Originally Posted by Silent Kitty
When I play a character without healing abilities, I learn how tough the job of a monk is.
Sick and Tired of the monk abuse
Sli Ander
Venice Queen
While monking, I have run into so many ignorant players (Sorry, but mainly Wammos) who have no clue what theyre doing. I notice the problem of idiotic players in prophecies more than factions, mainly due to running abuse; Though, in the lower areas of factions, such as the first few missions in the Ghettos it's almost impossible to find a competant group.
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Yesterday, I was bored and decided to go smiting in some random places for fun (I didn't buy the skills to not use them). I went to Thunderhead Keep and was almost automatically invited to a group. The leader asked me if I was ready and said sure; we left. About halfway through everyone throws a bitch-fit because I was smiting instead of healing them. My response was that I was enjoying the game and if they cared enough what build I was running, they should have asked.
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Yesterday, I was bored and decided to go smiting in some random places for fun (I didn't buy the skills to not use them). I went to Thunderhead Keep and was almost automatically invited to a group. The leader asked me if I was ready and said sure; we left. About halfway through everyone throws a bitch-fit because I was smiting instead of healing them. My response was that I was enjoying the game and if they cared enough what build I was running, they should have asked.
The most frustrating party for me recently was a Rotscale farming group, where I was the only monk, but we did have a Rit Lord. As we're killing the enemies around Rot I start having a hard time keeping the warriors and everyone else alive. That's when 2 of the the Wammos start complaining about my lack of healing and pinging their health. I remark that I'm doing the best I can, but if they're not doing things to help me out (self-heals and stances) I can only do so much. One of them then calls that they're casting Healing Hands on themselves, which is an enchantment and only makes them take more damage from Rot (I didn't realize that fact at the time, or I really would have ripped into him). Thankfully the third tank was on my side and defended me from the other two. After the third or forth time the entire party died we all left and I added the two tanks to my Ignore list. If I ever party with them again they will not be getting any heals from me.
Lowly Peasant
If someone constantly pings their health I give them 1 warning to stop it, then I let them die and go about my business.
I hate using my monk now unless I am running with people I know, the two biggest problems I run into are A warrior that constantly runs into groups after a battle when I need a moment to recharge. I can ping my energy, I can say "Wait for recharge", and 9 times out of 10 some jerk runs in anyway and I have very little energy to heal with. This has been going on for so long I am getting used to it and do what I can by taking more energy management skills and being less liberal with the healing. However if players were more considerate or had any idea what so ever what the hell they were doing it would not be neccessary for me to make such changes.
The other problem, and this one is a HUGE pet peeve for me, seems to have come up relatively recently. Instead of creating a front line to keep the enemy tanks off of the group, the warrior will run into the back of the enemy group to attack their monk or other caster, leaving his entire team vulnerable to the enemy warriors, and most of the time effectively killing everyone and ending the mission. This happens ALOT and is frusterating the hell out of me. It is impossible to heal a team of 8 when 7 of them, including myself, are being attacked my a large group of enemy tanks. I know the enemy monk needs to be taken out, we all know that, but it's not going to do anyone any good if the entire team is dead. Wammos start piling again please, leave the monks to us.
The other problem, and this one is a HUGE pet peeve for me, seems to have come up relatively recently. Instead of creating a front line to keep the enemy tanks off of the group, the warrior will run into the back of the enemy group to attack their monk or other caster, leaving his entire team vulnerable to the enemy warriors, and most of the time effectively killing everyone and ending the mission. This happens ALOT and is frusterating the hell out of me. It is impossible to heal a team of 8 when 7 of them, including myself, are being attacked my a large group of enemy tanks. I know the enemy monk needs to be taken out, we all know that, but it's not going to do anyone any good if the entire team is dead. Wammos start piling again please, leave the monks to us.
Originally Posted by crayzechick
"Do your job, monk."
