Holy God am I angry - PvE and Ritualist ashes



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

I took my warrior into a PUG in the Fissure of Woe last night. We killed the Priest of Menzies. I chose not to use the book trick, because I don't like it. Instead of walking around for the rest of the game with the book, I turned the book in for the XP reward, as the quest was designed. Half of the group then called me a noob and ragequit the group
Nope, you're a griefer because you went into the zone with full knowledge that you were not going to meet the party's expectations of you. You knew you were going to waste people's time to try and prove a point here on the forums. That makes you a griefer.
Unlike SF, most FoW PUGs are amiguious about whether or not they will be using the book trick when they get to the Priest. They normally advertise "Forming Fissure Group!" and never discuss the book trick until they reach the undead battlefield. When I used to make the mistake of not discussing it up front, there was generally one person who was adamant about using book trick, one person who was dead set against it (that'd be me), and six people who were pretty ambivalent about the whole thing. In Fissure there isn't so much of a preformed expectation that "You go to Fissure, you use book." In many instances in Fissure PuGs the people that want to book are as just as guilty of enforcing the way they want to play on other people as the people that don't want to book.

I'd also like to note that there's been instances where the group has discussed it and we've voted not to do book trick, then the guys who were voted down ragequit on us.

I'd say that both Ghull and the rage quitters in his party were equally at fault here becuase neither discussed thier expectations up front. If it isn't discussed up front, I feel that the decision should be left up to the tank becuase he's the one that will have to carry the damn thing. It's something you should hash out in group chat though. You shouldn't just silently run off with the book as soon as the quest is done and cash it in which I suspect is what Ghull did. (Mainly becuase I used to do the same thing when I first learned about the book trick. )

That said, I've learned my lesson and the first question I always ask when I join a new FoW group is, "Are we using the book trick?" If anyone says "yes" I respectfully decline and find another group.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006

In my opinion, they should initially charge whoever is holding the item. "Hey! He's got our X! Get him!". After some point, not very long of course, they should realize, "Wait, this is getting nowhere, and he's just standing there. Let's get someone more important!". Kind of like when you're out soloing with a pet. You stop attacking and just stand there, and after a moment the mob switches to your pet. It shouldn't be a permanent "ATTACK ME!" sign, but it should have some effect.

However, the thread was initially about Ritualist ashes, and I have to agree with the OP here. They shouldn't draw any hate when you hold them. I have to say that I played a Ritualist over the last weekend, and didn't notice many problems. I was being kind of reckless and only played PvE on him until I could get to the alliance battles, so I may have just not noticed it.

Rhys ap Llysgwr

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005


Originally Posted by Ghull Ka
Theos, man... let it slide. He's picking fights however he can. Stick to the topic and the real important thing here, don't let that nonsense get to you.

And besides, I put him on ignore, but his text still shows if you quote him, *poke*

For those out there that are really concerned about this, keep your eyes out for Gaile to show up ingame next, get her attention, and bring this up. Be relentless (but polite) and make her realize that it is an issue. We have to get their attention if we want this to be changed.
I believe she hinted she would make a visit tonight btw. Put her on your firends list and keep a lookout. She is pretty good about answering questions if you are polite and ask often enough, especially if more than one person asks the same question. I definitely want to know anet's position on this - I would hate to see pve destroyed.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005




Originally Posted by Katari
Eh, there's a bit of a problem with that. If you expect to get a PUG for SF, you need to be ok with holding a book. Sure, you *can* get a full 8-man party sometimes, and there is the occasion when they won't use the book. But do you know how often a party like that comes along?

You can't say AI abuse like this dosn't hurt people if they don't use it.

In Diablo 2, Dupes and hacked items were considered acceptable by the majority of the general public. That didn't make them right.

Oh, for the record, MelechRic, were you for or against the nerfing of Griffion farming, of UW-Soloing, or of the AoE nerf? I feel the AoE nerf in particular parallels the current discussion rather nicely.
I wasn't for/against any nerf mainly because I didn't care one iota about it. I took 2 characters through PvE (ranger and monk) and then decided to PvP with an insta-char. I unlocked everything with PvP except for the warrior. So I built a N/W and went through PvE again. At the end of that I found out that Necros were in high demand for farming groups and started to farm.

I never ever cared about people farming UW, Griffons or AoE because I was having fun. I didn't concern myself with someting like farming (especially in a GAME) because I wasn't being affected by it. This isn't real life so there are no dire consequences for people playing the game differently than the way I'm playing it.

Now I farm so I'm pro farming in terms of my stance. It makes me gold and I enjoy the game more because of it. However, I'm not going to lose sleep over it if Ghull Ka and all his cronies somehow convince Gaile that ArenaNet should nerf item aggro holding. That's their bent and their welcome to pursue it however misguided I feel they are for their efforts.

I guess what galls me the most about the camp that complains over this stuff is that it shows a certain lack of coping skills. These people should either move on to something different or deal with the Guild Wars environment as it stands. ArenaNet didn't set out to make an utopia for a few people that are hung up on strict ideas about AI. They made a game, which in many ways is an incomplete microcosm for society. There will always be people who don't adapt and are marginalized, but they don't get to run the society because of it.

Ghull Ka

Ghull Ka

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

Seattle, WA

Grenths Helpdesk


Originally Posted by QuixotesGhost
Unlike SF, most FoW PUGs are amiguious about whether or not they will be using the book trick when they get to the Priest. They normally advertise "Forming Fissure Group!" and never discuss the book trick until they reach the undead battlefield. When I used to make the mistake of not discussing it up front, there was generally one person who was adamant about using book trick, one person who was dead set against it (that'd be me), and six people who were pretty ambivalent about the whole thing. In Fissure there isn't so much of a preformed expectation that "You go to Fissure, you use book." In many instances in Fissure PuGs the people that want to book are as just as guilty of enforcing the way they want to play on other people as the people that don't want to book.

