your biggest waste of money
Xue Yi Liang
Originally Posted by noober
Heh.. I had more than that in pre.. And speaking of which, a full set of black pre armor.
cool, but guess again ....
I have 98 black dyes now but I once had 135 black dyes.

still, I'm impressed you bought all yours pre-sear. Probably took longer to get than my 135.
I have 98 black dyes now but I once had 135 black dyes.

still, I'm impressed you bought all yours pre-sear. Probably took longer to get than my 135.
Originally Posted by Blessed Winds
I bought 500 bolts of cloth, then I realized I needed 500 tanned hide squares T.T
I've done something like that. It was actually bolts of cloth and tanned hide squares.. damn pictures look the same.
Originally Posted by Xue Yi Liang
cool, but guess again ....
I have 98 black dyes now but I once had 135 black dyes.

still, I'm impressed you bought all yours pre-sear. Probably took longer to get than my 135. I, uhh, love you...
Seriously though, that's pretty impressive. Show me a full stack and I'll give you a Yellow Dye
I have 98 black dyes now but I once had 135 black dyes.

still, I'm impressed you bought all yours pre-sear. Probably took longer to get than my 135. I, uhh, love you...

Seriously though, that's pretty impressive. Show me a full stack and I'll give you a Yellow Dye

My biggest waiste of money: bought 15k aeromancer armor for my ele back in june last year. Looked like the 1.5k Droknars armor, deleted every piece out of rage. Than, I bought a new set after they updated the skin. :cry:
thor hammerbane
Originally Posted by Blessed Winds
I bought 500 bolts of cloth, then I realized I needed 500 tanned hide squares T.T
My first attempt at 8k tatoos for monk i bought 350 parchments instead of vellum...yep
Let's see ... I blew my cash on dye as well. I already had all-black 15K Enchanters, but I was tired of it. And all-black 15K Enchanters is just SO cliche. Ugh. So I dyed the coat and boots with a mix of red, green and black. I discovered I HATED it.
I dyed it over with black AGAIN. It stayed that way for about a week. Then my GW computer broke down, and I was stuck on a very laggy laptop.
I couldn't do anything while on that laptop but just stand around in cities and outposts. I was bored out of my mind. So I blew more money on dye. I still wanted brown 15K Enchanters, so strip that black dye off, and use a red+green mix on it. I hated it again.
But I was still bored.
I ended up just randomly mixing dyes, including black, and experimenting with them. My mesmer finally ended up with this dye job:

While my spendthriftiness isn't as impressive as some other people's here, I'd say I burned about 50K during that fit of indecisiveness.
Let's see ... I blew my cash on dye as well. I already had all-black 15K Enchanters, but I was tired of it. And all-black 15K Enchanters is just SO cliche. Ugh. So I dyed the coat and boots with a mix of red, green and black. I discovered I HATED it.

I couldn't do anything while on that laptop but just stand around in cities and outposts. I was bored out of my mind. So I blew more money on dye. I still wanted brown 15K Enchanters, so strip that black dye off, and use a red+green mix on it. I hated it again.

I ended up just randomly mixing dyes, including black, and experimenting with them. My mesmer finally ended up with this dye job:

