Anyone else losing interest in the game?
1) Buy Guild Wars (eagerly open the box and install)
2) obssesion sets in, massive amounts of game play involved
3.)get to 20
5.)run the infusion mission 10 times with nubs (before update)
6.)get to ring of fire with first toon
7.)get bored of 1st toon make a 2nd
8.)do the same missions with the what seems like the same nubs from the first time around,yet i was a nub first time around so that made it ok
9.)Ascended 2nd toon at 17,hit 20
10.)start the farming (since i didnt want to do 10 more infusion runs and run longer missons i did already)
11.)After the Farmer hating update pvp in HoH,Arena battles
And the final conclusion is it took 11 steps for me to get from obsessing with this game to where i play it about 30 mins a day max, w/o farming im not interested that gave me excitment in this game (seeing how many mobs is too much) but i wont complain about that issue because i have about 3 posts floating around here about that. Neway i been playing horizons, bad controls, straight rpg, no pvp, ill wait till expansion comes out or they reverse the farming deal (which wont happen, because imo it'll make them look like jackasses saying "DONT FARM", then coming back with "no its ok you can farm we made a mistake") DAoC had a no bot policy from what i hear back in the day (i didnt start playing till later on when the population diminished)and they turned around and allowed players to get 2nd accounts now for bots, maybe Anet will do the same for farming and say suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure pal
My 2 PESOS! QUE???!!!!!
Please draw a penis on my map or maybe just ping it 100000000 times while were on a mission.
Shot Your Eye 20/r/mo
Burning Hemmroid 20 e/me
1) Buy Guild Wars (eagerly open the box and install)
2) obssesion sets in, massive amounts of game play involved
3.)get to 20
5.)run the infusion mission 10 times with nubs (before update)
6.)get to ring of fire with first toon
7.)get bored of 1st toon make a 2nd
8.)do the same missions with the what seems like the same nubs from the first time around,yet i was a nub first time around so that made it ok
9.)Ascended 2nd toon at 17,hit 20
10.)start the farming (since i didnt want to do 10 more infusion runs and run longer missons i did already)
11.)After the Farmer hating update pvp in HoH,Arena battles
And the final conclusion is it took 11 steps for me to get from obsessing with this game to where i play it about 30 mins a day max, w/o farming im not interested that gave me excitment in this game (seeing how many mobs is too much) but i wont complain about that issue because i have about 3 posts floating around here about that. Neway i been playing horizons, bad controls, straight rpg, no pvp, ill wait till expansion comes out or they reverse the farming deal (which wont happen, because imo it'll make them look like jackasses saying "DONT FARM", then coming back with "no its ok you can farm we made a mistake") DAoC had a no bot policy from what i hear back in the day (i didnt start playing till later on when the population diminished)and they turned around and allowed players to get 2nd accounts now for bots, maybe Anet will do the same for farming and say suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure pal
My 2 PESOS! QUE???!!!!!
Please draw a penis on my map or maybe just ping it 100000000 times while were on a mission.
Shot Your Eye 20/r/mo
Burning Hemmroid 20 e/me
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Zeru
Pvp is fun, pve is boring after you doing it once and awful after 3 runs through. I too bought GW to last but it definitely won't, at least the pvp community won't, until major attention is brought to that area and not to fail to save the stagnant pve game. Sigh, if only they could've realized the potential that the betas had. Every lasting game that I've played, Starcraft for 6 years, Tribes 1/2 for quite a few, had great gameplay and a central community. This game's pvp community is just getting alienated and that is the biggest recipe for future failure.
Originally Posted by Nokomis
Is there something in GTA:SA that is completely lacking in GW? What is it?
Do you want to gank 800.000 ballers without ever doing a mission? Go right ahead.
Do you want to run over half a million pedestrians in the same car without the cops getting you? Go right ahead.
Do you want to do nothing but missions? Go right ahead.
Do you just want to drive / walk around aimlessly? Go right ahead.
Do you want to mug pedestrians for their five dollar so you can buy a pizza? Go right ahead.
And never a Dev who says "Well, that's not what the game is about," then stops you from doing that.
Do you want to farm Riverside? Oh wait, it's been nerfed.
See what I'm getting at?

It's not all that bad, although I don't really agree with the farming nerf (and the loot bug really had me annoyed for a week or so), but I can see how some people would prefer a "Do whatever YOU want" type of game over this.
Although I do think the fact that GTA:SA is mentioned is because it happens to be OUT right now, so people, when they get bored with GW, will just switch to whatever's new and different right now. It's probably a combination of both factors.
To be fair, I still can't wait to get home so I can get my warrior Ascended

Originally Posted by Algren Cole
Rockstar North built the engine from the ground up...and refuses to sell it or allow proprietary use to any other developers.
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Creston
I'm pretty certain the GTA games are done in the Renderware engine, which is available for licensing and commercial use.
Creston |
ya..I just looked it up and I'm a liar.
Ok the way farming used to be done was nerf'd. My guildies and I have found fun and new exciting ways to get resources. Although they involve a farming party more or less. We just make sure we take guildies because that way even though money is split it is split among guildies. And in my guild what is good for you is good for me. We enjoy the comraderie of farming as a team. I figure you guys are the solo farmers that want to be able to take on 15 hydras at once.