I'd also like to note that there's been instances where the group has discussed it and we've voted not to do book trick, then the guys who were voted down ragequit on us.

I'd say that both Ghull and the rage quitters in his party were equally at fault here becuase neither discussed thier expectations up front. If it isn't discussed up front, I feel that the decision should be left up to the tank becuase he's the one that will have to carry the damn thing. It's something you should hash out in group chat though. You shouldn't just silently run off with the book as soon as the quest is done and cash it in which I suspect is what Ghull did. (Mainly becuase I used to do the same thing when I first learned about the book trick. )

That said, I've learned my lesson and the first question I always ask when I join a new FoW group is, "Are we using the book trick?" If anyone says "yes" I respectfully decline and find another group.
Your analysis of how the party formed is correct. Day after day in the FoW, we respond to "LFG for FOW" and once in party, the book is seldom, if ever, brought up. It's not until the Tower of Courage is complete, and we crest the hill into the Skeleton Plains that people start talking about the book. I have mixed results with people's attitudes when I tell them that I'm anti-book. Many are ambivalent. Many are outraged. I refuse to stand around with a damned book in my hand when I've got perfectly good sword or axe skills on my bar.

I didn't just sneak off, by the way, After the book dropped, the conversation ensued.

It's a sad state of affairs when we've gotten to the point that if I, as a warrior, choose to not disable half of my skillbar by holding a book instead of fighting; if I choose to turn in a quest reward item for the quest reward, as it was designed; if I choose to continue fighting exactly how I was fighting before the book dropped and transformed the entire party into invalids who just can't survive without an aggro magnet... then I'm a griefer. We pretty much pwned the shadow army and the skeletons on the way up to the book; it's shocking how when it dropped we all became giant weenies that can't survive without it. Oh noes.

More to the point:
There's such rift in people's attitudes about whether or not to exploit the enemy AI in just one area of the game... such potential for what would otherwise be a fine time to be turned into a ragequit...

...would it not be a shame if W/Rt spread this kind of crap all over the entire PvE experience?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005


Seers of Serpents [SoS]


Wa/rit: being able to enchant your own weapons, create ashes to hold to draw aggro towards you away from party members. What more can a stance tank want in life....... wait please dont answer that.


Sentinel armour and Dolyak Signet FTW \o/ and dont forget the Knight's boots.

Farming groups will always pick the most efficent build for their group and if you choose something that isnt understood by them, good luck getting in. Its likely you will be forced to play the cookie cutter build if you want in, look at UW tombs....it speaks for it self, not that i am complaining here. However for normal PvE mission/quest, even in a PuG i dont think it will matter that much since everyone will play whatever builds they want anyways.



Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Ghull Ka

It's a sad state of affairs when we've gotten to the point that if I, as a warrior, choose to not disable half of my skillbar by holding a book instead of fighting; if I choose to turn in a quest reward item for the quest reward, as it was designed; if I choose to continue fighting exactly how I was fighting before the book dropped and transformed the entire party into invalids who just can't survive without an aggro magnet... then I'm a griefer. We pretty much pwned the shadow army and the skeletons on the way up to the book; it's shocking how when it dropped we all became giant weenies that can't survive without it. Oh noes.

i added bolds to high light your problem.

if you did not inform the group ahead of time that you would refuse the book trick knowing that it might be expected of you then you are a selfish griefer.

notice the number of I as opposed to the group wishes in that .

you will do it your way and the rest of the group has no say

if you said no book trick at the start than you are right and they have no complaint

if you withheld the information that you would turn in the book rather than use it as they expected you are a griefer who wasted their trip.

Ghull Ka

Ghull Ka

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

Seattle, WA

Grenths Helpdesk


^^ And this goes to show that the logic of "If you don't like it, don't use it" becomes: "You have no choice -- you must use it in some areas, whether you want to or not". I employed the number one, end-all argument provided by gear tank apologists -- if you don't like it, don't use it, and it won't affect you -- and now I'm a griefer for not using it. You can say "just choose not to play with it and it won't affect you" until you're blue in the face, but the fact is that some people expect you to use it in some areas.

And if they don't fix this, some people will expect a W/Rt tank in any area.

Did they say "GLF Warrior to hold the book"? No. Did I mention that I don't like holding the book when I joined the party? No. Did anyone mention the book at all, in any way whatsoever before it dropped? No. Did we perform well before the book was dropped? Absolutely. Could we have gone on without it? You bet. Did people quitting the group end the fun? Yup. Did the people who quit "withhold information" from the rest of the team that they expected the book to be used? Yeah, I guess they did, huh?

I wasn't there to grief anyone. It was just another day in the FoW, which was ruined by people trying to grief me into playing in a way that they did not enlist me to play.

Every time I go, I refuse the book. Often, this leads to great times with no problems. All I have to say is "Look, guys, we've kicked ass this far, why are we worried about using a book to make it easier? We're pwning these guys! Let's just get our XP and continue." -- folks usually agree. You can't tell me that's griefing.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005




Originally Posted by Ghull Ka
^^ And this goes to show that the logic of "If you don't like it, don't use it" becomes: "You have no choice -- you must use it in some areas, whether you want to or not". I employed the number one, end-all argument provided by gear tank apologists -- if you don't like it, don't use it, and it won't affect you -- and now I'm a griefer for not using it. You can say "just choose not to play with it and it won't affect you" until you're blue in the face, but the fact is that some people expect you to use it in some areas.

And if they don't fix this, some people will expect a W/Rt tank in any area.
Some will, but many won't. Unless you have a crystal ball I think you should wait and see what the future holds.

Originally Posted by Ghull Ka
Did they say "GLF Warrior to hold the book"? No. Did I mention that I don't like holding the book when I joined the party? No. Did anyone mention the book at all, in any way whatsoever before it dropped? No. Did we perform well before the book was dropped? Absolutely. Could we have gone on without it? You bet. Did people quitting the group end the fun? Yup. Did the people who quit "withhold information" from the rest of the team that they expected the book to be used? Yeah, I guess they did, huh?

