Levels, leveling, level caps, and level 20



Technician's Corner Moderator

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Originally Posted by =HT=Ingram
By the way. You have any idea what that would do to attribs? and balance factors in the game??? I do. Its called playing a completly different game. If you don't like GuildWars, Leave! Quit trying to force Anet to turning into Worlds of Warcraft or Everquest. If you like those models so much, go play those. GW is different from those for a reason.
Hi, did you read all of my post? I attempted to address those issues as best I could during the time of writing. Please go back and read my posting.

I kinda wish I could change the poll to get a more accurate reflection into people's wants.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

East Coast =D

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Sorry Tarun, i like the 20 cap lvl because it differs from power leveling and useless hours of repetitive lvling. I think that the lvl 20 cap makes players concentrate on getting through the game and trying to get new things. Well...i guess im being a BIT hypicritical because what replaced power leveling is farming...but thats ALWAYS switched up by builds and classes. I think the game is fine how it is.

~Captain CCC


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Tarun
Hi, did you read all of my post? I attempted to address those issues as best I could during the time of writing. Please go back and read my posting.

I kinda wish I could change the poll to get a more accurate reflection into people's wants.

were you aware you are inventing the wheel all over again?

why not just add to the longstanding poll already there?




Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Amidst A Sea Of Darkness[Star]

Game balance is the important issue.

Guild Wars was built from the ground up with an unchanging level cap in mind.

If there was an increase, the result would be a game balance catastrophe.



Technician's Corner Moderator

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Originally Posted by captainccc
Sorry Tarun, i like the 20 cap lvl because it differs from power leveling and useless hours of repetitive lvling. I think that the lvl 20 cap makes players concentrate on getting through the game and trying to get new things. Well...i guess im being a BIT hypicritical because what replaced power leveling is farming...but thats ALWAYS switched up by builds and classes. I think the game is fine how it is.

~Captain CCC
I suppose the main reason I would like to see the cap raised it because after you hit level 20 there's not too much to do. You can go farm, few quests, buy/capture skills, explore or PvP. That's all well and good, but there should be some additional challenge, and that's what I see the raise in the cap as being. It adds more challenge and adds something to do. Even if they don't change the attribute points, HP or MP, (Though a slight raise in HP/MP would be nice) it would still be something out there to strive for, just like a title. :P



Technician's Corner Moderator

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Originally Posted by Loviatar

were you aware you are inventing the wheel all over again?

why not just add to the longstanding poll already there?

From my original post.

Originally Posted by Tarun
Seeing as how the other poll they has closed a new one is in order. The intent here is for a mature discussion, no flaming or anything like that. A simple, honest discussion. I carry over my post from another thread as it took a few good minutes to write, though I believe it has some validity in the statements provided.

Originally Posted by Coolniceronguy
Game balance is the important issue.

Guild Wars was built from the ground up with an unchanging level cap in mind.

If there was an increase, the result would be a game balance catastrophe.
Can you provide details as to why this would throw off balance? I felt those issues were covered nicely in my original post. :P

If they can raise the level cap and not have to worry about HP/Mp/attribute points there shouldn't be a problem. Though I admit a raise in HP/MP would be nice.




Join Date: May 2005

I'm not going to bother reading the same dribble you call an argument nor will I be mature.

There are countless threads including unlocked ones and hell they're even in the right section. I'm not sure what threw you off if it was the questions or the answers but this is neither.

Go away.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006


I agree with the original idea, even if no extra stats or attribute points are awarded. but it would give us hardcore gamers a challenge.

[FnG] Lazz

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

Fun 'n' Games


I have been linked to this topic through another thread which got locked so I thought I'd post my view.

I really really do hope ANet raises the level or IMO things are going to get boring. The trouble I found with Factions was that I used my older character from tyria who is level 20, but because level 20 is the maximum level there was hardly any incentive for me to do quests - I just wanted to move on and do the things I had to do to reach the end of the game and I have probably 10 or so quests that I haven't completed which are given to you in the early part of factions.

The idea of games is to achieve things and personally I would be much happier if factions added say 10 more levels and made the further on areas of the map have tougher monsters.