"Where is the healing, monk?" "This group has no healing." "wtf, why did I die monk?" "Heal me!" (ya know, I'm not even going to see that because my eyes are glued to the red bars, not the chat). |
"this monk has no energy"
"because you moronically charged"
"healing spells have a range, try sticking with the group"
Mighty Warrior
I am a monk, But i HATE most monk players. They think they are the most important member on the team, and that the other players should do what they say, or the monk will leave.
i had fun with monks, but it ended up just being used as a smiter for the 2 or 3 knockdown moves it had in combo with my knockdown stuff for its ele subclass.
Vana The Everyoung
I have not had many problems with my monk, only the odd team that did not have a clue. One War /mo decided to run to back of a mob and was down to 1/3 hp and to heal him I was forced to run into the mob to get to him.
On a positive while playing on my pre searing Monk this week I meet one of the nicest War/Mo ever. He had a name like Gentlemen War an LV 14 player.
He made me feel like I could do no wrong, he complemented my healing, asked if my hp was recharged. If a mistake was made, (on my part or his) he apologised saying he got overconfident (due to my great healing).
This was one of the most enjoyable experiences I have had in game playing a monk. At the end he even gave my character 12 red roses lol
On a positive while playing on my pre searing Monk this week I meet one of the nicest War/Mo ever. He had a name like Gentlemen War an LV 14 player.
He made me feel like I could do no wrong, he complemented my healing, asked if my hp was recharged. If a mistake was made, (on my part or his) he apologised saying he got overconfident (due to my great healing).
This was one of the most enjoyable experiences I have had in game playing a monk. At the end he even gave my character 12 red roses lol
I've started playing monk fairly recently. During my short time of playing it, I haven't really been verbally abused. I guess I should consider myself lucky

Mighty Hero
"short time" lol you need to play monk longer. Soon or later you ll run into those jerks.
Anakin The Paladin
Milias thats probably because you are good.Alot of monks do not do their job good enough.
I agree.Just because there is limited monks in the game when a monk join your party they think they are leaders and whatever they say goes.So I think the title of this thread should be "Monks Abusing Monk-Shortage".
I play a monk too and i have received some abuse but ost of the time i deserved it,sometimes I dont click fast enough,thats my fault and I accept that.
Originally Posted by Mighty Warrior
I am a monk, But i HATE most monk players. They think they are the most important member on the team, and that the other players should do what they say, or the monk will leave.
I play a monk too and i have received some abuse but ost of the time i deserved it,sometimes I dont click fast enough,thats my fault and I accept that.
Shadow of Light
Even good monks get abuse sooner or later.
Vahn Roi
I don't PUG much anymore. I normally get guildies to help me or take henchies. I don't want to be the victum of abuse or be abusive to others.
Maria The Princess
Originally Posted by Mighty Warrior
I am a monk, But i HATE most monk players. They think they are the most important member on the team, and that the other players should do what they say, or the monk will leave.
i am sick of the monk abbuse too!!!
(any other comment will be censored)
(any other comment will be censored)
Hmm..I just went through all of Factions with my monk, and not a single commment regarding sucking has surfaced.
Eight months with my monk, and the only abuse that I've gotten was from my own friend, which was just a joke when I messed up in the Underworld.
Really lucky? Who knows. And yes, I have been going with PUGs.
Eight months with my monk, and the only abuse that I've gotten was from my own friend, which was just a joke when I messed up in the Underworld.
Really lucky? Who knows. And yes, I have been going with PUGs.
No its not lucky, the people that get flamed are the newbs using healing breeze on everyone and heal other to heal 50 damage. Seriously monking in pve is a joke and a half, if people are dying it should be obvious that you were gonna die as soon as you aggroed everything in a 5 mile radius, if your getting flamed your doing a pisspoor job.
I was wondering where this "abuse" came from. Healing Breeze, ha.
Yea, I just rescently made a monk in factions(same reason as the topic poster) (he's almost off noob island atm) and I've already seen the idiocy that you guys are talking about. In the first mission "minister cho's estate" we had a lvl 6 assassin who was using vampiric daggers. When I say his health start to degen at the begining of the mission......"damn"....... So I talk to him about it and he says he'll only use em in battle and switch to non-degen out of battle claiming he isn't a noob assassin.