I wasn't there to grief anyone. It was just another day in the FoW, which was ruined by people trying to grief me into playing in a way that they did not enlist me to play.

Every time I go, I refuse the book. Often, this leads to great times with no problems. All I have to say is "Look, guys, we've kicked ass this far, why are we worried about using a book to make it easier? We're pwning these guys! Let's just get our XP and continue." -- folks usually agree. You can't tell me that's griefing.
"In the fight between you and the world, back the world." -- Franz Kafka.

Ghull Ka,

When you finally realize that you're not the center of rotation for the universe you may start having fun again.



Join Date: Aug 2005


Originally Posted by MelechRic
I guess what galls me the most about the camp that complains over this stuff is that it shows a certain lack of coping skills. These people should either move on to something different or deal with the Guild Wars environment as it stands. ArenaNet didn't set out to make an utopia for a few people that are hung up on strict ideas about AI. They made a game, which in many ways is an incomplete microcosm for society. There will always be people who don't adapt and are marginalized, but they don't get to run the society because of it.
You have it backwards. Those wanting the change would have to cope because the AI affect would be universal if the change was implemented. Those against the trick lack coping skills since they're dead-set against the change, thus not forcing them to adapt.

Your logic was a bit backwards.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005




Originally Posted by calamitykell
You have it backwards. Those wanting the change would have to cope because the AI affect would be universal if the change was implemented. Those against the trick lack coping skills since they're dead-set against the change, thus not forcing them to adapt.

Your logic was a bit backwards.
Nope, again you've misunderstood me and gotten your logic wrong. (Or, maybe you're just framing it in a different context than what I've framed my argument in.) Those pursuing change want it becaue the game isn't the way they desire it to be. These people didn't adjust. Instead they are grumbling for a world change so that it's in line with their idea of how the world should be. That's lack of coping. (I guess you could argue that pushing for change is a form of coping. Please do so if it suits you.)

Those of us that enjoy the Guild Wars world are proof of successful coping. We have characters and play styles that integrate well with the world in it's current format.

Even more to the point, if there were to be a change with the gear/book/barrel those of us who enjoy farming would still figure out a way to farm. If it meant that SF/FoW wasn't so profitable we'd adapt and move elsewhere. At least I know I would. I know you wouldn't find me here whining that my favorite farming spot got nerfed. (If you ever do then you can trot out this post.)

My prediction is that even if the people who can't cope are successful they'll still be dissatified with the game or some handful of its aspects. They'll continue to agitate for more changes. Tyranny of the minority at its finest.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006


The Infinite Monkeys [TYPE]


Originally Posted by MelechRic
Those of us that enjoy the Guild Wars world are proof of successful coping. We have characters and play styles that integrate well with the world in it's current format.
You've forgotten one possibility in that set. There is the possibility that you didn't cope, but the world was simply in a configuration that you liked from the outset.




Perfectly Elocuted

Join Date: Sep 2005

Originally Posted by MelechRic
Another line:

An infinite amount of monkeys banging randomly on an infinite number of typewriters, given an infinite amount of time will produce all the great works of literature.

Puting it another way:

A million people playing GW for over a year will figure out how to farm anywhere there's a profit in farming.

I think you're missing the point of that quote....

But using your idea.... I wouldn't say the book trick would compare with a 'great work of literature.' I'd say something like, Spider Farming would be a great work of literature, because while it is farming, it still requires a measurable amount of skill to pull off. The book trick is a fixable error in the AI of the game. You are exploiting a mistake, not finding a way to overcome the environment. That is what I find wrong with it.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005




Originally Posted by eudas
You've forgotten one possibility in that set. There is the possibility that you didn't cope, but the world was simply in a configuration that you liked from the outset.

Well yes, it was a happy accident that I made a character that just happens to be useful for farming. However, my other characters were never intended to farm. Of course now that UW2 is around my ranger has something to do, but that character was never getting groups. I didn't waste my time whining about it. I just rolled a monk and got all the invites I could handle. In fact, my necro couldn't buy an invite for THK mission. I didn't complain. I soloed it with henchmen.


So I think I qualify as someone who copes.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005




Originally Posted by SnipiousMax
I think you're missing the point of that quote....

But using your idea.... I wouldn't say the book trick would compare with a 'great work of literature.' I'd say something like, Spider Farming would be a great work of literature, because while it is farming, it still requires a measurable amount of skill to pull off. The book trick is a fixable error in the AI of the game. You are exploiting a mistake, not finding a way to overcome the environment. That is what I find wrong with it.
Heh. Everyone is a literature critic. I do get the point of the qoute and I think I was using it correctly. Just to reiterate: My point was that people will find a way around even the best AI because players have numerical superiority to developers.

The gear/book/barrel is a way around and masterful in it's own right. Someone had an aha! moment and then threw together a team to use the trick. With refinement it worked and news of this great achievement spread. Great Literature! Same goes for SS/SV + 55hp and all the other ones. They're all the same. The distinction you're making is related to how easy it is to use once it's discovered. You want things to be hard because that fits your sensibility of how the game should be played. Answer me this: Is Hemingways' "The Old Man and the Sea" a lesser form of literature than say James Joyce's "Ulysses?" One is commonly used in grade school while the other is read in universities, but both are considered great works of literature.

In regards to fixable errors: I've already stated that other forms of play abuse/exploit the AI. Spider farming could be considered one of those exploits. Spider AI is also fixable. The response to that was if the AI were any better the vast majority of poeple couldn't handle it and would quit.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006

Okay... So arguments over the semantics of exactly what is and isn't abuse of the AI aside... Blah blah and more blah.

I don't think this has anything to do with farming to be honest. It's about whether or not the Ritualist's Urns were intended to draw so much aggro.

*lays a trail of candy leading back to the original topic for people to follow*



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005




Originally Posted by Metanoia
Okay... So arguments over the semantics of exactly what is and isn't abuse of the AI aside... Blah blah and more blah.

