Anyone else losing interest in the game?
Idk theres just nothing to do pve wise, and the only way to do a good pvp team is with a guild. If your guildies aren't on you're screwed. The missions become bitches after iron mines, due to stupid noob groups. You can't farm anymore. This game just lacks end game content, what point is there, but pvp, and even that gets repetitive. I've put more than 300+ hours into the game, have my 75k armor, 3 pve characters, and my last slot for my pvp character. I got just about every rune unlocked but superior absorb and fire, Many of the skills. I feel like I have nothing left to do in the game, I still need a few earth skills, but I dont feel like getting my e/n past iron mines, cause it takes 10+ tries with pickup groups, cause you always got the noob/s that will get the group killed or not do shit. Its also impossible to find monks after sanctum cay.
*raises hand*
*raises hand*
they need to bring back farming i enjoyed that
they need to bring back farming i enjoyed that
I'm still enjoying the game, but mostly because I purchased a 2nd account for myself and joined a guild that does do PvP. The only thing I do on my character on my husband's account now is farm UW/Fissure, just because I haven't seen everything in there yet.
I'm having a great time in game at the moment.. Started to enjoy it alot more after i swore off farming and pve in general. Now I just pvp full time, and i've got a regular crew of good peeps to run with. Definately enjoying GW at this point.
I actually took a 3 week break from Gw to see if I can get my intrest back, it helped alittle bit, but still The whole been there done that feeling is there. I'm just not seeing anything I really want to do in the game. I really don't want to do huge pvp matches like HOH. Nor spending 125g each time to head into the underworld where I can die in 10 seconds.
I don't think I'm going to be still playing Gw in a month or so.
I don't think I'm going to be still playing Gw in a month or so.
yeah, map-based genocide (now called farming aparently) is one of the most enjoyable things in these type of games for me.
barely living through a fight. or sprinting off to a safe place to recover before heading back and tackling that group again. I love it
well.. I DID love it.
now every mob has multiple dis-enchants, then maelstrom. and its just rediculous. so I cant do that much anymore.
I dont sell stuff I find (unless i actually catch someone wanting to buy it. but you wont find me pricing things at 50K!!). mine goes to merchants and traders.
but apparently I'm farming, and screwing the economy or something, even though I've never reachd 50K in my 300+ hours of play
barely living through a fight. or sprinting off to a safe place to recover before heading back and tackling that group again. I love it
well.. I DID love it.
now every mob has multiple dis-enchants, then maelstrom. and its just rediculous. so I cant do that much anymore.
I dont sell stuff I find (unless i actually catch someone wanting to buy it. but you wont find me pricing things at 50K!!). mine goes to merchants and traders.
but apparently I'm farming, and screwing the economy or something, even though I've never reachd 50K in my 300+ hours of play
King of Fools
not i. still having a blast. ok. i did sign up for the auto assault beta and i did start posting in the dark and light forums.
um, hmm, my main is only lvl 17 though in guild wars. i figure once i get back into pvp regularly my interest will pick up again. i guess my big deal is i can only handle so much pve before i stop feeling challenged. i mean once you know how to beat npc monster. its all rinse and repeat after that.
i keep looking for some hidden dungeon under waterfalls and such. spent about an hour trying to find a way to ride in the baskets carrying supplies to that dwarven mine in that help the dwarves series of quests.
um, hmm, my main is only lvl 17 though in guild wars. i figure once i get back into pvp regularly my interest will pick up again. i guess my big deal is i can only handle so much pve before i stop feeling challenged. i mean once you know how to beat npc monster. its all rinse and repeat after that.
i keep looking for some hidden dungeon under waterfalls and such. spent about an hour trying to find a way to ride in the baskets carrying supplies to that dwarven mine in that help the dwarves series of quests.
All I do in the game now is PvP. PvE is just tedious boredom, and as I captured the last elite I wanted yesterday there's really no point. Well, I guess I could continue pharming to buy unided runes, but I can't make myself do that anymore.
If I have guildies on to PvP with it's still a blast, but besides that the game is just boring. Sorry.
If I have guildies on to PvP with it's still a blast, but besides that the game is just boring. Sorry.
I played a 15 minutes run in UW today but my teamed sucked as one necromancer decided to lure 3 Axe to us becose he took the wrong path and had us killed.
Then I was pissed and quickly quited the game.
That was the only time I played this week. Seems that the things I like the most about about the game right now is looking at the forum suggestions and hoping they get in the next update.
Then I was pissed and quickly quited the game.
