The Factions Update- Things You Weren't Impressed With



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Organised Spam


Theres some skills that are kinda like the prophecies skills that aren't part of the core skills, but really do the same thing, just a different name. Drunken blow or something was basically desperation blow, and theres a sword skill to replace galrath slash too. What's the point of just giving new icons and names? I haven't gone through all the skills yet so I'm not 100% sure yet, but for purely pvp players this won't justifiy a purchase, unless they change it.

To be honest the quests in the petrified forest are a little bit too much of chore too. I'd like to see a few less expansive quests for maybe less experience reward as well.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006


The Infinite Monkeys [TYPE]


1. I didn't like the "(Press Enter to chat)" text in the chat line. I know it's press enter to chat. Practically every game that has chat uses this same functionality. I understand that there'll be a lot of n00bs on for the Factions Event weekend, but come on, give me a break. This is a stupid addition.

Thankfully, they took it back out a few hours later.

2. Showing Class/Level above head in every town, not just missions.

This is dumb, for what should be obvious reasons. It ruins suspension of disbelief (what little there was). In missions, I can understand how it's a useful tool, because missions are *required* to move the plot forward. But you don't need it in every town. Give us a chance to at least *pretend* that we're a brave adventurer following a quest, and not make it so Meta.

3. Apparently in the K- people's culture, your importance is determined by the size of your hat... :P

That's all for now. Maybe more later.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

Alchemy Incorporated


I think some of you are missing the point here. Factions is designed as a stand alone game. That means it can be played alone - apart from Prophecies. Therefore, of course you are going to have the same skills available in both games - with different names for the different character classes.
Don't think of the bad side of things so much - if you like these skills it gives you room to put 2 of them on your skill bar at the same time!!



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

Girl Power [GP]


I played for about half an hour this morning before leaving for work. Created an assassin, did the initial luxor quest and so made it to the second town, looked around the outside area a bit. Overall, it looks like more of the same, which is fine with me. I don't find the graphics prettier or more spectacular than prophecies, which is also fine.

I can't get into a level 20 character that's just thrown into the game, so I probably won't play the new content much more. I've already preordered, anyway, so I've made up my mind.

One nit: I found it difficult to know when the assassin's skills were charged (or not). The background colour for the skills is a darkish purple, making it hard to tell.

Libitina Nefarious

Libitina Nefarious

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005



Originally Posted by eudas

3. Apparently in the K- people's culture, your importance is determined by the size of your hat... :P

I hear you there, I was like wtf?! XP but what can ya do

<begin rant> Also someone quoted the healing henchies suck, I agree. I have dial up and every time I enter a new zone I get to load 500-1000 files, so I take henchies till I get everything loaded so I'm not slowing everyone down. It's so hard to play with henchies with the new monsters that own yer ass if you dunno what yer doing. =\

...the faces and hair? What's up with them?....some asian style would be a nice alternative, but having most of them this style then the ones that aren't, simply put, ugly...not cool. -_- Then the hair isn't really my style either..hopefully they'll add some more options on the appearance of the characters.


Other than a few little misfortunes, I love it! I can't wait till the full chapter comes out so we can play through and know what we're doing.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005

soldiers of heaven


12 vs 12 battles are sweet. It was fun using the pre made ele assassin and running in the middle using pbaoe.



Purveyor of Useless Info

Join Date: Oct 2005

Perpetual Motion Squad [PMS]


This is Beta...expect crashes and freezes. Imagine how many people are playing. I am pretty impressed so far, and I can honestly say I have been a premature naysayer for a while. I found the healer/prot henchies to be far more intelligent than those from Prophecies, but maybe I just got lucky. And as for Conjure Nightmare, I think it's relatively balanced with a 25 energy cost.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Rieselle
Dissappointed at the number of clone skills. I hope they are placeholders or are at least modified a little. Also, the skills I would really want cloned (eg, fireball) are not cloned.

Yeah I posted in another thread about this - jaw dropped.
So few skills, particularly focusing on non-elites here, for the standby professions we're losing slots to link the game to, and 5 are dupes

Vampric Horrors looking like Horrors bit
Flesh Golem... a hunched RoF Flesh Golem... oh well I hoped for more

Eles no non-elite energy storage energy skill or energy armor
Armor in general I went through a lot, the looks weren't that good, some I'd never touch. A few were interesting but usually with less desirable mods

ie Rangers love the idea of stance armor but what's with those lacey bits

most assassin armor doesn't even make particular sense to me in looks and the females dance omg... somebody tranquilize the poor girl.

only draw for me really is ritualist and I'm just not sure I'm that engaged in it
I plan to spend a bit more time with it this wkend but I'm kinda just bleah on it

meanwhile I nuked my monk so I could flip between pve and pvp as able, lol lord knows I'm not nuking two, 1 one was hard enough - thanks for not letting the level 20 pve go to battle isle was that the best that could be done to limit swap?

