Get rid of doubled skills (petition)


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Balanced stance + desperation blow & drunken blow, with 16 tactics = ALOT of damage...

I like it a lot. Penblow and penchop is quite the combo.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2006

Order of the Golden Cloak [GOLD]


/not signed

If someone wants to use 2 of their 8 skill slots for the same skill, then let them.



Join Date: May 2005

/not signed

Wretchman Drake

Wretchman Drake

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005

Charr Carvings and [BeeR]

/not signed



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

We Farm Your [?????????s]

Originally Posted by Grammar
Does anyone else see this as an attempt to buff certain attributes/weapons rather than to "add flexibility"?
Actually, I see it potentially as a way for people to be allowed to cast certain skills twice within close range of each other without ANet having to lower that skill's recharge time to give the same effect. The cost to all of this? One spot of precious real estate on your skillbar. Some skills might be too overpowered if they had lower recharge times and only took up one spot on your bar, but this way at least you have a penalty for wanting the privilege of twice-cast.

I don't know the list of skills that are doubled, and from what I read it doesn't seem to be anything all that significant (may just be a test for future doubles in Chapter 3 and beyond), but this is an interesting idea that has been added to build construction IMO.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

Balanced stance + desperation blow & drunken blow, with 16 tactics = ALOT of damage...
Its too energy demanding for a warrior. That is 15 energy and a lot of protection againsta it (SoF, Aegis, Guardian, Prot SPirit, etc).

Energy based build warriors tends to be a bad idea. Even with full Glads and Zealous.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005


Brewed to Perfection [BtP]

/not signed



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

So /not signed it's not even funny.

In fact, I hope in Chapter 3 we see some more duplicates. I'm disapointed that Orison, for an example, isn't duplicated.

Hella Good

Hella Good

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

None, free and clear

I said it before, duplication of skills is a cheap idea. There is many ways they could've achieved their intent to add strategic depth and among those dupe skills are the worst solution.

On top of it some of the duped skills have like 2 seconds recharge... I mean, wtf is with that? Like Divine Healing and Heaven's Delight I can live with: 30 sec recharge negated. But stuff like Touch of Agony (Wallow's Bite) and Vamp Touch (Vamp Bite) is kind of pointless. Why would you buff touch necros AND more importantly touch rangers??? They own ANYWAY.

Again, there are many OTHER options to add the desired strategic depth (including adding similar skills- Jaundiced Gaze~Vamp Gaze meets Dark Pact; adding duplicating skills like Arcane Echo, Echo; adding fast recharge skills like Glyph of Renewal; including the 30 or so skills in the core skill set; etc.) this one is the WRONG solution. I think this quote from another thread on this matter sums it up nicely:

Originally Posted by Sagius Truthbarron
I'm using Arcane Thievery! I'm using Arcane Larceny! I'm using Arcane Robbery! I'm using Arcane Perjury! I'm using Arcane Piracy! I'm using Arcane Swindle! I'm using Arcane Hoodwink!
Just to give an example of how to solve the problem using the similar skills strategy:
Revealed Hex: 5 energy, 1 cast, 12 recharge
Shorten the duration of a hex on target ally by (up to 66%), gain (up to 33%) more nrg than same level Inspired Hex.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

United States

Dark Side Ofthe Moon [DSM]


/Not Signed

Every play magic the gathering, there a reason you can have 4 of any one type in a deck.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005


There is no reason not to like this. They are *bonuses*. You still get the 300 or however many brand new skills. Stop whining over every little thing and play the game.

Not signed.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tyria, cappin' ur bosses

Boston Guild [BG]


/not signed

The original of the doubled skill most likely won't be availabe to Factions only players. Don't hobble them for no good reason.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by Hella Good
I said it before, duplication of skills is a cheap idea. There is many ways they could've achieved their intent to add strategic depth and among those dupe skills are the worst solution.
I totally agree. There's no way I can accept dupes as NEW skills (Unless we get a duplicated riposte of course) Real cheap way out this time IMO.

