Levels, leveling, level caps, and level 20



Technician's Corner Moderator

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Originally Posted by Zakarr
Okay...so Anet should raise the level cap because you and some other users in the forum want it? What about me and some other users who don't want to raise the level cap?
ANet has changed a lot of things because people ask and pull for it. It happens all the time. Look at what happened with guild halls getting services. Look at a lot of things in the game. People will always be for and against things, everyone is an individual and have their own opinion. I've never really seen anything unanimous on these forums. People have been against stuff and it still gets added. Things change and things happen. Sometimes for the better, sometimes not. It's a part of trial and error. You've got to try things and take chances to see how things work. ANet does it a lot, so why not try it with the raised level caps. It may not be so bad after all. Have you tried it in Guild Wars with a raised level cap? Well obviously not since it's still level 20. But would it be so bad if they did raise it? You don't know for sure because it hasn't happened. Give it a chance and see how things go.

Originally Posted by Zakarr
Maybe you should considering other games? Guild Wars has own way to do things. It is that simple.

You have consumed the game in your mind. Time to move on, I guess.
A lot of people are constantly asking for new content. Be it new dungeons/maps/zones, you name it. They want new areas to explore and new content to have something to do. So obviously it's not just level caps.

I bet you've probably signed for new areas yourself. :P


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Replicant

I'm a hardcore PvE'er, and as much as i don't want to say it.. the game is getting boring for me once again. My Friends and I left back in october because we found the game incredibly boring after only 1 month time, and the only reason i even log on to GW anymore is for my Guildies if they need help in a specific area.
most of you grindmonkeys (wheezer nomenclature) still dont have a clue yet.

this is not an MMORPG grindfest.

this is rpg lite to be a snack you enjoy and when it gets boring you put it away til the next SF or chapter or you get the urge again.

this was never stated to be a full time commitment like EQ/ WOW/ SWG which require the grind you seem to need.

as long as you play that chapter and feel you got your moneys worth and buy the next chapter Anet/NCSoft is happy.

expecting/needing a long term grind game from GW will result in a big let down .

as far as challenge later in the FF series you are joking.

so your level nth to the highest power does 2000 damage per hit on an 8000 hp enemy .

how is that a harder challenge than at the first level where you face an enemy with 8 hp and do 2 hp damage.

from personal experience the hardest core levelgrinders are only playing for the next level so they can point to a level number to prove how superior they are to someone 30 levels lower.

the way these elite players play is simple.

charge enemy get stomped
kill 1000 rats for another level/power boost
charge enemy get stomped again
kill 1100 rats for the next level/power boost.

10 more levels they win by sheer brute force and brag how good a player they are.

rince and repeat to 99 level cap then yell for a level cap raise as the final monsters always beat them and with just a few more levels over the monster they could win

additions are not core game changes


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005


Go for the eyes [jizz]


- Games that requires a lot of time to reach a lvl cap for your character time from time are for FULL TIME GEEKs, outta here you freaks, GW doesnt need you.

- Listen, Im not any way related to Anet or anyone working there, but I am 100% sure they will NEVER ( yeah that means NEVER ) raise the level cap so quit whining and go get your faction points. Remember : NEVER.

- IMO Anet should LOWER the level cap just to make those whining nerds leave our fine game.




Join Date: May 2005

Bgnome, Tsunami Rain, Ashleigh McMahon, Red Locust, Mercury Angel, Sarus, unienaule, chris_nin00, Billiard, Dralspire, kamatsu, PieXags, Racthoh, Lasareth, Savio
Where are you?

This thread is in the wrong section, it's filled with flaming, it's been discussed 100 times in the past, it's always come to the same conclusion, AND even if we got 10,000 votes 100% for raising the level cap IT WON'T HAPPEN.

Close this thread, it shouldn't even have made it past the first page...

[FnG] Lazz

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

Fun 'n' Games


Originally Posted by MCS
Close this thread, it shouldn't even have made it past the first page...
Why should it be closed? Its been open one day and already has had more views and posts than any other topic on the first page so it has obviously got attention. I do somewhat agree about it being in the wrong section though.