While my spendthriftiness isn't as impressive as some other people's here, I'd say I burned about 50K during that fit of indecisiveness.
- 15k Gladiator Hauberk
- 15k Gladiator Gauntlets
- 15k Gladiator Leggings
- 15k Gladiator Boots
- 15k Ascalon Boots
- 15k Ascalon Helmet
- 200k on testing dyes and changing color of my armor (a lot of black)
- 100k Gold Fiery Dragon Sword 15-22 +15%^50 (req 8)
- 100k Gold Long Sword 15-22 +15%^50 (req 8)
- 200k for 3 Sword Pommels of Fortitude +30 Health
- XXXk for Warlord Summit Shield (req 9) +30 Health (always) -2 damage (while hexed)
- XXXk for Skeleton Shield (req 8) +30 Health (always)
- 15k for Icy Dragon Sword
- 85k for Bulwark
- 15k for Victo's Blade
- 150k for Various Superior Runes
I think I didn't spent too much money comparing to those who crafted the FoW armor (1.5m full set...that is by far the most stupid things ever in game).
I am waiting for Factions and I hope there will be special armors which look much more "normal" than the current FoW. I don't wanna look like a Pine Nut
- 15k Gladiator Gauntlets
- 15k Gladiator Leggings
- 15k Gladiator Boots
- 15k Ascalon Boots
- 15k Ascalon Helmet
- 200k on testing dyes and changing color of my armor (a lot of black)
- 100k Gold Fiery Dragon Sword 15-22 +15%^50 (req 8)
- 100k Gold Long Sword 15-22 +15%^50 (req 8)
- 200k for 3 Sword Pommels of Fortitude +30 Health
- XXXk for Warlord Summit Shield (req 9) +30 Health (always) -2 damage (while hexed)
- XXXk for Skeleton Shield (req 8) +30 Health (always)
- 15k for Icy Dragon Sword
- 85k for Bulwark
- 15k for Victo's Blade
- 150k for Various Superior Runes
I think I didn't spent too much money comparing to those who crafted the FoW armor (1.5m full set...that is by far the most stupid things ever in game).
I am waiting for Factions and I hope there will be special armors which look much more "normal" than the current FoW. I don't wanna look like a Pine Nut
Did you spend that all at once? I have many nice things similar to yours but I got them gradually over the last few months. *boggle*
Originally Posted by thor hammerbane
My first attempt at 8k tatoos for monk i bought 350 parchments instead of vellum...yep
i soo did that. i was so mad at myself too
i soo did that. i was so mad at myself too

A set of Fissure Monk armor (Ascetic's, black): 861.5k (no shards, ectos at ~7k/each). Other than that, getting two 15k sets for my ele and one for my warrior.
A set of Fissure Monk armor (Ascetic's, black): 861.5k (no shards, ectos at ~7k/each). Other than that, getting two 15k sets for my ele and one for my warrior.
My biggest waste: collecting crystalline swords...

I'd have FoW armor now if I didn't keep buying these !@#$%^ blades...

I'd have FoW armor now if I didn't keep buying these !@#$%^ blades...
Originally Posted by lzlz
- 100k Gold Fiery Dragon Sword 15-22 +15%^50 (req 8)
not even worth 75k dude
not even worth 75k dude
FoW armor for my necro.... gotta admit though it looks sweet.
Originally Posted by lord_shar
My biggest waste: collecting crystalline swords...

I'd have FoW armor now if I didn't keep buying these !@#$%^ blades...
Gotta say this one: LOL.