With faction between Kurzick and Luxon being an odd beast too with guild/alliance setting and your own faction, it'll be a SOB to get all ducks in a row to see/play the other side. So half the game is a bit of a question mark (says as you spend faction one side you tank the other) let alone everything that can be 'held' through alliances/factions.

Factions in EverQuest wasn't ideal to be sure, but at least *other characters you had could be in other guilds and had their own faction levels* Here, are they trying to force you into 2 accounts + all chapters to play all sides/have enough character slots? I'm 'casual hardcore' and that's leaving big question marks in my mind, I can't see my wife, 'casual casual' dealing with any of this.

Just... bizzarre.

As an aside I suppose we might see anti-plant mods grow in popularity


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Wyldie
I think some of you are missing the point here. Factions is designed as a stand alone game. That means it can be played alone - apart from Prophecies. Therefore, of course you are going to have the same skills available in both games - with different names for the different character classes.
Don't think of the bad side of things so much - if you like these skills it gives you room to put 2 of them on your skill bar at the same time!!

Actually you've missed the boat bud, that's what CORE skills are for.
You know, skills shared across the chapters?
Having duplicate skills with different names is possibly the lamest thing I've come across yet - well outside denying us character slots and not being able to play/see both sides of the faction world on the same account w/o a lot of re-work and likely even guild moving...



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005



It open up on TIME!!!
I wasn't impress that it didn't have the usual tardyness that the other Beta has. It not like 1 or 2 hour late or anything...
For shame


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

Alchemy Incorporated


I understand the concept of CORE skills. To me, CORE skills are the ones that any profession can use. They don't fall under any predetermined character class or skill set. Anyone can use them. Having the same skills under different names does seem corny though the more I think about it. They should have just made those skills part of the CORE set I'm thinking about. But then again, you allow all classes access to skills that only melee or healer classes should have. Quite the pickle they've put themselves in here.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

VA,USA...for now.

Originally Posted by actionjack
It open up on TIME!!!
I wasn't impress that it didn't have the usual tardyness that the other Beta has. It not like 1 or 2 hour late or anything...
For shame
*grin* Yeah, that threw me for a loop too. Especially since I was able to actually log in a few minutes before the clock had ticked out.

Cottage Pie

Cottage Pie

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

Birmingham, England

Taking Aegis


Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
Life transfer + life siphon = -10 degen (actually -11), cheap and quite spammable, and most enemies can't do anything about it except die. It's a killer in random arena, but add a monk, interrupts and shatter hex and things change.

EDIT: Oh yeah, an important piece of news: female ritualists have wiggly boobs, just like eles!

watch a ranger's boobs when she shoots an arrow.


Kali Ma

Kali Ma

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005


1. Character faces across all the classes are disappointing.

2. The Assassin has chicken legs which look goofy as heck and very unnatural.

3. When casting Ritualist spells that target allies, there's no arrow indicators to let one know whether the spell worked or is working, unlike there are with Enchantments/Hexes.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


I knew this thread would turn up. With such a big thing going on and people wanting to talk about it, they're bound to start talking about the bad stuff sooner or later.

Not to say this is a bad thread. Anet are giving us this preview, yes, to give us a glimpse into the upcoming game and get all excited about it, but also to get a load of feedback so they can do last minute fixes. One month before release, the game is near ready to be played without troubles, but not quite. There are going to be bugs. It's not going to be perfect, technical-wise or opinion-of-player-wise.

However, the title of the thread, in my opinion, and the opening purpose of it, was not ideal. If Anet want feedback, they don't just want 'I'm not impressed with this, this, this'. Well, maybe, but if you're going to say you're not impressed or you don't like something, give constructive criticism. Agreed, for things like not being impressed with the graphics you can't really offer solutions, but for aspects related more to gameplay, you certainly can.