This is so /signed


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006


im a ranger and would love whirling defence X2-this will make for crazy combos i aint sayin nothin till i get too try all combos but i can see super runner for sure-if runners can get all ditto skills and go back they can go thru anything-i dont know we will wait and see i guess

Aarroe of Gilgamesh

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005

Friedberg, Germany

We Came, We Saw, We Drank [Tea]

/not signed

this is the biggest crybaby petition i have seen most people complain when they get nerfed not when they are empowered^^ they give you more flexibility and a duplicate ability without forcing you into a mesmer sub. on top of the echos dont work with skills anyways this provides a whole new level of possibilty


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005

Legion of Valhalla


/not signed

I'm sure anet wouldn't mistakingly add in duplicate skills that would unbalance the game and cause massive chaos everywhere, resulting in the end of the world as we know it. You have dupicate skills now. Learn to use them effectively, and if you hate them then don't use them.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006


-sign or no sign it means nothin-we wont no sht till we get too try the combos -i think we will probablly be suprized when we think of good double combos that cant be beat and see they dont work when we try them . I know for a fact that ive thought of all kinds of ways too use ditto skills but i know they could backfire bigtime.How can we vote without some good time battles with all diff kinds of enemies with diff prof..


Chasing Dragons

Join Date: May 2005

Lost in La-La Land



/not signed because I happen to adore having 2 heal areas for minion masters.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005

Den Haag



My experiences with an overpowered sword-warrior.

(maybe a moderator could close my thread and copy-paste it into this thread, sorry for double posting the same subject)

heavy metal rules

heavy metal rules

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

cape cod, ma

{bkr} bad karma ressurection


Originally Posted by Omega X
Ok, if they add 30 duplicate skills. Then what is the point of having core universal skills. It defeats the purpose.

IF, doesn't even come into play becuae their not adding 30 duplicate skills...geez

/not signed


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005



Well after reading this Im kinda relieved, I was kinda dissaspointed when I saw that there were quite a few skills that seemed to be just that, 'clones'.....But I hadnt thought about it from the point of view of someone only having Factions and needing to have some of those same utility type skills/spells/etc...
Guess Id have to say not signed, long as we get a bunch of new skills everytime Im happy. Though I can foresee some possible balance issues, well just have to wait and see how it all washses out.
/not signed


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005


Can it not be that they simply renamed several skills?
I mean for example, the changed the name of the necro desecrate enchantments into ______ enchantments (can't remember the name), and they changed the name of the ele spell crystal wave too.

Can it possibly be a mere name change?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005


Originally Posted by Inari
Can it not be that they simply renamed several skills?
I mean for example, the changed the name of the necro desecrate enchantments into ______ enchantments (can't remember the name), and they changed the name of the ele spell crystal wave too.

Can it possibly be a mere name change?
err yeah that's basically what this whole thread is discussing


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

Shadow Nation [SN]

Not signed... primary reason for this is I have no idea what the long term effects of this will be. I'd like to see what happens when you have the "clone" skills. Unless there is a major balance issue than I really can't think of a major problem. Its not like ANet is cheating us.

If there is an unbalancing skill set, I'm sure we'll see in the next few months. If not, than you can cram your skill bar full of Vampiric this and thats, and steal all the life in the world.

Hella Good

Hella Good

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

None, free and clear

Originally Posted by heavy metal rules
IF, doesn't even come into play becuae their not adding 30 duplicate skills...geez

/not signed
Er... yes, they are adding the duplicate skills, this is what we all are talking about... It was confirmed by Anet that that's what they are going to be doing.

Just one thing: people who like the idea seem to be fascinated by the short term effect of creating builds that might as well be over the top. Bottom line is, if this continues, 3-4 chapters down the line we will have more double skills than unique ones and that's just bs. The whole strategic depth thing is going to turn into clone skills galore. And yes, I know that for Factions only players these skills won't appear as doubles, and I'm sure this will be true for other chapters if they continue doing this. But:

no1) it's not necessary, because there is other ways to achieve this (as I have already said 1000 times),

no2) it will create huge confusion (people calling same skills by different names, people not being able to keep up with all the clone skill names, and what they are clone skills of in the 1st place)

no3) it is bound to create balance issues (I mean really.... stacking my whole bar with Divine Healing clones for example will be kind of ridiculous)

no4) will harm the overall impression of the game, because its a CHEAP move.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

Houghton, MI

Northern Brethren


Once again, some of the skills need to be duped, simply for the Factions only players. Don't know why people don't understand this...