Join Date: May 2005

I see you only quoted the part of my post that you read, thats sweet.

I could make a thread flaming everyone on this forum, I guarentee if it was never closed it would pass this thread in 2 hours.

The only reason this topic has attention is because everyone wants to watch the little idiots who don't understand the level cap will never be raised get bashed around.

As for
Why should it be closed?
This thread is in the wrong section, it's filled with flaming, it's been discussed 100 times in the past, it's always come to the same conclusion, AND even if we got 10,000 votes 100% for raising the level cap IT WON'T HAPPEN.
Hey look, I already told you.



Technician's Corner Moderator

Join Date: Jan 2006


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Originally Posted by [FnG] Lazz
Why should it be closed? Its been open one day and already has had more views and posts than any other topic on the first page so it has obviously got attention. I do somewhat agree about it being in the wrong section though.
The whole reason I posted the poll here, is because this is the same section the previous poll existed.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


Originally Posted by Tarun
so why not try it with the raised level caps. It may not be so bad after all. Have you tried it in Guild Wars with a raised level cap? Well obviously not since it's still level 20. But would it be so bad if they did raise it? You don't know for sure because it hasn't happened. Give it a chance and see how things go.
I have played games with 99 level and even with 250 level cap. It is just lazy way to lengthen character advancing. Instead making your character digitally better, you must make yourself better. Why character's power must be tied so heavily to the amount of time you have spent to farm experience when you could spend that time to think good strategies? Also higher level cap would be unfair against people which don't have enough time to sit and play because their character is not fully mature for PvP. However, you can always think better strategies without computer no matter where you are. There is plenty of games with higher level cap. Let Guild Wars be different, will you?

Originally Posted by Tarun
A lot of people are constantly asking for new content. Be it new dungeons/maps/zones, you name it. They want new areas to explore and new content to have something to do. So obviously it's not just level caps.

I bet you've probably signed for new areas yourself. :P
Of course I want new content. This is about raising level cap, right? At least the thread title and the poll gives that impression.

Rakj Grazon

Rakj Grazon


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i think lvl 20 should be the max. The idea of this game was to make an mmo that doesnt eat your life. I read in the little add thingy in my box. "The MMO for everyone who hates MMO's, and for those who love them too." if you want 99 lvl then go play D&D, a game more life consuming.



Technician's Corner Moderator

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Originally Posted by Zakarr
I have played games with 99 level and even with 250 level cap.
In reference to my question though, you've not tried GW with a higher level cap. You're assuming that it would be a bad thing and it may very well not be. We give things chances in games all the time, so why not this too? Even if the cap is raised 10-20 levels, it couldn't hurt. People only ASSUME that it would be a bad thing with no factual representation from Guild Wars itself to back up what they are saying.

[FnG] Lazz

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

Fun 'n' Games


Originally Posted by MCS
the little idiots who don't understand the level cap will never be raised get bashed around
Real mature that is. Firstly you go on about how this thread should be closed because of flaming, then you go ahead and call those people who want a higher level cap "little idiots"

The Mighty Toe

The Mighty Toe

Frost Gate Guardian

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Dolus Of Amicitia


Originally Posted by Tarun
In reference to my question though, you've not tried GW with a higher level cap. You're assuming that it would be a bad thing and it may very well not be. We give things chances in games all the time, so why not this too? Even if the cap is raised 10-20 levels, it couldn't hurt. People only ASSUME that it would be a bad thing with no factual representation from Guild Wars itself to back up what they are saying.
I'd like to point out though, neither have you. You are also assuming Guild Wars would be better with a higher level cap.

May I just point out to you, as many others have, I believe, that Level 20 does not, I repeat, does not mean that the game is over. For instance:

- Have you done all the Bonuses?
- Have you captured all the Elite skills?
- Have you captured the Halls?
- Have you got your Phoneix?
- Have you made a Guild that has got to #1 on the Ladder?
- Do you have all the Greens?
- Do you have as much money as you can possibly have?