That was the only time I played this week. Seems that the things I like the most about about the game right now is looking at the forum suggestions and hoping they get in the next update.
Originally Posted by leviathan
I've put more than 300+ hours into the game [Snip] |
Edit: Spelling > Me
I still enjoy the game, dont misunderstand me by my above post. I just wish there was more PvE end-game options instead of "Play PvP"
Ahhh, see I certainly have not lost my interest. Probably because I am going at quite a slow pace, I had had this game since launch and played 2 beta weekends only to find my primary necro at level 18... I still feel that driving force... I also kind of find myself unintentionally farming... You see, I tend to go on solo romps to any town I can access at the time, and I usually get PRETTY far, having said this I am now swimming in gold weapons, scratch, too many dyes for me to even enjoy, runes, etc. etc. etc. and yet every time one drops it is like christmas to me.
and 300 hours? Oh doctor! Personally, I think a good idea is for john Q bored gamer to start really getting into the UW or FOW, start going heavy in tourny pvp (HoH), and above all get a good guild with frequent players to do this crap with.
and 300 hours? Oh doctor! Personally, I think a good idea is for john Q bored gamer to start really getting into the UW or FOW, start going heavy in tourny pvp (HoH), and above all get a good guild with frequent players to do this crap with.
Sounds like you've more or less beaten the pve portion of the game. Either find a good guild (damn hard thing to do) that likes to pvp, or put the game up and play it as you would a FPS, log in once or twice a week for pvp with pickup groups.
Why does every "I'm bored thread" start with some sort of comment about noob groups, I'll never know.
Btw, how far have you gotten into UW and FoW?
Btw, how far have you gotten into UW and FoW?
Originally Posted by leviathan
Idk theres just nothing to do pve wise, and the only way to do a good pvp team is with a guild. If your guildies aren't on you're screwed.
You have to remember that this game isnt about you.. isnt about what YOU have done or how far YOU have got...
You sound like you might be the kind of person to be a little suprised by this, but its about your GUILD.
the game is call GUILD wars... go join a better guild!.. our guild has people like you and they are kept very busy helping out other players, competing in PVP.. we build and test GUILD strategies, we are no where near getting our guild fully competative yet.. go loads of work to do.
I've started rewarding our players by making giving the best ones a little web page.. and rewarding them with badges.
(its still under construction so no critics pls)
And... what did you say?.. 300+ hours ??.. I have over 400+ and I'm just starting out on my second character... yea, I take my time.. but your suposed to savour the best things in life.. not rush through them!
I suggest my impatient friend that you try starting your own guild... you've got the characters, the experience.. its very rewarding helping people and building your own guild... completing the game is just the start.
The Snowman
Originally Posted by pionata
I played a 15 minutes run in UW today but my teamed sucked as one necromancer decided to lure 3 Axe to us becose he took the wrong path and had us killed.
Then I was pissed and quickly quited the game. That was the only time I played this week. Seems that the things I like the most about about the game right now is looking at the forum suggestions and hoping they get in the next update. |
LOL I know the feeling. I am trolling here more than playing there. I got a little bored with it after a month or so, and have taken a little break. I go back in every few days for a 1/2 hour or so, but mostly I am just waiting. Don't get me wrong, it's a great game, but I think I just burnt myself out on it too quickly what with 8 hour days for a month straight...
A free web-based wargame you can play from anywhere!
I'm not losing interest. It's long gone. I refuse to not have fun playing a game. Which means, I'm not going to grind 3,000,000 hours before I get around to PvPing with a guild that is hardly active, or go to the tombs and get pwned with PUG's that don't know wtf they're doing. Unless it's fixed, I'm not buying the expansions. Hopefully my 50 bucks will be sorely missed by A.Net, cause they pretty much screwed all the players that thought this game would be more than every crappy MMORPG ever made. CORPG my ass.
Studio Ghibli
Why are you upset with Guild Wars, Weezer?
Why are you upset with Guild Wars, Weezer?
Because they took out his precious UAS button. He has been pretty pissed since then. Basically I've seen most of his posts ranting about how the UAS is not there and ruined the whole game.. Bah, makes me sick to continue talking about it..
Considering this game was also designed for casual gamers, meaning gamers who normally get to spend about an hour or two a day, its probably not so fast for them to finish the whole game in a week or two. But I myself supposely casual gamer became a crazy addict and pumped like 5-6 hours a day.. o.O Not my usual self... The interest is still in there for me. Perhaps if I play it slow enough until next expansion I might get to enjoy more.
