Guild Wars Cinematic Trailer
Alex Weekes
*ahem* Movie on the official english site... And yes, it's in English
The second one was released last week, and is also available on the english site.

The second one was released last week, and is also available on the english site.
Destroying my offices bandwith as we speak.
Beat me to it

lol, I stand corrected... and this one is probably better 'cause I will most likely be able to understand it.
is it me or does the voice does not match the video?
worked for me.
I only had one complaint. She's dual wielding and we all know that no one in Tyria dual wields yet.
Also were those things she was fighting supposed to be Char or demons?
I only had one complaint. She's dual wielding and we all know that no one in Tyria dual wields yet.
Also were those things she was fighting supposed to be Char or demons?
Midnight Scorpion
My jaw dropped when that chick used her magic attack.
I believe those were Ghouls, and the big guy was an Executioner. After all, she did say a new threat rises from the West, so i'm assuming this is based around the Kryta arc of the game. Even if where it's taking place does look like, well... nevermind.
Yar, Aladdar, I was thinking the same thing. I fear for a resurgence of dual weild supporters coming up...
Personally, dual weilding is over-rated.
It's a pretty cool trailer though, overall.
Personally, dual weilding is over-rated.
It's a pretty cool trailer though, overall.
Originally Posted by Aladdar
Also were those things she was fighting supposed to be Char or demons?
edit...spooky beat me to it

well I just assumed she was in ascalon due to the surroundings. It could be in... nevermind, can't talk about that.
The link doesn't work, not even on the main site...
It just goes to a 'Cannot find Server' page and no matter what I do, it won't bring anything up when I click the link to download the video, so whats the deal?
I wanna see it toooooo. -_-;
It just goes to a 'Cannot find Server' page and no matter what I do, it won't bring anything up when I click the link to download the video, so whats the deal?
I wanna see it toooooo. -_-;
I have doubts about this West thing... those firey Islands in the lower South West of the Map have Lava... and that's as West as you can go... or IS it?
Then again... maybe they're already fighting in the West.. which would explain why they're at the Lava Islands. Perhaps this new Wallpaper as the Entrance to the Underworld and this "west" thing have something in common?
Then again... maybe they're already fighting in the West.. which would explain why they're at the Lava Islands. Perhaps this new Wallpaper as the Entrance to the Underworld and this "west" thing have something in common?
try copying and pasting that link into a download manager
try copying and pasting that link into a download manager
Download Manager? I don't have one...
I actually didn't like that trailer much. Fight choreography was a bit too...umm... silly? Graphics were good but not what GW is, focus on melee and one big spell rather than the range of character abilities, battle that is nothing like the game (grabbing her by the throat????) and so on. Didn't identify with characters at all. Close up on her face as she spirals through the air?
Sorry, preferred the last one. Could be that it is aimed at a different market, but for me it missed the mark.
Sorry, preferred the last one. Could be that it is aimed at a different market, but for me it missed the mark.
Monsters looked like Gargoyles to me.
Midnight Scorpion
Originally Posted by Epinephrine
I actually didn't like that trailer much. Fight choreography was a bit too...umm... silly? Graphics were good but not what GW is, focus on melee and one big spell rather than the range of character abilities, battle that is nothing like the game (grabbing her by the throat????) and so on. Didn't identify with characters at all. Close up on her face as she spirals through the air?
Sorry, preferred the last one. Could be that it is aimed at a different market, but for me it missed the mark. |
Midnight Scorpion
Originally Posted by Adaria
The link doesn't work, not even on the main site...
It just goes to a 'Cannot find Server' page and no matter what I do, it won't bring anything up when I click the link to download the video, so whats the deal? I wanna see it toooooo. -_-; |
If it's not allowable can a mod delete this post or something

Edit from THX: It's more than fine,

Edit: Sorry if you downloaded previous to this update, I accidently uploaded a bad format. It is fixed now.
And this schools network allows just below the zip MB..
Originally Posted by Midnight Scorpion
Cinematic trailers don't usually exactly replicate in-game action.
Thanks, Alex. I really enjoyed that bit of eye candy. If enough of the game playing public see that before full release of the game, the servers will overload for sure. Thanks again.

Well it made a lot more sense in english than in korean 
[edit] and as for gameplay mechanics - err watch the gameplay video instead?