Myself, I'm trying to enjoy this preview event as much as possible. I can see 'bad' things while I play, but I know that other people will see/think of those things too. I'll say to you guys who are giving this feedback and talking about the bad side of things: be constructive and optimistic when you criticise.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

Only played about 10 minutes so far (stupid labs T_T)

My only complaint so far is that...


Fix that! XD

Manda Panda

Manda Panda

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

Shadow Wanderers

Just a few minor problems

Pathfinding is REALLY bad; Henchies get stuck all over the place.

Assassins are still too anorexic-looking.

And what's with these shoes?

Defender Of Orth

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Eternal Knights


Originally Posted by Necrotic
Well....I weren't impressed with the load times, but that is expected more or less. I do have one complaint.....namely the size of the new towns, though to be fair I think calling them cities is more appropriate. If they get much bigger they had better give us some way of traversing the city other than by running across the full length of it.

Try playing WoW =/

And Im disapointed you made this thread...

DJ Josh

DJ Josh

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

been playing all day and so far my only gripes are that:

1)faction gain seems to be frozen,i can not get more than 6750(luxon)so can not finish the befriend quest.

2)still can not try the missions with the enter tab clock just keeps reseting.

other than that i'm quite impressed so far,+ i got used to not relying on the healer hench in prof so didn't notice how bad they are here.but i can't say i'm having as much trouble with the new enemies as some seem to be and i have only been playing with hench so far.



Join Date: Mar 2006



I can't seem to find where the story based mossions are. it seen to be a pain look for it.

Ken Dei

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006


The bloody....friggin...load....screens....(dialup) It's 4:15 PM, I've been DLing ALL night, and all morning....I've loaded a grand total of the Market Place, Cavalon, and Pongmei Vally.

Tip to A.Net:
If you're gonna release so many time release them much eariler so we can have a few weeks to download at our leisure. I'll be lucky to be done by Sunday at this rate.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006



Hey, I LIKE the shoes on that assassin :-p

Looks like a pair of shoes I had in third grade

I LOVe the vampiric horror, but I was real depressed when I saw that the graphic was the same as the bone horror. The flesh golem is great, but I don't see me using it over, say, oob.

I'd love it if they upped the cost to 20 on the little bugger, but made him give me energy with attacks (a decent amount, because he attacks slower than snails).

Oh, and I was saddened that skeletons have _still_ not entered the GW universe. I signed up as a necro on the condition that there would be SKELETONS!

I like the direction they took with armor (a MM set that gives +10def when you have 3+ minions up), but I think the bonus for MM armor is a bit silly. I'm an egomaniacal mage with a penchant for large numbers of dead guys to hang out with! Give me +energy or +regen or even (God forbid, because it would mean higher sac costs) +health.

MM are not tanks, so give us a more appropriate bonus!

I'd definitely love to see more variety in minions! Even cooler, in my opinion, would be elementals for the elementalists. If my ele could summon an Earth Elemental to protect him, I would be happy forever :P

The new ele armor makes me sad that I bought 15k for my guy. I agree with a previous poster that an energy armor set would be nice... but it would also eliminate the demand for _any_ other type of ele armor. It would be balanced if the AL was downed, but otherwise...

Oh, and I'm buying Legionary armor. I love stances and stance tanking, and 110AL is my dream!

The only thing I dislike about the game at all is that there seems to be a bias towards one side or the other, which makes wait times absurd. Other than that, PARTY ON ANET!

(My comp is a 4 year old laptop with a geforce 440go and 512megs of ram and runs this fine. Sucks to be you!)

Pandora's box

Pandora's box

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2005



First I must say Arenanet did a great job in creating this event! I noticed some blocked roads which probably will be accessable in the real game

And that takes me to some points of confusion: I can't figure out how the real game will be just by playing this event. There is a really big difference between the Luxon maps playabillity and the Kurzick maps: The Luxon maps remind me of the happy uncomplicated adventuring in Pre-searing . Lots of space and many ways to avoid unessecary encounters. The Kurzick maps however... Crowded with so many creatures its agro, agro, agro and once more agro... I hope they will change this.

As some other stated, for owners of the original game its no more than an expansion, and I really wonder why they can't dl a special 'add to the original game only version' for a lower price...


Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005

notts uk

UndergroundUk (uguk)


Originally Posted by Linsys

I feel sorry for the developers of this game, if I where them I would quit my job with all you people complaining soo much.
o-O god, who woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? its people like u who cause other people not wanting to post. ffs, get some coffee and chill out!

all i wanted to do was find out other people opinons and what they didnt like. shoot me if this is against the law


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2005

Originally Posted by DJ Josh
been playing all day and so far my only gripes are that:

1)faction gain seems to be frozen,i can not get more than 6750(luxon)so can not finish the befriend quest.