Considering this game was also designed for casual gamers, meaning gamers who normally get to spend about an hour or two a day, its probably not so fast for them to finish the whole game in a week or two. But I myself supposely casual gamer became a crazy addict and pumped like 5-6 hours a day.. o.O Not my usual self... The interest is still in there for me. Perhaps if I play it slow enough until next expansion I might get to enjoy more.
Kind of bored yes.. i have two lvl 20 chars and have thought about creating new ones but i just can't get myself to play more than an hour or so with them. It's just so boring and repetitive..
They should really have made it so all professions started at different locations and with different quests, i believe that would have helped for me at least.
They should really have made it so all professions started at different locations and with different quests, i believe that would have helped for me at least.
I'm in pretty much the "lost interest" group.
The PvE is pretty ... at this point. Loved running around through multiple zones on my warrior killing stuff, but now a good majority of that is "bring a henchman or two with you", and even when done solo, is dropping far less loot (whitmans was 23 drops in 32 kills, outside elona's was 18 in 37, riverside was 17/18, but i about fell asleep, the other random south shiver/desert zones were about the same as whitmans [note: this includes gold as drops]). Doing fissure/Uw repeatedly is simply not enough, and currently, the only reason i have to go back to the fire islands is to grab 100 blades, which is really just a bad skill when compared to any other elite you could be using (its one of the "why in the hell is this elite" elites, as it simply fails to hold its own against most anything else)
On the PvP side, I'm already bored of it, and i didnt do it much. I actually tried doing it with me + henchmen just to see if i could have a little fun with it, but no.
All of the "keep everybody happy" ideas seem to just be making everyone more unhappy. Since the droprate nerf and "thou shalt not farm" (though i still fail to understand that one, especially given all the new traders we have floating around) fixes, what little would normally apeal to a lot of people fails to exist.
I took a break, came back, and found it no better when I came back. And as someone thats put up with EQ, for all its issues, for 5 years+, its saying something when a MMO fails to make me want to play it after this short of a time frame (hell, WoW held my attention for 3 months).
The PvE is pretty ... at this point. Loved running around through multiple zones on my warrior killing stuff, but now a good majority of that is "bring a henchman or two with you", and even when done solo, is dropping far less loot (whitmans was 23 drops in 32 kills, outside elona's was 18 in 37, riverside was 17/18, but i about fell asleep, the other random south shiver/desert zones were about the same as whitmans [note: this includes gold as drops]). Doing fissure/Uw repeatedly is simply not enough, and currently, the only reason i have to go back to the fire islands is to grab 100 blades, which is really just a bad skill when compared to any other elite you could be using (its one of the "why in the hell is this elite" elites, as it simply fails to hold its own against most anything else)
On the PvP side, I'm already bored of it, and i didnt do it much. I actually tried doing it with me + henchmen just to see if i could have a little fun with it, but no.
All of the "keep everybody happy" ideas seem to just be making everyone more unhappy. Since the droprate nerf and "thou shalt not farm" (though i still fail to understand that one, especially given all the new traders we have floating around) fixes, what little would normally apeal to a lot of people fails to exist.
I took a break, came back, and found it no better when I came back. And as someone thats put up with EQ, for all its issues, for 5 years+, its saying something when a MMO fails to make me want to play it after this short of a time frame (hell, WoW held my attention for 3 months).
Guardian Legend
Mainly I'm just frustrated with how anti-casual gamer Guild Wars is. It's a frustrating process to get a PVP game going in the first place. First you need to form a party of a certain make up. If you want to play with certain friends, you'll probably need to ask some of them to cancel whatever character they're using and to make a new build. This means that the player often has to play a role they may not be in the mood for. So that's a hassle and can suck up 5-20 minutes. Then, once a party is built up of the right professions, the party usually has to go through a lengthy process of making sure certain skills are loaded up. Since the game provides no easy way to display each other's skill bars to the team, this is quite time consuming. 3-8 minutes. Once you're in the game, the game plays at such a fast pace, that a non-voice chat team gets crushed, and most casual gamers, and most GW players, do not want to use voice chat. Then the game ends, and you're back outside. Someone needs to leave. You need to find a replacement (or two), and the entire process begins again.