Furthermore, this game is called, a CORPG, a Co-Operative Role Playing Game, hence you are meant to playing in a team, be that team AI controlled or Human controlled, it doesn't matter! Again, may I reiterate a point made by MCS:
Originally Posted by MCS
even if we got 10,000 votes 100% for raising the level cap IT WON'T HAPPEN.

[FnG] Lazz

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

Fun 'n' Games


Just to quote a few of your points The Mighty Toe

Originally Posted by The Mighty Toe
- Have you done all the Bonuses?
What is the point in doing bonuses if you have reached the highest level? Skillpoints? Skillpoints are fairly useless IMO (I wrote about them earlier)

Originally Posted by The Mighty Toe
- Have you captured all the Elite skills?
- Do you have all the Greens?
- Do you have as much money as you can possibly have?
For the elite skills and the greens, I dont see the point in capturing 'all' of them if theres only a few which apply to your character. As for the money, no Im not a millionaire but I have got everything I need.

(I know your post wasn't aimed at me but I figured I'd reply to it anyway )


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Tarun
People only ASSUME that it would be a bad thing with no factual representation from Guild Wars itself to back up what they are saying.

only the idiots who designed the original GW for 5 years carefully balancing and planning it could make the mistake of not fitting in the hardcore grind monks.

in a month most people would hit the cap again and start another round of raise whine.

all it boils down to is a rage at being surrounded by equal level characters when you know you deserve to be above them by grinding.

what you want is basically a seniority system which rewards time played with no regard to ability or skill.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by [FnG] Lazz

What is the point in doing bonuses if you have reached the highest level? Skillpoints? Skillpoints are fairly useless IMO (I wrote about them earlier)
sorry for the double post but this makes my point better than i could have dreamed.






Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


Originally Posted by Tarun
In reference to my question though, you've not tried GW with a higher level cap. You're assuming that it would be a bad thing and it may very well not be. We give things chances in games all the time, so why not this too? Even if the cap is raised 10-20 levels, it couldn't hurt. People only ASSUME that it would be a bad thing with no factual representation from Guild Wars itself to back up what they are saying.
No offense but if you can't think anything more creative than raising level cap , maybe you should really play something else. It seems that character's level number is some kind of psychologic illusion of true advancing for certain people.

You are also assuming that higher level cap won't hurt. How you know that? Are you one of the GW's developers who experiment new things? We can give our opinions about things but there is no way to proof them because higher level cap is purely subjective thing anyway. Some like it and some don't. Guild Wars is a place for those who don't like higher level cap. Yet, you want to come our beloved place and ruin it for us. That is evil!



Technician's Corner Moderator

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Originally Posted by Zakarr
No offense but if you can't think anything more creative than raising level cap, maybe you should really play something else.
Check out the suggestions forum, I've posted a few minor ideas such as being able to say you're using a rare weapon and it showing up in gold text, cancel button for entering guild scrims and a few other things.

Pevil Lihatuh

Pevil Lihatuh

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2005

Yorkshire, UK


I'll bring out my usual arguments against raising the cap here

1. There are hundreds of games with high levels. Try Sacred, great Diablo-like hack n slash with an awesome community and a max level of 216. Diablo lets you have 99, WoW gives you up to 60, EQ2 up to 70... heck even Oblivion for level 60+ if you build your guy right.
2. To keep the same balance and accessiblity for the 'casual' player (which is the whole point of gw - don't penalise the casual players who have skill but no time) you'd have to effectively double the levelling process if you doubled the cap. Ok, so they've made it a bit faster in Factions, but seriously, I'm already lvl 7 on one of my new chars in 1.5 hours... any faster than that and they might as well give both PvP AND PvE players maxed out chars to start with
3. Guild Wars is a fairly unique idea; items and levels don't matter. They can give slight advantages, sure, but at the end of the day its been tested and proven that things such as Sundering give no more than 3 extra damage (not certain on the number there, may even be too generous ) As a level 20 pve-er you can kill lvl28+ monsters easily IF you have good team work and communication. Some people can even do it solo. Why make it easy to kill them simply coz we're now 12 levels above them..
4. It would lead to even more elitism. It's bad enough if you get to the desert at lvl 19, OMG UR NOT LVL 20 WE DUNT WANT U!. Just imagine if you got there at level 38 instead of 40... you'd never get anywhere

