Originally Posted by Gaele
Touchy touchy. The UK GMT is 0, and mine being -5. Now looking at my playing patterns, I'm awake until 7 to 8 in the morning, add 5 to those hours, and I go to bed at about 3pm for them. By my standards, those would be the hours kids would have already woken up and been ready or have been playing already for hours.
Recently switched to European servers
Crix Lionheart
Wrong, we on then.
And I know because a few days ago I seen my first penis map drawings, also the decay of "quality" is noticible but things are more organized ...when I made a new character I seen a guild taking members on pre-searing.
And I know because a few days ago I seen my first penis map drawings, also the decay of "quality" is noticible but things are more organized ...when I made a new character I seen a guild taking members on pre-searing.
10:12pm GMT -5 | 3:12am in London
Less Legolases and more original names - CONFIRMED
11:15pm GMT -5 | 4:15am in London
An hour spent in Droknars speaking with the players.
All around nicer at this time - CONFIRMED
Less Legolases and more original names - CONFIRMED
11:15pm GMT -5 | 4:15am in London
An hour spent in Droknars speaking with the players.
All around nicer at this time - CONFIRMED
Crix Lionheart
Yea but three or four A.M. in the morning? I'm pretty sure that if there are any immature children on the European servers, they won't be online at that time. Their bedtime probably occurred hours ago.
If you want an environment where there are original names you have never seen and none of the people are rude, go to the Korean servers. It's not rude if you can't understand it.
If you want an environment where there are original names you have never seen and none of the people are rude, go to the Korean servers. It's not rude if you can't understand it.
I spent about a week on the american server and moved back to the european, much nicer server to play on to say the least.
Originally Posted by Crix Lionheart
If you want an environment where there are original names you have never seen and none of the people are rude, go to the Korean servers. It's not rude if you can't understand it.
English is not the only language on european server. If I'm not mistaken, the majority of european players are from Germany, Poland, Spain, and maybe Denmark. The ones that can speak English as well as their primary language are most likely mature players.
Mitsu Bishi
As European I can say it really depends on the time you log on to our servers. I was on vacation last week so I got to play in the afternoon and it was (is) horrible. Female avatars (I bet 99% of them are 13-year-old males) dancing naked (as far as that's possible in GW ) typing about how they want to f... etc. Other players offering to strip for money, a lot of scammers (selling white mantle emblems as means to be able to change the appearance of your cape) and overall immature behaviour.
I'm from Austria, thus German speaking (although I like English more and I think I'm not too bad at it ) and I'm playing in the German districts. The problem with those is - there is no language filter for German. We can use ALL slurs we can imagine, they'll never get filtered. Lots of players use very immature names (as I said, no name filters, so sl*t is possible in it's German translation etc.) and of course all those kiddies don't have any skill. Most of them are W/Mo and think they can survive on their own rushing towards any mob as soon as they see the red dot. Tactics? I think they never heard about it
Still I wouldn't want to change to the English districts, simply because I like to have guildmates and players to speak my mother tongue. It's far more convenient on TS or in the chat. As I'm working most of the time, I'm online from 6pm onwards and it gets definitely better then. Best time is late at night where most of the players are 18 and over and I've found most of the people on my friendslist at that time. The skill also increases the later you play I had two wonderful groups not long ago on Thirsty and Elona (both done on the first try without any casualties, everyone listening and responding to "orders", everyone waiting for energy refill etc.) so people know about tactics if you choose the right ones.
To conclude my long rant - I don't think European servers are better in general. But they may be better for American adults who want to play with a more mature audience simply because of the time difference. So when you log on after work at 6pm ET, that's midnight over here and way beyond the playing time of our youth. That's why you get to play with the mature players who understand tactics and teamplay better and are .. well more mature.
PS: Concerning the poster who was surprised about guilds taking members pre-searing - is that so uncommon on the US servers? Quite honestly, I love to search for future members pre-searing. Anybody who is willing to talk to you there, who joins up with you for a tryout quest, seems to be more commited to playing in a team. When everybody soloes the tutorial, how should they know about teamwork? I found out it is far better to help somebody from the beginning - because he will A) be very thankful and thus is more likely to stay with you and B) because you can "shape" him much more towards your guild tactics and playing style. Two of our core players were bloody n00bs when I first met them and now they love the guild and playing together with us. On how to recruit - sometimes I make ONE call in the local chat (not ten in a row like others, I'd never join such a guild if I was searching for one, so I refrain from doing that - I sincerely hope my call is good enough to win over anybody really interested in it) and sometimes I just whisper to people without guilds but with interesting and unique names that sound like the player has some brain and maturity. I'll also never just invite somebody, a practice I have often seen and I would also never accept if I was still searching for a guild.