[edit] and as for gameplay mechanics - err watch the gameplay video instead?
Originally Posted by Midnight Scorpion
Cinematic trailers don't usually exactly replicate in-game action.
Impressive. Made me tingle
I'm also more interested in the story now. I never paid much attention to it while testing since I was more focused on actually testing, but when the game comes out I can sit back and enjoy all parts of the game
I'm also more interested in the story now. I never paid much attention to it while testing since I was more focused on actually testing, but when the game comes out I can sit back and enjoy all parts of the game

they are targeting the korean market with that not us
Midnight Scorpion
Originally Posted by Loviatar
they are targeting the korean market with that not us
Originally Posted by Loviatar
they are targeting the korean market with that not us
Midnight Scorpion
Originally Posted by Epinephrine
That's sorta what I was implying. Not the North American mature gamer audience who grew up with pencil and paper gaming and played Tunnels of Doom on their TI994a...(or Bard's Tale for a less obscure reference). The flying through the air sword in back move just struck me as silly. Wasn't trying to start a fight, just commenting as I know that the GW folks read these and they might want to know that it wasn't universally appealing - was trying to be a bit constructive by mentioning why.
huh? and i thought that they just took all the characters from here and made a story out of it...well cept that monster at the bottom center...just another lore but with animation 
seems that the ranger got a shave and the female warrior got a haircut
seems that the ranger got a shave and the female warrior got a haircut

Originally Posted by Loviatar
they are targeting the korean market with that not us

The movie wasn't too bad overall. I didn't like the matrix-ish jumping sene, though - that was just silly. Oh, and the quality of the voicing was horrible. First, the acting wasn't done very well, and the quality of the sound was bad too. Sounded like it wasn't recorded in a studio at all, it had a metallic sound to it. Seems to me like it was something that was just put together in a hurry in order to get the movie released..
Gaile Gray
Glad that everyone is enjoying the cinematic trailer. It's been a long time in development and I think it's pretty neat, too. 
Epi, We'll have a movie of the type that you prefer next week. It's our intention to keep everyone happy.

Epi, We'll have a movie of the type that you prefer next week. It's our intention to keep everyone happy.

(And I have a nick-name now! Then again, a lot of people call me Epi...)

(And I have a nick-name now! Then again, a lot of people call me Epi...)
So... Rotscale rears its ugly head yet again.
Wow, great little movie. I can only imagine this greater evil will be unravelled via expansion packs.
Though I do find it to be a little bit of a false advertising with the dual wielding, that and I mentally screamed at the monitor when the Ele pulled off that firestorm obscenely quick.
Wow, great little movie. I can only imagine this greater evil will be unravelled via expansion packs.
Though I do find it to be a little bit of a false advertising with the dual wielding, that and I mentally screamed at the monitor when the Ele pulled off that firestorm obscenely quick.

Oh gosh!!!! I must've watched it a gazillion times already. I loved everything about it.... yes, even that Matrix bit. Hehe. Ahhh... the dual wield, can't wait till the next chapters to see if we'll have that option.
Wheeeeeee, another movie next week. Thanks Gaile. You guys rock.
P/S. Hewwo Epi. ^.^
Wheeeeeee, another movie next week. Thanks Gaile. You guys rock.
P/S. Hewwo Epi. ^.^
That was really nice. I think this means dual weilding will be in the game evenutally.
I really really really love the cinematic trailers from games , i can't stop watching it!
I really really really love the cinematic trailers from games , i can't stop watching it!
Though it probably sounds like cynical reasoning, I don't see how they can get away with not adding dual-wielding eventually. You can very easily make a case against it when there's nothing to support it being there - but when images of it have been on the login screen for who knows how long - and now in a cinematic trailer - it's a fair assumption that most people are going to take it as canon. As such, they need not (and most likely will not) point any further than those examples to express why it needs to be in.
Realistically, there's an approximately negative 500% chance that we'd see anything like this before chapter 2. That is simply because, using two weapons is so drastically different a discipline than a single (from a realistic standpoint, not a movie or fiction conception of it) that it simply doesn't make any sense to not implement it with a character class that is meant to use it. Otherwise you're going to have Warriors running around with two swords to look cool, and using single weapon skills ... and it's really going to show what it would be in that state: tacked on and useless.
So in the end, this boils down to just.. "Wait and see" .. I find it hard to imagine this not being in chapter two considering how often and how persistently it comes up.
Realistically, there's an approximately negative 500% chance that we'd see anything like this before chapter 2. That is simply because, using two weapons is so drastically different a discipline than a single (from a realistic standpoint, not a movie or fiction conception of it) that it simply doesn't make any sense to not implement it with a character class that is meant to use it. Otherwise you're going to have Warriors running around with two swords to look cool, and using single weapon skills ... and it's really going to show what it would be in that state: tacked on and useless.
So in the end, this boils down to just.. "Wait and see" .. I find it hard to imagine this not being in chapter two considering how often and how persistently it comes up.