/Not Signed


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2005


Use the same dang name, say the skill can be used 'x' times on the bar then.
These different names are silly. As I posted earlier, can't wait till chp8.

Are these really balanced as well? Several of them I doubt...
I'd say they should of simply made them core skills, doing it this way is very lame.

I'm against doing this in general but if they're going to go through with it be smart about it.

Don't understand how some people don't get the CORE SKILL set and/or the fact they DIDN'T have to be goofily named.

Hella Good

Hella Good

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

None, free and clear

Originally Posted by danakin
Once again, some of the skills need to be duped, simply for the Factions only players. Don't know why people don't understand this...

/Not Signed
Ok, I'm sorry but this doesn't make sense. Just give them the 30 or so skills ANYWAY? WITHOUT doing the cheap renaming.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by CKaz

Are these really balanced as well? Several of them I doubt...
I'd say they should of simply made them core skills, doing it this way is very lame.

Don't understand how some people don't get the CORE SKILL set and/or the fact they DIDN'T have to be goofily named.
lets just keep adding core skills to the list.


somebody counted them up and we get the full advertised 300 NEW SKILLS PLUS A BONUS OF ABOUT 30 SKILLS NONE OF WHICH SEEM TO BE MONSTERS OF IMBALANCE

and i will take izzys judgement of balance over yours anytime


Hella Good

Ok, I'm sorry but this doesn't make sense. Just give them the 30 or so skills ANYWAY? WITHOUT doing the cheap renaming and WITHOUT introducing them as NEW skills to the community.
the reason for the rename is specifically to allow both on the bar at the same time.

as stated the small number of dupes were intended and since 2 skills with the same name cant be used at the same time they had to name change.



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Lemmings of Death


ok i have a question. i have been holding off creating an elem or mesmer in prophesies campaign because, welll... ive already beaten the game 3 times with other characters and dont really feel like going thru this campaign much more...

anyway, i am wanting to maybe get into using an elem or mes in the factions game. well by reading a lot of stuff going on, when i create, lets say an elem, in Factions, as i play the factions game, will there be skills that i dont get that are only in prophecies campaign? i just thought that, factions installed like 20 new skills for all the older classes and all the original ones will still be there.
maybe im just confused here....

oh and /not signed

Hella Good

Hella Good

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

None, free and clear

Originally Posted by Loviatar
lets just keep adding core skills to the list.


somebody counted them up and we get the full advertised 300 NEW SKILLS PLUS A BONUS OF ABOUT 30 SKILLS NONE OF WHICH SEEM TO BE MONSTERS OF IMBALANCE

and i will take izzys judgement of balance over yours anytime

That is correct. I just counted them myself. Every profession gets 30 skills instead of the 25 being originally quoted. The 5 more are the dupes. That makes it less of a cheap move, I must say, but I will have to say I still disapprove of the practice.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Loviatar
lets just keep adding core skills to the list.


somebody counted them up and we get the full advertised 300 NEW SKILLS PLUS A BONUS OF ABOUT 30 SKILLS NONE OF WHICH SEEM TO BE MONSTERS OF IMBALANCE

and i will take izzys judgement of balance over yours anytime


the reason for the rename is specifically to allow both on the bar at the same time.

as stated the small number of dupes were intended and since 2 skills with the same name cant be used at the same time they had to name change.
For some reason you quoted me and then went nuts over #s, I don't care about that.
And I'll take testing and gameplay over anyones comments on the matter here re: balance.

And for the record I'll take about anyones post or point before yours, anytime.