I'd have FoW armor now if I didn't keep buying these !@#$%^ blades...
Gotta say this one: LOL.
buying an ecto to trader afterwards selling it to him T.T
Guildwars, wasting 1000 hours of my life
Rayne Nightfyre
Well worth it! ;D
I spent about $40 buying Guild Wars >_>
Posted before, but I agree...
The damn things look the same as every other pair of gloves ><
(and yes, look in the background, a quest I have yet to do!)
The damn things look the same as every other pair of gloves ><
(and yes, look in the background, a quest I have yet to do!)
julez m
^^ Agreed. FoW Mesmer Gloves are a waste, and am guilty of it too.
I know a bigger waste however... FOW WARRIOR HELM. Doesnt matter if it's tactics or strength.
Weapon +1 > Tactics, Strength
I know a bigger waste however... FOW WARRIOR HELM. Doesnt matter if it's tactics or strength.
Weapon +1 > Tactics, Strength
Saborath Gilgalad
I'd Say when I spent like 60k on making a 55 solo build. Than about one or two weeks later it was nerfed
failing to salvage a 10/10 sundering axe haft -_-"
Make new Warrior to solo FoW in Europe then I relized I have to farm around 100 shards to get my money back -_- ( see my age )
All cash spent
- Hire runner Ascalon > Perch = 1k
- Hire runner Perch > Drok = 3k
- Hire runner Rankor > Grotto = 10k
- Make 15k Glad+Ascalon Helm = around 80k ( buy some material too )
- Buy Rune Sup Vigor+Sup Absorb = 30k + 55k
- Buy Victo's Axe and Bulwark = 24k + 75k
- Craft Droknar 15^50 Axe = 5k ( buy some material too )
- Buy Zealous Axe Haft and Axe Grip of Defense = 3k + 4k
- Buy Malinon's Shield = 40k
total 330k
Then i use my other charactor run her to dersert and do Missions for her.
lucky she can power level herself so I didn't spend more to hire pwvler.
and now I have a new runner and FoW farmer for Europe server
All cash spent
- Hire runner Ascalon > Perch = 1k
- Hire runner Perch > Drok = 3k
- Hire runner Rankor > Grotto = 10k
- Make 15k Glad+Ascalon Helm = around 80k ( buy some material too )
- Buy Rune Sup Vigor+Sup Absorb = 30k + 55k
- Buy Victo's Axe and Bulwark = 24k + 75k
- Craft Droknar 15^50 Axe = 5k ( buy some material too )
- Buy Zealous Axe Haft and Axe Grip of Defense = 3k + 4k
- Buy Malinon's Shield = 40k
total 330k
Then i use my other charactor run her to dersert and do Missions for her.
lucky she can power level herself so I didn't spend more to hire pwvler.
and now I have a new runner and FoW farmer for Europe server
mostly dye mixes about 200k+ in dyes i dont do that anymore huhu.
The undead Mesmer
Making a mesmer (1 week before the first beta event of FPS) and getting her 15k armor + uber great weapons etc then getting to know that i had to delete 1 character to enter the beta's -_-
Im still healing from that blow
Im still healing from that blow
Loaned 30k to Marik...umm, maybe 4 months ago...
I haven't actually done this yet, and i will NEVER be able to do this but...
First, unlock every single Elementalist skill in the game, for one PvE character, primary Elementalist.
Then buy Four Runes of Superior Energy Storage, and a Sup Fire, Sup Air, Sup Water, Sup Earth.
Then, buy the 4 FoW Eyes, one Flames, one Glaciers, one Storm, and one Earth. Apply the corresponding Sup Rune of Magic to these.
Then buy the full Pyromancers FoW set, and apply a Sup Rune of E.Storage to one of the pieces
Then buy the full Aeroancers FoW set, and apply a Sup Rune of E.Storage to one of the pieces
Then buy the full Hydromancers FoW set, and apply a Sup Rune of E.Storage to one of the pieces
Then buy the full Geomancers FoW set, and apply a Sup Rune of E.Storage to one of the pieces.
Dye every single one of these items Black.
Then go buy every Rago Kindlerock Item, every Flint Fleshcleaver item, every Runar Brimstone item, and every Galilord Stonestrike item.
I can basically be equipped for ANY situation, and be equipped in style.
This is great, because i am also the ultimate in flexibility.
EXAMPLE: If im in the Ring of Fire, i First equip the right water skills, then change my attributes. Then I switch to Pyromancers armor set, and equip the Glaciers Eye. Then I take Flint Fleshcleavers Green set with me.
This is so cool, man i wish i had like 1000k just lying around. I would so do this.
First, unlock every single Elementalist skill in the game, for one PvE character, primary Elementalist.
Then buy Four Runes of Superior Energy Storage, and a Sup Fire, Sup Air, Sup Water, Sup Earth.
Then, buy the 4 FoW Eyes, one Flames, one Glaciers, one Storm, and one Earth. Apply the corresponding Sup Rune of Magic to these.
Then buy the full Pyromancers FoW set, and apply a Sup Rune of E.Storage to one of the pieces
Then buy the full Aeroancers FoW set, and apply a Sup Rune of E.Storage to one of the pieces
Then buy the full Hydromancers FoW set, and apply a Sup Rune of E.Storage to one of the pieces
Then buy the full Geomancers FoW set, and apply a Sup Rune of E.Storage to one of the pieces.
Dye every single one of these items Black.
Then go buy every Rago Kindlerock Item, every Flint Fleshcleaver item, every Runar Brimstone item, and every Galilord Stonestrike item.
I can basically be equipped for ANY situation, and be equipped in style.
This is great, because i am also the ultimate in flexibility.
EXAMPLE: If im in the Ring of Fire, i First equip the right water skills, then change my attributes. Then I switch to Pyromancers armor set, and equip the Glaciers Eye. Then I take Flint Fleshcleavers Green set with me.
This is so cool, man i wish i had like 1000k just lying around. I would so do this.
Mr D J
Originally Posted by pOmrAkkUn
Make new Warrior to solo FoW in Europe then I relized I have to farm around 100 shards to get my money back -_- ( see my age )
All cash spent
- Hire runner Ascalon > Perch = 1k
- Hire runner Perch > Drok = 3k
- Hire runner Rankor > Grotto = 10k
- Make 15k Glad+Ascalon Helm = around 80k ( buy some material too )
- Buy Rune Sup Vigor+Sup Absorb = 30k + 55k
- Buy Victo's Axe and Bulwark = 24k + 75k
- Craft Droknar 15^50 Axe = 5k ( buy some material too )
- Buy Zealous Axe Haft and Axe Grip of Defense = 3k + 4k
- Buy Malinon's Shield = 40k
total 330k
Then i use my other charactor run her to dersert and do Missions for her.
lucky she can power level herself so I didn't spend more to hire pwvler.
and now I have a new runner and FoW farmer for Europe server I did something smarter
I made SS/SV for european account, only costed me around 50k total, Got ran to desert, completed all missions, ascended @lvl 6 N/Me and started UW at lvl 13 (Thx Ghostly Sparrow)
. Free UW powerleveling to lvl 20 along with getting 9 ectos
All cash spent
- Hire runner Ascalon > Perch = 1k
- Hire runner Perch > Drok = 3k
- Hire runner Rankor > Grotto = 10k
- Make 15k Glad+Ascalon Helm = around 80k ( buy some material too )
- Buy Rune Sup Vigor+Sup Absorb = 30k + 55k
- Buy Victo's Axe and Bulwark = 24k + 75k
- Craft Droknar 15^50 Axe = 5k ( buy some material too )
- Buy Zealous Axe Haft and Axe Grip of Defense = 3k + 4k
- Buy Malinon's Shield = 40k
total 330k
Then i use my other charactor run her to dersert and do Missions for her.
lucky she can power level herself so I didn't spend more to hire pwvler.
and now I have a new runner and FoW farmer for Europe server I did something smarter