I'm from Austria, thus German speaking (although I like English more and I think I'm not too bad at it ) and I'm playing in the German districts. The problem with those is - there is no language filter for German. We can use ALL slurs we can imagine, they'll never get filtered. Lots of players use very immature names (as I said, no name filters, so sl*t is possible in it's German translation etc.) and of course all those kiddies don't have any skill. Most of them are W/Mo and think they can survive on their own rushing towards any mob as soon as they see the red dot. Tactics? I think they never heard about it
Still I wouldn't want to change to the English districts, simply because I like to have guildmates and players to speak my mother tongue. It's far more convenient on TS or in the chat. As I'm working most of the time, I'm online from 6pm onwards and it gets definitely better then. Best time is late at night where most of the players are 18 and over and I've found most of the people on my friendslist at that time. The skill also increases the later you play I had two wonderful groups not long ago on Thirsty and Elona (both done on the first try without any casualties, everyone listening and responding to "orders", everyone waiting for energy refill etc.) so people know about tactics if you choose the right ones.
To conclude my long rant - I don't think European servers are better in general. But they may be better for American adults who want to play with a more mature audience simply because of the time difference. So when you log on after work at 6pm ET, that's midnight over here and way beyond the playing time of our youth. That's why you get to play with the mature players who understand tactics and teamplay better and are .. well more mature.
PS: Concerning the poster who was surprised about guilds taking members pre-searing - is that so uncommon on the US servers? Quite honestly, I love to search for future members pre-searing. Anybody who is willing to talk to you there, who joins up with you for a tryout quest, seems to be more commited to playing in a team. When everybody soloes the tutorial, how should they know about teamwork? I found out it is far better to help somebody from the beginning - because he will A) be very thankful and thus is more likely to stay with you and B) because you can "shape" him much more towards your guild tactics and playing style. Two of our core players were bloody n00bs when I first met them and now they love the guild and playing together with us. On how to recruit - sometimes I make ONE call in the local chat (not ten in a row like others, I'd never join such a guild if I was searching for one, so I refrain from doing that - I sincerely hope my call is good enough to win over anybody really interested in it) and sometimes I just whisper to people without guilds but with interesting and unique names that sound like the player has some brain and maturity. I'll also never just invite somebody, a practice I have often seen and I would also never accept if I was still searching for a guild.
Edge Martinez
Originally Posted by Night Daftshadow
You know why these Europeans are more friendly than Americans they have a healthier diet. ... America is all about fast food hamburgers, pizza, hot dog, and etc. Then down it with beer or soda.
Heh, but to keep this on track, if I play 12AM-4AM EST, that would make the time in England... what? 5AM-9AM, right? Can I really expect a fair number of people over there at that time? In the North American districts, it's packed.
Originally Posted by Devts-Waver
I am an American, however I believe you when you say the Europe servers are better. Why? Becuase America has negleted the next generation, which is why we have brats like we do. Now, I'm sure Europe has it's problems too, but on this specific one, they aren't as bad. Even though it is a shame, that's what I believe to be true.
Have you been to Europe lately?
Originally Posted by EmperorTippy
That free speech thing is a kicker ain't it?
I also hear lots of reasons to be proud of america but for each one of those I here I hear 2 reasons to be ashamed of america. |
I also have the same right to express my disdain for you and your glib criticisms of the country in which I also live and prosper in.
the degree of generation neglect in Europe is less than America. |
I can't see much of an European effort in either developing or publishing Guild Wars, after all
Zoe the Zeer
Originally Posted by none
Eh, European players might be nicer, but hell, they (or should I say we?) are so much worse (skillwise) that it sometimes really hurts. I played several days on the American Realm, and I've seen many tactics and playing concepts there that ppl in Europe don't even dream of. Right now, about 2 weeks later, some of those tacticts start to appear in Europe as well, but I don't even want to think about how the game evolved in America in the meantime.
Unfortunately, I sometimes get awful lag while playing in America, so it's not practical if you want to be competitive in every aspect of the game. |
In general I think they are indeed a lot more mature players in Europe, but that is because parents in Europe are kinda sceptical of the internet and online games, not to mention that these games are very expensive here, so less kids are able to play these games.