Oh and the whole idea of doing quests to gain skill points is quite crazy really aswell. I mean who really lacks the skill points to spend on skills you want? (unless you want to buy every skill in the game). My warrior has about 40 or so skill points, and thats after I have brought every skill that I want for my warrior from both prophecies and factions.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005


Originally Posted by Tarun
Seeing as how the other poll they has closed a new one is in order.
considering that you didnt bother to check the link it goes to the same poll you are just starting but has been going for some time.


at least give me some credit for not refering to a closed poll.


Tuoba Hturt Eht

Tuoba Hturt Eht

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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Level 20 cap will stay.
I seriously hope ANET makes certain that the level 20 cap will remain.

Guild Wars is about "Skills", not "levels".

"Skills" as in refering to the 750 skills available for the 8 professions in Guild Wars.

You continue to gain experience points after level 20 because you need skill points to purchase new "Skills".

You become "more powerful" by having more "Skills" to choose from and apply in the right situations.

If you do not like the level 20 cap, then I'm afraid Guild Wars is not the game for you.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006


Originally Posted by Loviatar
considering that you didnt bother to check the link it goes to the same poll you are just starting but has been going for some time.


at least give me some credit for not refering to a closed poll.

Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 101. This poll is closed
Poll is closed... was closed about a year ago.. peoples opinions change and people change.

12-28-2004, 09:45 PM
12/28/2004... hardly a topic that is accurate..


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

How is lvling a challenge? Grind is boring and repetitive. As far as post-level20 rewards go; what is faction/gold/items/armor/fame/rank?

This isnt final fantasy and this (thank god) isnt WoW; why cant level 20 here, be thought of as level 99 in these games? My vote would be to remove levels entirely. "99 is higher than 20" is not the logic meant to be applied to guild wars.

[FnG] Lazz

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

Fun 'n' Games


Originally Posted by Tuoba Hturt Eht
Level 20 cap will stay.
Guild Wars is about "Skills", not "levels".
Its about both. If it isn't about levels, then why have levels in the first place?

Originally Posted by Tuoba Hturt Eht
"Skills" as in refering to the 750 skills available for the 8 professions in Guild Wars.
Sure 750 skills seems like an impressive number. Divide by 8 and it comes to just over 90 skills per profession, but how many of those 90 skills would the average player want to use?

Originally Posted by Tuoba Hturt Eht
You become "more powerful" by having more "Skills" to choose from and apply in the right situations.
You also become more powerful by leveling up to distribute attribute points which allows skills to become more powerful.



Technician's Corner Moderator

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Originally Posted by luckystrikes03
How is lvling a challenge? Grind is boring and repetitive. As far as post-level20 rewards go; what is faction/gold/items/armor/fame/rank?

This isnt final fantasy and this (thank god) isnt WoW; why cant level 20 here, be thought of as level 99 in these games? My vote would be to remove levels entirely. "99 is higher than 20" is not the logic meant to be applied to guild wars.
To me, it would be something to do and something to strive for. It would also be something I would care to do, moreso than try to get fame/faction from PvP. Sure you can farm, but after a while it gets kind of boring too. This lets you do something else to pass the time. Not saying change the HP/MP (though it'd be nice, even if it was every 10 levels you get an extra 10 HP). Even if it's a mere cosmetic change showing you level with your skill point, it would at least be something!

Hm, I think I'll expand on that. It truly could be purely cometic. You gain one skill point per level anyways, right? Well, if they don't change the HP/MP/attribute points after you hit level 20 and start to level up from there, it would only be for looks. Just like rank/fame/titles. It's just for looks, right? That would mean nothing in the game would have to change except for a number. You go to level 21 and get your skill point. No more extra HP/MP, no attribute points. Just a level number up and a skill point. Would there be anything wrong with that? I sure would not think so. :P



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

Richmond, British Columbia, Kanada

Demon of the Fall [Opet]


Think about this. At every level you reach, you get some attribute points. Lets just say you were allowed to hit level 99. Now, if you were to gain twenty attributes per level, then you would end up with 1780 attribute points (180+20+[79x20]). <-- Okay, my math may be off, I tend to suck at that subject and I disgrace my 1337 asian heritage.