I've never understood why PVP was popular with RPG mechanics such as these. They've always seemed incompatible with the real-time, pick-up game with strangers nature of online gaming. In a table top, turn-based, game with friends, I can see the appeal. But most of Guild Wars, IMO, runs against the basic nature of what online gaming is about. It goes against everything the mainstream gamer prefers, and instead seems to cater entirely to a small hard-core minority. I'm convinced that GW would not be a successful game if it's RP portion of the game was sliced out. If only the PVP game remained, and all the skills were given to you, I think the game would be at a very small fraction of its success. The PVP just doesn't appeal to people as much as ArenaNet had probably hoped, and with good cause.
I've never understood why PVP was popular with RPG mechanics such as these. They've always seemed incompatible with the real-time, pick-up game with strangers nature of online gaming. In a table top, turn-based, game with friends, I can see the appeal. But most of Guild Wars, IMO, runs against the basic nature of what online gaming is about. It goes against everything the mainstream gamer prefers, and instead seems to cater entirely to a small hard-core minority. I'm convinced that GW would not be a successful game if it's RP portion of the game was sliced out. If only the PVP game remained, and all the skills were given to you, I think the game would be at a very small fraction of its success. The PVP just doesn't appeal to people as much as ArenaNet had probably hoped, and with good cause.
Originally Posted by sojen
Because they took out his precious UAS button. He has been pretty pissed since then. Basically I've seen most of his posts ranting about how the UAS is not there and ruined the whole game.. Bah, makes me sick to continue talking about it..
Spare me your cynicism. And please don't answer for me, as I don't like being spoken for by others.
If you'd like to know, it's cause during the beta, my guild was active. We actually GvGed. And we were pretty good. Do you see Fi on the ladder anymore? No... Even though they are great. They are afraid that unless they farm like hell, they won't be able to compete as they once did. My guild is sort of the same, although we did get ranked on the ladder and are steadily declining due to inactivity. We can't put together a team build anymore, as most of us got burnt out before we got all skills and runes. And even if we did, we can never round up more than 4 people... At the very most... At a time. I just convinced the last guys that used to be avid GvGers to come play GunZ until it gets fixed, and they didn't give it a second thought. The worst part is, there are obvious solutions to all this, and half the people that disapprove of them are the same ones that have trouble fighting their mirrors and doing missions.
Originally Posted by leviathan
I've put more than 300+ hours into the game
Originally Posted by Guardian Legend
Mainly I'm just frustrated with how anti-casual gamer Guild Wars is. It's a frustrating process to get a PVP game going in the first place. First you need to form a party of a certain make up. If you want to play with certain friends, you'll probably need to ask some of them to cancel whatever character they're using and to make a new build. This means that the player often has to play a role they may not be in the mood for. So that's a hassle and can suck up 5-20 minutes. Then, once a party is built up of the right professions, the party usually has to go through a lengthy process of making sure certain skills are loaded up. Since the game provides no easy way to display each other's skill bars to the team, this is quite time consuming. 3-8 minutes. Once you're in the game, the game plays at such a fast pace, that a non-voice chat team gets crushed, and most casual gamers, and most GW players, do not want to use voice chat. Then the game ends, and you're back outside. Someone needs to leave. You need to find a replacement (or two), and the entire process begins again.
It's only right that there is a battleground for well-trained teams, but ANet really should try to find a way to make PvP fun for casual gamers as well. Party formation really needs to be streamlined a lot, and it would help if there would be some kind of system that ensures that you can PvP against other players at the same level of "casualness".
Tyil Thunder Arrow
I only get to play 1 to 2 hours a day and am still having a blast enjoying exploring everything. Even in place a have been before it's still fun to see how far i can get with less and less in the group. Games like this are like mariage they only get old and stale if you let em
I agree with what a lot of individuals have said here. PvE is pretty useless your second time around, the storyline is static, which is really the root problem there. You lose a mission, o well, have at it again in 5 seconds. The fact that GW is more or less all instanced and not persistant ruins some of the PvE replay factor in my opinion.
That being said, I am still working on my second character, to unlock more skills and runes. I still have yet to find a superior rune of any kind, in 150 hours of gameplay. Sometimes, randomly hunting areas you wouldn't normally think of is fun, I remember just taking off with a small group in a direction just because, not for any quests. We ran into a lvl 20-something bone dragon. That was rather was pretty cool. I also have been doing some PvP in the Tombs, which I find highly exciting especially since I play with all PUG teams as my guild is realitivly young in character development. The challenge of taking on more organized groups and winning, then the always exciting challenege of HoH.
I have not yet delved into the Underworld or Fissure more than once yet. I am looking forward to that as well.