Oh well, welcome to the Euro Datacenter and I hope you get enough people to play with in those graveyard shift times.
john little
Originally Posted by none
Actually, the degree of generation neglect in Europe is almost zero, because we leave the current generation wholly to the caring hands of American Culture
I can't see much of an European effort in either developing or publishing Guild Wars, after all |
Its also the case that instead of having to recreate Tolkien landscapes on a PC, we can just go visit Wales....or if we want to mess around inside a castle, we can go visit one...
Originally Posted by Zoe the Zeer
That is odd, every time we see American Groups in the Tomb they die quite fast and in the end it's mostly Euro vs Korean who are left. But that might also be because of the Timezones, remember when you are on there aren't many Euros on anymore, because it's night time for us.
In general I think they are indeed a lot more mature players in Europe, but that is because parents in Europe are kinda sceptical of the internet and online games, not to mention that these games are very expensive here, so less kids are able to play these games. Oh well, welcome to the Euro Datacenter and I hope you get enough people to play with in those graveyard shift times. |
Anyway, what I really wanted to point out is that I don't think of the game as being expensive here in Europe. At least if you're talking about Western Europe, where, no matter what politicians & industry bosses want to make you believe, there is still alot more money available to the average family than almost everywhere else on the world.
Originally Posted by john little
Its also the case that instead of having to recreate Tolkien landscapes on a PC, we can just go visit Wales....or if we want to mess around inside a castle, we can go visit one...
Actually, I prefer ruins much more, but the perfect place to visit those are the British Isles, and I don't get to visit those all too often.
Originally Posted by smitty-gw
Yes, thank God you have the right to bash your own country in which you live as a "student" and prosper.
I also have the same right to express my disdain for you and your glib criticisms of the country in which I also live and prosper in. |
Originally Posted by hydrak
Exactly... But you gotta to ignore the few Americans who always think that the grass is greener on the other side. To those few americans, all I can say is that it is amusing to you calling yourself "mature" and starting threads like these without thinking.
Who are you referring to? I am confused.
Originally Posted by smitty-gw
Who are you referring to? I am confused.
Hm. Or you could, y'know, READ the original post. All it says is: "I went on the Euro servers. They seem to be a better gameplay experience than the American servers." That's not a generalization, it's an anecdote based on personal experience. It's only afterward that we started seeing facile generalizations about how Americans can't raise their children or what have you. Frankly, I'm intrigued, and I'm gonna shift to the Euro servers to see if I have the same experience. If I do, great. If not, so be it.
edit: Well, other than that bit about Europeans being less primal, or whatever. That's kinda silly.
edit: Well, other than that bit about Europeans being less primal, or whatever. That's kinda silly.
Well... you've just edited your post after reading this.
Originally Posted by Gaele
I changed over to Europe to play with some friends over in the UK and the difference is astonishing. There seem to be less annoying LFG spammers, a remarkable drop in district arguments, less beef flying around, and all in all everyone is nicer and more helpful. A few theories on why this is so: Europeans are naturally brought up less primal than *cough* a few other areas; how they barely ever have Favor turns the game less competitive for them, in effect the players are not as wired all the time, but Korea almost always has Favor, yet they're also very polite and civilized.
I've ran with both european and american guild groups in Tombs (and held the hall while with european group too!)
On the general skill level Europe & American guilds are comparable. I couldn't really tell how well their coordination is cuz I ran with a Finnish group. (didn't bother getting on their Vent server cuz I wouldn't understand anyway) So on the whole I believe the European players are getting much better.
On the general skill level Europe & American guilds are comparable. I couldn't really tell how well their coordination is cuz I ran with a Finnish group. (didn't bother getting on their Vent server cuz I wouldn't understand anyway) So on the whole I believe the European players are getting much better.
I think you missed my gist, I said theory, not a stated fact. Besides, this is my own theory and not one I wish to push onto others. I even clearly stated I didn't mean to over-generalize or generalize at all, with my text being theory-based only.
What I meant by primal is mainly their defense mechanisms, and how they respond so hastily toward feeling threatened, much like you have, hydrak. You didn't notice how I said I didn't mean to generalize or that I said these were some things to be considered in my own mind.