I don't think this has anything to do with farming to be honest. It's about whether or not the Ritualist's Urns were intended to draw so much aggro.

*lays a trail of candy leading back to the original topic for people to follow*
Well if there was an internal beta with people actually playing through the game and using urns then I'd have to say yes... they are functioning as designed. However, if they only ever tested these urns in PvP, then you could have an issue.

*eats candy*



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

Originally Posted by Loviatar
i added bolds to high light your problem.

if you did not inform the group ahead of time that you would refuse the book trick knowing that it might be expected of you then you are a selfish griefer.

notice the number of I as opposed to the group wishes in that .

you will do it your way and the rest of the group has no say

if you said no book trick at the start than you are right and they have no complaint

if you withheld the information that you would turn in the book rather than use it as they expected you are a griefer who wasted their trip.
Loviatar, we could turn this around and say the rage quitters were at fault here becuase they failed to inform Ghull that they expected him to book tank.

Seriously, if you don't discuss it up front I believe no one has the right to demand that a tank to sit there like an idiot with an item. If he agrees to once your down there, fine, but other members of the group should realize just how boring book tanking is, and the imposition you're placing on him.

If it's not discussed up front, the tank should have the final say. You have no right to ruin his GW experience so you can farm a little faster.

Originally Posted by MelechRic
Those pursuing change want it becaue the game isn't the way they desire it to be. These people didn't adjust. Instead they are grumbling for a world change so that it's in line with their idea of how the world should be. That's lack of coping.
I'm failing to see how saying "This is wrong. This should be changed." is some sort of psychological defect. If we want to use a ludicrious example (it's the only one I could think of) we could also say that Ghandi had a coping problem.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005




That's a bit of a logical stretch there. Ghull when to ToA to prove a point. He went there assuming that people expect the tank to hold the book. So he got a group together and then went in with them. When he didn't do what was normally expected of him people got upset. His whole point was to show me that aggro holding items ruin the game for people like him that don't want to hold them, and to prove that my "don't like it, don't use it" attitude is unworkable.

Maybe if he'd said up front what his intentions were the group might have gone along with it and he'd have been wrong. He might have been right too. It's possible that nobody would ever team with him because of his stand on not holding the book. We just don't know from his initial experiment.

As for your Ghandi example... there's a difference between a game and real life. In terms of oppression where basic human rights aren't respected then pushing for change obviously correct. We don't have a human rights issue in Guild Wars. What we have is a game where people don't like the fact that some players are making money off of stupid AI or having too easy a time playing the game.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by QuixotesGhost

Seriously, if you don't discuss it up front I believe no one has the right to demand that a tank to sit there like an idiot with an item. If he agrees to once your down there, fine, but other members of the group should realize just how boring book tanking is, and the imposition you're placing on him.

If it's not discussed up front, the tank should have the final say. You have no right to ruin his GW experience so you can farm a little faster.
i agree it should be talked over before starting.

having said that i have gotten the impression in different threads that in certain areas this tactic (gear) is the norm rather than the exception.

if i am wrong in that assumption please tell me and i will revise the data to conform.

if it is usually expected and he would lose out on grouping by telling people in advance who took it for granted that he would do the normal expected for that area i think it leans toward the person doing the unusual/unexpected to make his/her position clear.


* i am happy to help but i do not do the book trick having no need for it to complete what you are doing.*



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

Originally Posted by MelechRic
As for your Ghandi example... there's a difference between a game and real life.
That's why I called my example ludicrous. Let me attempt to explain myself better...

Random guys sees "A".
Random guy doesn't like "A".
Random guy says "Hey, we should change 'A'"

What's wrong with that?

Melech, you keep saying that anyone doing this has a coping problem. That's what I'm having difficulty grasping.

having said that i have gotten the impression in different threads that in certain areas this tactic (gear) is the norm rather than the exception.
It's trending towards that way, but it's still not a given. I've been in groups where the book trick was brought up and 2 or 3 people pipe up, "What's the book trick?"


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by QuixotesGhost

It's trending towards that way, but it's still not a given. I've been in groups where the book trick was brought up and 2 or 3 people pipe up, "What's the book trick?"
thanks for the update and will keep an eye on it then



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005




Originally Posted by QuixotesGhost
That's why I called my example ludicrous. Let me attempt to explain myself better...

Random guys sees "A".
Random guy doesn't like "A".
Random guy says "Hey, we should change 'A'"

What's wrong with that?
Nothing. As long as random guy is ready for the guy who likes "A" to sit up and say, "Nope! I'm fine with it the way it is."

I just find it hard to accept that some people buy a game and then complain about the game. If it's not meeting your needs then move on to something else. Otherwise, figure out how to have fun with what you've got, but don't expect me to root for you when you try to change something I enjoy.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

River Dancing

Eternal Treachery [TimE]


Well here we go: http://guildwarsguru.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3004896

Gaile talking about the Ritualist Ashes issues and that it will be adressed. I am sure people will be happy to see this.

As for Melech, your statement is quite... hypocritical.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005




Originally Posted by Theos
Well here we go: http://guildwarsguru.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3004896

Gaile talking about the Ritualist Ashes issues and that it will be adressed. I am sure people will be happy to see this.

As for Melech, your statement is quite... hypocritical.
Ah Theos, you can sleep soundly at night knowing your Ritualist won't hold aggro and that all will be right in the world of PvE.

As for being hypocritical, I don't see it unless you mean by disagreeing with you I'm a hypocrite. By that definition then everyone who had an argument would be a hypocrite.

You can complain about the game all you want. I'm fine with that.
Just be fine with me telling you how full of BS you are and that you should find something else to play.

I never said I was going to be nice or accept your point of view about the game. You don't have to accept mine either.

Also, thanks for ressurecting this thread. Are you sure you play a mesmer and not a monk?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

River Dancing

Eternal Treachery [TimE]


Originally Posted by MelechRic
Ah Theos, you can sleep soundly at night knowing your Ritualist won't hold aggro and that all will be right in the world of PvE.