I wonder if you could max out every single attribute line with that? Hmm, yes we could.

Now, another view that can throw that entire theory out of place. Higher level monsters, higher level attribute line caps. Currently, the cap is at 12, without any runes, helms, skills, h4xx0rz. If the cap were to be raised, then you would be able to do more damage. Makes sense.

I believe that would be the solution in many people's minds, but that would create an upset PvP group who dislikes leveling 'grind'. There can be more disbutes in PvP.

Spiker - I'll come!
Leader - GO AWAY YOU LVL 97 NOOB. 99'S ONLY.

Catch my drift? Sure you do.

I really can't see Guild Wars raising the level cap in this game, it would cause to much disruption within the public, I would imagine. There would be some players who would love it, and many that will complain and ask for more nerfs.

/voted 'no'

Originally Posted by Tarun
To me, it would be something to do and something to strive for. It would also be something I would care to do, moreso than try to get fame/faction from PvP. Sure you can farm, but after a while it gets kind of boring too. This lets you do something else to pass the time. Not saying change the HP/MP (though it'd be nice, even if it was every 10 levels you get an extra 10 HP). Even if it's a mere cosmetic change showing you level with your skill point, it would at least be something!

Hm, I think I'll expand on that. It truly could be purely cometic. You gain one skill point per level anyways, right? Well, if they don't change the HP/MP/attribute points after you hit level 20 and start to level up from there, it would only be for looks. Just like rank/fame/titles. It's just for looks, right? That would mean nothing in the game would have to change except for a number. You go to level 21 and get your skill point. No more extra HP/MP, no attribute points. Just a level number up and a skill point. Would there be anything wrong with that? I sure would not think so. :P
All right, fair enough, but I can still imagine discrimination like the current Rank system located within the PvP world.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006

Armour of the Republic


Raising the level cap wouldn't affect your weapons and armor... it'd give you more health and att points, that's all. For those, they'd have to increase the max damage and AL for everything.

Also, I've only got two issues with the idea of raising the level cap:
-I kind of like the fact that certain monsters will always be physically stronger than me.
-at level 40, that's almost 400 att points. Enough to max out too many attributes, imo.



Technician's Corner Moderator

Join Date: Jan 2006


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Originally Posted by [FnG] Lazz
I have been linked to this topic through another thread which got locked so I thought I'd post my view.

I really really do hope ANet raises the level or IMO things are going to get boring. The trouble I found with Factions was that I used my older character from tyria who is level 20, but because level 20 is the maximum level there was hardly any incentive for me to do quests - I just wanted to move on and do the things I had to do to reach the end of the game and I have probably 10 or so quests that I haven't completed which are given to you in the early part of factions.

The idea of games is to achieve things and personally I would be much happier if factions added say 10 more levels and made the further on areas of the map have tougher monsters.

Oh and the whole idea of doing quests to gain skill points is quite crazy really aswell. I mean who really lacks the skill points to spend on skills you want? (unless you want to buy every skill in the game). My warrior has about 40 or so skill points, and thats after I have brought every skill that I want for my warrior from both prophecies and factions.
Very well said and quite true. NCSoft has Lineage 2, and their level cap is at 80 there.


Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2005

Guild Wars is not the kind of game that would work with a high level cap.

It is most certainly NOT an RPG in true sense of the word.

The only possible benefit from raising the level cap is gaining some kind of advantage, be it actual ingame, or bragging rights, over people who are not as high a level as you.

This is because higher level in Guild Wars would only translate into Hit Point and EXP. As mentioned before the PvP aspect of the game is absolutely fundamental to the game as a whole. Increasing attributes up to a high level would cause some skills to increase in power exponentially, and attributes, skills, and all things build related would have to be totally reworked and completely fine tuned.

Meaning that ultimatly taking a level 99 pve character into top level PvP would be something done by one or two power grinders who want their names worshipped on forums like these.

The call for higher levels is one I understand and empathise with, but personally I dont want to see higher levels in Guild Wars untill

A: the depth of PvE/RPG gaming in GW grows considerably
B: The player community mechanics receive a massive overhaul more condusive to maintaining your own communities at a high level of interactivity.