2)still can not try the missions with the enter tab clock just keeps reseting.

other than that i'm quite impressed so far,+ i got used to not relying on the healer hench in prof so didn't notice how bad they are here.but i can't say i'm having as much trouble with the new enemies as some seem to be and i have only been playing with hench so far.
1) You get faction from competitive missions. The ones with the enter mission button.

2) it isn't broken. You just have to wait longer. It's a pvp mission and if the other faction isn't joining, then it take a long time before it starts.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


One thing I really don't like is that if you are out questing and go into a competition town that you just discovered, you are kicked from your party and have no way to reform.

You then have to meet up in the last town that you were in and travel all the way to wherever you might have been in order to finish up the quest.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005

I'm mostly upset that they didn't give those of us who have already bought GW's an xtra slot. I played the PvP preview weekend and had spent a bunch of faction on some skills and the only way to use them again was to delete one of my 4 characters I spent a ton of money to build.

My 2nd opinion is that this whole weekend seemed really confusing and certain things weren't made clear. After you d/l a mind boggling amount of files and wait for the decomp at every screen your standing in a huge city with no clue what to do. Hard to get with a group when people are d/l files and decomp at every screen. Wonder why they didn't make a file pack to d/l.

I like they 12v12 idea but too many peeps just bail too soon and it's hard to get in a good game. It's much better if you group up with 4 guildies 1st but this doesn't help the new people at all.

Overall I will still buy Factions because Anet has a good thing going here but I definately think they should throw a bone to those of us who have already bought Chapter 1. I hope they consider making an entry level concept. It's ridiculous to be born at level 20 with no way to go up, plus starting level 1 with easier missions is where people learn how to play. Chapter 1 was written very well with excellent character progression. Chapter 2 should imo be a continuance and not a stand alone product.

Thnx for the weekend anet and listen to the people who have already purchased Chapter 1. For those who have not purchased Chapter 1 I am sure that they are LOST and have almost no clue as to what GW's is really about. (I'm pretty lost myself) Seems like it's a cluster in Factions right now but hope the kinks get all worked out.

Just my .05 cents.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Brooklyn, NY



List of things I'm not impressed with:

1) Ugly armors for Nec and Ele.
Assasin armor looks more like it was taken from some cheesy anime. Should be black from the start, should cover the whole head, not just the face.

2)Ritualist's Spirits are just recycled versions of Mraggath or whatever that thing's name was.

3)Most new faces suck, allthough I have to admit there are a couple of nice ones. Also, why are they mostly asian, I understand that this is an asian themed game, but what if someone wants some new "european" faces?

3)Katana is a two handed weapon. I love the idea of japaneese swords, but one handed jap swords are named differently.. Was it Wakizashi? or Ninja-To?

4)Most new sword skills feel underpowered compared to axe. Some seem useless.

5)No 1on 1 pvp. Not even in guild hall for training purposes.

There are many other more signifficant issues, but I'm hoping those will be corrected in the final release.

Things I'm impressed with:

1) Most new dances are quite nice.

2)Many great and very useful skills. Many great new hair styles, some nice armors.

3) New interesting features.

Hope Anet reads this.

Oblivion's Hell

Oblivion's Hell

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006


Guild Of Dangerous Surprise [GODS]

Atleast this is only the Beta testing stage, so look for more content when the game comes out.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Tombstone
It's ridiculous to be born at level 20 with no way to go up, plus starting level 1 with easier missions is where people learn how to play. Chapter 1 was written very well with excellent character progression. Chapter 2 should imo be a continuance and not a stand alone product.


since you did not read it i will pass on a little secret.

there is the equivalent of starting presear for people starting a Factions character.

they announced many times FOR THE BWE ONLY you would start out level 20 fully equipped.


they do not have weeks for people to learn and advance a character before releasing the game.

this is only a small peak at a very small part of the game so relax.

if you want to grow up in Faction land make a character and spend your formative years in the monestary and then go forth to adventure

lady kesha

lady kesha

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

Ohio - soon NB, Canada!

Biscuit of Dewm


I was very impressed by the game... very, very much. The graphics are gorgeous and the area's are really nice!