As for being hypocritical, I don't see it.

You can complain about the game all you want. I'm fine with that.
Just be fine with me telling you how full of BS you are and that you should find something else to play.

I never said I was going to be nice or accept your point of view about the game. You don't have to accept mine either.

Also, thanks for ressurecting this thread. Are you sure you play a mesmer and not a monk?
Your hypocricy lies in the same terms as "whining about whiners", you suffer from the same problem. I don't care if you like my views or if you hate them, they are not your views after all.

It is just funny when you tell us to deal with it, then say if anything changes you will be fine, and then later defend your current game style as if it were your religion. Its some what odd, if you really don't care (or lets say it better would "you would adapt" as you say it) as to what happens then stop posting, the more you post the more rediculous your "godlike" adaptability seems.

I ressurected it in order to inform those who actually care about the mesmer class and the farming future of GW PvE, who may have missed this. I play a resmer

I am still laughing though, your only defense seems to be "play something else" yet you are the almighty one who can adapt to all are you not? Do you see the hypocricy yet?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005




Originally Posted by Theos
Your hypocricy lies in the same terms as "whining about whiners", you suffer from the same problem. I don't care if you like my views or if you hate them, they are not your views after all.

It is just funny when you tell us to deal with it, then say if anything changes you will be fine, and then later defend your current game style as if it were your religion. Its some what odd, if you really don't care (or lets say it better would "you would adapt" as you say it) as to what happens then stop posting, the more you post the more rediculous your "godlike" adaptability seems.

I ressurected it in order to inform those who actually care about the mesmer class and the farming future of GW PvE, who may have missed this. I play a resmer

I am still laughing though, your only defense seems to be "play something else" yet you are the almighty one who can adapt to all are you not? Do you see the hypocricy yet?
Nope. I'm not whining. In fact I'm anti-whiner and will zealously monitor these boards trying to stomp out whining wherever it rears it's ugly voodoo baby head. All I'm doing is defending the game that a lot people play against the whining group of PvE RP'ers that haunts these boards.

As for being adaptable... well the jury is out isn't it? If they change the aggro and I happen to leave then you can think smug thoughts about me and my adaptability. If however, I manage to stay (and I think I will) then I've adapted. You on the other hand, have already shown you're incapable of adapting to the game as it stands. You'd rather moan about it how it needs changing here on the boards.

My defense of my playstyle is mainly about my fun and profit. I enjoy the game and get great utility out of the gear/book/barrel and 55hp stuff. Since it's good for me I'm going to defend it. Yep, I operate out of selfishness just like you. You want your PvE and I want mine but they are orthogonal so we're going to argue. Pretty simple really.

By the way, my "play something else" is a great defense. You're free to play the game as it stands or leave any time you want for some other game. You obviously don't like parts of the game because you're here complaining about it and not trying to find something else that meets your needs. That in itself shows a certain... lack of adaptability or just blind stubborness.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

Good ol' USA, where everyone else wants to be

Now Plays World of Warcraft on Whisperwind

The Book trick is not the only way to do well in FOW. I good Barrage Pet team can clear FOW and hold Aggro far better than any book trick (and its faster). There are team builds out there who do fine with no book.

As far as the "book trick" is concerned. It does help new players to fudge a little and still have a good run on FOW or SF missions.

I hope there are skills from the Ritualist spell list for W/Rt to use to draw aggro in PvE when things get out of hand. Besides the item spell only lasts for so long then its either use it or loses it. I want monsters to draw on me when I hold ashes so I can blind em or do other mean things to them.



Join Date: Aug 2005


Originally Posted by MelechRic
As for being adaptable... well the jury is out isn't it? If they change the aggro and I happen to leave then you can think smug thoughts about me and my adaptability. If however, I manage to stay (and I think I will) then I've adapted. You on the other hand, have already shown you're incapable of adapting to the game as it stands. You'd rather moan about it how it needs changing here on the boards.
Your logic, still, is horrid. The "book trick" exploitable AI has been in the game since release. Players have not had to adapt to it because it was never NOT exploitable in this manner. If the AI were changed, those who use it and/or rely on it WOULD have to adapt, since there is a change taking place that require them to make a change as well.

Therefore, if you have problems with those who can't adapt, you have problems with everybody defending the AI and demanding it remain the same which, ironically, includes yourself.

Should..... I..... speak..... slower..... next..... time..... for..... you?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005




Originally Posted by calamitykell
Your logic, still, is horrid. The "book trick" exploitable AI has been in the game since release. Players have not had to adapt to it because it was never NOT exploitable in this manner. If the AI were changed, those who use it and/or rely on it WOULD have to adapt, since there is a change taking place that require them to make a change as well.
I can see why you have problems with my logic since you can't formulate your own very well. Did you read that last sentence out loud after you wrote it. Try it and see. The sentence before the last one is pretty "horrid" too. "never NOT?" Hmm, was "always" the word you were searching for? So much for the state of education in America.

Here are the facts so you can digest them:

1. The book/barrel/gear has always been in game and free to be used or not be used by any player.
2. People who like the book/barrel/gear use it and have adjusted their PvE playstyle accordingly.
3. Players like you who don't like the book/barrel/gear have three choices: play the game like everyone else (use/not use barrel etc.), come here and complain, or find another game.
4. You chose to complain so you're obviously not intrested in adapting your playstyle to what's available in the PvE environment.

Conclusion: You're happy complaining and being a victim.

Originally Posted by calamitykell
Therefore, if you have problems with those who can't adapt, you have problems with everybody defending the AI and demanding it remain the same which, ironically, includes yourself.
Oof! That is some contorted logic there as well. However, I see where you're trying to go. You're saying I can't adapt because I don't want something to change. However, your logic is poor because you're founding your argument on something that hasn't happened. You've no proof that I can't adapt. You can only speculate, but until something changes and I fail to adapt your argument is meaningless. You, however, prove quite the opposite of yourself when you come to these boards bemoaning the state of the game. Why aren't you in-game and playing? Can't adapt? Don't want to adapt? Enjoy playing your tiny violin?

