Hahaha, now that gave me a good laugh, Saerden. The forums need more humor of this sort to break the bigheadedness of some conversations in threads like this.
Now, I don't really *enjoy* replying to threads like this, but I'm bored as hell and I just woke up, so for the love of God bear with me.
Ok, here we go.
Alright then.
PvE peoples like to play PvE.
PvP peoples like to play PvP.
Some people like to play both.
Some people like to THINK they like one or the other, but they spend all their time here on the forums complaining and/or watching everyone else complain. (I don't fit in either one of these groups...trust me.

PvP people want a level playing field, all hands down, lets do this thing. After all, what fun is being competitive if you're trying to fight people with better stuff than you?
And doesn't it suck that you have to go through PvE for several hours to unlock the stuff?
Yeah, it does.
But then, what must we do? UAS won't ever get implemented into the game, because then people who play both PvE and PvP kinda feel cheated when they bring their PvE character, who they've enjoyed for so long, well...they feel like they did the work for nothing, even though they enjoyed it for the most part all the way up to PvP, they still would like a little perk. This makes sense 'eh? Sure it does.
PvP people are like "Man...give us the stuff 'eh? Or at least make it easier. We don't mind workin' a little bit, we just don't want to have to spend several hundred hours combined with different characters to unlock all the wicked neato skills that are out there."
What do we do?
I'll tell you what we do.
We get drinks.
And we pray.