Back to my point though -

YOU DON'T NEED renames to have both on the same bar.
Allow a skill to have two instances then, or put a prime mark or a number.
How silly is it for fan sites to cross-link skill discussions now?
When they nerf/tweak a skill, keeping up with these...
This is just Chapter 1 and 2 now, the mess will increase as time goes on.

I'm even saying ok do this if you want (I don't like it and believe its lame but whatever).
But don't make it a mess to track down - get it right now.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by CKaz

And for the record I'll take about anyones post or point before yours, anytime.

i made no comment about balance except that izzy (dev who does balance issues?) would be more able to judge than you are.

izzy seems to think it wont upset the balance so i go by him not you



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005

Warrior Nation [WN]


Originally Posted by Hella Good
Counter arguements are numerous but mainly: if they wanted us to be able to double skills more often, they could've just added one-two more echo-like skill; if they wanted the skills to be available to Factions only characters they could've just added them to core set.
And what when Ch3 is out? What if they wanted, say Life Siphon, to be avaiable for Ch1 and Ch2, but not Ch3? Then they could not just make it a core skill. They would have to double it in Ch1 and Ch2, but leave it out of Ch3. As a bonus, we get to use some skills 2x as much.

/not signed



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005


Well, why not simply make the skills usable only in their respective campaign?
If they are indeed allow to put two identical skills in the skill bar, than it's rather stupid.

If that is the case, than I /sign. If its only skill names, as in lets say, use crystal wave on the prophecies map, and the new named skill in factions map, but NOT allowing both skills in the same toolbar, than /not signed.


Join Date: Dec 2005




the doubled skills might be overpowered: the R/N touch ranger is now nearly indestructible, using only 2 skills to dmg AND heal, and the rest can be stances and utility ( throw dirt, plague touch )

Yukito Kunisaki

Yukito Kunisaki

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2005

Chicago, IL


Wait a second...

Is there are duped Exe. Strike?


Eviscerate, Exe. Strike x2, Swift Chop finisher!!!


Kool Pajamas

Kool Pajamas

Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2005


Mage Elites [MAGE]

At first I was a bit upset but if these really are bonus skills over top of the promised new ones then this is a really good thing.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Loviatar
i made no comment about balance except that izzy (dev who does balance issues?) would be more able to judge than you are.

izzy seems to think it wont upset the balance so i go by him not you

And that's fine.
As we all know nothing gets re-balanced over time through testing and time in GW

I'm not saying there wasn't consideration - I'm sure there was.
But yeah there's more than a few that seem off I'll be testing when it goes live.
I'm really not going to dig into it tho - a couple involve already (too) popular builds.

But that waits until release, and I wasn't really focusing on the balancing in the end.
I'll repost here what I had in another thread - random naming bites IMO.
Nightmare for fansites and those of us trying to keep up with everything.

Originally Posted by CKaz
See here's the problem if you don't leverage core skills or come up with some kind of better way to do this - lets fast forward to chapter 8 and what might happen.

Ooh look here we have -

Vampric Touch
Vampric Bite
Vampric Grope
Vampric Squeeze
Vampric Maul
Vampric Slap
Vampric Pinch
Vampric Nibble

All that do the exact same thing - and that's if your lucky. Why?
Because it could be all over the place...

Zojun's Haste (almost sounds like a IAS no?)
Goober's Avoidance
Morkil's GetoutofaJam
Fangril's Quickness
The Artful Dodger
Tennis's Elbow

Thus it's make more sense to at least start naming smart now if you're NOT going to leverage these as core, which I think would be a mistake. Or name it the same skill, but if it was intended, the skill itself can be placed more than once on a bar, which would be pointed out somewhere/somehow, maybe the description itself.


Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2005

I really don't understand all the griping. None of the skills are exact copies of another. Heck, V touch and V bite are in two completely different atibute lines. They are just similar skills with the same skill wording. The #'s affected by skill points, the atribute itself, the casting cost, the casting time, and the recharge all vary. Yes it gives you the same ability but they are not exactily the same.

EDIT: Actually I was compairing the stats of vile touch and vamperic bite rather than vamperic touch. Should of checked it twice.