dreamhunk, try poping into the int districts, i here they sometimes even get a roleplayed funeral
ok, i like many others am a pve player, and from that pve perspective, i see factions as nice eye candy that i have to make a wamo or at least a warrior whattever to be able to finish....
i say this becase...
every skill balance i have seen so far is dedicated to fixing what unorthadox and creative (sarcasme off) PvP players have busted up.
the few fixes we (pvE) people DO see are henchie AI or fixes for exploits that make it easier to do a mission....making a skill read or do what it says it does ect.
no, theres another reason why PvE peeps screamed like scallded kittens when skills are fixed by the clean-up-crew.
its because we use those skills usually on a daily basis to just stay alive in game.
were not using them to gank another player, nor to allow some other part of our team to be able to pull off some seriously stupid maouver that will mean that the mission is a sucsess.
were simply using them as part of our day to day existance.
now i do not know that much about programin, code ect, but i do know that there are scripts that can be implementer *in one area*
that they can be done by even a simple programmer, depending on the games language.
just look at the arena scripts for neverwinter...on servers that use the HCR (HardCoreRuleset), when you die, you loose exp, maybe items, maybe everytihgn you have on, and you even end up in the Fudge (temporary limo till you ether pay up or get rezzed)
now the whole of these worlds work like that...EXCEPT for the arena...once inside the area of affect for the arena, you die and get ressed with no exp loss, no item loss, NOTHING.
now, who is to say that they (a net ect) could simply not have used this kind of thinking to Fix the damn PvP busted skills.
no more PvE sreaming boiled kitties wanting their skillsets back the way they were...
no more PvE elemntalists jumping off the higest mount in the shiverpeaks, cause they are now one toon UNIT ELITE run-away! merchants...
its simple realy (and yes, i know that simple solutions create complex problems)
inside the arenas, x skill does exactly what the team need it to for it to be ballanced for the PvP environment...
OUTSIDE the arenas, the same skill now does what it always has for the PvE environment....
(oh, and dreamhunk, i think the proffesor tital part the other guy was happy about, and that you are refering to isnt his real world tital, but his forum tital..i was a walking big grin when i made proffessor ^^ but thats cause it reminds me of Dr Who and Ace always calling him proffessor