If you have done all of the above, and are just sitting there, try and get a PvP guild is my advice. If you are only interested in PvE, then I would advice to wait untill the streaming patch this summer that is bringing in new areas.
That being said, I am still working on my second character, to unlock more skills and runes. I still have yet to find a superior rune of any kind, in 150 hours of gameplay. Sometimes, randomly hunting areas you wouldn't normally think of is fun, I remember just taking off with a small group in a direction just because, not for any quests. We ran into a lvl 20-something bone dragon. That was rather was pretty cool. I also have been doing some PvP in the Tombs, which I find highly exciting especially since I play with all PUG teams as my guild is realitivly young in character development. The challenge of taking on more organized groups and winning, then the always exciting challenege of HoH.
I have not yet delved into the Underworld or Fissure more than once yet. I am looking forward to that as well.
If you have done all of the above, and are just sitting there, try and get a PvP guild is my advice. If you are only interested in PvE, then I would advice to wait untill the streaming patch this summer that is bringing in new areas.
Ba Ne
I'll admit that Guild Wars is great in it's own right, but doesn't really suit my personal tastes. I'm one of the "dreaded" powergamers that derives enjoyment from character development and phat lewt; neither of which are prominent in this game. It continues to straddle the fence between keeping my interest and being shelved, as it has since hour one.
However, after 100 hours on my first character I still have a list of things I'd like to accomplish:
1. Ascend
2. Droknar's Forge Knight Armor
3. Obtain Elite Skills
4. Twink out my sword/shield
5. Granite Citadel Platemail
6. UW/FoW expeditions
7. Play The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion
However, after 100 hours on my first character I still have a list of things I'd like to accomplish:
1. Ascend
2. Droknar's Forge Knight Armor
3. Obtain Elite Skills
4. Twink out my sword/shield
5. Granite Citadel Platemail
6. UW/FoW expeditions
7. Play The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion
Mr. Matt
No. I can't see it happening for a while. I did take a break for a week or so to play 'Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines' when I bought it a couple of weeks ago, though, so that might have something to do with it. I love that game too.
Anyway, I have no problems with the game (if I stay away from forums like this; people moaning here makes me angry sometimes) and find PvE to be lots of fun. I like to just go out and look around, just to see if there's anything new I can find. I like exploring ruins and things, imagining what they might have been like. Part of why I'm into history in real life I suppose. Just yesterday, in fact, I noticed a spot on my map which I hadn't explored yet, but I could just make out a portal. So I backtracked all the way from Lion's Arch, through the Shiverpeaks, into Ascalon, up into the Flame Corridor and stumbled upon Dragon's Gullet. There isn't another game on the market with maps that appeal to me more than Dragon's Gullet. There aren't any towns or quests there, but that's not the point. I took plenty of snapshots of that place while I was there.
And there's still plenty more to explore, I reckon. That's another reason why I don't often go out with other people. Most people I encounter aren't particularly interested in exploring, or even having fun. It's all quests and items for some. All I need are a couple of henchmen, good 'ol Squawkie the Strider, and a bow, and I go off and look for new stuff to see, at my own pace.
No experience! OMG! I'm not completing any quests! OMG! I'm not getting much gold or elite skills! OMG! I don't care much about that. Games are supposed to be fun. If you find it fun to power your way through a game without stopping to look around, fine, you do that. If you think the only fun to be had in a game is acquiring experience points and gold, fine, you do that. If you don't find these fun and yet you do them anyway, you have to ask yourself why you're bothering in the first place.
Anyway, I have no problems with the game (if I stay away from forums like this; people moaning here makes me angry sometimes) and find PvE to be lots of fun. I like to just go out and look around, just to see if there's anything new I can find. I like exploring ruins and things, imagining what they might have been like. Part of why I'm into history in real life I suppose. Just yesterday, in fact, I noticed a spot on my map which I hadn't explored yet, but I could just make out a portal. So I backtracked all the way from Lion's Arch, through the Shiverpeaks, into Ascalon, up into the Flame Corridor and stumbled upon Dragon's Gullet. There isn't another game on the market with maps that appeal to me more than Dragon's Gullet. There aren't any towns or quests there, but that's not the point. I took plenty of snapshots of that place while I was there.
And there's still plenty more to explore, I reckon. That's another reason why I don't often go out with other people. Most people I encounter aren't particularly interested in exploring, or even having fun. It's all quests and items for some. All I need are a couple of henchmen, good 'ol Squawkie the Strider, and a bow, and I go off and look for new stuff to see, at my own pace.