Otherwise it will just be teeth gritting PUG joining grind as far as I am concerned.

And ultimatly, when all is said and done, grinding should not give your character an advantage over someone who does not grind. (anet, hint for you, some grinders do get an advantage, you may wish to check some things out)

This is why armor, skills, and the level 20 are all fairly easy to reach. Ofcourse in my opinion perfect furious axe mods should also drop fairly often, but I like to compete, and GW is one of my favourite games by a long margin because of this. How fair would it be if Kasparov had a Queen you had to capture twice to remove?




Join Date: Jan 2006


lvling in guild wars isnt the same as raising lvl in other game. u dont get much out of lvling. guild wars emphizes that PLAYING the game is fun, NOT lvling up



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

Richmond, British Columbia, Kanada

Demon of the Fall [Opet]


Originally Posted by heavenscloud2
lvling in guild wars isnt the same as raising lvl in other game. u dont get much out of lvling. guild wars emphizes that PLAYING the game is fun, NOT lvling up
You get a lot out of leveling. Health, Attribute points. Game developers wanted players to hit their maximum potential in terms of health as soon as possible.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005


The system is perfect the way it is now... I don't need anything else that will unbalance the game. By that I mean how certain Alliances can hold certain places because of the size they are so your kinda stuck if your in a small Alliance. There are other things but I won't elaborate.

The level cap is perfect for all gamers as everyone is on an even level. There are other things you can grind to in the game such as Fame/Faction/Gold/Map Exploration. If you want levels play another game as Guild Wars is about skills not how long you have played. In fact that was one thing that put me off buying WoW, high level peeps that think its funny jumping on low level guys.




Technician's Corner Moderator

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Opeth11 -> Discrimination already exists with the current system, sadly enough. Both PvP and PvE. In PvE, look at Elona, Thirsty and Dunes.

True, you get a lot out of leveling. ANet also said that leveling to 20 and ascending was something special, to be proud of. How can you feel proud or unique if everyone around you is just like you? There should be a little something (besides profession and skills) to make you stand out or be a bit more different than everyone else. The current system seems a bit black and white. :\



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

Richmond, British Columbia, Kanada

Demon of the Fall [Opet]


Originally Posted by Tarun
Opeth11 -> Discrimination already exists with the current system, sadly enough. Both PvP and PvE. In PvE, look at Elona, Thirsty and Dunes.
Why have more?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

Originally Posted by Tarun
To me, it would be something to do and something to strive for. It would also be something I would care to do, moreso than try to get fame/faction from PvP. Sure you can farm, but after a while it gets kind of boring too. This lets you do something else to pass the time. Not saying change the HP/MP (though it'd be nice, even if it was every 10 levels you get an extra 10 HP). Even if it's a mere cosmetic change showing you level with your skill point, it would at least be something!

Hm, I think I'll expand on that. It truly could be purely cometic. You gain one skill point per level anyways, right? Well, if they don't change the HP/MP/attribute points after you hit level 20 and start to level up from there, it would only be for looks. Just like rank/fame/titles. It's just for looks, right? That would mean nothing in the game would have to change except for a number. You go to level 21 and get your skill point. No more extra HP/MP, no attribute points. Just a level number up and a skill point. Would there be anything wrong with that? I sure would not think so. :P
Ok, I'll expand on my post also:
15k/FoW armor (cosmetic to all), titles (cosmetic to all). You know it tells you the number of skill points you have earned, of course, only you can see this number so (cosmetic to you).

Levels in other MMO/RPGs was the standard. I dont think most can see past that concept. If you reach the level cap--be it,20, 40, 99, or 103.45--what would you do once you reach this magic number? Probably the same thing current "level-cap-achievers" do in all MMOs. Which just so happens to be the same thing GW players do, look for something to make themselves stand out.

