I have returned.
All right, I'll tell you what I hate about the gear/book trick. It's the greed mentality which has pervaded most of GW PvE. That "
x is only worth doing if I can get
x being any PvE area.
y being some imaginary thing like pretend gold, exp, some doofy item.
I feel that ANet should strive to create a PvE experience that is fun of its own accord, not becuase you can milk a particular group of mobs for gold armors. I don't play Day of Defeat going "Damnit, Valve! Where the hell is my M-16! I've been grinding this game for months!" I play of Day of Defeat becuase it's fun. I think that GW PvE should strive to create the same thing.
The crux of the arguement in this thread is that there is two reasons why people play PvE.
A. Fun. Exploration, challenge.
B. Tangible Reward. Drops, gold, ectos.
Most people start at A, then gradually move towards B as they mature as a player, they get jaded and bored like Melech. The problem is however, that a great majority of the PvE population has moved towards B, leaving people who still value A unable to find groups to do Titan Quests, UW, Fissure, or SF without resorting to some farming build. These A people have been pretty much venting thier frustrations with this for the past 7 pages.
Mech brings up a good point, however. Why should ANet change the game at all to accomadate these "A" people when the majority of the people who play this game are "B"?
One big reason: Newbies. We need to bring more people into this game. They start out at A, they're impressed with the game, they want to explore things, try out the quests, see if thier build is any good. Then they get to SF. See "GLF gear tank", think "hey, I'm a tank, I'll join." They get to the Furnace. "Here, hold this". Newbie thinks, "Damn, GW has some boring high-end PvE". Newbie quits, never looks back. Heck, I almost did the same thing on my first character when I found it practically impossible to find a group that wanted to fight anywhere, everyone wanted to be run.
Seriously, try to convince a friend to play GW and talk about Gear-tanking. Pretty much universally the response you'll get is, "Um, that sounds pretty stupid."
I already know what Melech will say in response to the last line. Something like: "If they think it's stupid then they don't have to do it." Melech... You and me both know that isn't the reality of the situation. It takes ages to get or put together a group for anything in PvE that isn't farm. SF quests, a UW group that isn't smites or traps, Titan's quests so on and so forth. It normally takes a minimum of 20-30 minutes to put together such a group. It's entirely possible for such a group to fall apart before it even gets off the ground becuase people get impatient.
The thing is though, Anet can accomdate both styles of play. What should really be done is to make "A" and "B" one and the same. The most difficult and challenging areas should offer the greatest tangible reward. Then you satisfy both groups, it's easy to find a group to do what's fun becuase coincidentally that's what will make you the richest. If you want to acomplish this, then sorry, gear tanking needs to go.
Also, ANet doesn't owe you an apology if you log in and find me rich because I like to be part of a 5-man SF gear farming group.
I'm not sure who else I speak for, but I couldn't care less about imaginary bling-bling. What I resent is that I'm unable to find groups of people to say... see how deep they can make it into the UW, or do things like Ice King. The only consideration seems to be "What can make me the richest the fastest?".
That'd be fine with me personally if the answer to "What can make me the richest the fastest?" was something that was actually fun. Then I could join up get my kicks out of it, and they get thier kicks out of it. But it's not fun. It's Gear Tanking. Boring, Mind-numbing, stab-me-with-a-fork Gear Tanking.
I've been reading this topic, because I was concerned about the ashes=aggro effect.
While playing ritualist, I soon discovered that if I held ANY ashes/urn, I'd not only draw aggro from the current mob, but in all likelihood, from any other nearby mob. And yes, I know about aggro-bubbles and the like.
Now that this topic has become a topic regarding gear/book/keg farming, I'll no longer read it.
Please either close the thread, or go back to the topic at hand.
I'm the Original Poster, and I wanted to discuss both. The main issue is that they are making an AI exploit only useable in certain areas a bigger part of the game instead of fixing the original exploit. So any discussion of the original exploit such as, "Is it even an exploit?" , "Should it be removed?", "Does it destroy the suspension of belief?" is still on-topic.