I played the game as it was given me. I've gone through every change and rolled with it. If the game changes, as I've stated above, I'll still play and will adapt. I don't want the barrel/book/gear game to change because I make gold in game and enjoy playing more now because I farm and get better gear. However, if it does, I'll still find a way to cope.

Originally Posted by calamitykell
Should..... I..... speak..... slower..... next..... time..... for..... you?
Please do. You're arguments are so impossibly twisted and contradictory that I need all the time and help I can get to unravel them. (Also, you do realize you asked me if you should speak more slowly while typing more slowly. You should wait for an answer before actually doing what your asking.)



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

River Dancing

Eternal Treachery [TimE]


Originally Posted by MelechRic
I can see why you have problems with my logic since you can't formulate your own very well. Did you read that last sentence out loud after you wrote it. Try it and see. The sentence before the last one is pretty "horrid" too. "never NOT?" Hmm, was "always" the word you were searching for? So much for the state of education in America.

Here are the facts so you can digest them:

1. The book/barrel/gear has always been in game and free to be used or not be used by any player.
2. People who like the book/barrel/gear use it and have adjusted their PvE playstyle accordingly.
3. Players like you who don't like the book/barrel/gear have three choices: play the game like everyone else (use/not use barrel etc.), come here and complain, or find another game.
4. You chose to complain so you're obviously not intrested in adapting your playstyle to what's available in the PvE environment.

Conclusion: You're happy complaining and being a victim.
Great way to define PvE, now lets look at that little book that came with the game. HUm, warrior... Well I don't see anywhere "Used to hold gear", hell I don't see anywhere in the book "Use gear trick to make PvE easier". So had it been placed in the game with any real reason beyond being an overlooked problem that would eventually be exploited, as all other problems, it would have found a nice place inside that little booklet probably next to the warriors name. Hell it wouldn't even be called a warrior, more like "I HOLD BOOK!"



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005





The sound you just heard was Theos changing the subject. However, you may have missed it due to the noise generated from CalamityKell's tiny violin.

Originally Posted by Theos
Great way to define PvE, now lets look at that little book that came with the game. HUm, warrior... Well I don't see anywhere "Used to hold gear", hell I don't see anywhere in the book "Use gear trick to make PvE easier". So had it been placed in the game with any real reason beyond being an overlooked problem that would eventually be exploited, as all other problems, it would have found a nice place inside that little booklet probably next to the warriors name. Hell it wouldn't even be called a warrior, more like "I HOLD BOOK!"
Well it just so happens that I have the little book that came with my Guild Wars CD too. I'll provide a few choice quotes from the description of the warrior.

"...They can take a beating unlike anyone else...Defensive tactics help the Warrior to avoid damage and protect allies..."

Of course these snippets are in my favor, and the paragraph is also filled with descriptions of the warrior swinging his sword/axe/hammer/wang or whatever warriors like to do. The point is that this game isn't a letter of the law game. I didn't find anything about the gale spamming warrior in that paragraph just as I didn't find anything about the IWAY pet warrior. The game manual isn't a codex for how to play, just an introduction of the classes. There are a lot of things not mentioned in the manual that some people consider problems, yet ANet has left them in game. Why is that?

If you really expect to find everything about the game in the manual, you might want to reconsider your approach to games like this. I don't think I've ever played a game, let alone an MMO, where all the possiblilites were explained in the manual.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005


This banter back and forth is getting none of you anywhere, fast. Can we stick to the original topic? No ones going to win this silly argument, you've all given your in-depth opinions on each others choice on the matter, now let's move on.

Ghull Ka

Ghull Ka

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

Seattle, WA

Grenths Helpdesk


I'm glad that Gaile responded to the question about urn aggro. I'm glad that she agrees that it's "not fun" and that it "will be addressed". Sweet. I look forward to them resolving this issue in the 20-ish days that are left between now and the time Factions is released, and will continue to bring it up to her if I'm ever in the same district that she's in.



Join Date: Aug 2005


Originally Posted by MelechRic
You're arguments are so impossibly twisted and contradictory that I need all the time and help I can get to unravel them.
Where are my contradictions?

Ok, I've really tried having a lot of patience when talking to you, but you really leave me no choice. You're just honestly that retarded.

Originally Posted by MelechRic
1. The book/barrel/gear has always been in game and free to be used or not be used by any player.
2. People who like the book/barrel/gear use it and have adjusted their PvE playstyle accordingly.
3. Players like you who don't like the book/barrel/gear have three choices: play the game like everyone else (use/not use barrel etc.), come here and complain, or find another game.
4. You chose to complain so you're obviously not intrested in adapting your playstyle to what's available in the PvE environment.
1. Correct. Something you actually understand, I'm very impressed. Let's see if it'll last.

2. Oh well, you almost made it. MelechRic, players did not ADJUST to this AI, you moron. The AI has ALWAYS been like this, so there was NO adjustment necessary!! What part of that do you NOT understand? If the AI never changed, the players never adjusted to the change! You cannot adjust to a change if it never takes place. So what you call "adjusting" is merely "using the exploitable AI to their advantage." I've never argued that exploiting it wasn't beneficial; I know full well it is. But it's not an adjustment you made, it's how it's been. Now, if they were to change the AI so that the trick no longer worked, groups who rely on the trick to farm, WILL have to adapt to the change that DID take place. You're either an idiot, illiterate, or trolling if you still don't get it by now.

3. I do play the game, thank you. That's why I'm not here to reply to every other post like you. I actually play and enjoy this game. Never used the book trick either. So please, I'm not the one begging for things to stay the same so it's easy, so don't say I can't adapt.

4. Oh, but I do play. And when the AoE fix was implemented, my Elementalist had to do quite a bit of adapting. I do fairly well, thank you.