I must admit, if your post-20 level was displayed, with no physical benifit, I'm pretty sure it would be easy to pop over to Elona and see which players were the bot farmers.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006

At first I thought it would be good if they raised the cap to level 25 or 30. But it doesn't matter to me anymore. Level 20 is fine. Even when you get to that level, there's still some room growth like armor, weapons, items, getting more attribute points, infusion, ascension, map exploration, skill points, elite skills, etc.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

the one thing constant over threads/sites/games is the i have to have a big number to prove i am better than someone else.

if i cant intimidate them with my power where is the fun

wow gankers are a good example.

if they made it so high level players could only interact with other high level players you would have the same complaint no matter how high the level.

as was said here

*How can you feel proud or unique if everyone around you is just like you? *

what a travesty being surrounded by equals

Oblivion Eopia

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

Heroes of Might


u guys r ALL n00bs cept for Tarun! little n00blets need to learn and play the RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOin game, u need to learn that lvl 20 is as far as u can go! you need to learn that This sint Wow and this isnt Everquest its RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOin GW! And believe me most people play this game cuzz its FREE and it rank higher than WoW! so dont give me this shit that "The main reason GW is soo 'good' is cuzz itscap is at lvl 20!" Thats bulshit!
Haventu ever played final fantasy games! i mean u actaully had to workl ur ass of to get somewhere! in GW u do 2 quests and ur at lvl 20 already! its bullshit, the lvl should be extended to a lot higher lvl cap!

LVL is the same as ur Rank= The moore u play the higher ur lvl, The more u play in HoH the higher ur Rank! Am i correct? Well take it like that metaphor i gave u! People like n00bs could acutallly start whoopin peoples asses cuzz they wouldplay soo much and people with " Lives" would complain their Asses off saying " Wow thisis gay im lvl 21 and i never play" Then bullshit to u!

People who play a game think their gonna get somethingout of it?? Wat u gonna get? Laid? A Girlfriend/Boyfriend? Sure people will say "O im having so much fun!" well screw you!

Raise the damn cap lvl! Even ifits only to lvl 25 RAISE it Guildwars would be better with a cap change! believe me, you could tell

for gods sake some1 persuade anet to EVENTUALLY change the lvl cap


Ryn Tyn Tyn

Ryn Tyn Tyn

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006

ANet please never raise the lvl cap. Why be just like all the other games out there anyway?

Besides the minute they raise the cap is the minute I look for another game.

As it is now as a casual player I can actually get to the cap in some reasonable time that is still fun for me. Most games have such high caps (and always increasing caps too) that by the time, casually playing, I even approach the cap I am sick and bored of the game. I'm sure I am not the only player out there who feels this way. I hate to grind for lvl sake.

Oblivion Eopia

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

Heroes of Might


Originally Posted by Ryn Tyn Tyn
ANet please never raise the lvl cap. Why be just like all the other games out there anyway?

Besides the minute they raise the cap is the minute I look for another game.

As it is now as a casual player I can actually get to the cap in some reasonable time that is still fun for me. Most games have such high caps (and always increasing caps too) that by the time, casually playing, I even approach the cap I am sick and bored of the game. I'm sure I am not the only player out there who feels this way. I hate to grind for lvl sake.
Who ever votes 'do notraise cap' Are RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOIN N00blets!


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Oblivion Eopia
Who ever votes 'do notraise cap' Are RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOIN N00blets!
i voted no.

since levels have a fairly steady relation to time played simple suggestion occured to me.


with a toggle off for most normal people


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

I'm sorry Oblivion, all i heard in both your posts was:

BLAH BLAH BLAH I'm a 12 year old little boy who still thinks girls have cooties BLAH
Seriously man, grow up. And while your at it, learn to spell, type, and think in something close to the English language. Now go get on that little RED SHORTTRAIN that you road in on. Its past your bed time anyway. Why havent you been banned yet?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

Richmond, British Columbia, Kanada

Demon of the Fall [Opet]


Oblivion Eopia

1. Read the thread
2. Find reasons why there shouldn't be changes.
3. Go to school.
4. Learn how to type.
5. Apply grammar to your sentences.
6. Read your post over again and ponder how stupid you appear to be.

And everyone is a 'n00blet' except for the OP? Even people who agreed with change?

Somehow, your intelligence fails to change my point of view on this subject.

edit: Your attempt to use the word ''metaphor" was amusing.