I realise the level cap is pushing people away, its pushed my boyfriend away, but thats because he's one of these people who gets no satisfaction unless he levels up (not saying htats a bad thing, I love the feeling as much as the next person). He can't appreciate the challenge of soloing a hydra and feeling all powerful, NOT because you have an uber maul of death doing the work for you, but because you worked out a build and you ran it well. Or the feeling from henching your way through all the missions and still managing to finish the game... there are a ton of ways to achieve stuff in this game that take thought and skill and reward you with pride. Levelling up takes no skill and certainly gives no pride, simply that 1 second flash of "yay level!"




Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by [FnG] Lazz
Real mature that is. Firstly you go on about how this thread should be closed because of flaming, then you go ahead and call those people who want a higher level cap "little idiots"
I already said I would not be mature in my first post. I see no reason to be mature, I was mature by ignoring the other 1,000 "PLZ RAISE LEVEL CAP" threads before this one.

Honestly, how do you want me to describe them? I would call them retarded but that is being mean to truely mentally challenged people.

I swear to god, I wouldn't have to flame them if they understood anything at all. They don't even understand that most people don't share their idiotic opinion. Hell I even have proof.

No, leave it as it is. 101 69.18%
That means 70% of the people here DON'T WANT IT CHANGED.

Seriously you bought a game that advertised a level 20 and even stated several times that they NEVER planned to raise the level cap in expansions then an expansion comes and you're like what the level cap wasn't raised?! Hi, hello?!

Frankly there is no other way to describe them, they bought a game that isn't the type of game they like just to bitch about it on a forum, they're idiots.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


Originally Posted by Tarun
Check out the suggestions forum, I've posted a few minor ideas such as being able to say you're using a rare weapon and it showing up in gold text, cancel button for entering guild scrims and a few other things.
Don't take it too personally, Tarun. Level cap is integrated to the core. Changing it will change a lot of other things. I'm sure everyone who read these forums are aware of your opinion but it doesn't mean everyone should agree. We don't have opportunity to try higher level cap. Only GW developers have. I like current level cap and don't need change for it. You feel there should be a change. I assume that majority of GW's community accept level 20 cap because otherwise Anet should change it or they lose majority of their players or at least make them very unhappy. Democracy wins here.

Manic Smile

Manic Smile

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Originally Posted by [FnG] Lazz
Just to quote a few of your points The Mighty Toe

What is the point in doing bonuses if you have reached the highest level?
Because you like playing the game...

Guys there are other games if you want to spend hours and hours grinding your way up to some higher arbitrary number. I admit the quests in factions are kinda pointless for the most part but Prophacies had a nice balance of quests that gave skills and story/plot quests to keep me doing them all. Now with titles you can grind for those should want something to do. But if they changed the level cap...I WOULD HAVE TO grind away to level my characters I play. I have a friend in FF11 that has 5 lvl 75 characters...it took him 3 years +....I don't want to be doing that.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by MCS

Frankly there is no other way to describe them, they bought a game that isn't the type of game they like just to bitch about it on a forum, they're idiots.
not idiots

cognizantly challenged


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

North Carolina


LoL so much for this being a mature discussion. OP just screwed that up in the first two paragraphs. I voted no. In fact had there been a spot for it I would have voted emphatically no. Upping the level provides an unfair advantage to grinders. Those with the time to grind will end up with beefed up characters. That's the whole purpose of the level 20 cap. It lets everyone achieve max level with a minimum of grind and then get on with the rest of the game. Seriously trying to put this game in an FF7 context is ridiculous. It's not even the same type of game. Old school or not it's time to join the "new School" and get with the program.

[FnG] Lazz

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

Fun 'n' Games


Originally Posted by Loviatar
all it boils down to is a rage at being surrounded by equal level characters when you know you deserve to be above them by grinding.

No - I would like higher levels so that by doing the quests and gaining rewards, I could actually feel like I am achieving something by working towards getting higher health and more effective spells and not just a little skill point.