We get guild chat messages where someone is like "Hey I am not doing anything, anyone want to come farm with me? Sure meet me at <secret farming location> dist10" although it is not that secret, but my buddy did find a super vigor there.
Come on people learn to evolve and adapt. Do not sit cursing the darkness refusing to light a candle. Anet nerfs something sure great, figure out a new business venture to amass your millions. I can already see some have by opening taxi services, and can you believe people want to nerf that?
We get guild chat messages where someone is like "Hey I am not doing anything, anyone want to come farm with me? Sure meet me at <secret farming location> dist10" although it is not that secret, but my buddy did find a super vigor there.
Come on people learn to evolve and adapt. Do not sit cursing the darkness refusing to light a candle. Anet nerfs something sure great, figure out a new business venture to amass your millions. I can already see some have by opening taxi services, and can you believe people want to nerf that?
I got the game when it first came out, Excited to play it, no monthly fee and stuff,
since i'm not a huge pvp fan, which is fun with the right ppl like guildies, I prefer pve, now all i do is try to get the elite stuff, and i built a ele/mo to just "farm" i got a good 2 days of farming then it was nerfed.
The game has definitly lost its intrest in the pve aspect, now all i do is rush noobies and give away stuff i find (DONT CHARGE ITS LAME) Now i got 2 lvl 10 toons in pre sear, a w/mo and a mo/n dont know when i'm gonna go out of pre sear but when i do i hope it renews some kind of fun the game first had when i played it.
To me it seems content of the game seems to have gotten alot shorter i was expecting months to be able to finish the game, it took weeks.. then the idea of getting 15k or fissure armor was great, farm so i can get a million gold to get it.. lame as it sounds finding out how many mantle, giants i can take without dying was fun. then that was nerfed.. so now i'm waiting for some awesome update or expansion pack
The game ~~was~~ fun and kinda still is, i'm all for Anets updates and patches there on top of the game which is cool.. but damn... i'm bored now.. what kinda patch u gonna release to make it fun again.
ok flame on
since i'm not a huge pvp fan, which is fun with the right ppl like guildies, I prefer pve, now all i do is try to get the elite stuff, and i built a ele/mo to just "farm" i got a good 2 days of farming then it was nerfed.
The game has definitly lost its intrest in the pve aspect, now all i do is rush noobies and give away stuff i find (DONT CHARGE ITS LAME) Now i got 2 lvl 10 toons in pre sear, a w/mo and a mo/n dont know when i'm gonna go out of pre sear but when i do i hope it renews some kind of fun the game first had when i played it.
To me it seems content of the game seems to have gotten alot shorter i was expecting months to be able to finish the game, it took weeks.. then the idea of getting 15k or fissure armor was great, farm so i can get a million gold to get it.. lame as it sounds finding out how many mantle, giants i can take without dying was fun. then that was nerfed.. so now i'm waiting for some awesome update or expansion pack
The game ~~was~~ fun and kinda still is, i'm all for Anets updates and patches there on top of the game which is cool.. but damn... i'm bored now.. what kinda patch u gonna release to make it fun again.
ok flame on
Originally Posted by kungfumonkey2
I can already see some have by opening taxi services, and can you believe people want to nerf that?
Sandman Uk
I have posted many times on this matter on this board and many others. The problem seems to be around PVE play. Im not one for PVP play and targeting players and pressing 1,3,5, heal run heal 2,4,1 doesnt appeal. I was drawn away from Never Winter Nights on the first Beta weekend and was drawn towards the graphics and the huge gamplaying areas. Joy at reaching lions arch for the first time at 4am in the morning was outstanding.
I seem to get shouted down because its assumed I have ran through the game and missed it all. I will put the record straight I have completed all the missions + bonus all the quests and opened up 90% of my Fog of War and clocked up 460hrs gameplay.
But now im starting to tire of it. And that's real sad because this game has such potential for PVE yet to me PVP get prioritised in updates.
The last three quests were a joke (sorry) but I was able to solo them with no henchies in under 10 mins per quest. For a level 20+ (at least 15+ extra skill points) this was very very dissapointing. If Anet are reading this they should have noticed it was the guys that have finished it who were complaining about being bored. So what do they do Add a few low level quests for the guys who probebly have a quest inventory full on unfinished quests still to do.
Anet please add something of a challenge for the over 20+ catagory. We in Europe do have the Underworld and Fissure but that seems to only be available for about 1.5 hrs a night if we are lucky.
I look forward to the next installment and the free area due out soon. Hopefully that will give us something to chew on or will Anet make it easy in case some Low level players make it through from Beacons on a forge run and find it too difficult and start complaining.
At the moment I think the box should say suitable for under 8's only ;-)
Please excuse any speeling mistakes as im in a rush to stand around trying to sell my salvaged wood
I seem to get shouted down because its assumed I have ran through the game and missed it all. I will put the record straight I have completed all the missions + bonus all the quests and opened up 90% of my Fog of War and clocked up 460hrs gameplay.
But now im starting to tire of it. And that's real sad because this game has such potential for PVE yet to me PVP get prioritised in updates.