No experience! OMG! I'm not completing any quests! OMG! I'm not getting much gold or elite skills! OMG! I don't care much about that. Games are supposed to be fun. If you find it fun to power your way through a game without stopping to look around, fine, you do that. If you think the only fun to be had in a game is acquiring experience points and gold, fine, you do that. If you don't find these fun and yet you do them anyway, you have to ask yourself why you're bothering in the first place.
Ba Ne
Originally Posted by Mr. Matt
And there's still plenty more to explore, I reckon. That's another reason why I don't often go out with other people. Most people I encounter aren't particularly interested in exploring, or even having fun. It's all quests and items for some. All I need are a couple of henchmen, good 'ol Squawkie the Strider, and a bow, and I go off and look for new stuff to see, at my own pace.
I don't think exploration for the sake of cool sights is really enough to make me spend an hour trying to find those sights.
First off, a very constructive thread.
There seems to be alot of people in here that have an element of boredom to speak about, whether it be PvP or PvE.
Am i bored of PvE, yes to the majority of it. Drops are totally crap when i want to go out on my own (which was 99% of what my time mainly consisted of) but now i just ponder around, bleating like a lost lamb.
I may find the spark to join a team with my monk just for the sake of killing time but i'm getting bored of that too.
My ranger has a thick layer of dust since there is no point in bringing it out to play anymore.
I agree with some of the comments here, ArenaNet needs to bring back farming. It's what makes these games fun.
Now you can't go solo against anything without your enchantments being broken or getting knocked down, blinded, energy/health drained.
Seriously ArenaNet, GW needs a boost and it needs it now. The ranks of people who are putting the game in it's box are growing.
It seriously needs more playability, such as different quests/missions, a 1v1 type of PvP, a deathmatch type PvE with ever infinite and increasing waves of mobs that get harder (with great rewards for reaching certain waves).
I loved that quest with the waves of undead which was somewhere near lions arch i think. Just step outside of town and you had to defend against the hordes, a great shame when i couldn't do that one anymore.
A PvP deathmatch which was mentioned in a thread yesterday by manadarthehealer (?), basically a large area to run around in (larger than the arid sea i would hope) so we can play in a free for all against anyone who wishes to join, maybe max number of players set to 50 at any time. Perhaps you could turn the whole of the map into PvP free for alls.
Have a couple of districts dedicated for each zone.
For example, you could scroll down from a droplist of deathmatch areas and play pvp in old ascalon, nebo terrace or wherever.
Would it be so hard to make copies of the areas and remove the mobs/triggers/spawns and replace them with random player spawn locations and write out a bit of code? Certainly not i think.
I've made maps for simliar games although using different engines.
Perhaps playing solo in PvP like this would allow individuals to fight to gain glory for their guild!! How many people complain that their guild friends are offline?
I for one would certainly play this gametype.
The ball is in your court ArenaNet.
There seems to be alot of people in here that have an element of boredom to speak about, whether it be PvP or PvE.
Am i bored of PvE, yes to the majority of it. Drops are totally crap when i want to go out on my own (which was 99% of what my time mainly consisted of) but now i just ponder around, bleating like a lost lamb.
I may find the spark to join a team with my monk just for the sake of killing time but i'm getting bored of that too.
My ranger has a thick layer of dust since there is no point in bringing it out to play anymore.
I agree with some of the comments here, ArenaNet needs to bring back farming. It's what makes these games fun.
Now you can't go solo against anything without your enchantments being broken or getting knocked down, blinded, energy/health drained.
Seriously ArenaNet, GW needs a boost and it needs it now. The ranks of people who are putting the game in it's box are growing.
It seriously needs more playability, such as different quests/missions, a 1v1 type of PvP, a deathmatch type PvE with ever infinite and increasing waves of mobs that get harder (with great rewards for reaching certain waves).
I loved that quest with the waves of undead which was somewhere near lions arch i think. Just step outside of town and you had to defend against the hordes, a great shame when i couldn't do that one anymore.
A PvP deathmatch which was mentioned in a thread yesterday by manadarthehealer (?), basically a large area to run around in (larger than the arid sea i would hope) so we can play in a free for all against anyone who wishes to join, maybe max number of players set to 50 at any time. Perhaps you could turn the whole of the map into PvP free for alls.
Have a couple of districts dedicated for each zone.
For example, you could scroll down from a droplist of deathmatch areas and play pvp in old ascalon, nebo terrace or wherever.
Would it be so hard to make copies of the areas and remove the mobs/triggers/spawns and replace them with random player spawn locations and write out a bit of code? Certainly not i think.