What I meant by primal is mainly their defense mechanisms, and how they respond so hastily toward feeling threatened, much like you have, hydrak. You didn't notice how I said I didn't mean to generalize or that I said these were some things to be considered in my own mind.
Originally Posted by hydrak
Well... you've just edited your post after reading this.
If it makes you feel any better, most logical people with half a brain - especially those who have.. y'know... actually MET an American once or twice - recognize that, like any other country, the US has its fair share of wonderful people and complete idiots.
*flamebait suit on*
Of course, when a good number of those complete idiots are sitting in the hallowed halls of your government, you can't help but expect people to draw the wrong conclusions
Originally Posted by Gaele
What I meant by primal is mainly their defense mechanisms, and how they respond so hastily toward feeling threatened, much like you have, hydrak. You didn't notice how I said I didn't mean to generalize or that I said these were some things to be considered in my own mind.
I think you seriously underestimate the amount of sheer anti-American hatred there is in the world. If I were American, I too would be a little sick of everybody assuming my country is full of nothing but gun-toting, biblethumpers with no concept of the world outside. Defensive reactions don't occur in a vacuum.
I'll repeat it again for new joiners in the thread who've missed it. I do not doubt the existance of many fantastic Americans. But it seems that for every one great person I meet, 3 more call me a stupid canadian then proceed in making fun of my pet beaver, Jimmy, my 3 storey igloo with internet access and mispronouce Touque.
Originally Posted by Gaele
I'll repeat it again for new joiners in the thread who've missed it. I do not doubt the existance of many fantastic Americans. But it seems that for every one great person I meet, 3 more call me a stupid canadian then proceed in making fun of my pet beaver, Jimmy, my 3 storey igloo with internet access and mispronouce Touque.
I'm European-born, mostly Canadian-raised. I've lived in 4 countries, and I travel a LOT. I've gotten the same "So do you have polar bears roaming Toronto?" thing from Americans, French, Germans and plenty of other people. Believe me, stupidity is by no means an American problem - in fact, it's probably the one thing ALL people all over the world have in common
But for some reason their hilarity just seems bland, like they're assuming the unprobable for kicks or to see how you respond to idiocity. Some people use tactics like that in forum arguments, take Playful Kitty for one, who's dynasty is koput, and good riddance to that! *breaks out a pint*
Originally Posted by smitty-gw
Not a fair estimation of the US of A. All societies have generational problems. The sheer size of America and the over-exposure of every incident by our national media system makes us seem worse in every negative regard.
Are we the best, or morally perfect in the world political spectrum? Hell no. But this is still a damn good place to live. man it burns me to hear Americans slam America. This isn't Cuba. If you are upset or ashamed you know what you can do. I expect scorn of the United States by the French. That's obvious. But internal scorn is tough to stomach. We have systems set in place to protest what you do not like in this country. Use them and quit bitching. |
Originally Posted by catharsis
If I were American, I too would be a little sick of everybody assuming my country is full of nothing but gun-toting, biblethumpers with no concept of the world outside.
Crix Lionheart
Originally Posted by Devts-Waver
That is becuase 75% of of us are. And that needs to change.
Mister Pie
Sometimes I want to slap my fellow Americans.
Today in the random arena, there was this guy who's character name was something like "AFK guy" (I changed the name from the original) and he'd just join and then sit there for the entire round. I ran into him multiple times, so he was clearly NOT afk since he had to be clicking on "enter mission".
Then again, there are some pretty cool players too, so it's hard to say. Like other posters were suggesting, perhaps the tightness of the community might have to do with the fact that it's less populated overall. Plus, if you're an American playing on a European server the hours are different too so you might be playing when their teens are in school.
Today in the random arena, there was this guy who's character name was something like "AFK guy" (I changed the name from the original) and he'd just join and then sit there for the entire round. I ran into him multiple times, so he was clearly NOT afk since he had to be clicking on "enter mission".
Then again, there are some pretty cool players too, so it's hard to say. Like other posters were suggesting, perhaps the tightness of the community might have to do with the fact that it's less populated overall. Plus, if you're an American playing on a European server the hours are different too so you might be playing when their teens are in school.
IMO, Americans need a sense of humility. The way I view American districts are people thinking its fine to make screen names like "Sir nigs a lot" and I slayj ews"
Ah, yes. The smug and pompous strike again. Yes, yes, Europeans are so far superior to Americans, and rarely miss an opportunity to point that out in that clever, dry-wit, mean-spirited manner of which they are, oddly, so proud. Of course a Brit calling America aggressive and colonializing is truly a pot/kettle kind of experience!