Originally Posted by The undead Mesmer
Making a mesmer (1 week before the first beta event of FPS) and getting her 15k armor + uber great weapons etc then getting to know that i had to delete 1 character to enter the beta's -_-
Im still healing from that blow You do realize that you could have just invited yourself to a "guest" account using the "Go" Factions button, then entering new yahoo or hotmail e-mail address, right?
All my toon slots were full, but I still managed to get 4 more slots using the guest account system.
Im still healing from that blow You do realize that you could have just invited yourself to a "guest" account using the "Go" Factions button, then entering new yahoo or hotmail e-mail address, right?
All my toon slots were full, but I still managed to get 4 more slots using the guest account system.
i seared a lvl 3 ele, then got him ran to droks, then full shiverpeak tour, then full 15k armo set, all dyed black, then i DELETED him lol wasted like 100k
Made a warrior/monk the day GW was released in stores, played with it until today(3/29/06), finally got FoW armor on it, a few green weapons...some black dyes and stuff...deleted warrior, forgot to store dyes, shards, and ectos, woo go me!
Originally Posted by capitalist
Loaned 30k to Marik...umm, maybe 4 months ago...
marik strife? lol...
noobs... i give tooo much to ppl... i have given over 200+ ectos away and over 100+ shards away... plus if i have a gold item that is infeiror to a green item in any away i usually end up giving it away or selling it to the merchant... plus i go around buying the best items and stuff for ppl i don't even know b/c they merely just asked me... i mean i want to help them but they also drain my hard farmed money... got to stop being so nice... lol