I agree the Assassin looks skinny and unshapely, the female could pass for a male, seriously. The armor is okay but its sort of asexual.

The HENCHIES do seem MUCH smarter. I took them out with me in a several areas and didnt die once (then again, I had 2 healers, a protection AND a guardian) so that has improved.

As for the lag, not much could be done about that, was rather annoying in a fight, however!

The assassin skills will light up when they are able to used - if its a lead attack it wont but the follow ups and duals will light up once the one that is supposed to be done before it has cast.

The faces for the female assassin (actually for females in general) are absolutely horrid however. I only found one I liked, the others looked reallllllllllllllly ugly! I hope they at least join them all together when its released (or bring ones from Prophecies over).

I'm quite happy and I can't wait for the game to come out ^_^


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005

Originally Posted by Loviatar

this is only a small peak at a very small part of the game so relax.

I hope that this is a small chunk of the game. Well, they did such a good job with chapter 1 so let's hope Chapter 2 will be at least half as good.

I'm more concerned about the gameplay then the looks of characters. I hear alot of people complaining about how certain things look. I would carry a plain stick for a weapon if it had the stats I wanted and wouldn't complain. I think Anet did a good job on character appearance variety.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005

The Seshlings


Henchies running off to the next group of foe and bringing them back to you.

Hella Good

Hella Good

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

None, free and clear

Th double skills are dumb. Extremely. If they wanted to give certain skills to Faction only players that were available in original GW, they could have just included these skills in the core skills set and given the rest of us 30 or so new and unique skills. This was very disappointing. ANet that prides itself on originality has decided to double up skills because they wanted to introduce 300 "new" skills and didn't feel like spending more time thinking it over past 270 or so. Really... disappointing.



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006

Make Ole Na Hoa Alii Kaua [LoNo]


i wish ppl wouldnt complain about the load times, it only took forever for the first time you went to each zone cuz it was loading all the AWESOME stuff. i mean cmon, it was worth it to wait a while for it once and when ppl complain about not having enough mission and what not, its a preview not the game...

im personally loving the event and a cant wait till april

i totally agree with this:

Originally Posted by Wyldie
I think some of you are missing the point here. Factions is designed as a stand alone game. That means it can be played alone - apart from Prophecies. Therefore, of course you are going to have the same skills available in both games - with different names for the different character classes.
Don't think of the bad side of things so much - if you like these skills it gives you room to put 2 of them on your skill bar at the same time!!


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Melbourne, Australia


Originally Posted by Rieselle
Elem spell graphics on the new skills are pretty tame. In some cases, even worse than Ch 1.

Dissappointed at the number of clone skills. I hope they are placeholders or are at least modified a little. Also, the skills I would really want cloned (eg, fireball) are not cloned.
Actually Breath Of Fire is not too bad. More like that please
(Although it doesnt really look like a breath of fire... make it blue and it'd be a perfect maelstrom though

It seems the clone skills are here to stay. I'm dissappointed, but oh well, it's not the end of the world.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

United States

Dark Side Ofthe Moon [DSM]


Originally Posted by Hella Good
Th double skills are dumb. Extremely. If they wanted to give certain skills to Faction only players that were available in original GW, they could have just included these skills in the core skills set and given the rest of us 30 or so new and unique skills. This was very disappointing. ANet that prides itself on originality has decided to double up skills because they wanted to introduce 300 "new" skills and didn't feel like spending more time thinking it over past 270 or so. Really... disappointing.
Play magic the gathering, this is a good thing actually. How many times have you though, if I can take this same skill more then once on the bar?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tyria, cappin' ur bosses

Boston Guild [BG]


All in all, I'm happy with the event. I like the new skill additions that I've see and played with (Ether Signet is one of my favorites), I like the new weapon skins, and I like the feel of the game (very different from GW: P). I do, however, have one nagging complaint and disappointment, however...

Lace? What am I? A Mesmer?! Just drop the frills, and I'll be much happier. On the plus side, I LOVE you for adding +Def w/ Stance armor for the Rangers. My Sword Ranger LOVES you! <3


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

While realizing that this is just a test weekend, I'm rather disappointed that the face I used for my Ritualist during the last preview was unavailable for this weekend.

I am hoping that they will be bringing back all the faces for the final release. Has anyone heard anything regarding this?




Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


What am i not impressed with...hmn...lets see...

map zones are still fairly small.

The alliance battles are fun, but really just turn into minion factory battles.