I do realise that it will be quite difficult to properly implement a penalty system of any kind regarding the 12 vs 12 Alliance Battle quiters. This I have stated under "My Thoughts".
What I want to see is there should be some changes made to the current 12 vs 12 Alliance Battles so that in the event that people rage quits, the remaining players' 12 vs 12 Alliance Battles gaming experience is not affected that much.
1 hour is too long, many have pointed out, I have changed it to 5 minutes, please review and comment.
I have also added in Sakashi's idea about dealing with the "obvious" rage quiters. Those who quit for many times within the same hour.
(A) (This idea will probably be used together with Sakashi's idea)
In the event that a player deserts the luxon vs kurschick battle, he will suffer a faction penalty(luxon or kurschick):
- 1,000 faction(luxon or kursick)
This 1,000 faction will be refunded if the following conditions are satisfied:
- he quits the battle, and logs out completely within 5 minutes
- the total logged out time is at least 5 minutes
(5 minutes as suggested by King Symeon)
(The "at least an hour" seems to be too long as many people has pointed out)
(I have changed the "an hour" to "5 minutes", please review and comment)
This 1,000 faction will be gone for good if:
- the player quits the battle, and remains in game, without logging off
No faction penalty at all if:
- The quit is a result of technical issues Err 007, Err 058 etc
Negative factions(luxon or kusick) can be achieved, should this happen, the player is denied from participating in alliance battles, until faction(luxon or kusick) is positive again.
(B) (Suggested by Sakashi)
Punish the "obvious" rage quiters, spare the innocent
"can't make the punishment too immediate incase it was actually an accident or emergency. HOWEVER! IF the persons actions are repeated again..... and again..... its obvious they are idiots who SHOULD be punished.
No-one is going to ACCIDENTLY
- have multiple powercuts
- need to phone for an ambulance every match
And if its a computer problem, fix it before jumping straight back into GW. It's not impossible to seperate the two categories."
(The below concept inspired by Sakashi)
Number of Alliance Battle quits within the hour:
1 : Nothing
2 : 1st Warning Message
(Luxon/Kurzick guy comes find you, tells you not to desert their battles again, stating that they don't like deserters.)
3 : 2nd Warning Message
(Luxon/Kurzick comes find you again, telling you if you have personal issues, you should not participate in their battles unless your personal issues are resolved, they really do not like people deserting their battles.)
4 : Proposed idea (A) kicks in, 1,000 faction penalty (Luxon/Kurzick guy comes find you again, stating that they are very angry that you deserted their battles.
Did anyone read through the other suggested ideas? I am refering to the non-punishing ideas.
2. Allow henchies as replacements
5. Increase the rewards for the players who did not quit
6. Accelerated victory
7. Losing Side's Last Resort
8. Reduce overall score required
9. Accelerate score gaining rate
Idea 2, 6 and 9 might work.
As stated under "My Thoughts", the main reason why I did the poll was to find out what do the player community of Guild Wars think of the rage quiters issue in the 12 vs 12 Alliance Battles.
From the results, I concluded that many people think that the quiters deserved to be punished. Why? Perhaps it is because these people's 12 vs 12 Alliance Battles' gaming experience is ruined by the rage quiters.
Hence, I believe something must be done.
ANET, please review the following proposed ideas.
2. Allow henchies as replacements
5. Increase the rewards for the players who did not quit
6. Accelerated victory
7. Losing Side's Last Resort
8. Reduce overall score required
9. Accelerate score gaining rate
Again, to all those who provided feed back, proposed ideas, I thank you for your contribution. Let us all help to make Guild Wars a better game.