The last three quests were a joke (sorry) but I was able to solo them with no henchies in under 10 mins per quest. For a level 20+ (at least 15+ extra skill points) this was very very dissapointing. If Anet are reading this they should have noticed it was the guys that have finished it who were complaining about being bored. So what do they do Add a few low level quests for the guys who probebly have a quest inventory full on unfinished quests still to do.
Anet please add something of a challenge for the over 20+ catagory. We in Europe do have the Underworld and Fissure but that seems to only be available for about 1.5 hrs a night if we are lucky.
I look forward to the next installment and the free area due out soon. Hopefully that will give us something to chew on or will Anet make it easy in case some Low level players make it through from Beacons on a forge run and find it too difficult and start complaining.
At the moment I think the box should say suitable for under 8's only ;-)
Please excuse any speeling mistakes as im in a rush to stand around trying to sell my salvaged wood
I have 5 characters spread out over 2 accounts at various stages of the game, I'm in a relatively active guild that is getting ready to start GvsG. Boring is what you make of it, and this game is not like an MMO and never will be, you want one of those then go play one. Changes are coming, and when they come on a weekly basis they have to be incremental and monumentous(unless you want what every other game does and have a huge update that takes hours to upload). If you're bored, then you're bored, not much anyone can do about it but you. You get out of it what you put into it. All I say is have patience, and stop playing it every single day if it bores you that much.
As for the nerfing, it was to stop people from botting, not specifically to stop farming.
As for the nerfing, it was to stop people from botting, not specifically to stop farming.
Originally Posted by KraXed112
I got the game when it first came out, Excited to play it, no monthly fee and stuff,
since i'm not a huge pvp fan, which is fun with the right ppl like guildies, I prefer pve, now all i do is try to get the elite stuff, and i built a ele/mo to just "farm" i got a good 2 days of farming then it was nerfed. |
You must be my twin.....because thats EXACTLY what happened to me i hit 20 with the ranger and deceided to make the fire ele to farm with was doing great almost had enuff for my 15k granite and woop no more, i got so pissed that night i logged off after cursing a bit in all at a-net
Oh btw i got a farm spot i farm 2 mobs at the same time, i rock!!! then i run through and kill the rest of the 2 grp mobs dude were kickin ass now ill unlock the rest of the stuff lets see....never.

Shot Your Eye 20 R/mo
Burning Hemrroid e/mo
Well i don't care so much about pve, coz i like more pvp than pve.
But i CAN'T play serious pvp if i don't find other 7 guys.
This should be done with an automatic system of ladder, but it doesn't exist (4v4 = waste of time).
I wanna play 8v8 all the time and with people of my rank, and if i wanna play with guild i will play gvg, not tombs.
I think that tombs should exist only for training in random (sensed) team, and if i wanna play with guild, i play gvg.
I think that pvp must be improved with a random team ladder with fame, and the battle field should be the tombs.
Is simply senseless that guild (born to make gvg), or organized group(= something like guild) don't play against other guilds but against random teams too.
This isn't funny, and isn't competitive.
This is only frustrating and senseless.
But i CAN'T play serious pvp if i don't find other 7 guys.
This should be done with an automatic system of ladder, but it doesn't exist (4v4 = waste of time).
I wanna play 8v8 all the time and with people of my rank, and if i wanna play with guild i will play gvg, not tombs.
I think that tombs should exist only for training in random (sensed) team, and if i wanna play with guild, i play gvg.
I think that pvp must be improved with a random team ladder with fame, and the battle field should be the tombs.
Is simply senseless that guild (born to make gvg), or organized group(= something like guild) don't play against other guilds but against random teams too.
This isn't funny, and isn't competitive.
This is only frustrating and senseless.
As good as guild wars is, it has lost its appeal for me. No real complaints with it myself its just that i am uncomfertable with "instances" (as they only pose computer generated risk) and i guess i am more at home with pk's, scammers and a more flexible aproach to existing in a digital environment.
It was fun while it lasted though
It was fun while it lasted though
Originally Posted by Mister Pie
I feel like I've gotten my money's worth. I'm not sure what people are expecting without a monthly fee. I'm really more of a PvE guy and I will defintely be back for the expansion.
TBH if it was a really MMORPG and they released updates every 3 months I would probably have gone for it. It isn't though, and it has no where near the atmosphere or attention to detail as EQ2. Yes I'm playing GTA:SA and playing AO as it is free atm.

I will still play it now and again, also check the forums for updates, and i will play the new areas when they are released. I may even pick up the expansions.
Thinking about it, the biggest mistake they made with the PvE is making it too linier, the story too fixed. They have this whole interconnecting world, but you can only do it in a fixed order due to the story line.
Perhaps if they had taken a leaf out of Diablo's book it would have been better. I played Diablo 2 for months and months , over lan at my mates, online and solo. What made it so good was the random drop system and the fact that the maps actually changed layout each time you started afresh. The changes where not huge, but enough to keep it fresh. Having NPC's change dialogue just doesn't compare. Most importantly the maps scaled, If i went out to an area solo it would be a challage, if I went out with 3 people it would still be a challage as there would either be more monsters or the monsters would be a few levels higher than before.
