Originally Posted by Arrow Whisper
Hey Zeru what's your IGN? I've got a spot on my ignore list for you.
Yeah, I'm sure he'll be devastated that some random GW player, one guy out of a million-plus, who he doesn't have the slightest inclination to even speak to, puts him on his ignore list. Wow. Keep the gloves up!
The the OP: I'm really not a fan of the "something has to be done" post. If "something" has to be done, do it. Don't wait for ArenaNet to step in and play nanny, complaining about it on forums until they "nerf it", just go out and spend all your GW time in pre-searing Ascalon warning newbies of these "scams" which nobody but the most gullible of fools would be had by. If you don't bother to do the slightest bit of research or get a second opinion, in games and in real life, you're going to get screwed. Better that he sells his black dye for 200gp than buys a cubic zirconia ring for his engagement... I'm no scammer and I don't support them, but if you're foolish enough to blindly trust anybody, game or no game, you deserve what comes to you.
That said, I always screw people's scams over when I see them and have a chance... "Selling White Dye = 5k! Selling recipe for White Dye = only 10k!!"... I always post the recipes for free and tell everyone they're welcome. Scammers only exist because people are blind enough to fall for them. It's not like these guys are door-to-door insurance salesmen shilling Volcano Insurance to a kindly old lady in the midwest. Their "prey" knows they're playing a game, with a community-driven economy and should have a fighting chance at combatting these scams from the start. I don't prey on newbies, I always stop and give them advice, I squelch scams where I see them, but its up to the community to put a stop to this, not ArenaNet.
If this gets me onto some whiner's ignore list, great. You probably weren't on my Christmas-card list in the first place.