Continue disregarding every point I make just because you don't understand, don't like, or are embarassed that you're so absolutely hypocritical and stupid that you refuse to let go. Amusing, yes, quite so, but not near intelligent enough to truly be enjoyed.

At this point, I'm left to assume that you are here continuing this discussion simply to drive smart people crazy and get laughs, since nobody could possibly type long well-written posts like you, and not understand simple concepts such as adapting and whining.

Originally Posted by MelechRic
I didn't find anything about the gale spamming warrior in that paragraph just as I didn't find anything about the IWAY pet warrior.
Both of which were abused/overused... and... ANet fixed them. You did know this, right?

Ghull Ka

Ghull Ka

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

Seattle, WA

Grenths Helpdesk


Originally Posted by calamitykell
or trolling
He's trolling. Deliberately antagonizing poster after poster in this thread, one after another. Stop feeding him, for pete's sake. Read this thread and try to find one outspoken poster that he didn't pick a fight with. Seriously, how hard is it to have a thread full of people speaking out against the ritualist urn aggro effect without a gear-farming apologist turning the thread into one trollish, baiting, antagonistic post after another? Yeesh.

Gaile has acknowledged that there is an issue with the ritualist urns; I honestly hope that they're working on a fix. I believe that the need exists to further impress (or rather, to reiterate) on ANet exactly how important this is and how vital it is that it is fixed. We would still like more followup and more feedback from ANet that they understand how leaving this AI choice in will gimp ritualists and relegate all the ashes spells for use strictly by W/Rt's. I'm interested in clear, open dialogue with ANet about this issue.

Of course, such a dialogue will never happen in a thread such as this, which is rife with trollish "omg ur logic is teh sux" banter back and forth. Fat chance of such a dialogue occuring in this thread, so therefore, the troll has achieved "mission accomplished" here. Meh, close the thread anyhow, I say.

They've acknowledged it, and hopefully they'll fix it. And you know what? If they fix it (i'm too cynical to say "when they fix it"), they may remove all held item aggro effects. I'm not confident that will happen, but there's a good possibilty of it. If that happens, I swear, I'm going to laugh until my bones shake. I'm going to go to deldrimor war camp and watch the "OMG /RAGEQUIT" chat and laugh from my belly. Cue violins for people who have had their game "ruined" by the removal of idiotic AI.

People's emotions are running high because a game-shaking change could very likely be on the horizon. Will all held aggro be gone in 20-ish days? Will ritualists be able to conjure their urns in safety? We'll see!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005




Originally Posted by calamitykell
Where are my contradictions?
Surely I'm allowed one typo after the horrendous bit of prose you posted? I'll try and do better next time and hope that you will too.

Originally Posted by calamitykell
Ok, I've really tried having a lot of patience when talking to you, but you really leave me no choice. You're just honestly that retarded.
When argument fails attack the person. Excellent to see that you're carrying on with your standard level of logic.

Originally Posted by calamitykell
1. Correct. Something you actually understand, I'm very impressed. Let's see if it'll last.
Well I'm glad to see we can agree and that I've impressed you so far. I've got some card tricks I can show you too.

Originally Posted by calamitykell
2. Oh well, you almost made it. MelechRic, players did not ADJUST to this AI, you moron. The AI has ALWAYS been like this, so there was NO adjustment necessary!! What part of that do you NOT understand? If the AI never changed, the players never adjusted to the change! You cannot adjust to a change if it never takes place. So what you call "adjusting" is merely "using the exploitable AI to their advantage." I've never argued that exploiting it wasn't beneficial; I know full well it is. But it's not an adjustment you made, it's how it's been. Now, if they were to change the AI so that the trick no longer worked, groups who rely on the trick to farm, WILL have to adapt to the change that DID take place. You're either an idiot, illiterate, or trolling if you still don't get it by now.
You're missing the distinction. Just because there was a prexisting condition in the game like the book trick doesn't mean it can't be adapted. We all came to this game with uninformed playstyles. For lack of a better description you could call those styles 'baggage' from other games. I liked to hack-and-slash and wasn't much into farming. I just did the quests/missions and went through the game linearly. I ended up very poor in terms of in-game gold. When I saw how beneficial the gear/barrel thing was I changed/adapted my playstyle to start farming.

Originally Posted by calamitykell
3. I do play the game, thank you. That's why I'm not here to reply to every other post like you. I actually play and enjoy this game. Never used the book trick either. So please, I'm not the one begging for things to stay the same so it's easy, so don't say I can't adapt.
I actually have some amount of non-play time. Guild Wars is fun, but I'm not going to spend 12 hours a day playing it. I'm just fortunate to have an internet connection wherever I go. That allows me to be vigilant against the whining minions that inhabit Riverside Inn. Also, if you play so much why are you here whining?

If you don't use the book trick then how does it affect you? I can only guess that you're either jealous of people who do or you're just trying to force your ideal MMO on other people. I'm not interested in your ideals. If you think it affects you by not allowing you to RP because nobody wants to RP anymore, you're correct. There's only so much tread left on those RP tires in this MMO and we're down to the nubs.

Originally Posted by calamitykell
4. Oh, but I do play. And when the AoE fix was implemented, my Elementalist had to do quite a bit of adapting. I do fairly well, thank you.
Good for you. Treat yourself to a cookie. Also, if you're so adaptable then why you here complaining about something in the game?

Originally Posted by calamitykell
Continue disregarding every point I make just because you don't understand, don't like, or are embarassed that you're so absolutely hypocritical and stupid that you refuse to let go. Amusing, yes, quite so, but not near intelligent enough to truly be enjoyed.
I've examined your points. Besides being poorly thought out, they don't refute anything I've said, or prove to me that you're adaptable. All you've done is try to make some crazy logic chain saying that I'm not capable of adapting because I've never had to adapt. You base this on the fact that the AI trick has always been in the game. My point is that you can't prove something about me until you actually see me attempt it and either fail or succeed. You have NO EVIDENCE. I, however, have a body of posts from you showing that you'd rather be a victim and complain. To me that indicates a faliure to adapt.