If GW had that system it would be awesome, they could leave the coop missions as they are, but change the explorable areas to scaling. I could go to post searing ascalon and go toe to toe with level 18-24 Charr with my ascended character. I could explore Kryta and spawn lvl 8 or lvl 28 undead instead of lvl 14/16 and 18 all the time. It would be easy to put more quests in. Loot could also be creature level based, so if I wanted the best loot I'd have to party with others to get the higher level creatures to spawn. Henchmen would be less required, In fact I'd just put them in Coop missions. Well maybe in guild wars 2.

I could then play explore, adventure and pick up the story line when ever I wanted to, rather than have to do the story to get from A-B.
Its abit much to ask though even I admit that,, but it would be cool.

P.S. I know you can actually get all the way to Dragnor's Forge without having to do a mission, but I pefer to play rather than spend 3 hours respawning at -60 death pen. The areas do not scale so if you are not the level it is aimed at,that is exactly what you end up doing.
Guild Wars has some limitations that are really bothering me.
8 player team limits. I loved the 40 man raids in WoW. 8 versus 8 just doesnt seem epic. It feels like... a skurmish.
Limit of 4 characters per player. What is this? 4 characters? In a game so set on builds and combinations they limit us to 4 characters. THis makes no sense to me whatsoever. Once you get 4 level 20 and ascended characters with gear you want (that is to say, if you can afford the gear now that they combated gold farming and selling by severely gimping up OUR farming...) what is there to do? Delete one of your favorite characters when an expansion comes out?
It's a small world. Truly, when you are not in a city or town area... nobody else exists. For once I wanna see a party of players running towards another goal while I am running for one.
If you do not have a guild you may as well watch tv when finding groups.
Some of these things just annoy me. As good as this game is, it is very limited.
8 player team limits. I loved the 40 man raids in WoW. 8 versus 8 just doesnt seem epic. It feels like... a skurmish.
Limit of 4 characters per player. What is this? 4 characters? In a game so set on builds and combinations they limit us to 4 characters. THis makes no sense to me whatsoever. Once you get 4 level 20 and ascended characters with gear you want (that is to say, if you can afford the gear now that they combated gold farming and selling by severely gimping up OUR farming...) what is there to do? Delete one of your favorite characters when an expansion comes out?
It's a small world. Truly, when you are not in a city or town area... nobody else exists. For once I wanna see a party of players running towards another goal while I am running for one.
If you do not have a guild you may as well watch tv when finding groups.
Some of these things just annoy me. As good as this game is, it is very limited.
Very interesting thread here. Well, I just finished the game - I think. It's hard to tell since the storyline is terribly erratic (George Lucas must've penned the script). So now I guess it's on to the Underworld and Fissure of Woe. I play about 12 hours a week and I'm guessing I'll probably finish everything by the end of June. Still, I have to admit, the game is getting really boring. I'm not having a problem with groups, I guess I've been lucky, and the PvP is exciting at times, but things are starting to repeat - ALOT. Kill minions, kill first boss, kill main boss.... /yawn. The story - what story? - is terrible. If PvP is the kumquat of this game then give it the options it deserves. Someone said a free area where 50 people could run around and do som PK. That's a great idea. It certainly would relieve the boredom. I get the feeling ANET will respond to this thread. Because NCSOFT, their owners will make them respond. NCSOFT is not the kind of company that's going to take it in the pants (financially). So be patient, NCSOFT is listening.
Evan The Cursed
Originally Posted by JasonJLore
It's hard to tell since the storyline is terribly erratic (George Lucas must've penned the script).
Heh, this made me chuckle =)
Reiden Argrock
I've been thinking...Cause it's something I do.. Even when it hurts 
A real GvG war, some kind of persistant HUGE zone, where guilds could go and capture outposts and stuff, would be really cool. It would fit in with the story i'm sure, not sure if it would fit in to the instance and limited numbers that hoh and gvg have, plus there are so many players, if they were all in this 'war' they would have to figure out some way to seperate parts so that the lag wouldn't be insane...
maybe this would be a non international thing, based on guild leaders location.
Figured this might spark some interest among those who are feeling bored...
A real GvG war, some kind of persistant HUGE zone, where guilds could go and capture outposts and stuff, would be really cool. It would fit in with the story i'm sure, not sure if it would fit in to the instance and limited numbers that hoh and gvg have, plus there are so many players, if they were all in this 'war' they would have to figure out some way to seperate parts so that the lag wouldn't be insane...
maybe this would be a non international thing, based on guild leaders location.
Figured this might spark some interest among those who are feeling bored...

these last few have touched on what, for me, was most dissapointing.
I mean, the game is called guild WARS, not guild SKIRMISH. wheres the big battles? theres not even any HUGE battles in PvE instanced areas.
I mean, when I bought the game, you know it's called GUILD WARS, it talks about PvP being like no other MMO etc. you get in. and its like 8 people........ OH YAY
I dont know about you, but I've never heard of a war with only 8 poeple on each side...
come on anet, live up to the games name, let us have WAR
I mean, the game is called guild WARS, not guild SKIRMISH. wheres the big battles? theres not even any HUGE battles in PvE instanced areas.