I've made maps for simliar games although using different engines.
Perhaps playing solo in PvP like this would allow individuals to fight to gain glory for their guild!! How many people complain that their guild friends are offline?
I for one would certainly play this gametype.
The ball is in your court ArenaNet.
Nope, not bored, coming along with my 2nd character. Still have stuff to do with my first character, a monk, that I "won" the game with. Just went into Fissure for the first time last night, got our butts handed to us... which was really fun, despite the loss.
Not bored at all.
Not bored at all.
There's like 2 things to do, grind skill points in Underworld to unlock skills for PvP, or play PvP. You can't play PvP most of the time because there's not enough people online for a decent team, and you can't grind UW most of the day because Korea is holding Hall (yay for Worlds at War and arbitrary access to end-game PvE areas). So to play GW I must wait until it's night for me, and by then I must quit because my parents won't let me stay up when they're sleeping.
with the "im bored" threads popping up. I hope Anet sees these and gets that 1st expansion out soon. 
(or even a glimpse w/ a video perhaps?)
Ive spent an above avarage time w/ the game and I am still not bored. Probably cuz I enjoy the treasure hunting, that's what keeps me interested...
-Victory is Mine!
(or even a glimpse w/ a video perhaps?)
Ive spent an above avarage time w/ the game and I am still not bored. Probably cuz I enjoy the treasure hunting, that's what keeps me interested...
-Victory is Mine!
I am pretty sure there is already a trailer out for new content. I have seen one somewhere, but I don't remember the site.
Put me in the bored camp. I know many will say that this is simply not the game for me and that I should go away. They could be right.
But I wonder how many expansions A-Net needs to sell to stay in business. If so many are getting bored already, will they buy the expansions? I don't think so. And if this game just has continuing appeal to a very few people, isn't that a problem for a company who would like to make money and have WIDE appeal?
I didn't even get one character all the way through the game before losing interest. Like I said, it may well be that this just isn't the game for me. But I am a veteren RPG player and buy a LOT of games so I would think I would be a consumer A-Net would wish to attract. Why did I get bored? Here are my reasons:
1. Too much repetative hack and slash for little reward in the PvE game. Yesterday me and my henchie posse killed mobs and explored for two hours and I got almost nothing out of it. A little experience, a few hundred gold, NO cool items at all. What a drag.
2. Very poorly thought out game socially makes for a truly sad gaming community where it is hard to find the fun players (they are out there because I see some cool people HERE) in a giant steaming pile of selfish nincompoops. PuGs are a nightmare. Finding a good guild is a chore (how can you tell which guild is good if you are a casual player?) No role-playing EVER. People barely talk to each other in this game. Yes, I am sure there are guilds where people chat it up, but again, for the casual player like me, and for those who did not come into the game WITH buddies playing, it is a silent, surly world.
3. Bad storyline and bad dialogue and zero wit. Hire a writer.
I really think the first company that gets all the elements right in an online game is going to make a fortune. But I don't think GW is that game.
I will say this: I have enjoyed reading what people on this forum have to say, even those few of you who occassionally drive me nuts :-p . I think most people who post here are pretty smart and occasionally hilarious, and I wish more of the people I meet in-game were like the people here. If they were, I would put up with the parts of GW I don't enjoy just to hang out. :-)
But I wonder how many expansions A-Net needs to sell to stay in business. If so many are getting bored already, will they buy the expansions? I don't think so. And if this game just has continuing appeal to a very few people, isn't that a problem for a company who would like to make money and have WIDE appeal?
I didn't even get one character all the way through the game before losing interest. Like I said, it may well be that this just isn't the game for me. But I am a veteren RPG player and buy a LOT of games so I would think I would be a consumer A-Net would wish to attract. Why did I get bored? Here are my reasons:
1. Too much repetative hack and slash for little reward in the PvE game. Yesterday me and my henchie posse killed mobs and explored for two hours and I got almost nothing out of it. A little experience, a few hundred gold, NO cool items at all. What a drag.
2. Very poorly thought out game socially makes for a truly sad gaming community where it is hard to find the fun players (they are out there because I see some cool people HERE) in a giant steaming pile of selfish nincompoops. PuGs are a nightmare. Finding a good guild is a chore (how can you tell which guild is good if you are a casual player?) No role-playing EVER. People barely talk to each other in this game. Yes, I am sure there are guilds where people chat it up, but again, for the casual player like me, and for those who did not come into the game WITH buddies playing, it is a silent, surly world.
