Think about this. At every level you reach, you get some attribute points. Lets just say you were allowed to hit level 99. Now, if you were to gain
twenty attributes per level, then you would end up with 1780 attribute points (180+20+[79x20]). <-- Okay, my math may be off, I tend to suck at that subject and I disgrace my 1337 asian heritage.
I wonder if you could max out every single attribute line with that? Hmm, yes we could.
Now, another view that can throw that entire theory out of place. Higher level monsters, higher level attribute line caps. Currently, the cap is at 12, without any runes, helms, skills, h4xx0rz. If the cap were to be raised, then you would be able to do more damage. Makes sense.
I believe that would be the solution in many people's minds, but that would create an upset PvP group who dislikes leveling 'grind'. There can be more disbutes in PvP.
Spiker - I'll come!
Leader - GO AWAY YOU LVL 97 NOOB. 99'S ONLY.
Catch my drift? Sure you do.
I really can't see Guild Wars raising the level cap in this game, it would cause to much disruption within the public, I would imagine. There would be some players who would
love it, and many that will complain and ask for
more nerfs.
/voted 'no'
Originally Posted by Tarun
To me, it would be something to do and something to strive for. It would also be something I would care to do, moreso than try to get fame/faction from PvP. Sure you can farm, but after a while it gets kind of boring too. This lets you do something else to pass the time. Not saying change the HP/MP (though it'd be nice, even if it was every 10 levels you get an extra 10 HP). Even if it's a mere cosmetic change showing you level with your skill point, it would at least be something!
Hm, I think I'll expand on that. It truly could be purely cometic. You gain one skill point per level anyways, right? Well, if they don't change the HP/MP/attribute points after you hit level 20 and start to level up from there, it would only be for looks. Just like rank/fame/titles. It's just for looks, right? That would mean nothing in the game would have to change except for a number. You go to level 21 and get your skill point. No more extra HP/MP, no attribute points. Just a level number up and a skill point. Would there be anything wrong with that? I sure would not think so. :P
All right, fair enough, but I can still imagine discrimination like the current Rank system located within the PvP world.