I mean, when I bought the game, you know it's called GUILD WARS, it talks about PvP being like no other MMO etc. you get in. and its like 8 people........ OH YAY
I dont know about you, but I've never heard of a war with only 8 poeple on each side...
come on anet, live up to the games name, let us have WAR
Guardian Legend
+1 Creston for matchmaking idea, +1 Ensign for pointing out how PVPers are forced to play hundreds of hours in PVE.
I'd like to add to my own comment about the anti-casual gamerness of PVP. The way I see Guild Wars PVP is that it's like playing Warcraft 3, on a single army, with 7 other players. Imagine if you're thrown into control of an army in WC3, with 7 complete strangers, and you had to constantly bicker as to who controls what, who is doing what right or wrong, and so forth. Imagine if you controlled the peons, someone else controlled the archers, another controlled the footmen, and another controlled the scouts, mages, etc. It would be a nightmare.
RTS games used to include this functionality, where multiple players could control a single army. But Blizzard and others quickly discovered that no one actually enjoys this. It goes against the casual gamer nature of online play, and is more suited for a LAN session between close friends. But Guild Wars PVP is built around this unpopular concept, and I think it suffers greatly for it.
So I have a few suggestions for PVP.
1. There should be a screen for seeing your teammate's skill bars. Ex: You press F9 and all 64 skills of your 8 man team are shown. Here, you can quickly assess what's needed and what's not. You'll still have to bicker with others, though.
2. Allow players to change their character in-game. That is, instead of having to log out, delete your PVP character, remake a new one, build it up from scratch, allow PVP players to store dozens of character builds, all of which can be loaded up instantly whenever you're not in battle. Ex: Leader asks you to get a Interrupt Ranger. So you press F8 and click your Interrupt Ranger preset. Click, you're instantly that Ranger and everything is ready to go.
For PVE... (which I never enjoy but will make suggestions anyway)
1. Follow Diablo 2's route. Once you beat the game once, let players go through again on a harder mode, perhaps. Or, just let people choose the difficulty right from the beginning. Ascalon Easy, Ascalon Medium, Ascalon Hard. Some people just want to log on and randomly press buttons, they don't want any challenge at all. I guess you should let them do that. Others (like me) enjoy having a challenge, trying to adapt to different enemy strategies.
2. Make the monsters have different skills sometimes. Your first play through, all Hydras use Fireball and Meteor. Second time, they may switch to something else. Keep the players on their toes. This game is like a puzzle game, but it's not much of a puzzle if you've already solved it before.
3. Following up on that, let players have checkpoints during the mission. 30 minute mission? Should be a checkpoint every 10 minutes. If you fail, you go back to the checkpoint. Also, at each checkpoint, players should be given the ability to switch out their skills.
In an RTS-RPG game like Warcraft 3, the fun and challenge of the game comes from building up a "team build" and skirmishing with your enemy. Scouting out their strategy, their build, and also trying to predict what kind of builds they will be able to pursue in the near future. Then, with this knowledge, you adapt your build to suit the future. If this aspect of WC3 can be put into PVE GW, I'm sure people will enjoy the game much more. But currently, you often have to play 10-30 minutes, at which point you may fail at a critical moment... and only then are you able to adapt. Players need to be allowed to adapt without having to fail first.
I'd like to add to my own comment about the anti-casual gamerness of PVP. The way I see Guild Wars PVP is that it's like playing Warcraft 3, on a single army, with 7 other players. Imagine if you're thrown into control of an army in WC3, with 7 complete strangers, and you had to constantly bicker as to who controls what, who is doing what right or wrong, and so forth. Imagine if you controlled the peons, someone else controlled the archers, another controlled the footmen, and another controlled the scouts, mages, etc. It would be a nightmare.
RTS games used to include this functionality, where multiple players could control a single army. But Blizzard and others quickly discovered that no one actually enjoys this. It goes against the casual gamer nature of online play, and is more suited for a LAN session between close friends. But Guild Wars PVP is built around this unpopular concept, and I think it suffers greatly for it.
So I have a few suggestions for PVP.
1. There should be a screen for seeing your teammate's skill bars. Ex: You press F9 and all 64 skills of your 8 man team are shown. Here, you can quickly assess what's needed and what's not. You'll still have to bicker with others, though.
2. Allow players to change their character in-game. That is, instead of having to log out, delete your PVP character, remake a new one, build it up from scratch, allow PVP players to store dozens of character builds, all of which can be loaded up instantly whenever you're not in battle. Ex: Leader asks you to get a Interrupt Ranger. So you press F8 and click your Interrupt Ranger preset. Click, you're instantly that Ranger and everything is ready to go.
For PVE... (which I never enjoy but will make suggestions anyway)
1. Follow Diablo 2's route. Once you beat the game once, let players go through again on a harder mode, perhaps. Or, just let people choose the difficulty right from the beginning. Ascalon Easy, Ascalon Medium, Ascalon Hard. Some people just want to log on and randomly press buttons, they don't want any challenge at all. I guess you should let them do that. Others (like me) enjoy having a challenge, trying to adapt to different enemy strategies.