At the moment I am working my way through the game as an assasin and its good, because its nice to be doing quests and leveling up to distribute attribute points. It gives me a reason to play because I feel like I am achieving something. Leveling up just for a skillpoint doesnt feel like I have achieved anything.

To those who are against the idea of getting a higher level, would you be happy if the game had just 1 level? Or no levels perhaps? I mean lets face it, some people have posted going on about how levels are supposidly a matter of time played being greater than skills - perhaps those people would prefer it if all characters started of at level 20? I mean surely that would mean we would all be equal, right?

devils wraths

devils wraths

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005

the fianna [fi]


ive said this before on a thread about level up and ill say it again.
they plan to release a quite a few of chapters in the future and i tell yuo one thing and im sure some people will agree with this. people who will go through chapter 1 2 3 and soon on from the begining will get bored after a few chapters because, all they will see is new areas to explore new armours and new weapons and other things.

but and rpg is made in my view and lots of my mates view to go through and lvl up and get your char to the best. but i will certanily get bored after a while going through chapters and the lvl stays the same it will be to me just the same things just looking differnt. also whne i level up im like yeah that was cool i went through this hard work a grow and i can get stronger wonder what will happen next.

but at the moment its yeah i killed this enemy and got xp which i dont need. and then its like i got a new weapon amazing just the same as my old one just looks differnt. hope you get what im saying here



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

I like the cap, but I wouldn't complain if it was raised. Both methods provide an equal ammount of challange.

My goal in games like these is to get good enough to help others; with missions, exploration, quests, items, etc... Raising the level cap. would expand this because, me, a level 99 would be alot better suited to help out the level 20's then a level 20 now helping out the level 12's. However, in Guild Wars, you can help by lending knowledge- showing them how to do it. Also, in GW you actually HELP... since most of the time you can't do it by yourself either. You do it together, as opposed to you coming in and killing everything in 10min. (which is tru earlier on).

There are also titles, fame, factions, guilds, etc... I would be one of the rare players who is in a win-win situation with level caps.

EDIT: Actually what GW needs to fix is the ammount of quests. MORE LITTLE QUESTS! I kind of want there to be hundreds of "deliver x to y and kill z" quests. I enjoy those.

Mandy Memory

Mandy Memory

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005


Xen of Sigils [XoO]


I say we should start out at level 0....gain 1000 experience in "presear" and level up to 1...1 would be the new max level and you would gain all attributes.

The game isnt about leveling...infact, level 20 is 19 levels too much.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006



Originally Posted by samifly
I seriously dont understand why people want the level to be higher. If you want to feel like a god, go to ascalon.
I agree totally. We don't need to level any higher. Also at level 40 we can go back and easily solo level 22 creatures. Not fair. Would unbalence game.

Originally Posted by Mandy Memory
I say we should start out at level 0....gain 1000 experience in "presear" and level up to 1...1 would be the new max level and you would gain all attributes.

The game isnt about leveling...infact, level 20 is 19 levels too much.
auuu... no! this game is all about leveling. Its not that hard to level to 20. Also, if you don't want to bother leveling. Just play factions!

Brother Gilburt

big papi

big papi

Town Dweller

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on the LOST island


rasing lvls would also make all the weapons and rare items we currently have worthless



Technician's Corner Moderator

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Two good points from another thread.

Originally Posted by devils wraths
ive said this before on a thread about level up and ill say it again.
they plan to release a quite a few of chapters in the future and i tell yuo one thing and im sure some people will agree with this. people who will go through chapter 1 2 3 and soon on from the begining will get bored after a few chapters because, all they will see is new areas to explore new armours and new weapons and other things.

but and rpg is made in my view and lots of my mates view to go through and lvl up and get your char to the best. but i will certanily get bored after a while going through chapters and the lvl stays the same it will be to me just the same things just looking differnt. also whne i level up im like yeah that was cool i went through this hard work a grow and i can get stronger wonder what will happen next.

but at the moment its yeah i killed this enemy and got xp which i dont need. and then its like i got a new weapon amazing just the same as my old one just looks differnt. hope you get what im saying here

Originally Posted by Cybergasm
I like the cap, but I wouldn't complain if it was raised. Both methods provide an equal ammount of challange.