3. Bad storyline and bad dialogue and zero wit. Hire a writer.
I really think the first company that gets all the elements right in an online game is going to make a fortune. But I don't think GW is that game.
I will say this: I have enjoyed reading what people on this forum have to say, even those few of you who occassionally drive me nuts :-p . I think most people who post here are pretty smart and occasionally hilarious, and I wish more of the people I meet in-game were like the people here. If they were, I would put up with the parts of GW I don't enjoy just to hang out. :-)
17 people in my guild, longest last logged on is 1 month ago, most recently played is 3 days ago. 20 people on my friend's list, during peak hours I see one or two on at most.
PVP's dead. The only people I see in tombs nowadays are noobs who just finished their first character.
Take your time with those baby steps, Arenanet.
PVP's dead. The only people I see in tombs nowadays are noobs who just finished their first character.
Take your time with those baby steps, Arenanet.
Originally Posted by Snowman
To be honest I cant wait until all you beta players and bored players go buy another game.
I dont think will give a damn if you 'leave and never come back' I know I wont. |
You may think that you can get by with a small group of players, but it really won't work. Without the montly fee, Anet will probably need anywhere around half a million copies of its expansion sold to keep their infrastructure and their salaries paid for the next year. If everyone leaves long before that, it's not a good idea.
I think the problems in this game stem from two areas, and I've already gone over one of them before.
1) PvE is being changed to suit PvPers, while the majority of PvPers don't care ONE WHIT about PvE to begin with. This annoys the PvE crowd, it doesn't really please the PvP crowd (because even though it makes it slightly easier for them to capture their skills / items etc, they still have to spend a ton of time doing what they don't want to be doing), and so both sides are generally unhappy with changes. Not with ALL the changes, the rune trader seems to be well liked, and the new skill capture thing seems pretty good (I kinda like the old version, but I've accepted the new one), but there are changes that just don't make anyone happy, which makes you wonder why they were made in the first place.
The nerf of farming, for example, has it good sides and its bad sides. People who don't farm say they love it, since it's "preventing prices from skyrocketing".
In fact, it's not doing anything of the sort, since weapons are now being sold for more than 200K. The PvP crowd doesn't like it, because it makes it harder to get the runes and items they want.
And, in my opinion, the general PvE crowd doesn't really like it either, because every single critter will now have some form of enchantment removal. The fun in PvE, in my opinion, comes from taking skills against a horde of monsters and using those skills to survive.
A lot of the really cool skills to use are enchantments. Once you reach higher level areas, you may as well not bother to bring those anymore, because it's virtually guaranteed to be dispelled the microsecond you come within range of something.
2) It seems that there is absolutely no type of matchmaking in PvP. So newbie teams will have the "honor" of going up against an experienced guild, with teamspeak, and a trained build, who's done drills etc, and they will get ganked within ten seconds.
Now, if you like this, if you feel it makes you learn what they do etc, that's fine. But there are a lot of people who would like to have matches against people a little bit more their skill.
Ergo, a matchmaking service is sorely needed, in my opinion.
This way, if someone WANTS to challenge a top guild, they can, but if a PUG just wants to face off against another PUG, they should be able to do so. Imo.
I personally love exploring, and I haven't finished all the quests yet, so I'll be playing for a while longer (it helps that there's nothing else really out to keep my interest, although BF2 comes out today), but a lot of the things I enjoy about an RPG, character growth, finding loot, using a horde of buffs against a horde of monsters, are slowly being.... I don't want to say nerfed, but they're being made less accessible, less useable. I HATE enchantment removing critters, but I can live with the specific types. I have no problem with Charr Chaots as the only ones who can do it. I have a problem with mobs where every critter has dispel enchantment.
The decision to just up the enchantment removals to specifically counter farming has had pretty far reaching consequences throughout the entirety of PvE, and I wonder if Anet ever considered those at all. It just seems that a lot of the changes made are done to give things to players easier (runes etc), but at the same time, to make the actual combat in PvE more boring.
I'm probably not making much sense

As it stands right now, I will not be buying the expansions (and believe me, I was ready to preorder six of them after the first week of release). More Fedex quests / some more missions, etc, just don't give me enough fun for the money that they presumably will be charging (50 bucks?)
And the implied complete LACK of character growth just doesn't do it for me.
But hey, all in all, I've played the game for a month about continuously (well, couple of hours a day, but pretty much every day), I'll play it for a few more weeks, so I've had my money's worth out of it.
