Originally Posted by Tarun
It's a shame they closed the other post and pointed it to here. I don't think the mods bothered to read why it was made.
Levels, leveling, level caps, and level 20
Tsunami Rain
Originally Posted by Tsunami Rain
I read through your thread. And before you go on about mods, please read the rules and stickies as you will see that repeat threads will be closed as we don't need them.
I actually had fun debating in that thread ><
Mandy Memory
Originally Posted by BrotherGilburt
auuu... no! this game is all about leveling. Its not that hard to level to 20. Also, if you don't want to bother leveling. Just play factions!
Brother Gilburt |
And factions levels you no faster than prophecies....that is if you were playing prophecies correctly.
Mercury Angel
Originally Posted by Tarun
Then can you open this poll again? If not, re-open the other post?
Honestly, I hadn't even noticed it was closed, since already voting on these things and closure both end up causing you to only see the results.
The title was rewritten to say 'sometime in the future' rather than 'after a year or so', and the choices were simply capitalized, but the results remain untampered with. No clue how to change it into a single option poll, or any idea why the OP (the second poster in this merged thread) made it a multiple choice, but it shouldn't be a huge deal I hope x_x
It'll have to do for now.
Edit: Closure is the quick simple solution, but merger works as well. This thread has assimilated at least four threads now other threads, and would eat another, but I'm experiencing technical difficulties.
I hope this is a satisfactory solution to all?
Originally Posted by Mercury Angel
The poll was set to close after 20 days of the intial posting well over a year ago. Not having been closed by act of moderation, I see no harm in reopening it since it apparently still pertains to the community.
Honestly, I hadn't even noticed it was closed, since already voting on these things and closure both end up causing you to only see the results. The title was rewritten to say 'sometime in the future' rather than 'after a year or so', and the choices were simply capitalized, but the results remain untampered with. No clue how to change it into a single option poll, or any idea why the OP (the second poster in this merged thread) made it a multiple choice, but it shouldn't be a huge deal I hope x_x It'll have to do for now. Edit: Closure is the quick simple solution, but merger works as well. This thread has assimilated at least four threads now other threads, and would eat another, but I'm experiencing technical difficulties. I hope this is a satisfactory solution to all? |
Why it has the same percentages as your poll.
Originally Posted by The Mighty Toe
I'd like to point out though, neither have you. You are also assuming Guild Wars would be better with a higher level cap.
May I just point out to you, as many others have, I believe, that Level 20 does not, I repeat, does not mean that the game is over. For instance: - Have you done all the Bonuses? - Have you captured all the Elite skills? - Have you captured the Halls? - Have you got your Phoneix? - Have you made a Guild that has got to #1 on the Ladder? - Do you have all the Greens? - Do you have as much money as you can possibly have? |
- Yes, every bonus on my primary; don't care to repeat on other characers. (Protector of Tyria)
- All useful elites, yes. Especially for my primary character. The others do not have near as much interest, but the worthwhile elites have been capped.
- No, that's PvP stuff and the level discussion is about PvE, really. (Plus I'm not too wild about PvP so it doesn't quite apply.)
- See above.
- See the above's above.
- No, I actually prefer to make my own custom weapons now because there are no suitable greens in the weapons of my preference.
- No, I'm not a bot. :P Though solo power leveling would allow you to gain a nice net income.
A lvl 20 cap is good. I don't know about you, but I don't want some warrior with 800 health hitting constant 150+ and some monk healing him 300+ health every couple seconds...
Edit: AND, that would put a hell lot of load on Anet. Imagine; if Anet abolished the lvl cap, she would then have to change the levels of the monsters and the difficulty of the missions--Anet DOESN'T want lvl 50 ppl whipping through quests and killing everything(AND running ppl everywhere and therefore getting rich), but at the same time, if she increased the difficulty of the missions, the lvl 10 ppl wouldn't be able to complete them.
Edit: AND, that would put a hell lot of load on Anet. Imagine; if Anet abolished the lvl cap, she would then have to change the levels of the monsters and the difficulty of the missions--Anet DOESN'T want lvl 50 ppl whipping through quests and killing everything(AND running ppl everywhere and therefore getting rich), but at the same time, if she increased the difficulty of the missions, the lvl 10 ppl wouldn't be able to complete them.
Knight of Balthazer
if anet got rid of the level cap, it would come tumbling down...
The level cap will not change. Reason ? - PvE is tied to PvP. Level playing field for PvP so PvE has to follow suit. As usual.
unda dawg
theres sooo much more to do once u reach lvl 20: south shiverpeaks, ring of fire, FoW, UW, lots of more farming, PvP, GvG, and more!
I really enjoy everyone being capped at the same level, so I hope it stays 20.