My goal in games like these is to get good enough to help others; with missions, exploration, quests, items, etc... Raising the level cap. would expand this because, me, a level 99 would be alot better suited to help out the level 20's then a level 20 now helping out the level 12's. However, in Guild Wars, you can help by lending knowledge- showing them how to do it. Also, in GW you actually HELP... since most of the time you can't do it by yourself either. You do it together, as opposed to you coming in and killing everything in 10min. (which is tru earlier on).

There are also titles, fame, factions, guilds, etc... I would be one of the rare players who is in a win-win situation with level caps.

EDIT: Actually what GW needs to fix is the ammount of quests. MORE LITTLE QUESTS! I kind of want there to be hundreds of "deliver x to y and kill z" quests. I enjoy those.

Dark Suoon

Dark Suoon

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theres like 40 of these threads i say no, cuz its awesome the way it is and i dont wanna grow 20 more lvls on my lvl 20 char
/not signed ever

Zhou Feng

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Martakon
Hey, i feel Anet can raise the level to 40 answers:

A) Someone is saying it is hard to do that blablabla. But the level 20 like Pure Strike is 32 Damage, Anet can just double the damage and it is matching with level 40.

B) Yes. But monster is only level 20 what we gonna do? Right the answer is:
1/4 of the map is level 20-25, the next 1/4 is level 30 and the rest 1/2 is level 35-40s.

C) Then, how we leveling up? Right put some extra quests at the Island so you can get to level 20 or lower. After that you can travel to the real map, and fight againt 20-25 monsters etc.

D) It will do the game more funny, because then it take about 2-3 weeks to come at level 40 or more. And the game is hard to beat.

E) All other thing is okay, but i feel leveling to 20 is too fast .

D) Anet can make where the level 20-25 monsters, you can farm there for level 20-25 items and level 30 monster for 30 levels items etc.

I hope somebody can feel me .
As interesting as it might sound it wont happen. Someone posted a lot of arguments on it. You could however vouch for Actionjacks Dungeon Amusement Park for Tyria (and a PvE middle thing to do) where people can go in and rules specially made for this amusement park exist such as levelling up over the cap. However as soon as you quit the amusement park youll go back to being little you 20 levels


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by [FnG] Lazz
No - I would like higher levels so that by doing the quests and gaining rewards, I could actually feel like I am achieving something by working towards getting higher health and more effective spells and not just a little skill point.

aside from inflatrd numbers where is the achievement?

level 1 with level 1 fireball that kills the level 2 monsters in 2-3 hits.
level 5 with level 5 fireball that kills the level 7 monsters in 2-3 hits.
level 10 with level 10 fireball that kills the level 12 monsters in 2-3 hits.
level 20 with level 20 fireball that kills the level 22 monsters in 2-3 hits.
level 40 with level 40 fireball that kills the level 42 monsters in 2-3 hits.
level 400 with level 400 fireball that kills the level 420 monsters in 2-3 hits


where is the increase in challenge?

where is anything changing except the number?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

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Exactly - leveling is no real progress. Remove the cap? What should be the new cap? 25? 30? Where would it end? In FPS games you usually don't have levels at all and yet you play them. GW is simply different from all the other MMORPGs and that's the way to go.

You want a sense of achievement? Buy yourself a set of Fissure Armor - or reach a high rank in PvP. Unlock every single skill and item in the game, explore the whole map - etc. etc.

I don't know what a higher level cap would add to the game. You are level 20 and are fighting against level 30 monsters, you'd be level 30 and fighting level 40 monsters - what's the difference?

P.S. Maybe it'd really be a good idea for ANet to remove the levelling system altogether in some future expansion. No levels at all - I know that they introduced the system only to praise old-school MMORPGlers, but as we can see now they are not needed in GW - they'll only whine.

P.P.S. To those of you who like leveling. I REALLY do recommend this game:


You'll level like hell and... you won't even need to play the game! ^^ Now THERE'S some serious sense of achievement in it.