Speaking of which, if the word "black" was substituted for the word "American" on boards like this, people would be horrified at the mean-spirited racism and hate-mongering. But hey, it's okay to insult Americans. It's not like they are human or anything. Folks who brag about their superior manners while gleefully hurling glib insults against an entire country should look up the word hypocrite in their Funk & Wagnels. There is little difference in intent between the child who says, 'joo sUck, d00d', and the supposedly mature adult who strings together multi-syllable words with clever grammatical syntax to hurl insult.
As for Americans who would like to see our country go a different direction politically, count me among them. I also feel like our children are running wild, and need to be reigned in... but this is hardly an American-only experience, or Brits wouldn't be hand-wringing about "happy-slapping", banning "hoodies", and putting desperate civilians in jail for waving an airgun at juvenile thugs who are terrorizing neighborhoods with impugnity. Every country on earth has its "rebellious youth", it's political maelstroms, and disagreement amongst its citizens. Immigration has become a major point of tension in most European nations. It's less of a problem here... at least legal immigration is less of a problem... because we are a nation of immigrants. So bigotry in Europe against Muslims, Gypsies and others are quite prevalent in Europe, so wow. Maybe Europeans aren't quite as perfect as they pretend to be!
I'll confess that sharing a gameworld with adolescents is not a particularly enlightening experience, but it's no worse than sharing a gameworld with the smug and self-righteous, who constantly put others down to validate their own sense of superiority.
Bigotry and country-bashing (or race-bashing, or religious-bashing) is wrong, whether comes from outside the borders or inside. Although those who bash their own country confound me. I don't like the current political climate either, but the country is split between conservatives, liberals and moderates, and I don't think I can support wholesale slaughter of 2/3 of the country just to get my politics into power. But generalizing and insulting one's own country just because my group isn't on top at this moment? Makes no sense. This country was founded on freedom and tolerance. That means freedom for everyone to believe what they wish, and tolerance of those who disagree with us. If it's really that awful, it's not like the door is locked and one cannot depart for more agreeable shores. Unless one merely resents the lack of ability to shove everyone who doesn't share one's viewpoint out, and slam said door behind them.
I belong to a lot of international forums, and I have had a belly-full of this kind of this gloating, bullying, self-aggrandizing racist pap. To say that I'm dreadfully disillusioned to see it here is an understatement.
[/rant] I've said my piece. Bluster and sputter in indignation at will. I won't be responding. This is supposed to be my escape from the mean-spirited nastiness of real life, not a reinforcement of it. Nothing like a big dose of "shatter enchantment" with my morning coffee.
Speaking of which, if the word "black" was substituted for the word "American" on boards like this, people would be horrified at the mean-spirited racism and hate-mongering. But hey, it's okay to insult Americans. It's not like they are human or anything. Folks who brag about their superior manners while gleefully hurling glib insults against an entire country should look up the word hypocrite in their Funk & Wagnels. There is little difference in intent between the child who says, 'joo sUck, d00d', and the supposedly mature adult who strings together multi-syllable words with clever grammatical syntax to hurl insult.
As for Americans who would like to see our country go a different direction politically, count me among them. I also feel like our children are running wild, and need to be reigned in... but this is hardly an American-only experience, or Brits wouldn't be hand-wringing about "happy-slapping", banning "hoodies", and putting desperate civilians in jail for waving an airgun at juvenile thugs who are terrorizing neighborhoods with impugnity. Every country on earth has its "rebellious youth", it's political maelstroms, and disagreement amongst its citizens. Immigration has become a major point of tension in most European nations. It's less of a problem here... at least legal immigration is less of a problem... because we are a nation of immigrants. So bigotry in Europe against Muslims, Gypsies and others are quite prevalent in Europe, so wow. Maybe Europeans aren't quite as perfect as they pretend to be!
I'll confess that sharing a gameworld with adolescents is not a particularly enlightening experience, but it's no worse than sharing a gameworld with the smug and self-righteous, who constantly put others down to validate their own sense of superiority.