Originally Posted by calamitykell
At this point, I'm left to assume that you are here continuing this discussion simply to drive smart people crazy and get laughs, since nobody could possibly type long well-written posts like you, and not understand simple concepts such as adapting and whining.
I could make the same assumption about you and a few other people. However, I'd rather base my conclusions on the facts, which are plainly that you enjoy being a victim and enjoy complaining in a public forum.

If you do go crazy, I'll send you a post card to put in your cell. Hopefully you're not that fragile.

Originally Posted by calamitykell
Both of which were abused/overused... and... ANet fixed them. You did know this, right?
There's a difference between abuse and overuse, but considering your previous posts I can see how you would fail to make the distinction. Oh well, it's just another clue to your overall mentality.




Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005




Originally Posted by Ghull Ka
He's trolling. Deliberately antagonizing poster after poster in this thread, one after another. Stop feeding him, for pete's sake. Read this thread and try to find one outspoken poster that he didn't pick a fight with. Seriously, how hard is it to have a thread full of people speaking out against the ritualist urn aggro effect without a gear-farming apologist turning the thread into one trollish, baiting, antagonistic post after another? Yeesh.
I tried to start a civil discussion but what I got was a group of individuals like yourself religiously defending their right to petition for modification of the game. I found that unacceptable. Your first post in this thread is self-desribed as a tirade. I believe this speaks volumes about you and your kind. You're obviously a very emotional person who needs a lot of affirmation of your positions. That's why you post here. So you can get an attaboy from the rest of the PvE whiners crowd.

Originally Posted by Ghull Ka
Gaile has acknowledged that there is an issue with the ritualist urns; I honestly hope that they're working on a fix. I believe that the need exists to further impress (or rather, to reiterate) on ANet exactly how important this is and how vital it is that it is fixed. We would still like more followup and more feedback from ANet that they understand how leaving this AI choice in will gimp ritualists and relegate all the ashes spells for use strictly by W/Rt's. I'm interested in clear, open dialogue with ANet about this issue.
Suprisingly I agree. However, I doubt your sincerity. I think you want open dialog as long as the conclusion is what you think it should be.

Originally Posted by Ghull Ka
Of course, such a dialogue will never happen in a thread such as this, which is rife with trollish "omg ur logic is teh sux" banter back and forth. Fat chance of such a dialogue occuring in this thread, so therefore, the troll has achieved "mission accomplished" here. Meh, close the thread anyhow, I say.
True. It is a digression, but I feel the need to defend myself just like you do.

Originally Posted by Ghull Ka
They've acknowledged it, and hopefully they'll fix it. And you know what? If they fix it (i'm too cynical to say "when they fix it"), they may remove all held item aggro effects. I'm not confident that will happen, but there's a good possibilty of it. If that happens, I swear, I'm going to laugh until my bones shake. I'm going to go to deldrimor war camp and watch the "OMG /RAGEQUIT" chat and laugh from my belly. Cue violins for people who have had their game "ruined" by the removal of idiotic AI.
You're scary in the above paragraph. Your world must be very small if you're going to derive that much enjoyment out of a simple AI change. You can PM in-game and I'll join you. I'd like to see what a manic personality is like in real life.

By the way, I consider the term "ragequit" on the same level as the term "noob." It's simply a derogatory way of labeling someone. You sound elitist when you say/use it.

Originally Posted by Ghull Ka
People's emotions are running high because a game-shaking change could very likely be on the horizon. Will all held aggro be gone in 20-ish days? Will ritualists be able to conjure their urns in safety? We'll see!
Well you've certainly put your finger on your own emotional level. I'd say that most of the other "high" emotions are simply because people aren't used to having their ideas confronted.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006


First of all, MelechRic, you're a joke. Quit complaining about people complaining about something that needs to be fixed.

ArenaNET has already mentioned they're looking at it (through Gaile), so I'm not sure why you're still bitching.

The thing is, MelechRic, is that whenever people email suggestions to fix the game directly to ArenaNET, they reply with an automated message that they should discuss it on the forums. This helps ArenaNET in two ways, it helps keep their email a bit less cluttered, as well as let them see how suggestions discussed in well thought-out posts on forums.

That's why people "complain" on these forums. But you know what? They're pointing out things that need to be fixed, such as EXPLOITS. It wouldn't be called a book "trick", as you constantly describe it as, if it wasn't an exploitable trick to make the game easier.

You're simply a loser. The sole fact that you're trying to say you're not trolling is just comical. I can't wait to see you whine when ArenaNET fixes this.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005




Originally Posted by Blair46
First of all, MelechRic, you're a joke. Quit complaining about people complaining about something that needs to be fixed.

ArenaNET has already mentioned they're looking at it (through Gaile), so I'm not sure why you're still bitching.

The thing is, MelechRic, is that whenever people email suggestions to fix the game directly to ArenaNET, they reply with an automated message that they should discuss it on the forums. This helps ArenaNET in two ways, it helps keep their email a bit less cluttered, as well as let them see how suggestions discussed in well thought-out posts on forums.

That's why people "complain" on these forums. But you know what? They're pointing out things that need to be fixed, such as EXPLOITS. It wouldn't be called a book "trick", as you constantly describe it as, if it wasn't an exploitable trick to make the game easier.

You're simply a loser. The sole fact that you're trying to say you're not trolling is just comical. I can't wait to see you whine when ArenaNET fixes this.
And calling me a loser isn't being a troll. Go home and whine to your mother, maybe she'll care. You're BS post adds nothing worth noting to this thread. Though it does raise the volume level of the moaning.

Besides you haven't pointed out how this EXPLOIT (your word) has caused you any harm. What needs to be fixed? The fact that you can't or won't watch as somebody else plays the game differently than you think it should be played? You're just another PvE RP'er that likes to hop on a bandwagon.