P.P.P.S. I haven't leveled with my old chars for months - yet I still play GW - mostly PvP and now again PvE because of Factions - why do I do it? Because there's more to the game than leveling? Why are the only people complaining about the level cap those, who are quite new to GW?

[FnG] Lazz

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

Fun 'n' Games


Originally Posted by Loviatar
aside from inflatrd numbers where is the achievement?

level 1 with level 1 fireball that kills the level 2 monsters in 2-3 hits.
level 5 with level 5 fireball that kills the level 7 monsters in 2-3 hits.
level 10 with level 10 fireball that kills the level 12 monsters in 2-3 hits.
level 20 with level 20 fireball that kills the level 22 monsters in 2-3 hits.
level 40 with level 40 fireball that kills the level 42 monsters in 2-3 hits.
level 400 with level 400 fireball that kills the level 420 monsters in 2-3 hits


where is the increase in challenge?

where is anything changing except the number?
'where is anything changing except the number?' - so perhaps you'd rather have no levelling in the game at all then?

Oh and by the way - if you can kill level 420 monsters in 2-3 hits, thats one pretty kickass fireball you got there

@Lim-Dul - if leveling is "no real progress" then what would you say in this game IS progress?



Technician's Corner Moderator

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Originally Posted by [FnG] Lazz
No - I would like higher levels so that by doing the quests and gaining rewards, I could actually feel like I am achieving something by working towards getting higher health and more effective spells and not just a little skill point.

At the moment I am working my way through the game as an assasin and its good, because its nice to be doing quests and leveling up to distribute attribute points. It gives me a reason to play because I feel like I am achieving something. Leveling up just for a skillpoint doesnt feel like I have achieved anything.

To those who are against the idea of getting a higher level, would you be happy if the game had just 1 level? Or no levels perhaps? I mean lets face it, some people have posted going on about how levels are supposidly a matter of time played being greater than skills - perhaps those people would prefer it if all characters started of at level 20? I mean surely that would mean we would all be equal, right?
Very well said thoughts on this. Leveling is as much a part of role playing games as questing and gear, etc is.

[FnG] Lazz

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

Fun 'n' Games


Originally Posted by Tarun
Very well said and quite true.

sinisters chaos

sinisters chaos

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005


No Clue [emt]


Ok, this was Anet's answer to this

If a warrior get to level 20, his damage and armor and health is WAYY too high
and an elementalist' spells are WAYY too godly

So, a warrior naturally is anti-ranger in most cases, so any warrior would pwn any ranger SOO FAST

also, rangers are anti-ele, so a ranger would gg an ele in less then 10 seconds lol

this would make a class like the warrior... almost impossible to kill with a monk by his side

also, monks with A LOT more energy, and healing skills that heal for A LOT MORE.... = perma heal

I used to love this idea like 3 days ago, until someone told me Anets answer to this, and TBH .... making the level cap to 21 would alter almost every build in the game



Technician's Corner Moderator

Join Date: Jan 2006


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Originally Posted by [FnG] Lazz
It's a shame they closed the other post and pointed it to here. I don't think the mods bothered to read why it was made.

Originally Posted by Tarun
Seeing as how the other poll the other poll has closed a new one is in order.* The intent here is for a mature discussion, no flaming or anything like that. A simple, honest discussion. I carry over my post from another thread as it took a few good minutes to write, though I believe it has some validity in the statements provided.

If you do not have any valid input or nothing worth adding to this thread, then please do not post. That includes not posting your message of "Go play WoW" or any other trolling.
*Corrected a grammar error. ;P

There were some nice discussions going on in there. The only problem was that there were a couple trolls flaming and such. You had many excellent points that I believe many people overlook.

This poll here is closed, so how can we be expected to vote and get fresh ideas or opinions? That was why I made the other poll.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by [FnG] Lazz
your idea of no levels on the other thread was correct.

my level 20 from Tyria has been having fun exploring (i am PVE NOT PVP) and has not gained a single level and i am having fun with it.

as to the level 420 monster being killed in 2-3 hits ..........as i said i now have a level 400 fireball (outdoes a mininuke)