Well, not only does he forget to switch daggers out of battle a few times but he also aggros everything, gets in two hits before he's down to 1/3 health and runs away to use shadow's refuge while I'm keeping him alive. I kept him alive the whole mission and after we were placed in ran mushu garden I didn't even type my usual "gj all" or anything, I just left, got my next quest and some henchies and continued.
Well, not only does he forget to switch daggers out of battle a few times but he also aggros everything, gets in two hits before he's down to 1/3 health and runs away to use shadow's refuge while I'm keeping him alive. I kept him alive the whole mission and after we were placed in ran mushu garden I didn't even type my usual "gj all" or anything, I just left, got my next quest and some henchies and continued.
Silent Kitty
Originally Posted by Anakin The Paladin
I agree.Just because there is limited monks in the game when a monk join your party they think they are leaders and whatever they say goes.So I think the title of this thread should be "Monks Abusing Monk-Shortage".

Dr Strangelove
I've been on both sides of this.
A lot of people think that when they monk they are entitled to rule the party with an iron fist and accept no criticisms. If people are allowed to criticize a warrior for rushing in. or an ele for scattering aggro, then by gum, that monk who does nothing but cast divine boon then spam heal party and breeze is going to hear about it.
On the other end of things, 95% of people in the game don't understand overextending. Getting out of range of your monk is the absolute fastest way to die yourself, and possibly force a party wipe when the monks rushes off to try and save you. These are commonly seen ingame as Sir Wammo the Magnificent who can't die and runs off to solo a mob.
Many people think they are suddenly immortal when they get a monk behind them, and forget all about kiting, self heals, moving out of AoE and not attacking through SS/empathy. Ingame, these are the eles spamming flame burst with no defensive skills, or the PvE frenzy warrior.
A good general guide to dealing with this from either end is "Don't be a moron". I have NEVER met a literate person ingame who was abusive or incompetent.
A lot of people think that when they monk they are entitled to rule the party with an iron fist and accept no criticisms. If people are allowed to criticize a warrior for rushing in. or an ele for scattering aggro, then by gum, that monk who does nothing but cast divine boon then spam heal party and breeze is going to hear about it.
On the other end of things, 95% of people in the game don't understand overextending. Getting out of range of your monk is the absolute fastest way to die yourself, and possibly force a party wipe when the monks rushes off to try and save you. These are commonly seen ingame as Sir Wammo the Magnificent who can't die and runs off to solo a mob.
Many people think they are suddenly immortal when they get a monk behind them, and forget all about kiting, self heals, moving out of AoE and not attacking through SS/empathy. Ingame, these are the eles spamming flame burst with no defensive skills, or the PvE frenzy warrior.
A good general guide to dealing with this from either end is "Don't be a moron". I have NEVER met a literate person ingame who was abusive or incompetent.
Stupid Shizno
My monk came from GvG then i decided to pve with a monk and found out how easy it is to solo monk every mission. my monk never brings any healing spell over 5e, brings 1 hex removal 1 condition removal and 2 energy management skills. ive never had any problems keeping a party alive.
Originally Posted by Silent Kitty
As monk I only shout one commando: "Stay together!" That is something people still have to learn. Sometimes I give hints like: "Elementalists are bad tanks.", but nobody cares. I am no leader, and I don't care if people die. I lost "survivor" title for bad lag during the event.
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It seems i've been free from monks been randomly abused recently. I'm not entirely sure... but the FoW pugs seem to have been improving in consistancy. Even the people who haven't been before are improving. My last trip had 3 warriors and 2 monks, we cleared the forest before our mesmer had to go. A bit later on after clearing the beach/spider cave in the Forge a warrior crashed. The monks did a great job. By the end of the trip 1 monk had to go as his guild was forming a Deep team (this trip was advertised as a forgemaster anyway and we were clearing half of FoW). We still carried on. Even with 4 people we managed to clear half the Burning Forest, never diss an ele with Expel Hexes.
The funny part is we had a wammo with Healing Hands on our team

I think it just depends on your luck... that or i'm getting better at choosing pugs on my ranger that aren't full of leeroys.