience emotes. Slap away all you haters! Feels good...