2. Make the monsters have different skills sometimes. Your first play through, all Hydras use Fireball and Meteor. Second time, they may switch to something else. Keep the players on their toes. This game is like a puzzle game, but it's not much of a puzzle if you've already solved it before.
3. Following up on that, let players have checkpoints during the mission. 30 minute mission? Should be a checkpoint every 10 minutes. If you fail, you go back to the checkpoint. Also, at each checkpoint, players should be given the ability to switch out their skills.
In an RTS-RPG game like Warcraft 3, the fun and challenge of the game comes from building up a "team build" and skirmishing with your enemy. Scouting out their strategy, their build, and also trying to predict what kind of builds they will be able to pursue in the near future. Then, with this knowledge, you adapt your build to suit the future. If this aspect of WC3 can be put into PVE GW, I'm sure people will enjoy the game much more. But currently, you often have to play 10-30 minutes, at which point you may fail at a critical moment... and only then are you able to adapt. Players need to be allowed to adapt without having to fail first.
Originally Posted by Snowman
To be honest I cant wait until all you beta players and bored players go buy another game.
I dont think will give a damn if you 'leave and never come back' I know I wont. In fact I would encourage it... please.. PLEASE.. GET LOST!... no seriously... go away! If you find it repetative and boring then the game is not for you.. and here is the news flash, IT NEVER WILL BE! I'm not joking around.. I have been in the gaming community since I was 15 (12 years ago), had my own game shop, cyber cafe, hundreds of clans.. I come across this complaint with every game.. and the advice is always the same.... If you get bored, play something else! the game is not suited to you.. as much as you would like it to be. GW Suits me down to the ground.. I love it, and I love being part of a new game that will grow and evolve.. A shame some people cant see this for the opportunity that it is. I missed the development of games like CS, NS, CoH Everquest... these all had the same problems in their early days.. The Snowman |
future expansions will rely on if peoples interest gets held long enough to purchase them. While a lot of players may still play this game I would bet that atleast 30% of there original playerbase is gone because of the lack of casual gamer appeal. That is a huge chunk of people to lose in a game, but because of no monthly fee the company wont see the impact until they release the expansion and it flops. |
Truthfully, I only come to these forums now.
My interest has gone toward Deer Hunter 2005 for goodness sake.
My interest has gone toward Deer Hunter 2005 for goodness sake.
To summarize some primary suggestions:
1) Make the game have difficulty modes like Diablo 2.
2) Bring back grind and farming.
3) Isolate Pve and PVP.
4) Give PVP more options.
I think that should more than satisfy the vast majority of players, and well more than enough to give people something to chew on in between expansions.
I sure hope ANET reads this, because these changes are not so difficult to implement when you think about it.
1) Make the game have difficulty modes like Diablo 2.
2) Bring back grind and farming.
3) Isolate Pve and PVP.
4) Give PVP more options.
I think that should more than satisfy the vast majority of players, and well more than enough to give people something to chew on in between expansions.
I sure hope ANET reads this, because these changes are not so difficult to implement when you think about it.
I love this game and don't really see how i could ever get bored from it. I am however a very casual gamer and i haven't spent 300+ hours since the game came out, and honeslty i can't image someone spending that much time on any thing and not getting bored i mean holy cow that's alot of freaking time spent staring at a computer screen (you should really take better care of your eyes
) I think everybody that says they are bored need to start posting the time they spent on the game. ... Brace yourself for a really crapy anology... think of it like food, i love fettucini alfredo, it is by far my most favorite food but i can't eat it everyday, or even more than twice a week or i get tired of it.
I don't know, its just my thought that maybe some of you (i'm not trying to say everybody) are bored simply because you've played the game non stop since it came out and need to take a break, that doesn't make it a bad game it just might mean you need to get some sleep every now and then and not expect the game to fulfill every need of your life,
/end rant
anyway that's just my two cents, and to the rest of you who are bored after very little game time then maybe the game isn't for you
I don't know, its just my thought that maybe some of you (i'm not trying to say everybody) are bored simply because you've played the game non stop since it came out and need to take a break, that doesn't make it a bad game it just might mean you need to get some sleep every now and then and not expect the game to fulfill every need of your life,
/end rant
anyway that's just my two cents, and to the rest of you who are bored after very little game time then maybe the game isn't for you

Perhaps diffictultly levels in pve game is the way to go, but the problem is what could be rewarded for playing on the higher level?
I'm getting a bit bored for several reasons
PvP can get very frustrating 95% of the time if you are in a random group, I swear to god if they had some kind of system that could tell me if these guys have completed the game I would be much better off (I don't care if people who create pvp chars are disadvantaged anymore). And yes I am in a guild waiting till they get bored of uw and fissure so I can finally get some pvp going.
PvE for me has now become a farm quest for the simple reason that I need better equipment to compete. Many people using ebay to buy money. So many people farm to get money/weapons, It's sad, really sad that I must force myself to make some damn money, and arenanet is forcing everyone to stop farming. I've gotten quite a good number of hours out of gw already, I never thought it would last forever either.
