Originally Posted by Garric
The Worst Community Ever
Imagine World of Warcraft, except worse. Since there's no montly fee, it attracts a lot of "cheap skates" if you will. Those lamers that played Diablo II all the way from 2001 to 2005 are now here. I can't stand this community, especially the guilds. I have so many stories that are quite funny, but make me cry on the inside. |
Those "lamers that played Diablo II all the way from 2001 to 2005" are the reason we just got a new patch for that 5 year old lame game.
Not only is the community better, but we have a better relationship with the devs as well. And golly, they even listen occasionaly. Here they just say they listen, but if they actualy hear anyone it's only the carebears.