Originally Posted by The undead Mesmer
Making a mesmer (1 week before the first beta event of FPS) and getting her 15k armor + uber great weapons etc then getting to know that i had to delete 1 character to enter the beta's -_-
Im still healing from that blow Why delete ? you can enter with free account ...
Im still healing from that blow Why delete ? you can enter with free account ...
hehe i love the 135 black dye!
Originally Posted by xiaotsu
Made a warrior/monk the day GW was released in stores, played with it until today(3/29/06), finally got FoW armor on it, a few green weapons...some black dyes and stuff...deleted warrior, forgot to store dyes, shards, and ectos, woo go me!
Who cares about the black dye, why the hell did u delete the warrior in the first place?
Da Cebuano
Am seriously thinking about switching to european servers cause of the UW crisis.
Mandy Memory
I wasted money on bags and belt pouches...I never pick anything up anymore.
Originally Posted by noober
Heh.. I had more than that in pre.. And speaking of which, a full set of black pre armor.
Here tis:
I would personally have to say that was my biggest waste of time rather than money... But the black suit did blow a lotta cash, especially when I deleted the char.
I think I sold you one of those black dyes when I was lvling my warrior to 15 in pre :-P
I made a 55 monk and bought Drok's tats, ended up deleting him after a month or so and forgot to use the skill points to unlock stuff. I also made a SS necro and eventually deleted him, but I spent lots of money to use his skill points. This was when I wanted to unlock everything through PvE, and now I'm getting into HA, so that changed. I've also used lots of black and silver dyes on armor that either got deleted, or it didn't show up on, and bought random swords that I didn't really need and salvaged them long after for iron. I don't consider this wasting money, as I had no control over it, but I've also gotten wood and granite slabs out of bows and axes with perfect mods on them (20% chance of marksmanship +1, 10/10 sundering).
Here tis:
I would personally have to say that was my biggest waste of time rather than money... But the black suit did blow a lotta cash, especially when I deleted the char.

I made a 55 monk and bought Drok's tats, ended up deleting him after a month or so and forgot to use the skill points to unlock stuff. I also made a SS necro and eventually deleted him, but I spent lots of money to use his skill points. This was when I wanted to unlock everything through PvE, and now I'm getting into HA, so that changed. I've also used lots of black and silver dyes on armor that either got deleted, or it didn't show up on, and bought random swords that I didn't really need and salvaged them long after for iron. I don't consider this wasting money, as I had no control over it, but I've also gotten wood and granite slabs out of bows and axes with perfect mods on them (20% chance of marksmanship +1, 10/10 sundering).
My biggest waste of money was to see my account getting stole 2 days ago after our Guild website was hacked... I lost:
-2 Full Fissure set
-Few 10/10 perfect staffs
-All my unlocked skills and elites
-11 months of playing (800hours+)
Total account value (armors+runes+weapons) = 3 million
I gotta start back to 0 now and I got 1 month to be ready for Factions.
-2 Full Fissure set
-Few 10/10 perfect staffs
-All my unlocked skills and elites
-11 months of playing (800hours+)
Total account value (armors+runes+weapons) = 3 million
I gotta start back to 0 now and I got 1 month to be ready for Factions.