PvP can get very frustrating 95% of the time if you are in a random group, I swear to god if they had some kind of system that could tell me if these guys have completed the game I would be much better off (I don't care if people who create pvp chars are disadvantaged anymore). And yes I am in a guild waiting till they get bored of uw and fissure so I can finally get some pvp going.
PvE for me has now become a farm quest for the simple reason that I need better equipment to compete. Many people using ebay to buy money. So many people farm to get money/weapons, It's sad, really sad that I must force myself to make some damn money, and arenanet is forcing everyone to stop farming. I've gotten quite a good number of hours out of gw already, I never thought it would last forever either.
I'm probably going to get flamed for this, but it seems like the time to raise the level cap has come upon us. The most generic form of advancement in any rpg is leveling, and it should be changed so that beating the game on higher difficulty is the only way to get higher in terms of levels. Controversial, but I think it would go a long way.
its bad when u log on in a game only to chat with the ppl u know. iam at that point now.
and if i ask the guildies what theyre up to, the reply is usualy "nothing..iam bored".
iam pretty much done with this game, even if they release an expansion or two.
this game has little to offer, exept from "playing barbie" getting "cooler" clothing.
i could make pretty long list of elements missing in this game, but i wont bother.
how areanet thought gw whould survive is a mystery to me. nerfing drops and making areas harder is just another. i noticed something else to, some skills seems to have been changed.
as i see it now, the only good reason to RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOinue playing is course the game dont have montly payments. and thats not to motivating..
and if i ask the guildies what theyre up to, the reply is usualy "nothing..iam bored".
iam pretty much done with this game, even if they release an expansion or two.
this game has little to offer, exept from "playing barbie" getting "cooler" clothing.
i could make pretty long list of elements missing in this game, but i wont bother.
how areanet thought gw whould survive is a mystery to me. nerfing drops and making areas harder is just another. i noticed something else to, some skills seems to have been changed.
as i see it now, the only good reason to RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOinue playing is course the game dont have montly payments. and thats not to motivating..
Ensign hit the nail on the head, as usual. There's not enough for PvEers to do in the long term, so they obstain to anything that would reduce PvP grind - That's their grind. So what if it ****s up the PvP game, right?
I logged in a couple days ago because a guildie IMed me and said we were GvGing. I thought he just messing with me. Wow. We got 4 people together and did a short GvG with half a team build, got stomped, and spent the next hour and a half talking about other games and thinking about how awesome beta was.
Ya know what else i'm tired of? People who tell me I'm "bitching", "ranting", and "whining". The game sucks. Whipe the fanboyism from your eyes. Or, rather, beat the game for your first time and come back and tell me you're not bored. If not, then go do it a second and a third, and tell me it's easy to unlock all skills and runes without playing 1,000+ hours. This is a GAME! It's not supposed to be work. Why should I have to invest time to have fun. A.Net was very clear that they didn't like these kinds of games, but surprise surprise, the made one!
I logged in a couple days ago because a guildie IMed me and said we were GvGing. I thought he just messing with me. Wow. We got 4 people together and did a short GvG with half a team build, got stomped, and spent the next hour and a half talking about other games and thinking about how awesome beta was.
Ya know what else i'm tired of? People who tell me I'm "bitching", "ranting", and "whining". The game sucks. Whipe the fanboyism from your eyes. Or, rather, beat the game for your first time and come back and tell me you're not bored. If not, then go do it a second and a third, and tell me it's easy to unlock all skills and runes without playing 1,000+ hours. This is a GAME! It's not supposed to be work. Why should I have to invest time to have fun. A.Net was very clear that they didn't like these kinds of games, but surprise surprise, the made one!
Originally Posted by Ensign
PvE players, after completing the game, want something repetitive to do that still results in 'advancement'. They want to grind money, or new equipment, or levels, or something for their character.
Originally Posted by Ensign
On the other hand, PvP players have tons they need to grind out once they complete the game - they need to unlock more sets of skills, more weapon upgrades, and then there's the maddening superior rune grind.
What I want from the PvE experience is strategy and playing with builds. If I have to spend an entire weekend "grinding" to get that one skill I wanted to try... it's not fun. Guild Wars is failing as a PvP gaming system.
The real question is: where is Arena Net goingto spend their time/money? On the PvE system, because that's where the expansion packs will be.
Originally Posted by sino-soviet
I'm probably going to get flamed for this, but it seems like the time to raise the level cap has come upon us. The most generic form of advancement in any rpg is leveling, and it should be changed so that beating the game on higher difficulty is the only way to get higher in terms of levels. Controversial, but I think it would go a long way.
You wreck that, and you wreck my enjoyment.
I think the devs. really ought to check this particular section of the forum. I hope they take note of some complaints.
Originally Posted by IxChel
The real question is: where is Arena Net goingto spend their time/money? On the PvE system, because that's where the expansion packs will be. |
1) Make the game have difficulty modes like Diablo 2. |
Monster scaling from Diablo, or even Dungeon siege would be nice. Having areas able to scale from single player (no henchies) to a group of 8 players for every area, based on average group level would be good. It would also be acheiveable due to the instance gaming system / dynamic of GW.