Use it.



Technician's Corner Moderator

Join Date: Jan 2006


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Originally Posted by luckystrikes03
I'm sorry Oblivion, all i heard in both your posts was:

Seriously man, grow up. And while your at it, learn to spell, type, and think in something close to the English language. Now go get on that little RED SHORTTRAIN that you road in on. Its past your bed time anyway. Why havent you been banned yet?
Oblivion does have a point though. In all the other RPG's you had to level up and get stronger to progress through the game. That is after all a part of playing a Role Playing Game.

Just like PvP is fun to people, so is leveling up and grinding.




Join Date: May 2005

Make me use the f*cking report post button.... I hate you all. I swear to god I'm going to beg to mod this forum and the suggestion forum, you'll never see another thread again.

Just like PvP is fun to people, so is leveling up and grinding.
Well luckily for you every other RPG out there is a grindfest, go crazy. Stop trying to change every game into it. We don't like it we bought guildwars because knew it wouldn't be a grindfest. For f*cks sake that was half of guildwars marketing ploys. Why did you buy guildwars just to b*tch that you want it changed to every other game, why didn't you buy something else.

I'm going to go on a WoW forum and demand that the level cap be lowered to 20.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

Richmond, British Columbia, Kanada

Demon of the Fall [Opet]


Originally Posted by Tarun
In all the other RPG's you had to level up and get stronger to progress through the game.
People in Guild Wars level up and progress.

Keyword in that quote : other

Other RPGs, as other posters have mentioned, are different games. If the game of Guild Wars was created with a low level cap, maybe there's a reason behind it?

Just a thought.

Originally Posted by MCS
I'm going to go on a WoW forum and demand that the level cap be lowered to 20.
I bet you will make thousands of e-buddies.



Technician's Corner Moderator

Join Date: Jan 2006


http://www.lunarsoft.net/ http://forums.lunarsoft.net/

Originally Posted by Opeth11
People in Guild Wars level up and progress.

Keyword in that quote : other

Other RPGs, as other posters have mentioned, are different games. If the game of Guild Wars was created with a low level cap, maybe there's a reason behind it?

Just a thought.


I bet you will make thousands of e-buddies.
Well, how would you feel if that gave you the option to do something else in the game?

So far, GW is the only RPG I know of that limits you in so many way in the name of balance. Though even with the cap raised, there would still be balance; all things take time however.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Tarun

Just like PvP is fun to people, so is leveling up and grinding.
true and to each his/her own but one thing is certain and that no matter how much you want to grind levels you wont get it.

the reason is very simple and it is that the whole game down to bedrock was designed around the balance of the power you will have at level 20.

the other thing is that almost a year ago there was a giant forum flood of grindmonkeys saying raise the level or i will go where i can grind and tell all my friends how bad this game is.

Anet didnt raise it then and they left in a huff.

somehow the game survived and if you truly need to grind there are other games out there


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

Tarun, we already read between the lines in what you said prevously. Obliv just cant do that, so he had to post it. I'm glad someone can understand what he says though.

Anyway, do you not level up and get stronger in this game too? Again, no matter what the level cap is, what are you going to do when you reach it?

Believe it or not, I am a PvE player who is seeing PvP on the horizon. Profs was slanted toward, actually drives the player toward, PvP. Factions is even more so. we almost need to face the light, Guild Wars was never meant to cater to us RPGMMO'ers. I think most of the problem with this fact is that, the PVP in factions is alot closer to an First Person Shooter than RPG setting. Thats not to say factions should be compared to CS/CoD/BF.

Dr Strangelove

Dr Strangelove

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Dec 2005

Wasting away again in Margaritaville


Oblivion, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

-Billy Madison

Consider for a moment that the level cap is raised to 40. The immediate reaction would be for everyone to grind their way to 40, making things... exactly the same. Perhaps your skill is supposed to improve over time, not just some little number by your name. In another thread, someone suggested we make a macro that adds a 0 to every number in the game for these people who want a higher level cap. that way, you can have your 5000 life and deal hundreds of damage to every enemy and feel all the more l33t for it.