I took my warrior into a PUG in the Fissure of Woe last night. We killed the Priest of Menzies. I chose not to use the book trick, because I don't like it. Instead of walking around for the rest of the game with the book, I turned the book in for the XP reward, as the quest was designed. Half of the group then called me a noob and ragequit the group |
Nope, you're a griefer because you went into the zone with full knowledge that you were not going to meet the party's expectations of you. You knew you were going to waste people's time to try and prove a point here on the forums. That makes you a griefer. |
I'd also like to note that there's been instances where the group has discussed it and we've voted not to do book trick, then the guys who were voted down ragequit on us.
I'd say that both Ghull and the rage quitters in his party were equally at fault here becuase neither discussed thier expectations up front. If it isn't discussed up front, I feel that the decision should be left up to the tank becuase he's the one that will have to carry the damn thing. It's something you should hash out in group chat though. You shouldn't just silently run off with the book as soon as the quest is done and cash it in which I suspect is what Ghull did. (Mainly becuase I used to do the same thing when I first learned about the book trick. )
That said, I've learned my lesson and the first question I always ask when I join a new FoW group is, "Are we using the book trick?" If anyone says "yes" I respectfully decline and find another group.