Having spawns change rather than just Boss's would make a huge difference also. There is only so many times I want to leave post ascalon , walk up the slope, Kill to giant scorpion thing, look right and kill the other one.
This happens on every single map, the monsters and monster placements simply do not have enough if any variety to make rerunning areas fun after the 15th time through.
The item requirement system inplace is actually useless, the do need to implement a level / item restriction system that actually makes items not usable if you dont have the right skills / classes or even high enough level. Why because in PvE finding that item that you can't use makes it all the more worth while once you can, and it also will balance out the low level arenas so you don't get "Twinking Griefers" as it is simply not possible to do it.
It also encourages player trade, "WTS Mesmers staff as I'm a warrior and have no use." etc.
For a online, single payment game GW is awesome, but if they had gone down the monthly fee route it would have been a big a flop as Matrix online, which has already been sold to sony as warner bro's are cutting their loses quick time.

I play this game... WAY too much. But I'm not complaining.
315hrs on my E/Me + 186hrs on my Mo/N +77hrs on my R/W = 578hrs total, and counting. And of course this is neglecting the maybe 20some hours I must have spent total between experimental pvp characters... and maybe -150hours worth of time I left GW on overnight AFK *Cough*
Wanna know what? I'm still having a blast, experimenting and coming up with new builds, ideas, devastating combos, or dabbling in established builds and combos, or leading a UW or Fissure group to success, people in my groups always come out of it not only successful, but richer and smarter as well. It's somewhat satisfying to answer everyone's questions, and watch out for the newbies, rather than berate them.
315hrs on my E/Me + 186hrs on my Mo/N +77hrs on my R/W = 578hrs total, and counting. And of course this is neglecting the maybe 20some hours I must have spent total between experimental pvp characters... and maybe -150hours worth of time I left GW on overnight AFK *Cough*
Wanna know what? I'm still having a blast, experimenting and coming up with new builds, ideas, devastating combos, or dabbling in established builds and combos, or leading a UW or Fissure group to success, people in my groups always come out of it not only successful, but richer and smarter as well. It's somewhat satisfying to answer everyone's questions, and watch out for the newbies, rather than berate them.
Celes Tial
Originally Posted by BrokenSymmetry
I completely agree with this: Currently, PvP is not fun for the casual gamer. It takes ages to form a party, and you're crushed in a few sections by a well-trained and co-ordinated Guild-based team.
And zero waiting time.

Lost interest 2 weeks ago when I fully realized how long it would take me to unlock all the things I wanted for PvP AFTER I finished the PvE portion. So take note people:
3) BATTLEFIELD 2 IS HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3) BATTLEFIELD 2 IS HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Silenced Ranger
can i have your stuff? ^^
Miyamoto Tzu
I'm also starting to wonder what there really is to do in this game after finishing the PvE campaign.
I was really hoping this would be the game to change the face of MMOG's for monthly fees, less grind, more skill required, etc.
I'm not sure how peeps can say that this is great PvP...most of the time PvP is a confusing mess that ends with "Victory!" or "Defeat!" IMHO it's the PvE areas that require the most thought and strategy to get through where as PvP is the same thing over and over...once your team has a strat that works against some teams, you play until you get defeated or bored and that's that.
Attempting to remove farming from a MMO is also bad. Whatever ANet thinks it's doing to bring down prices and make for a friendlier economy, it's not working.
It's just a that many people will play obsessively under the right circumstances. Taking away the ability to go out and solo farm for the exhiliration of getting a good rare drop or just some stuff to sell kinda makes the game suck. After you get through the awe-inspiring superficialities, there's not much left, especially if you dont always want to be in a party yet want to gain the full benefits of working your way through an area.
I like doing instance runs with a full party of Guildies.
I don't really like PUGs.
Guild Based PvP = GOOD!
No Farming = No Fun = No Replay Value after a certain point.
I feel like I've gotten my moneys worth out of GW and I like the game system but I really thought there would be more to do after finishing the game.
I was really hoping this would be the game to change the face of MMOG's for monthly fees, less grind, more skill required, etc.
I'm not sure how peeps can say that this is great PvP...most of the time PvP is a confusing mess that ends with "Victory!" or "Defeat!" IMHO it's the PvE areas that require the most thought and strategy to get through where as PvP is the same thing over and over...once your team has a strat that works against some teams, you play until you get defeated or bored and that's that.
Attempting to remove farming from a MMO is also bad. Whatever ANet thinks it's doing to bring down prices and make for a friendlier economy, it's not working.
It's just a that many people will play obsessively under the right circumstances. Taking away the ability to go out and solo farm for the exhiliration of getting a good rare drop or just some stuff to sell kinda makes the game suck. After you get through the awe-inspiring superficialities, there's not much left, especially if you dont always want to be in a party yet want to gain the full benefits of working your way through an area.
I like doing instance runs with a full party of Guildies.
I don't really like PUGs.
Guild Based PvP = GOOD!
No Farming = No Fun = No Replay Value after a certain point.
I feel like I've gotten my moneys worth out of GW and I like the game system but I really thought there would be more to do after finishing the game.
Celes Tial
Originally Posted by Nokomis
And I am tired of posts that bitch about people who bitch about everything.