Bigotry and country-bashing (or race-bashing, or religious-bashing) is wrong, whether comes from outside the borders or inside. Although those who bash their own country confound me. I don't like the current political climate either, but the country is split between conservatives, liberals and moderates, and I don't think I can support wholesale slaughter of 2/3 of the country just to get my politics into power. But generalizing and insulting one's own country just because my group isn't on top at this moment? Makes no sense. This country was founded on freedom and tolerance. That means freedom for everyone to believe what they wish, and tolerance of those who disagree with us. If it's really that awful, it's not like the door is locked and one cannot depart for more agreeable shores. Unless one merely resents the lack of ability to shove everyone who doesn't share one's viewpoint out, and slam said door behind them.
I belong to a lot of international forums, and I have had a belly-full of this kind of this gloating, bullying, self-aggrandizing racist pap. To say that I'm dreadfully disillusioned to see it here is an understatement.
[/rant] I've said my piece. Bluster and sputter in indignation at will. I won't be responding. This is supposed to be my escape from the mean-spirited nastiness of real life, not a reinforcement of it. Nothing like a big dose of "shatter enchantment" with my morning coffee.
john little
It's not whether there are delinquents, it's whether they have internet access that matters...
Originally Posted by catharsis
*flamebait suit on*
Of course, when a good number of those complete idiots are sitting in the hallowed halls of your government, you can't help but expect people to draw the wrong conclusions |
tsk! tsk! tsk!. Bush may be a cowboy, but at least we don't change our whole government in a subserviant fashion following a terrorist attack, a la Espana.
Thank God for those political US morons during WW II or else,
1) All of Europe would be speaking German, and united under German culture.
2) The Jews would be no more.
Really folks, you Europeans should establish a holiday commemorating honoring the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, because without that The former just might have happened.
Originally Posted by sino-soviet
IMO, Americans need a sense of humility. The way I view American districts are people thinking its fine to make screen names like "Sir nigs a lot" and I slayj ews"
An Anti-American Israeli Jew. Now I've seen and heard everything.
Originally Posted by catharsis
If I were American, I too would be a little sick of everybody assuming my country is full of nothing but gun-toting, biblethumpers with no concept of the world outside.
OMG, Devts- if you think that some pretentious little 14 year old from Georgia is going to convince any educated man that the drivel coming out of your mouth is true, you are greatly mistaken.
Where on God's good Earth do you get your percentages from? The last US presidential election would be proof enough that 75% is a ridiculous number.
Stay in school, listen more and speak less. Please confine your philosophical theories as to the degeneration of the US until you at least read "Animal Farm" in high school.
Originally Posted by catharsis
If I were American, I too would be a little sick of everybody assuming my country is full of nothing but gun-toting, biblethumpers with no concept of the world outside.
Originally Posted by Devts-Waver
That is becuase 75% of of us are. And that needs to change.
OMG, Devts- if you think that some pretentious little 14 year old from Georgia is going to convince any educated man that the drivel coming out of your mouth is true, you are greatly mistaken.
Where on God's good Earth do you get your percentages from? The last US presidential election would be proof enough that 75% is a ridiculous number.
Stay in school, listen more and speak less. Please confine your philosophical theories as to the degeneration of the US until you at least read "Animal Farm" in high school.
Originally Posted by smitty-gw
tsk! tsk! tsk!. Bush may be a cowboy, but at least we don't change our whole government in a subserviant fashion following a terrorist attack, a la Espana.
Thank God for those political US morons during WW II or else, 1) All of Europe would be speaking German, and united under German culture. 2) The Jews would be no more. Really folks, you Europeans should establish a holiday commemorating honoring the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, because without that The former just might have happened. |
Wow, the context of this thread has changed a tad since I last peeked in...
So to bring this thread back on track...
I'm English, and I live in the US. I'm in a guild with my English friends, and we play in the International districts (although some have moved to American because they were fed up with Europe never having favor ). I'm not going to generalize, and while I agree with many posts that today's youth needs reigning in, it has nothing to do with GW.
So, here's my solution to the problem with idiots in your region. Play on the International districts; I've never had a bad experience there. True, it's tough to find a PUG in some areas, but when you do, it's fun.
I'm English, and I live in the US. I'm in a guild with my English friends, and we play in the International districts (although some have moved to American because they were fed up with Europe never having favor ). I'm not going to generalize, and while I agree with many posts that today's youth needs reigning in, it has nothing to do with GW.
So, here's my solution to the problem with idiots in your region. Play on the International districts; I've never had a bad experience there. True, it's tough to find a PUG in some areas, but when you do, it's fun.